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1、二年级下册 Review Module Story time The First PeriodWarmer: Ask the class to choose two songs from this book thatThey would like to sing again。Activity1。 Listen and point。1、 Ask the children to look at the page。2、 Play the cassetee or read the dialogue。The children listen and follow in their books。3、 Pla

2、y the cassette again,pausing after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture。 Perform a simple gesture to indicate the meaning 。4、 Play the cassette again 。This time pause for the class to repeat each utterance。5、 Repeat this activity ,asking individual students to repeat

3、 the utterances。6、 Ask simple comprehension questions about the story。Homework:1 Listen to the story and put the picturesIn the right order。2 Tell the story。 In pairs,they now try to tell each other the story。The Second PeriodWarmer:1 Play the story of Little Red Riding Hood to the class again。Encou

4、rage them to act what they hear。2 Ask the class to choose their favourite song from the book。Sing this song 。Activity1:Game:Guess the letter。1 Draw the children attention to photos in their books。2 Draw a letter on the vo9lunteers back with your Finger。The child tries to guess the letter by how it f

5、eels on their back。3 Repeat with other volunteers。4 The class can now play the game in pairs。5 Move around the class offering help,parise and encouragement。Activity 2、Point and say。1、 Demonstrate the activity first。2、 In pairs ,the children take turns to point toEach picture and say if they havegot

6、or not got each Object。3 Move aroung the class offering help ,praise andEncouragement。Homework:1 Listen and draw a monster。2 Play the cassette or read the text。The children listen。The third periodWarmer:1 Ask the class to chose two or three favourite chants from this book。Say the chants。2 Ask them t

7、o choose another song。Sing the song Activity:Game:Whats the time,Mr.Wolf?this is a popular English childrens game.It isoften played at birthday parties.tell the class that you are a bad wolf and you like to eat children for yourdinner,。Tell the children that 6 oclock is dinner time.Tell the class to

8、 ask you, in unison ,Whats thetime Mr .Wolf?Activity 2. Listen and answer.1、 Play the cassette or read the questions to the class。The class listen。2、 Repeat。This time pause after each questions to the class。Bingo:Ask the children to write any 9 letters in the BingoGrid。Now ask them to scrunch up tin

9、y pieces of paper to Form tiny balls。Explain to the class that they are going to playBingo。The first child to form a styaight line of 3ballsIs the winner and calls out “Bingo!”Homework:Listen to the tape and read the texts。Homework:Do the activity book and listen to the tape。Moudule 3 OutingTheme :

10、OutingFunction:Describing a place Language:this/that/these/thoseTo row,pagoda,lake,bread,hungry,nanghtyIPA symbols:Warmer:1、 Reapeat the song from Module2。2、 Review this and these。Activity1 ,Listen and point1、 Ask the children to look at the page。2、 Encourage the children to guess what each person i

11、s saying in each dialogue。3、 Play the cassette or read the dialogue。4、 Play the cassette again,pausing after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture。5、 Repeat this activity, asking individual students to repeatthe utterances。Activity2: Follow up:Act it out。1、 Divide the

12、 class into three groups。2、 The whole class acts the dialogue,with each group saying the corresponding text。Homework:1、 listen to the tape and read the dialogue。2、 Write the words。3、 Complete the sign。The second periodWarmer:Play commands。Stand up!Sit doen!Pass the。Activity1Listen and repeat1、 Write

13、 the words dog and fox on the blackboard。2、 Explain that this sound has a particular symbol and write the symbol below these two words。3、 Now play the cassette and ask children to listen carefully。4、 Check that they are pronouncing th sound in the words correctly。5、 Teach the second sound in the sam

14、e way。6、 Read more words with these four sounds。7、 Teach the other sounds in the same way。Activity 2、Listen and repeat the sentences。Activity3。Sing and do the actions。Homework :Say the words。Then match the words to the symbols。Copy the words in the correct columns。 The third periondWarmer:Repeat the

15、 song from the last lesson two or three times。Activity 1、Listen and repeat1、 This activity focuses on and consolidates the new language this /that/these/those and specifically focuses on the pronunciation of these words,which are so easy to confuse。2、 Play the cassette。3、 Repeat,This time pause after each sentence for them to repeat。Activity2、Point and say1、 Draw the students attention to the picture in their books2、 Poin to objects at random and elicit what they are using This is a。These are。That is a。Those are.3、 Move around the cla

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