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Veiw onEducation.docx

1、Veiw on Education1 My Veiw on Future EducationThe education in china is continuously growing, changing and developing. The education plays an important pole in our life. The form of education is less important than the quality of education. So the quality of future education is becoming more and mor

2、e important. Enhance the management of future education is pressing.In my opinion, the future education must have high quality. In this point we should learn from western countries. In their country, its easy to enter in a university or college. If you want to waltz through the graduation examinatio

3、n, you must work hard during school. However, in china more and more students are permited into university and college. They successfully graduated from their school three or four years later no matter whatever they do during school. The quality of education is declining in our country. After gradua

4、tion the so-called professionals cant be competent in their field. Because many students cant make usefullof their learning time to study.Consequence are obvious that many students faced with unemployment. If we work hard during school, the consequence will become very distant. Finally, I think our

5、government must take many measures to develop our education or else our education will become a decoration. Enhance the quality of education is imperative. Pursuing Further Education Along with the sweeping global financial crisis, job application becomes increasingly fierce. Therefore much importan

6、ce is attached to the further option, the graduates particularly. Confronted with graduation, we students show considerable concern to further direction. Therefore it is an overheated topic among students, when it comes to the option between continuing study or seeking a job in the near future. As f

7、or this issue, like anything else, everyone maintains their different perspectives. I personally believe proceeding to study is much more conductive to our graduates. My reasons can be listed in the followings. To begin with, further study will mostly make us an erudite person and enrich our mind. I

8、f we cease our study instead of a job, our limited knowledge will definitely restrict us to doing certain low-ranking jobs or the jobs less related to our major, since we really lack the advanced professional and technical knowledge in our major field. Even if the high-ranking jobs are offered to us

9、, we will decide against them in that we are not eligible for achieving them. In the face of the current job situation, the only way for us to have advantages over others is to have a good command of our major and acquire a wide scope of knowledge. Additionally, compared with undergraduates or senio

10、r colleges, postgraduates will have more optional opportunities in seeking a job. Everything regarding their jobs mustbe raised to a higher level, such as working condition, salary as well as people they cope with every day. Eventually, as for our own part, the acquisition of knowledge will surely i

11、mprove our personally quality. Receiving much more education makes a cultivated and refined person. Thus that is why we canreadily distinguish a persons social position or educational setting from his speaking or behavior. By and large, the above elaboration makes me fully convinced that further stu

12、dy is superior to taking up a job for a graduate. It is highly hoped that our graduates can derive as much as possible knowledge so as to enhance ourselves.3 Lifelong learning educationWith the development of society,man should adapt themselves to the developing society, so they must master more and

13、 more skills. In a word, the world needs generalist. Do you know what lifelong learning education is? Nowadays, learning is not limited in schools; man can study everywhere, for any skills in any field. In short, lifelong learning education is summarized as one sentence: people continue to learn thr

14、ough their lives.Why do people need lifelong learning education? As we know, the world is changing all the time. The update of information is rapid, and it need more and more people who master some skills. In order to make a living and have a better life, people continue to learn even out from schoo

15、l. Whats more, lifelong learning can solve the difficulties people have, meet the requirements to live and develop, even realize the value of life. Therefore, lifelong learning education is very important.So, how can people have the lifelong learning education?People can learn in the internet, in so

16、me training institutions and the museums and many other places via any means. However, the most important thing is the lifelong development of ones character.The world is developing, how can we fall behind the times?Education is a lifelong task. IELTS 大作文真题:活到老学到老。同意或不同意学习的过程是从出生到死去? It is generally

17、 agreed that education is a matter of learning process from cradle to grave. People had better learn all the time until kicking the bucket, the tombstones being their diplomas. In a modern sense, people must learn to live as well as live to learn. 【起段】教育实际上是指从摇篮到坟墓之间的学习过程,这一点一般人都同意。大家应该永远的学习,到死方休,可以

18、把墓碑视为毕业文凭。就以当今而论,所有人有必要又学习中生活,又生活中学习。 Because people need knowledge to live more worthwhile lives, learning more could mean living better. Formal schooling has the purpose of kindling desires to learn so that the youth would go on the learning process as long as they live. Although obtaining knowled

