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本文(青海省平安县第一高级中学学年高一质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案doc.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

青海省平安县第一高级中学学年高一质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案doc.docx

1、青海省平安县第一高级中学学年高一质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案doc青海省平安县第一高级中学20152016 学年高一9 月质量检测考试英语试题时间:120 分钟 总分:100 分题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、阅读理解ABaby girls make their way directly for dolls as soon as they can crawl, while boys will head forthe toy cars, a study has shown. The find

2、ings, the first to show differences in very young babies,suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences.Psychologists Dr Brenda Todd from City University London carried out an experimentinvolving 90 infants aged nine months to 36 months. The babies were allowed to choose fromseven toys. So

3、me were stereotypically boys toys - a car, a digger, a ball and a blue teddy. Therest were girls toys: a pink teddy, a doll and a cooking set. They were placed a meter away fromthe toys, and could pick whichever toy they liked. Their choice and the amount of time they spentplaying with each toy were

4、 recorded.Of the youngest children (nine to 14 months), girls spent significantly longer playing with thedoll than boys, and boys spent much more time with the car and ball than the girls did. Among thetwo-and three-year-olds, girls spent 50 percent of the time playing with the doll while only twobo

5、ys briefly touched it. The boys spent almost 90 percent of their time playing with cars, whichthe girls barely touched. There was no link between the parents view on which toys were moreappropriate for boys or girls, and the childrens choice.Dr Brenda Todd said: “Children of this age are already exp

6、osed to much socialization. Boysmay be given toys that go while girls get toys they can care for, which may help shape theirpreference. But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interests inparticular kinds of toys. There could be a biological basis for their choices.

7、Males throughevolution have been adapted to prefer moving objects, probably through hunting instincts(本能),while girls prefer warmer colors such as pink, the color of a newborn baby.”1Baby boys and girls have different toy preferences probably because .Ababy boys are much more activeBbaby girls like

8、bright colors moreCtheir parents treat them differentlyDthere is a natural difference between them2Both baby boys and baby girls like to play with according to the study.Aa ballBa teddy Ca car Da doll3What can we infer from Paragraph 3 ?ANine-month-old baby boys dont play with dolls at all.BTwo-year

9、-old baby girls sometimes play with cars and balls.CThe older the babies are, the more obvious their preference is.DParents should teach their babies to share each others toys.4What conclusion did Dr. Brenda Todd draw from the results of the study?AAdults purposely influence their babies preference.

10、BBabies preference isnt affected by social surroundings.CBaby boys preferring to moving toys will be good at hunting.DBaby girls preferring warmer colors will be warm-hearted.5We may read this article in a section of a newspaper.Ascience Bhealth C. education DentertainmentBLinda Evans was my best fr

11、iendlike the sister I never had. We did everything together: pianolessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding.When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saweach other on special timelike my wedding(婚礼) and Lindas. Soon we were busy withchildren and moving

12、to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back,stamped “Address (地址) Unknown. ” I had no idea how to find Linda.Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share (分享) happiness of my childrenand then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my broth

13、er and then mother died.There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who lookedvery much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman Lindas married name. “There must bethousands of Wagmas,” I tho

14、ught, but J still wrote to her.She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda EvansWagman is my mother. ” Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years,laughed and cried and caught up on each others lives. Now the empty place in my heart i

15、s filled.And theres one thing that Linda and I know for sure: We wont lose each other again!6 The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans _.A. at the age of 13B. before she got marriedC. after they moved to new homesD. before the writers family moved away7 They didnt often write to each other

16、because they _.A. got marriedB. had little time to do soC. didnt like writing lettersD. could see each other on special time8 There was an empty place in the writers heart because she _.A. was in troubleB. didnt know Lindas addressC. received the card that she sentD. didnt have a friend like Linda t

17、o share her happiness or sadness9 The writer was happy when she _.A. read the newspaperB. heard Lindas voice on the phoneC. met a young woman who looked a lot like LindaD. wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman10 They havent kept in touch _.A. for about 40 yearsB. for about 27 yearsC. since t

