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1、皮球浮上来了张小青17 皮球浮上来了 (第二教时) 执教:张小青 (获连云港市一等奖) 【教学内容】:全日制聋校语文教科书第六册中课文皮球浮上来了 【教材分析】:皮球浮上来了是全日制聋校语文教科书第六册中课文。全文篇幅较短,情节相对简单,却能起到一定的教育作用,适合聋校三年级的学生学习。全文共分三个自然段,主要叙述了几个孩子在皮球掉入树洞之后,用灌水的方法使皮球浮上来这样一件事情。本课的类型属于讲读课文,是第四单元的开篇文,本单元课文是阅读教学的主要凭借,在低年级要通过讲读课文反复不断地指导学生朗读,初步掌握阅读的方法,培养阅读习惯,以便形成一定的阅读能力。此教学内容共分四课时来完成:第一课时

2、,主要是学习生字,扫除生字新词障碍,了解课文大意。第二课时,主要是在读中理解课文内容,学习正确地朗读课文,并进行思想教育。第三课时,主要是句与句之间,自然段与自然段之间的联系教学,进一步理解课文。第四教时,看演示说、写意思连贯的话,完成课后练习,背诵课文。本教案讲的内容是第二课时,在读中理解课文内容,学习正确地朗读课文,并进行思想教育。 【学情分析】:教学对象为四年级聋校学生。该班学生大部分听力损失比较严重,虽然大部分学生学前没有经过康复,基础比较差,但是经过了四年的学习,学生的语言能力进步比较大,部分学生有一定的表达能力。班上学生与教师沟通良好,上课积极性development direct

3、ion, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly imp

4、rove hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong

5、 expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information gu

6、ide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of w

7、eak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 比较强,但是学习比较依赖老师,思维能力不强。针对本节课的教学内容,大体将学生分为a、b、c三类:a类学生书写能力、语言表达能力较强,能熟练、流利地朗读课文;(李小芳、周海宝、蒯晓丹、沈雨婷)b类学生能在教师的带领下朗读课文

8、;(沈同杰、范红雨、李月)c类学生语言表达能力相对不强(邱杰、李婷婷,邵佳如)。 【教学目标】: 知识目标: 1、理解“掏、夹、钩、灌”的意思。 2、观察图画,正确理解句子的意思,理解课文内容。 能力目标: 1、通过多媒体、图片等手段,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力。 2、通过师生、生生间的多向、多层次的练习,培养学生语言的表达及运用能力。 情感目标: 通过情境活动,培养学生遇事善于动脑筋想办法的意识。 【教学重点】: 正确理解句子意思,理解课文内容,懂得皮球浮上来了的原因。 【教学难点】: 有感情地朗读课文。 【教学方法】: stable operation of the subsys

9、tem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because telligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent andeak intoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queue

10、d station system, buildings control system, wformation guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery moniem, ing covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV sys

11、tal standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineerinracticital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and pn order to occupy a strong position in the

12、market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digevel itic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical ltion became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficie

13、ncy of a key factors. currently domesnt of, informadevelopment direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intellige2 读读 讲讲 议议 练练 【教具准备】: 课文挂图 多媒体课件 实物教具等 【教学过程设计】: 环节一:词语竞赛,激发求知。 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 备注 1 出现六个生字卡片,检读一读词语并辅助检查学生的 查学生的复习情况。(掏、手语。

14、复习情况 龙、夹、钩、莉、灌) 2 总结评价词语的学习情复述这四个动词在课文背诵要复述况。请学生复述课文中相课文中的句子。 先从课文开不全关的句子。 始,同时有的教助于学生理师可解词义。 示范引导 环节二:激发兴趣,引入课题。 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 备注 1 课件出示一张小朋友往观察图片并回答培养学生的树洞灌水的图片及问题:小问题。 看图说话能朋友在干什么, 力 3 sedent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very impor

15、tant step. Becaundepenystem, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each iery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control ssurg TV system, information

16、guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, gineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wiredof en ic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction projectoing digital, centralized management of the network. perform

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