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1、雷淑琴八年级上教案新目标八年级上Unit 2 How often do you exercise?话题Free time activities功能Talk about how often you do things重点词汇always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever , never, once, twice, milk, health, unhealthy, habit重点短语How often, three times a week, every day, junk food, 重点句型What do you usually do on wee

2、kends? I sometimes go to the beach.How often do you eat vegetables? Every day.Most students do homework every day.语法1what和how often 引导的特殊疑问句。2. 频率副词的使用。教学重点1. 本单元词汇的掌握。2. what 和how often引导的特殊疑问句正确使用。3. 会正确使用频率副词。教学难点1what 和how often引导的特殊疑问句。2会正确使用频率副词。写作通过本单元的学习,会写一篇关于自己的好习惯和坏习惯的作文。课时 安排5课时Period 1:

3、 Section A 1a-2cPeriod 2: Section A 2d- 3cPeriod 3: Section B 1a- 1ePeriod 4: Section B 2a- 2ePeriod 5: Section B 3a- Self check单元目标导航课 题Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A (1a2c)课型新授课时Period1执笔主 备雷淑琴审核 学习目标:1.熟练掌握本课的单词和短语:how often, on weekends, exercise, always , usually , often , never ,

4、hardly ever , sometimes .2.学会用频率副词谈论自己及他人活动的频率。3.熟练使用频率副词。重点、难点:1.谈论自己及他人的活动的频率。2.熟练使用频率的表达方式。3.正确使用 what do 和how often引导的特殊疑问句。情感目标:养成良好的生活习惯。词汇翻译:1. twice a year _ 2. how often _ 3. once _ 4. usually _ 5.exercise _ 6. hardly ever_ 导学施教Step 1 Presentation 复习巩固: always-100% usually- 90% often- 60% s

5、ometimes-20% hardly ever-5% never-0%1 T: What do you usually do on weekends? Talk about activities you did on weekends. Look at the picture and name each activity. Write the activities on the line in 1a then check the answers2 Read adverbs in 1b and explain.3 Play the tape. Finish 1b.4 1c. Talk abou

6、t the people in the picture above. What do they do on weekends?Step 2 2a, 2b1. Look at the chart in 2a. Read the activities and the answers of “how often” first. Then free talk.2. Play the tape and students do 2a and 2b, and then check the answers.In this part, we should pay attention to “how often”

7、 question.Step 3 2c1. Read the conversation.2. Read the activities in the left box.3. Fill in the chart.4. Pair work: Make conversations.Step 4. Summary1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我会用频率副词 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: 练 测 促 学一、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. My mother goes to Beijing_ (two) a year.2.

8、 I_ (hard) ever see him now. 3. Do you want to go _ (skateboard) with me?4. You should look after your _ (healthy).二、 用方框内的单词完成下面的句子(有多余选项)。 (always, every day, often, sometimes, never, hardly ever)1. He_ gets up at six oclock, seven days a week.2. How_ do you go to the movies?3. It_ rains here. Its

9、 usually sunny and warm.4. Some boys hardly ever eat fruit, but most of them eat fruit _.5. I cant swim. So I_ go swimming. I only run on the beach.三、 选择填空。( )1. _ students in your class are from Beijing? Only one. AHow often BHow many CHow much DHow( )2. _do your grandparents come to see you? Twice

10、 a week.AHow often B How many C WhenD How( ) 3. What _ she _ on weekends?A is, do B does, does C do, do D does, do( )4. Most students in my class _exercise every day.A does B doC is doingD are doing( )5. Lily usually _ her friends _ their English.A. helps; with B. helps; studying C. helps; to D. hel

11、ps: /Homework1)Remember the new words. 2)Write the dialogue youve made in class down in the exercise books.(把本节课口头编的对话写在练习本上)知识点展示:频率副词always意为 “总是”, 表示动作的重复或状态的延续。usually意为 “通常”, 表示很少有例外。often意为 “经常”, 表示动作的重复, 但不如usually那么频繁, 中间有间断。sometimes意为 “有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生。hardly意为 “几乎不”, 常和ever连用表示强调。never意为 “从未

12、”。. hardly 只用作副词,其意思是“几乎不”,表示否定概念。 e.g. He can hardly speak English. 他不太会说英语。hardly ever 几乎从不 e.g. Peter is hardly ever late. 彼得几乎从不迟到。hardly 与hardl辨别:hard 也用副词,意为“努力地、刻苦地”,“猛烈地” 。e.g. He works hard only before exams. 他只在考试前努力学习。课后反馈课 题Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A (2d3c)课型新授课时Period2执

13、笔主 备审核 学习目标:1. 熟练掌握本课的单词和短语: once, twice, time, surf, Internet, program,once a week, twice a week, three times a week, once a month, twice a month, watch TV, surf the Internet, read English books, go to the movies.2. 熟练掌握本课句型。 How often do you watch TV?I watch TV every day. Whats your favorite progr

14、am?Its Animal World.重点、难点:1. Every day, once a week, twice a week, three times a week, once a month, twice a month, 2. Watch TV, surf the Internet, read English books, go to the movies3. How often do you watch TV?I watch TV every day. Whats your favorite program?Its Animal World.情感目标:丰富自己的课余生活。A.翻译短

15、语every day_, once a week_, twice a week_, three times a week_, once a month_, twice a month_, watch TV_, surf the Internet_, read English books_, go to the movies_导学施教Step 1 Check their homework Step 2 Revisions.What do you usually do on weekends?What does he/she usually do on weekends?How often do

16、you do that?Step 3 2d1. Ask Ss to read the conversation with the following questions:a) What lessons does Claire have? b) How often does Claire have piano lessons?2. Ask some one to read and translate grammar focus.Step 4 3aAsk Ss to share their answers about 3a and then role play the conversations.

