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the big bang theory S2E8.docx

1、the big bang theory S2E8看啊 正在放土星三号呢Oh,look,Saturn 3is on.我不想看土星三号 深空九号更好看I dont want to watch Saturn 3. Deep Space Nine is better.深空九号哪有土星三号好看How isDeep Space Ninebetter thanSaturn 3?简单的减法告诉你 好看六个数儿Simple subtraction will tell you its six better.折衷一下 看巴比伦五号好了Compromise. WatchBabylon 5.这是哪门子折衷啊?In wh

2、at sense is that a compromise?恩 五处在三和九之间.Well,five is partway between three.算了Never mind.要不这样 我们来用石头剪子布决定Ill tell you what. How about we go rock-paper-scissors?不行 我不干Ooh,I dont think so.数据统计显示 在石头-剪子-布中Anecdotal evidence suggests that in the game of rock-paper-scissors,由于出法太少 相熟的玩家 有75%到80%的可能性会打平pl

3、ayers familiar with each other will tie 75 to 80% of the time due to the limited number of outcomes.Spock: 星际旅行中的尖耳朵副舰长我建议采用石头-剪刀-布-蜥蜴-史波克I suggest rock-paper-scissors- lizard-Spock.什么What?很简单Its very simple.剪子剪布Scissors cuts paper.布包石头Paper covers rock.石头压蜥蜴Rock crushes lizard.蜥蜴毒死史波克Lizard poisons

4、 Spock.Sheldon出的手势 为Spock的常用手势史波克轰碎剪子Spock smashes scissors.剪子腰斩蜥蜴Scissors decapitates lizard.蜥蜴吃布Lizard eats paper.布否定史波克Paper disproves Spock.史波克蒸发石头Spock vaporizes rock.再加上一如既往的规则 石头砸剪子And as it always has,rock crushes scissors.行啊 我应该会玩了Okay,I think I got it.石头-剪刀-布-蜥蜴-史波克Rock-paper-scissors- liz

5、ard-Spock!嗨 伙计们Hello,boys.啊嗬 朋友Ahoy,matey.看见这个眼罩了 对吧Noticed the eye patch,did you?这是我泡妞宝典中的一种技巧Its all part of a technique Ive been studying for picking up women.给别人视觉上的冲击力 让你显的与众不同You employ a visual display designed to make yourself distinctive and memorable.就像雄孔雀有漂亮的羽毛 或者发情的狒狒有隆起的臀部一样Oh,yes,like

6、the male peacock with brilliant plumage or the rutting baboon with engorged hindquarters.或者可以这么说 像一个得红眼病的犹太男Or in this case,the bar mitzvah boy with pinkeye.尽管嘲笑我吧 不过这招确实有用Mock me if you will,but it works.你穿成这样去泡吧 寻找你的目标 然后抛出几句反话You show up at a club in something distinctive,scope out your target an

7、d toss out some negs.啥叫反话?What are negs?就是反向的恭维 让漂亮女性忘了她们的小缺陷A neg is a negative compliment that throws a pretty woman off her game,好比这样 通常情况 牙有些大的女士 不会让我动心 但你就不一样了like Normally,Im not turned on by big teeth,but on you,they work.我有一大堆招数呢 谁想做我的泡妞搭档I got a whole list of em. Who wants to be my wingman?

8、你用不着找个泡妞搭档Youre not gonna need a wingman.你应该找个护理搭档Youre gonna need a paramedic.Howard 你的摩托挡住我的车了Howard,your scooters blocking my car.喔 你又得红眼病了?Aw,did you get pinkeye again?第一步 她注意到了我的眼罩Step one: she notices the eye patch.这么说吧 Penny 不是所有女人 都和你一样 头发油油的还这么性感May I say,Penny,not a lot of women could look

9、 as hot as you do with such greasy hair?赶紧把你那破摩托车开走 不然我马上扔进垃圾堆Yeah,just move your stupid scooter before I pick it up and throw it in the dumpster.对不起 我现在不看克隆人战争的电视剧 我得先看电影版Im sorry,but Im not going to watchThe Clone WarsTV series until Ive seen The Clone Warsmovie.乔治卢卡斯肯定会让我失望 就顺着他的顺序来吧I prefer to l

10、et George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.我现在就要看Well,I want to watch it now.那又到了石头-剪子-布-蜥蜴-史波克 的经典一刻了Then I believe weve arrived at another quintessential rock-paper-scissors- lizard-Spock moment.你爱看什么看什么吧Watch whatever you want.我看到你的魄力了I saw what you did there.我的魄力?Whatd I do?嗨 Howard

