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1、埃德加凯西人类的起源和未来 Humanitys origins and future 埃德加凯西:人类的起源和未来 http: by Kevin Williams 凯文威廉斯著 The following is humanitys origins and future as revealed by the Cayce readings: 以下是凯西解读中所透露的人类的起源和未来: People demand a beginning and a boundary, so in the beginning there was a sea of spirit, and it filled all s

2、pace. It was static, content, aware of itself, a giant resting on the bosom of its thought, contemplating that which it was. 人类需要一个开始和一个界限,所以,在一开始,有一个灵之海,它充满整个空间。它宁静、完满、能感知它自己的存在,它是一个在自己思想的怀抱中休息的巨人,它在沉思自己是什么。 Then it moved. It withdrew into itself, until all space was empty, and that which had fille

3、d it was shining from its center, a restless mind. This was the individuality of the spirit; this was what it discovered itself to be when it awakened; this was God. 然后它开始运动。它退回到自己之内,直到所有空间空无一物,曾经充满它自身的不安的心灵在它的中心闪光。这就是灵的个性;这就是当它苏醒时它所发现的自我;这就是上帝。 God desired to self-expression, and desired companions

4、hip. Therefore, God projected the cosmos and souls. The cosmos was built with the tools which humans calls music, arithmetic, and geometry; harmony, system, and balance. The building blocks were all of the same material, which humans calls the life essence. It was a power sent out from God, which by

5、 changing the length of its wave and the rate of its vibration became a pattern of differing forms, substance, and movement. This created the law of diversity which supplied endless designs for the pattern. God played on this law of diversity as a person plays on a piano, producing melodies and arra

6、nging them in a symphony. 上帝渴望自我表达,渴望伴侣。因此,上帝投射了宇宙和灵魂。宇宙是用人类称作音乐、数学和几何学的工具创造出来的;和谐、系统而且平衡。都是用同样的材料建构,人类称之为生命元素。这是一种上帝发出的力量,这种力量通过它的波长和振动频率的变化而变成不同的形式、物质和运动的模式。这创造了多样性的法则,它为此模式提供了无止境的设计。就像一个人弹奏钢琴一样,上帝弹奏着多样性的法则,谱出各种旋律,并将它们组合成一部交响乐。 Each design carried within it, inherently, the plan of its evolution,

7、which was to be accomplished by movement, growth, or as humans calls it, change. This corresponds to the sound of a note struck on a piano. The sounds of several notes unite to make a chord; chords in turn become phrases; phrases become melodies; melodies intermingle and move back and forth, across

8、and between and around each other, to make a symphony. The music ends as it began, leaving emptiness, but between the beginning and the finish there has been glorious beauty and a great experience. 在它之内,每个设计自然而然地运行着它的进化计划,实现这个计划要通过运动、成长、或正如人类所说的改变来达成。这相当于在钢琴上敲出一个音符。数个音符连起来就成了一个和音;和谐的和音成为乐句。乐句成为乐曲;乐曲

9、相互交融、前后移动、交叉、连接、环绕而成为一部交响乐。音乐此起彼伏、停歇,但在起伏之间有着荣耀之美和伟大的经验。 (The terms light, heat, and electricity with regard to the cosmos are of no use in this type of discussion, since they are effects observed three-dimensionally through the physical senses. The physical senses do not operate in the same manner

10、in other dimensions, such as in the spirit world. At death, the sun might be to the surviving individuality an idea, an influence, or even an angel.) (与宇宙相关的“光”、“热”、和“电”等词语在这样的讨论中毫无用处,因为它们是通过三维的生理感官感知的印象。生理感官在其他维度并不以同样方式运作,比如,灵的世界。死亡时,对于续存的灵魂来说,太阳或许会是一个观念、一种影响、或甚至是一个天使。) Everything moved, changed, a

11、nd assumed its design in various states of form and substance. Activity was begun and maintained by the law of attraction and repulsion: positive and negative, attracting each other and repelling themselves, maintained the form and action of all things. 一切都以不同的状态和物质形式移动、变化、展现它的设计。活动是由吸引和排斥法则启动和维护的:正

