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1、新高考高一英语时文阅读精编含中文翻译及答案解析新高考高一英语时文阅读精编(含中文翻译及答案解析)ACoronavirus survivors have spoken out about what it is like to contract the disease, which has infected more than 132,000 worldwide and killed over 5,000 people.As fears over the coronavirus pandemic spread, theres one question that comes up again and

2、 again how bad is it really? The severity of symptoms can vary dramatically, from a mild sniffle to a hellish feeling of suffocation.Here are some of the coronavirus patients stories:Jaimuay Sae-ung, 73Jaimuay Sae-ung was the first Thai national to contract coronavirus, becoming ill in December. She

3、 experienced a fever and a bad cough, then developed pneumonia (肺炎) while in quarantine. After 10 days, Jaimuays condition had improved and she was eventually discharged following two negative test results.Carl Goldman, 67Carl Goldman, from Santa Clarita in California, was on the Diamond Princess cr

4、uise ship and later tested positive for coronavirus. He said the virus “hasnt been that bad”. He developed a fever and “a bit of a cough” during his flight back to America and was quarantined on his return. He said: “The sickest Ive ever been was when I had bronchitis (支气管炎) several years ago. This

5、has been much easier no chills, no body aches. I breathe easily and I dont have a stuffy nose. “My chest feels tight and I have coughing spells. If I had been at home with similar symptoms, I probably would have gone to work as usual.” After having the illness for one month, Carl now has no symptoms

6、, but is still testing positive.Marc Thibault, 48Teacher Marc, from Rhode Island, in the US, led a school field trip to Italy, France and Spain last month and was admitted to hospital on February 27, five days after he returned home. A week later he was diagnosed with coronavirus. He said the illnes

7、s had hit him “like a hurricane”. Marc, a school vice principal, said: “You feel like youre asphyxiating, and youre panicking because you cant breathe. He added that he felt “one inch from death” and remains in intensive care.1. How much are the symptoms of the three coronavirus patients alike?A. Ve

8、ry similar. B. Lightly different. C. Extremely different. D. Exactly Same.2. Which can explain the underlined word “discharged” correctly?A. Isolated. B. Permitted. C. Dismissed. D. Released.3. Which statement is Right about the three people?A. Jaimuay was still in hospital though she has got negati

9、ve test results.B. Carl Goldman has got infected on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.C. The school teacher Marc and his students have got infected in Italy.D. Carl Goldman has no symptoms and has been tested negative now.4. What does the author intend to show by writing the passage?A. The serious in

10、fluence coronavirus has had B. Ways to prevent oneself from being infectedC. Thoughts of people about the coronavirusD. The feelings of some infected people BThe Serious Reason You Should Never Store Potatoes in the FridgeIt could put your health at risk.Youve just come back from the farmers market

11、or the grocery store with a big sack of potatoes. But youre not going to use them all at once, so the best way to keep them fresh is to store them in the fridge, right?Not so fast. When it comes to potatoes, sticking them in the refrigerator could increase your risk of cancer. Why? Heres the chemist

12、ry behind it:The colder temperature of a refrigerator can convert the starch (淀粉) in potatoes into sugar.Then, when you bake or fry the potatoes at temperatures above 250F, those sugars combine with the amino acid asparagine (天冬酰胺氨基酸) and produce a chemical called acrylamide (丙烯酰胺), according to the

13、 American Cancer Society.Acrylamide is a chemical thats used to make paper, dyes, and plastics, as well as to treat drinking water and sewage. The main way people are exposed to acrylamide is through smoking, but its also found in foods such as French fries and potato chips, crackers, bread, cookies

14、, cereals, and coffee.So how dangerous is acrylamide? Research in mice has shown that the chemical increased the subjects risk of cancer. Studies in humans havent demonstrated consistent evidence that exposure to acrylamide through diet raises the risk, but there have been mixed results about kidney

15、, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.Though mice and humans metabolize acrylamide at different rates, the National Toxicology Program classifies the chemical as a carcinogen (致癌物) based on studies of lab animals that ingested acrylamide in drinking water.The good news? Studies have shown that not refri

16、gerating potatoes and decreasing cooking time to avoid browning can reduce acrylamide content. So play it safe and go with the American Cancer Societys recommendation for your spuds: Keep them out of the fridge, store them in a cool, dry place, such as a cabinet or pantry, and just cook them lightly

