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1、Module3教学案外研版必修4Module 3课题In troduct ion,Sp eak ing课时授课班级Shake , in troduce, devel op, in volve, jo in the hands.By accide nt, make a toast, take a sip考点、知识点In comp etiti on with, make a no iseAdverbial clause of con cessi on1.学习目标Make stude nts master some new words in the readi ng material.2.Get s

2、tude nts know more about body Ian guage and non-verbal com muni cati on.1.Read and fully understand the text to develop the students reading ability.about some body Ian guage in some coun tries.学习内容3HI. Careful Read ingRead p ara.1 aloud together andWays of com muni cati onfiSpokenlaanguage talking,

3、phoning Written Ianguage typing,writing Body Ian guage gesture,feeli ngIV. CompIete the following table in groups.Coun tries or areasWay of greeti ngmeaning of the greeti ngEuropean, America nsShake handsI trust youPost-readi ngV.La nguage con scious of2.vary with3.vary from volve

4、sb inVI.Acting and Exp ress ing1.Guessing game: Let one student act out by body Ianguage, and the other sp eak out the meaning in En glish.2.Role play: Here are two situations. For each situation, prepare a roleplay with their partner, (they can choose either) Use both sp oke nwords and body Ian gua

5、ge to exp ress their ideas.Situati on 1 You are visit ing a city in En gla nd and n eed to buy someappi es. You only know a little En glish and want to know where you can get them and how much you cost.Situation 2 You are playing your cell phone in class when the teacher stands by you VII.Con clusi

6、on What have you lear ned today?VIII.HomeworkWrite a short p assage about the greeti ngs in differe nt coun tries.I.lead-in: Pair Work ( chatting with partners by body IanguageII.Fast Readi ngRead the text quickly and choose the best title.1Sayi ng It Without Words2When in Rome, Do as the Roma ns Do

7、 ( 3 Greet ings Around the World4 Read My Mi ndMatch colu mn A with colu mn B.Para 1 A) . Body Ian guage varies from culture to culture. Part 1B) Greetings in Asia n coun triesAmerican youth s greeting today)Greetings in wester n coun triesE) Body Ianguage is fascinating for anyone to study. PartIII

8、.Careful Read ingRead p ara.1 aloud together and fill in the bla nksSpoken Ianguage talking,phoning 彳 Ways of com muni cati on Writte n Ian guage typin g,writi ng. Body Ian guage gesture,feeli ngIV.Complete the following table in groups.Post-readi ngV.La nguage con scious of2.vary with3.v

9、ary from volve sb inVI.Acting and Exp ress ing3.Guessing game: Let one student act out by body Ianguage, and the other sp eak out the meaning in En glish.4.Role play: Here are two situations. For each situation, prepare a roleplay with their partner, (they can choose either) Use both sp oke n

10、words and body Ian guage to exp ress their ideas.Situati on 1 You are visit ing a city in En gla nd and n eed to buy someappi es. You only know a little En glish and want to know where you can get them and how much you cost.Situation 2 You are playing your cell phone in class when the teacher stands

11、 by you VII.Con clusi on What have you lear ned today?VIII.HomeworkWrite a short p assage about the greet ings in differe nt coun tries.课题Grammar课时2授课班级考点、知识点Adverbial clause of con diti onThink of , every time+clause1. To en able the stude nts to use the words and exp ressi ons in this un it.学习目标3.

12、2. To en able the stude nts to summarize the ways to use adverbial clauseTo help the stude nts lear n how to give advice.1. Get Ss to master the adverbial clause and sum up the ways to give advice.重、难点2.Get Ss to master the usage of the important words of this part.学生活动学习内容Step 1 Revisi on and lead-

13、i n(Greet the stude nts as usual.)The teacher check the students homework of yesterday reciting orretell ing the read ing p assage. (The teacher asks a few stude nts to do this.)Ste p 2 Grammar 1T: Ok, so much for the check- up. You must have spent much time preparing教学反思it and gave good performance

14、s just now. During your preparation course, you may take no tice of many sentences which are lin ked by conj unctions whe n and if, right? Do you know the structures of these senten ces? Now follow me to lear n them this class. In this p eriod we are going to deal with Grammar 1 and Liste ning and v

15、ocabulary p art. First pl ease open your books and turn to P age 23. Look at the followi ng sentences from the p assage. Read them and pay atte nti on to the conj unctions whe n and if.They are used to connect senten ces or parts of senten ces. Then finishthe exercise below.(The teacher gives the st

16、ude nts two or more minu tes to prep are.)(Two or more minu tes later.)T: Have you yet fini shed it?Ss: Yes.T: Now look at the scree n and see if your choices are correct.(The teacher shows the an swers on the scree n.)Suggested an swers:The followi ng stateme nts are true: 1,3, 4 and 5T: Well done!

