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1、高中英语写作课教案Task basedwritingHow to describe a personI. Teaching objectives: Students will be able to:1. Learn how to write a short passage of a great man.2. Get some useful adjectives for describing a person 3. Develop students awareness of waring4. Get some information about how to write a basic writ

2、ing.5. Develop studentswriting ability.II.Writing strategies:1. Learning Book1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero to get some useful adjectives to describe a person2. Knowing how to write a basic writing3. Brainstorm about the topic 4. Finish the writing in groupIII. Teaching aids: multi-media equ

3、ipments (computer, slides, PPT,etc.) IV. Homework: writinganotherpassageV. Teaching procedures Lead inStep 1: T.let students think abouthow to describe a person. Such as Mary is a nice girl. Jim is an outgoing boy.Brainstorming how to describe a person and get vocabulary input.Writing strategy: Get

4、some useful adjective to describe a person and get vocabulary input.Pre-writingStep 2T presents ashort passageabout a famous singer to students and asks them to guess that who he is.Showing students a sample about how to describe a personFind out:1.Who is he?2.Find out some useful words, expression

5、and sentence patterns in the passage 3.If you want to write a composition about a person, how will you write it?While-writingStep 3 1. Give students a writing topic in the form of a chat and this writing topic is about Nelson Mandela.2. Tell students that the passage must be written with five senten

6、ces.3. Give students time to get key informationStep 4: Ss try to translate the information they get into five English sentencesSentence Main information 1Whenwas Mandela born and his hobbies.2 Mandelas experience when he was a lawyer3-4What did he do for poorblack man in South Africa 5His famous sa

7、ying anddream.Post-writingStep5 Group work: Discussion 1. Ss check the translation for their partners and discuss how to correct their mistakes2. Thinking: Great people are also famous people, but famous people may not be great people. So whatshould a great people be?3. What can we learn from a grea

8、t person.VI. Sample and SummaryStep 6Show Ss a possible version for thewriting andask them to find out some usefulwords, expressions and sentence patternsStep 7Sum up:Howcan you do a task based writing1. Examining the writing topic and ensure the person, tense and writing style of it.2. Make out an

9、outline which can be translated into five English sentences3. Translate the information you get into five English sentences4. Check your composition and discuss it with you partner5. Correct your mistakes if availableVII. Step 8: Homework (after class)Write an article inthe formof task based writing

10、 which is about an armless pianist-Liu Wei(刘伟)Book6 Module3 Interpersonal relationship Friendship高中英语写作课教案Teaching Aims1.To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends.2.To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Discuss

11、ionNow, I found 500 pounds in Roys pocket. Did Roy steal the money from the charity? Someone says yes, someone says no. If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didnt steal the money, what should I do?Discuss it in groups of four .Collect answe

12、rs from students. Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same. Because were friends. Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust. In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends. And what do you thi

13、nk of a friend or friendship?How to keep friendship?List good qualities and bad qualities a friend may have.Suggested answers:Good qualities:outgoing hospitable considerate enthusiastic friendly kind polite honest loyal brave positive optimistic smart intelligent modest generous determined responsib

14、le matureBad qualities:dishonest unfriendly dishonest rude impolite selfish lazy careless pessimistic Brainstorming: Step 2 WritingDescribe a problem you had with a friend and give advice on how to keep friends. Suggested expressions:close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in to

15、uch, get to know, personal matters, be similar to , considerate, warm hearted, honest,一些有关友谊的名言警句如:On friends and friendship:A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (-Aristotle)A friend in need is a friend indeed. (-Ray)Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.(-Benjamin Franklin)A friend is a present which you give yourself. (-Robert Louis Stevenson)Fate chooses your relatives, you choose your friends. (-Abbe Jacques Deille)A faithful friend is the medicine of life.

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