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1、人教版九年级英语上册各单元早读手册Unit 1单词串烧How to learn English well?As Grade Nine students,we learn many subjects. Many students consider that physics,chemistry,English are very difficult. Last week we talked about how to learn English well. Here is some advice.Memorize words First,you should know the pronunciatio

2、n of words. Pronounce and repeat them again and again. Then,make conversations with your partners by using these words. You need to be patient if you want to be good at memorizing words. Remember few people is born with talent.Improve reading abilityRead the textbook aloud every day. When you read E

3、nglish newspapers and magazines,try to guess the meanings of new words and dont look them up in a dictionary at the beginning. At the same time,increase your speed of reading. Pay attention to the key sentences and useful expressions.Learn grammarMemorizing class notes is one of the secrets of learn

4、ing English grammar. After class,review what you have learned in class and create sentences using new grammar. Do more grammar exercises,and take an active part in afterclass English clubs.Hope the advice above is helpful to you.Section A重点词汇拓展pronunciation n pronounce v.重点短语1ask sb.for help 向某人求助2b

5、e afraid to do sth./ be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事3fall in love with 爱上4word by word 逐字逐句的;一字不漏地5look up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看重点句型必备1How do you learn English? 你怎样学英语?I learn by studying with a group.我通过小组学习来学英语。2How can I improve my pronunciation?我应该怎样改善我的发音呢?One way is by listening to tapes.有一种方法是通过听

6、磁带。3What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?4Its too hard to understand spoken English.英语口语太难理解了。5The more you read,the faster youll be.你读得越多,速度就越快。6The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.老师讲得如此之快,以至于很多时候我都不能理解。7I was afraid to ask questio

7、ns because of my poor pronunciation.因为我糟糕的发音,我害怕问问题。8Ive learned a lot that way.通过那种方式我学到了很多。考点精讲1The more you read,the faster youll be.你读书越多,你(读书的速度)就会越快。“the比较级,the比较级”意为“越,就越”。The more you learn,the more you know.你学的越多,懂得的就越多。2Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?为什么魏芬发现学英语很难?“findi

8、 do sth.”意为“发现做某事”。find后接复合宾语,其中it在本结构中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式to do sth.,形容词在句中作宾语补足语。I find it very interesting to learn English.我发现学英语很有趣。I found it hard to work with him.我发现和他一起工作很难。3The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.老师讲得如此之快,以至于很多时候我都没有理解。so.that.意为“

9、如此以至于”,that引导结果状语从句,so后接形容词或副词。常用“so形容词/副词that从句”或“so形容词a(n)/many/much/few/little(少)名词that从句”结构。It was so hot that we all went for a swim.天太热了,以至于我们都去游泳了。He had so many books to read that he had no time to watch TV.他有这么多书要读,以至于没有时间看电视。Section B重点词汇拓展active adj.act vactor n.重点短语1pay attention to 注意;关

10、注2connect .with 把和连接或联系起来3make mistakes (in grammar) 犯(语法方面的)错误4take notes 记笔记5be born with 天生具有6depend on 取决于;依赖;依靠7in common 共同的;共有的8find out 查明;找出9bit by bit 一点点地;逐渐地重点句型必备1I dont have a partner to practice English with.我没有搭档来练习英语。2Everyone is born with the ability to learn.学习是每个人与生俱来的能力。3Good le

11、arners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.好的学习者通常把他们需要学习的东西与某些有趣的事联系起来。4I dont know how to increase my reading speed.我不知道怎样提高我的阅读速度。5I often make mistakes in grammar.我常犯语法方面的错误。6Whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.你是否能学好取决于你的学习习惯。7Good le

12、arners will keep practicing what they have learned,and they are not afraid of making mistakes.好的语言学习者会坚持练习他们所学习的,并且也不怕犯错误。考点精讲1I dont know how to increase my reading speed.我不知道怎样提高我的阅读速度。how to increase my reading speed是“疑问词动词不定式”结构,在句中作know的宾语。英语中,疑问代词what,who,which和疑问副词where,when,why,how等后面可接动词不定式

13、,这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等成分。We dont know when to have the meeting.我们不知道什么时候开会。The problem is where to go.问题是去哪儿。2Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.好的学习者通常把他们需要学习的东西与某些有趣的事联系起来。(1)connect.with.意为“把和连接或联系起来”。其中connect用作及物动词,意为“(使)连接;与有联系”。名词形式为connection,意为“连接,关系

14、”。A railway connects Beijing with Shanghai.北京和上海之间有铁路相连。Please dont connect this thing with that one.请不要把这件事情与那件事情联系在一起。【拓展】connect的其他常用短语有:connect to/with.相连,连接;be connected with.与有关系,与有亲戚关系。(2)need在此为及物动词,意为“需要”,其后可跟名词、代词、动词不定式或动词ing形式。need作为实义动词时,既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句和疑问句,构成否定句和疑问句时要借助动词do/does/did。I n

15、eed a lot of money now.我现在需要很多钱。You need to take good care of you mother.你要好好照顾你妈妈。Unit 2单词串烧On Christmas Eve,I lay on the bed to read a novel.The novel is about a man who failed in business and ended up being bankrupt.Whoever even his relations,he asked for help,he was always refused.He had to stea

16、l for a living.One day,he got into a strangers house and took away a lot of things:300 pounds,eggs laid by chickens,some desserts and even the hosts ties.At last he took a bag of mooncakes as a present for himself on the MidAutumn Festival.Then he quickly ran away through the garden in the backyard.