17、 From the above two sentences and exercise we can get somein formati on about adverbial clause of con diti on. It describes com monsituatio ns which were in troduced by when and if. Mean while, it usuallyexplains the result of the situatio n in the other part of the sentenceand uses the present tens

18、e in both parts. If the main clause is locatedat the beg inning of the whole sentence, adverbial clause just followsit. However, if the result lies at the end of the whole senten ce, theadverbial clause must be put at the beg inning and followed by a comma.Now let s do more exercises. Look at Activi

19、ty 2. Read through thep assage in the read ing part once more and try to find more senten ceswith whe n or if.(A few mi nu tes later.)T: Are you ready? Now let s check the answers. How many sentences of thiskind have you found yet?Ss: 4.T: OK. The first sentence, who shows your an swer to others?S:

20、If our right hand is busy greet ing some one, it cannot be holdi ng a wea pon.T: Good. Sit dow n, p lease. No. 2? Vol un teer?S: Let me try. If you shake hands with some one, you show you trust them.课题Liste ning andSp eak ing课时3授课班级furn iture, be op timistic /p essimistic about,switch,考点、知识点dishwash

21、er1. To t rain the students abilities to listen to thecon versati on.学习目标2.T0 en courage the stude nts to exp ress themselves,.3. To help Ss learn how to decide the important points about listeningby readi ngthe exercises based on the liste ning materials before readi ng.1. Liste n to the two materi

22、als and do the exercises correctly.2. Get the stude nts to tick the right an swers.重、难点3. Let the students listen to the first material,do the releva nt exercises anddecide the p redict ions.4. How to en courage the stude nts to talk freely and actively in imagi ning theideal house of the future.学习内

23、容学生活动Step I Revision1. Greeti ngs.2. Revisi on.Step n Listening and VocabularyTask 1 Match the parts of the body in the picture with the words in thebox.Task 2 Liste ningThis part is to train the students listening ability. Play the tape forthe stude nts to liste n, and ask them to do Exercise 2. Af

24、ter that, askthe stude nts to work in p airs and check the an swers. At last, play thetape aga in.Task 3 Discussi onMatch the follow ing pi eces of advice with the top ics in activity 3, andhave a discussi on about differe nt po siti ons of ones body.Lstte ningSp eak ingan sweri ngTask 4 Sp eak ingT

25、he step is intended to make students know how to give advice on differentoccasi ons.Step 川 PronunciationThis step is to help the students to pay attention to American accent andBritish acce nt in senten ces. Teachers can ask them to un derl ine thestressed words and then point out what kind of words

26、 belong to the stressedon es. Fin ally p lay the tape aga in, and ask them to pay atte nti on to.Step IV Assig nment1. Con solidati on2. Go over what you have lear ned in this module.课题学习目标重、难点教学反思Exte nsive Readi ng考点、知识点课时授课班级At the end of, however good they areIn comp etiti on withHolduni versal1

27、.T0 help Ss know the culture of clapping.2.To en courage the stude nts to use this kno wledge to com mun icate with other1.Get the main idea of the two readi ng materials.2. Help the stude nts to lear n how to read fast and get the main ideas quickly.3. Find the main idea for each p aragra ph.4.How

28、to help the stude nts to un dersta nd the difficult Ian guage points in thereadi ng and use them correctly.学习内容学生活动Step I Revision1. Greeti ngs.2. Revisi on.Step n Culture corner1. Lead-i n2. Skim mingThis ste p is to help the stude nts to get a gen eral idea of the p assage.Aski ng|Readi ngMaking n

29、o tesdiscussi onAsk them to read fast and find out what the p redicti ons are about.3. Careful read ingThis ste p is to help the stude nts to gras p some detail in formati on. Askthem to read carefully and then ask some students to tell if the statementsare true. If false, ask them to correct them.4

30、. Readi ng aloudAsk the stude nts to read aloud and find out the Ian guage points in thep assage. Mea nwhile ask them to decide which p redictio n they find mostamus ing.5. Lan guage pointsT: Look at the screen. Let s go through the Ianguage points of this part.a live p erforma nee现场演出live adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,直播的ive,alive 和living 都有活着的,活的”的意思,但alive常用作表语或后置定语;living 既可用作定语,又可用作表语;而live 一般仅用作定语。prolong vt.延长,拉长e.g. The meet ing may be proIon ged intothe eve ning because so manyp roblems have to be solved toni ght.会议可能要延长到夜里,因为今晚有太多问题要解决。Shall we prolong our stay for a fewdays?我们多停留几天

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