11、什么事Hello. Hey,Howard. Whats wrong?好 好 我们这就过去Okay. Okay,well be right there.发生什么事了What happened?Howard在火星探测器实验室 他说遇到麻烦了Howards at the Mars Rover lab. He says hes in trouble.- 五级战备状态 - 五级战备状态?- Defcon 5. - Defcon 5?这么说用不着急着赶过去Well,theres no need to rush.什么?What?五级战备状态意味着没有危险Defcon 5 means no danger.一级

12、战备状态才是危机来临Defcon 1 is a cris.五级怎么会还不如一级?How can 5 not be worse than 1?就是啊 星际迷航第五部比第一部难看Yeah,Star Trek V worse thanI.首先来说 我们比较的是影片的品质 而不是激烈程度Okay,first of all,thats a comparison of quality,not intensity.再说 星战迷航第一部差第五部 不止一个数量级Secondly,Star Trek I is orders-of-magnitude worse thanStar Trek V.你开什么玩笑Are

13、you joking?星际迷航5简直就是 没有最烂只有更烂的最好诠释Star Trek Vis the standard against which all badness is measured.不对 不对No,no.星际迷航5只是剧本失败 导演很烂Star Trek V has specific failures in writing and direction,但星际迷航1 所有部分都很烂 艺术执导 服装 配乐 音效剪辑whileStar Trek Ifails across the board: art direction,costuming,music,sound editing.表

14、再纠结战备状态了 赶快走吧Can we just forget I said Defcon and go?星际迷航5Star Trek V.至少你得承认 星际迷航4:重回地球 是最好看的 这毫无争议All right,will you at least stipulate thatStar Trek IV: The Voyage Homeis inarguably the best?Khan也是印度及某些中亚国家的统治者送你五个字 凯恩的愤怒 (星际迷航2)I have three words for you: Wrath of Khan.- 感谢上帝 你们可来了 - 什么事这么急- Oh,t

15、hank God,youre here. - Whats the emergency?我把火星探测器卡在一条裂沟里了I got the Mars Rover stuck in a ditch.在哪里?Where?Bekersfield郊外 一条脏兮兮的高速公路上On a dusty highway just outside Bakersfield.还能在哪儿啊?! 火星呗!Where do you think? On Mars!Howard 没事吧?Howard,is everything okay?当然 宝贝 我就来Yeah,baby,Ill be right in.你还把姑娘带进了火星探测

16、器控制室?You brought a girl to the Mars Rover control room?是啊 我在酒吧搭上她的 她是个医生Yeah,I picked her up in the bar. Shes a doctor.送一次免费的钡餐灌肠 我妈肯定再不介意她不是犹太人了One free barium enema,and my mother wont care shes not Jewish.等一下 这么说眼罩和反向恭维奏效了Wait a minute. So the eye patch and the insults worked?没有 那里还有三个带眼罩的No,there

17、 were three other guys with eye patches.简直一败涂地It was a fiasco.奏效的是这招: 你想不想参观一处秘密政府设施?What did work was,Howd you like to visit a secret government facility?那你到底要我们做些什么?So what exactly do you want us to do?我要你和Raj 帮我把火星探测器从沟里拖出来I need you and Raj to help me get the Rover out of the ditch你呢 在别人发现之前 把St

18、ephanie从这带走and I need you to get Stephanie out before somebody notices shes here.她进来都没开证明She doesnt exactly have clearance.真的吗? 这儿不许泡廉价酒馆的女人进来Really? They dont let strange women from honky-tonks拿遥远星球上价值2亿的政府装备 当玩具玩?come in and play with $200 million government projects on distant planets?好吧 我错了Yes,I

19、 was bad.也许她会给我一巴掌Maybe shell spank me.开始行动了好吧?Can we please move on?嗨 Howard 时间不早了 我能开始操纵这玩意儿了吗?Hey,Howard,you know,its getting late,so do I get to drive this thing or what?不好意思 出了点状况Yeah. No. Im sorry,but somethings come up.火星探测器.Kind of a Mars Rover.只有Howard才能解决的 火星探测器.Mars Rover can Howard come

20、over.的状况situation.所以我的朋友Leonard会送你回家So my friend Leonard is gonna take you home.- 哦 好吧 咱们走 Leonard朋友 - 好吧- Oh,okay. Lets go,friend Leonard. - Okay.- 我会给你打电话的 - 好的- Ill call ya. - Yeah.这么说 你和Howard一样是个科学家?So are you a scientist like Howard?没有哪个科学家和Howard一样No ones a scientist like Howard.我老妈肯定会爱死她的My

21、mother is so gonna love her.真甜蜜阿 也许她们会一起拼车来联邦监狱探视你How nice. Maybe they can carpool when they visit you in federal prison.对不起 我打断你了Im sorry. I totally interrupted you.你刚才说.说些什么?What,what,what were you saying?我就是说 Howard是个棒小伙Just said Howards a terrific guy.他很有幽默感的Hes got a great sense of humor.也爱他老妈.