17、Later,he killed a policeman who caught him stealing.Then one night,he dreamt that the ghost of the dead policeman visited him.The ghost warned him not to do bad things any more,or he would be punished.After the man woke up,he decided to change his life and start over.He began to treat everyone with

18、kindness and warmth,spreading love and joy everywhere he went.What a meaningful story it is!必记单词stranger n陌生人pound n磅lay v放置,安放garden n花园,园子tie n领带v捆,束Christmas n圣诞节novel n小说business n生意,商业warn v警告,告诫warmth n温暖,暖和relative n亲属,亲戚steal v偷,窃取dessert n甜点,甜食admire v欣赏,仰慕treat n款待,招待v招待,请(客)lie v存在,平躺;处于d

19、ead adj.死的,失去生命的punish v处罚,惩罚present n现在,礼物adj.现在的spread v传播,展开重点短语put on增加(体重),发胖end up最后成为,最后处于be similar to与相似shoot down射下call out大声叫喊dress up盛装打扮wake up叫醒,唤醒give birth to生孩子make money挣钱the beginning of.的开始lay out摆弄,布置eat out出去吃饭wash away冲走,洗净fly up to飞向as a result (作为)结果care about考虑,关心in need有困难

20、,有需要play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人remind sb. of使某人想起give out分发,散发词形变换stranger nstrange adj.陌生的,奇怪的lay vlaid (过去式)laid (过去分词)laying (现在分词)steal vstole (过去式)stolen (过去分词)stealing (现在分词)lie vlay (过去式)lain (过去分词)lying (现在分词)dead adj.die v死death n死亡warmth nwarm adj.温暖的spread vspread (过去式)spread (过去分词)spreading

21、 (现在分词)重点句子1But I guess it was .但是我认为它有点太拥挤了。2Bill theyll have zongzi again next year.比尔想知道明年他们是否将再吃粽子。3People go on the streets to water each other.人们走到街上互相泼水。4Then youll in the new year.然后,在新的一年里你将会有好运。5Chinese people the MidAutumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.数世纪以来,中国人一直在庆祝中秋节、吃月

22、饼。6They peoples the families they love and miss.它们寄托着人们对他们所爱和所思念的家人的祝福。7. took this could live forever,and Hou Yi planned to take it with Change.无论谁喝了此药都会长生不老,后羿打算和嫦娥一起服用。8Change give it to him and took it all.嫦娥拒绝把仙药给他,便将它全部喝下。9. he wished that Change could come back!他是多么希望嫦娥能回来呀!10After this,peopl

23、e started admiring the moon and mooncakes their families.此后,人们便开始了同家人一同赏月和品月饼的传统习俗。11Many people their houses .许多人让他们的房子看起来很吓人。12A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel Charles Dickens.圣诞欢歌是查尔斯狄更斯写的一本著名的短篇小说。13Marley just like Scrooge,so he after he died.马利过去就像斯克鲁奇一样,所以在死后他得到了惩罚。14First,the Ghost

24、of Christmas Past him his childhood and Scrooge his happier days as a child.首先,“圣诞节的过去之灵”带他回到他的童年时代,使斯克鲁奇回想起孩提时代的欢乐时光。15He his life and a better person.他决定改变自己的人生,承诺做个更好的人。16It celebrates new life.它庆祝新生命的开始。17Not only do people them in different hiding places for an egg hunt,but they also these trea

25、ts as gifts.人们不仅为了寻找复活节彩蛋而将彩蛋分散到周围不同的藏匿处,而且他们还分发这些好吃的作为礼物。交际用语1What a great day!真棒的一天!2What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?关于端午节,你最喜欢什么?I love the races.I think that theyre fun to watch.我最喜欢龙舟赛。我认为他们观看起来很有趣。3Guess what?Im going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.猜猜看!我两周后将会去清迈。Wow,sounds lik

26、e fun!哇,听起来很有趣!4How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!香港的食物真美味!Unit 3单词串烧Suitable expressionsWhile visiting a foreign country, its necessary for us to know how to ask for help politely. For example,you may ask “Where are the restrooms?” or “Pardon me,could you please tell me where the restrooms are

27、?” These two requests for directions are both correct. However,the latter sounds more polite.As you can see,the former is a direct question. Without doubt,the second expression is a better choice for a good speaker. Good speakers are able to choose and use suitable expressions in different situation

28、s. It depends on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.If you say to your teacher, “Tell me your email address”, this might sound impolite. Instead you should say, “Excuse me,Mr.Liu. Could you please tell me your email address?” Our suggestion is that we should spend time leadin

29、g in to a polite request. For example,if you say “I want to buy some stamps and post the postcards. Could you please tell me where the post office is?” he or she may give you an answer with pleasure, “It is at the corner of the central park,and its convenient to get there on foot.”Using suitable exp

30、ressions in different situations is the key to be a good speaker. This will help us communicate better with other people.Section A重点词汇拓展suggest vsuggestion n.重点短语1pass by 路过;经过2pardon me 什么,请再说一遍重点句型必备1. Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?对不起,你能告诉我怎样才能到达书店吗?其它关于问路的句型还有:Could you please tell me how I can get to the bookstore?Could you please tell me where the bookstore is ?Could you tell me whether there is a bookstore near here?Could you please tell me where the nearest bookstore is?Is there a bookstore near here?2Go along Main Street until you pass

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