19、ge remains the major fruit of education, actually the want to learn does not end at graduation ceremonies. In view of this, not only students but also teachers are supposed to learn continuously, considering that those dare to teach must not refrain from educating themselves. As they have to do teac

20、hing for a living, it follows that they can teach best what they most require to learn. And this is just one example that can also be applied to nearly all walks of life therein learning is critical. 【承段】因为人们需要知识才能过好日子,所以更多的学习,也意味着更好的生活。正规的学校教育有其目的,那就是点燃年轻人求知的欲望,而接着能够继续学习,活到老学到老。虽然教育的主要目的是获得知识,求学的心愿

21、不应该结束于毕业典礼。不光是学生要继续学习,老师也一样要继续学习,因为敢吃教书这一行饭,就永远不能停止学习。事实上,教师既以教书为业,在专业上学习更多,也必然教得更好。此例可以引证到各行各业,因为不论从事那一行业,学习是非常要紧的事。 Living to learn makes a more positive sense of life. The more people learn, the better for them to realize how much they do not know during a lifetime. For that matter, education in

22、many forms should always be updated because learning is like rowing upstream-not to advance is to be back, as the Chinese saying goes. People are necessarily encouraged to learn everyday to the last days, never being too old to learn. Once learning is otherwise neglected in life as a journey, the tr

23、aveler walks lame to the end of life. This concept means that learning as education must be aggressive day by day in order that one can be wiser today than yesterday. 【转段】生活中学习具有正面的意义。究人一生,越努力学习便越加体会到自己缺乏知识。由此观之,不论如何一种形式的教育都不可以停止,如同中国的一句老话说的-求学如逆水行舟,不进则退。这话是勉励大家要天天求知,坚持到最后一口气。要不然,在人生旅途上假设忽略了学习,那就会如同

24、“跛脚”的旅人,走向人生的终点。这个概念是说,学习是教育,日日精进,如此这般,每个人的今天都比昨天更长一智。 Finally, while the world is becoming increasingly complex and competitive, it can well be said that learning to live and living to learn are one and the same attitude toward life. Life, after all, is a succession of lessons which are meant to be

25、 lived to be understood. Being inevitably associated with intellectual growth, education really begins at birth and only ends at death. 【合段】总而言之,端看当今世界越来越变得复杂又是竞争,我们大可把学习生活与生活学习的两面,视为对于人生的同一态度。说穿了,人生是充满着一连串的课程,不经一事不长一智。智慧成长与个人教育既然是息息相关,那么所谓教育,果然是始于出生,终于去世。Education as a lifelong process教育是一生的过程 Depe

26、nding on personal experience, personality types and emotional concern, different people may have very different opinion on what education is. Some believe that education is to finish high schools or colleges or regard it as a job-secured means, while others hold that education is a lifelong process.

27、 And I support the latter with my reasons as follows.Education starts with the first breath of the child. Joseph Addison says “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul”. A baby absorbs information at the moment he was born. He learns to communicate with his mum, dad and a tot

28、ally new world as well. Parents words and behavior are more of importance to him. If early education could be a sort of amusement, one will then be better able to find out the natural bent. The preschool education, crucial ones personality and intelligence development, forms an indispensable part of

29、 the lifelong process, although it is hardly noticeable.Secondly, one has much more t learn even after he or she has got the highest degree in universities. A college diploma does not mean you are educated. Quite the contrary, it means that you have been opened up to a perpetual state of ignorance a

30、nd thus a lifelong hunger for more ideas, more knowledge, more good thoughts, more challenges, more of everything. The world is changing at every second and no one can afford to stop learning new things upon graduating from universities, especially teachers. For example, as a teacher of English, pro

31、fession knowledge is as necessary as up-to-date information of other subjects. The rapid renewal of teaching materials is impelling teachers to renew their knowledge structure and improve themselves otherwise will be left behind the times.Education is not only from the books or campus but also from

32、daily life. How to survive furious competition in the society is a crucial problem for anyone. People have to learn some necessary skills such as basic computer operation and the techniques of communication with others.Of course, the primary purpose of education is not only to teach you how to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweeter, according to a famous writer. In a narrow sense, education involves teaching people various subjects or being taught. In fact, the definition of this word is far from that. It is a lifelong process.2 T

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