18、hey got marriedD. since the writers family moved awayCA mother from Colorado who doctors said had died while giving birth to her son, has said it isa Christmas miracle that both she and the boy are alive.Tracey Hermanstorfers heart stopped beating and her son Coltyn appeared lifeless after theCaesar

19、ean (剖腹产) section on Christmas Eve. However, a few minutes after he was born, bothbegan breathing again. Dr. Stephanie Martin told Good Morning America she could not explainhow the pair survived. Mrs. Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike told the American televisionshow that they were doing “good” fol

20、lowing the drama at Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital.The couple, who already had two children, had to go into the hospital seven weeks earlier thanplanned. Her husband, 37, said his wife was tired after receiving an epidural (硬膜外麻醉) duringthe labor (分娩) but after closing her eyes, she “wasnt wakin

21、g up”. She stopped breathing and sheis believed to have suffered a heart attack before her heart stopped beating entirely.Dr. Martin said she was called in and that the outlook was grim since in most situations likethis, “despite the best efforts of the team”, the mother was often unable to be reviv

22、ed. In that casedoctors then tried to focus on delivering the baby but when he was born he was “completelylifeless”.Mr. Hermanstorfer told the Associated Press news agency,“I had everything in the world takenfrom me, and in an hour and a half I had everything given to me.”Dr. Martin said she did not

23、 have a “great explanation” for why Mr. Hermanstorfers heartbeatreturned. “Somewhere between four and five minutes she had been without heart rate and hadstopped breathing a minute or two prior to her heart stopping,” she said. The doctors were thenable to bring the baby back to life, and the mother

24、 was alive after that.Despite tests, she said doctors were still not sure about what had happened. However Mrs.Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike have said they believed it was down to a miracle. She said:“Igot a second chance in life.”11 The story happened on_.A. December, 24B. December, 25C. Decem

25、ber, 31D. January, l12 What might have happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer just before her heart stopped beating?A. She became unconscious.B. She took a nap.C. She had a bad headache.D. She suffered a heart attack.13 Which of the following is the correct order of what happened to Tracey Hermansrorfer?a

26、. suffering a heart attackb. stopping heart beating entirelyc. stopping breathingd. coming back to lifee. receiving an epiduralf. producing a babyA. acfdbeB. fcadbeC. eacbfdD. eabcfd14 What feelings did Mr. Hermanstorfer have during the incident?A. Sad and delighted.B. Disappointed and depressed.C.

27、Sad and angry.D. Touched and regrettable.15 Which of the following words best expresses Dr. Martins attitude towards TraceyHermanstorfers coming back to life?A. Shocked.B. Puzzled.C. Normal.D. Curious.二、完形填空When I was a child, I loved to play a Chinese traditional game which was called Caught You!I

28、remember playing it every spring and fall if we had good weather. We usually lookedforward to this activity led by our teachers. At that time, we always asking ourteachers when and where to play, and our teachers used towith a smile. They knew all of uswere to play the game.In this game, youa large

29、group of people (about 20-30 people), a piece of , and asmall ball. Our teachersus to a park with a large green lawn (草地), and then we sat downside by side in a large circle except for one person who was by our teachers and satoutside the circle of students.To keep the game well, one of the teachers

30、 was a leader and judge, who always gaveto make the game fair, reasonable and fun. At the beginning, we sat in the circle and one of us justsat a few feet away from the circle with hisblindfolded (蒙住). That meant that hecouldnt see who was the small ball. This was a key point.As soon as everybody wa

31、s , the teacher declared a start. At that moment, we began tothe small ball one by one around the circle, and the one who sat could shout “Stop!” atany time he wished.When we heard “Stop!”, the student who had the ball in his hand had to and sing a song ortell a story. From time to time, we laughed loudly because the players made some funnyand noise. The person outside the circle wasevery five minutes.Now that Im grown up, I this game because it was a lot of fun.16A. nearly B. clearly

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