17、Step 5 3bThe teacher gives an example:T: How often do you help with housework?S: I help with housework twice a week.Let students finish 3b and then report it.Step 6 Interview (3c)- What can you do to improve your English? - We can read English books, sing English songs, and watch English movies.- Gr

18、eat! Now interview three in your group. Find out the best English student. Then give a report to the class.E.g. A: Peter, how often do you read English books?B: I read English books every day. Report: In our group, Peter reads English books every day I think he is the best English student.Step 7 Sum

19、mary1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: 练 测 促 学一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。1. I also like English. But math is my f_ subject.2. Her uncle n_ watches football match. He doesnt like football at all.3. - What is your favorite TV p_? - Sports news.4. -How many t_ did you

20、go to Beijing? -Only once.二、选择。1. How_ do you read English? -Sometimes. A. long B. often C. far D. much2. My mother_ surfs the Internet, she likes watching TV.A. doesnt hardly ever B. hardly everC. isnt hardly ever D. hardly never3. _does he do on the weekend?- He often helps his mother with housewo

21、rk.A.How B. How often C. What D. How soon4. - What_ you usually _on weekends? -I usually _ violin. A. did; do; play theB. do; do; playC. do; did; play D. do; do; play the5. She always finishes her homework on time. She _ leaves it for tomorrow.A. always B. never C. usually D. sometimes三、 根据句意,从括号中选择

22、正确的单词填空。 1. My grandpa learns English (for; of) an hour every day. 2. Maria spent (on; about) two hours on her homework this afternoon. 3. Jack goes to the swimming club (one; once) a week. 4. Its (time; times) for us to go to school. 5. Anna goes to visit her grandma four (time; times) a month. Hom

23、ework 1. Introduce one of your partners learning habits and write it down.2. Prepare for Section B 1a.知识点展示: Once, twice, three times 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用, 表示动作多长时间发生几次,即动作的频率,常回答How often引导的疑问句。如以下短语:1 once a week 2 twice a week 3 three times a week 4 three or four times a week 5 once a month 6 twice a

24、month # How come? 为什么呢?怎么会呢?独立用或后接句子,例如:How come the sky is so blue today? 询问事情的缘由或状况。# Next week is quite full for me. # be full 此处的意思是:日程安排的很满。# maybe是副词,在句子做状语。may be 是情态动词may 与动词原形be 一起构成句子的谓语动词意为“可能是”,它们有时也可互换。e.g. 或许它们在你的书包里。_ they are in your schoolbag. They _ _ in your schoolbag. # at least

25、意为“至少,不少于;起码”,是副词词组,一般指在数量或程度上。e.g. 你必须至少一周打扫你的房间一次。You have to clean your house _ _ once a week. 课后反馈: 课 题Unit 2 How often do you exercise? (Section B 1a-1e)课型新授课时Period3执笔主 备审核导学施教 学习目标:1.熟练掌握本节课的单词及短语: junk food, fruit, sleep, milk, vegetables, health, drink coffee, be good for.2.能够利用所学句型询问他人的健康习

26、惯及表述自己的健康习惯: How often do you exercise?How often do you eat fruit?How many hours do you sleep every night?重点、难点:学会谈论自己或别人的健康习惯。情感目标:健康饮食,经常锻炼,保持健康。查学诊断A.翻译:exercise_ eat fruit_ every night _ drink milk_ junk food _ how often_ B.重点句型:1. How often do you exercise?_2. I drink coffee three times a week.

27、 _ 3.Bill 健康吗?_施教Step 1 Check the homeworkStep 2 1a, 1b1. T: Whats your favorite food?S: My favorite food is Show the pictures in 1a and teach them. 2. Match the words with the pictures in 1a.3. Then pair work like this: A: What drink do you usually have?B: Milk.A: How often do you drink milk?B: I d

28、rink milk every day.A: Do you like it?B: No. But it is good for my health.Step 3 1c, 1d1. Now youll hear a reporter interview two people. Tina and Bill. Play the tape and students finish 1c.2. Read the questions in the chart to the class. Play the tape again and finish 1d.Step 4 Pair work (1e)Interview students using these questions in 1d:Interviewer: How often do you exercise, Tom?Tom:I exercise four times a week.Interviewer: How often do you ?Tom: Step 5 Homework1. Write down your healthy habits.2. Read 2b fluently.Step 6 Summary1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节

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