22、 爱极了He loves his mother. a lot.大家都觉得太过了People say too much.我就喜欢你这种仗义朋友型的I really like that youre such a loyal friend.对 我很仗义的Yeah,I am loyal.当然要整体来看You know,if you look at the big picture.我就好奇问一句 你对他有过感觉吗?Out of curiosity,did he ever have a shot with you?不是吧? 那家伙戴着独眼罩的诶Are you insane? The guy was wea

23、ring an eye patch.那为什么你.Then why did you.他说我可以在火星上开车玩He said that I could drive a car on Mars.了解了Got it.我们会再见面吗?So,can I see you again?现在你肯定看不见我咯Youre not gonna see me now.爽哟Cool.有反应了吗?Anything?其实 我是在查我的电邮Actually,I was just checking my e-mail.但 探测器还是没反应But,uh,no,the Rover is not responding.此刻最恰当的比喻

24、应该包括 一条臭水沟I believe the appropriate metaphor here involves a river of excrement还有一艘没有推动器的土著船and a Native American water vessel without any means of propulsion.等等 总归有别的办法吧Hang on. Theres got to be other options.也可以试试给独立宇航员联盟打电话You could try calling Triple-A.不过根据航空航天局最新时间表 他们35年后才能到那儿But based on NASA

25、s latest timetable,they wont get there for 35 years.而且就算到了 你也得排号Plus I understand you have to be standing next to the vehicle with your card when they arrive.牛叉叉的 (snap有折断一意)Oh,snap.什么断了?Snap what?好吧 那我们得改B计划了Okay,I guess we have to turn to Plan B.B计划是啥?Whats Plan B?洗白硬盘 销毁监视录像带Erase all the hard dr

26、ives,scrap the surveillance tapes,擦干净我们的指纹 开溜wipe our fingerprints off every surface and run.这咋不是A计划呢?Why wasnt that Plan A?航空航天局发言人称 由于数据丢失A NASA spokesman states that due to the loss of data,很难确定火星探测器的故障原因they will most likely be unable to determine the cause of the Mars Rovers malfunction.这已不是火星探

27、险计划第一次 如此失望而终了This is not the first time an exploratory mission to Mars has ended in disappointment.还好我们有B计划Thank God for Plan B.Howard 你不是说过 你在做火星探测器的工作吗?Howard,didnt you say you worked on the Mars Rover?没 你记错了No,youre mistaken.没 我们第一次见面 你就说 如果和你约会 我就可以在火星上开车玩Yeah,when we first met,you said that if

28、 I went out with you,I could drive a car on Mars.搞不懂你在说什么I dont know what youre talking about.抱歉离开下Will you all excuse me?Leonard微妙的暗示了 他想和我单独谈谈Leonard is subtly signaling that hed like to talk to me in private.不 我很清楚地记得No. Yeah,I remember specifically.你一张嘴就问我 是否来自火星 因为我的翘臀地球罕见You started by asking

29、if I was from Mars because my ass was out of this world.很有我风格 但不是我啦Well,that does sound like me,but no.- 出什么状况了吗? - 是的- Is there some problem? - Yeah.我得溜出去一会儿Listen,I have to kinda sneak out for a while.好的 拜拜All right,good-bye.不 等下!No,wait!要是有人问我去哪儿了 你就说不知道If anyone asks you where I went,you dont kn

30、ow.你要去哪儿?Whereareyou going?不能告诉你I cant tell you that.谁会问我呢?Who would ask me?也不能告诉你这个I cant tell you that,either.你带我进来就是要告诉我 你不能告诉我So you brought me in here to inform me that you cant tell me你要去哪儿 也不能告诉我谁会问起?where youre going and you cant tell me who might ask?对呀 是我欠考虑Yeah,I really didnt think this through.- Leonard 先别走 - 啥?- Leonard,a moment. - What?要是有人. 当然不知到底是谁了.If someone- and of course,we dont know who this would be-问起你去哪儿 我该说什么呢?does ask where youve gone,what sho

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