17、.but dont think your pantry is your be-all and end-all when it comes to food storage.CIrina Kolesnikova has a wealth of credits on her dance card, but the prima ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) has made her career from one particular role of a lifetime.That would be the famous yin and yang characters of Odette an

18、d Odile in Tchaikovskys Swan Lake, which has become her personal trademark since the age of 21. Her performance as the Swan Queen is regarded as a standout for a ballet that has been redone countless times on the stage and silver screen for nearly 150 years. After her debut at theLondon Coliseum, Th

19、e Telegraph described Kolesnikovas performance of Odette as “truly a thing of remarkable beauty.” Kolesnikova just made her U.S. debut and took the time to speak with Fortune.Fortune: What inspired you to go into ballet?Kolesnikova: When I was 5, I saw a ballet, The Sleeping Beauty, on TV, and I was

20、 so impressed by what Id seen. Thats when I decided to be a ballet dancer.Fortune: Playing the twin roles of Odette and Odile has become a bit of a trademark for you. What attracted you in Swan Lake? Are you looking forward to trying new projects?Kolesnikova: First of all, in my repertoire (全部节目) of

21、 classical ballet, there is not only Swan Lake, but also The Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, and also my favorite: La Bayadere. In regards to Swan Lake, I really love this ballet as I have a chance to show two opposite characters during one show. In terms of new projects, I would like to dance Anna Ka

22、renina, Manon, and Tatiana from Evgeny Onegin.Fortune: What is your long-term plan for your career? How do you prepare for life after dancing professionally?Kolesnikova: At present, I am not thinking about finishing my career. However, last year I graduated from Vaganova Academy with a coaching dipl

23、omaeven though I already have the experience of coaching and preparing two other ballerinas for the roles of Odette and Odile.1. How did The Telegraph think of Irina Kolesnikovas performance?A. Too terrible. B. Very fantastic. C. Unsatisfactory. D. Not mentioned.2. What made Irina Kolesnikova decide

24、 to be a ballerina?A. The charm of a ballet.B. The love for Swan Lake.C. The influence of her parents.D. The admiration to ballerinas.3. What can we learn about Irina Kolesnikova?A. She is inclined to end her career after years.B. She plays a role in Tchaikovskys Swan Lake.C. She likes Swan Lake bes

25、t among all ballets.D. She looks forward to playing a role in Evgeny Onegin.4. What is the most likely job for Irina Kolesnikova in the future?A. A ballet coach. B. A ballet director.C. An academy teacher. D. A reporter of Fortune.DMath Scores havent Budged in a DecadeAbout 41% of fourth graders and

26、 34% of eighth graders scored proficient in math in 2019. Thats not significantly different from 2017.Carr, a leader of the assessments division for the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP to a representative sample of students across the country every two years, sai

27、d the math scores are also about the same as a decade ago.But since 1990, students at both grade levels have improved in math: Fourth graders this year scored 27 points higher on the 300-point exam compared with their peers in 1990. Eighth grade students posted an average score that was 19 points hi

28、gher than in 1990.What else has happened to math and reading scores in the past decade?The gap between the most- and least-competent students got bigger.“Compared to a decade ago, we see that lower-achieving students made score declines in all of the assessments, while higher-performing students mad

29、e score gains,” Carr said.This divergence in performance is one reason why average student achievement hasnt changed in a decade, Carr explained.Is there any good news in the 2019 NAEP reading and math results?Yes. Washington, D.C., students showed big gains in fourth grade reading and eighth grade

30、math. In fact, D.C. Public Schools was the only large district to show test-score gains in three of the four assessments since 2017, Carr said.Mississippi was the only other state to improve in fourth grade reading since 2017.Detroits public schools pulled out a big win in fourth grade math: Student

31、s scored 6 points higher there than in 2017.Boys, Hispanic students and English language learners also improved in fourth grade math over the past two years.EPressing the power button to turn off your computer can save timebut can it also damage your machine? Raise your hand if losing your computer

32、would be a serious hindrance to your career, or if, at the very least, youd lose a whole lot of important information. Yeah, us too. And yet we tend not to treat our computers with the care about this advantage; many of us are probably guilty of thesethings youre doing that shorten your laptops life.One of the directives youll commonly hear when it comes to computer upkeep (保养) is that you should shut down your computer properly by clicking the “Shut Down”

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