12、和负、互相吸引和排斥,维持着一切事物的形式和行动。 All this was a part of God, an expression of Gods thought. Mind was the force which propelled and perpetuated it: mind did everything God imagined; everything that came into being was an aspect, a posture, of mind. 所有这一切都是上帝的一部分、上帝思想的一种表达。心灵是使其行进和不朽的动力:心灵实现上帝想象的一切;一切存在都是心灵的

13、一个方面、一种心境。 Souls were created for companionship with God. The pattern used was that of Gods very Being: spirit, mind, individuality; cause, action, effect. First there had been spirit; then there had been the action which withdrew spirit into itself; then there had been the resulting individuality o

14、f God. 灵魂被创造出来是为了与上帝相伴。所采用的形式是上帝存在的形式:灵、心灵、个性;原因、行动、结果。开始先有灵;然后有行动,它使灵退回至它自身之中;然后有作为结果的上帝的个性。 In building the soul there was spirit, with its knowledge of identity with God; there was the active principle of mind; and there was the ability to experience the activity of mind separately from God. 灵凭着它

15、是与上帝同一的知识构造灵魂;存在着积极的心灵原则;存在着经历与上帝分离的心灵活动的能力。 Thus a new individual, issuing from and dependent upon God, but aware of an existence apart from God, came into being. To the new individual there was given, necessarily, the power to choose and direct its own activity; without free will it would remain a

16、 part of the individuality of God. Mind, issuing as a force from God, would naturally fulfill Gods thoughts, unless directed otherwise. The power to do this - to direct otherwise the force of mind - is what humans calls his free will. The record of free will is the soul. The soul began with the firs

17、t expression which free will made of its power, through the force of mind. The first thought which it generated of itself, the first diversion of mind force from its normal path, was the beginning of the soul. 就这样,一个新的个人出现了,它来自于上帝、依赖于上帝,但能知觉一种独立于上帝的存在。这个新的个人必须被给予选择和指导它自己活动的力量;如果没有自由意志,它就依然是上帝个性的一部分。

18、作为一种来自上帝的力量的心灵,会自然地去完成上帝的思想,除非被导向其他方向。这种行动的力量导向其他方向的心灵力量就是人们所谓的他的自由意志。自由意志的记录就是灵魂。随着自由意志运用心灵力量产生第一个表达,灵魂就开始了。它自己产生的第一个思想、心灵力量从其正常道路的第一次背离,就是灵魂的开始。 The nucleus of the soul was in balance, positive and negative force in equal power, producing harmonious activity: the positive initiating, impregnating,

19、 thrusting forward; the negative receiving, nourishing, ejecting. The steps of this action were the stages of thought: perception, reflection, opinion. 灵魂的核子处于平衡中,正负力量相当,产生和谐的活动:正面力量发动、孕育、推进;负面的力量接收、滋养、逐出。这个行动的步伐就是思想的阶段:感知、思考、判断。 Thus the soul consisted of two states of consciousness: that of the sp

20、irit, bearing a knowledge of its identity with God, and that of the new individual, bearing a knowledge of everything it experienced. 因此,灵魂由意识的两种状态构成:一部分是灵,具有它与上帝是同一的知识,一部分是新的个人,具有关于它经验到的一切的知识。 The plan for the soul was a cycle of experience, unlimited in scope and duration, in which the new individ

21、ual would come to know creation in all its aspects, at the discretion of will. The cycle would be completed when the desire of will was no longer different from the thought of God. The consciousness of the new individual would then merge with its spiritual consciousness of identity with God, and the

22、 soul would return to its source as the companion it was intended to be. 灵魂的计划是经验的一个循环,范围和期间是无限的,在其中,新的个人会凭借意志的判断力认识创造的各个方面。当意志的愿望不再与上帝的思想相违背时,循环就会完成。新的个人的意识就会将其灵性意识与上帝相认同,灵魂会作为上帝期许的伴侣回到它的源头。 In this state the soul would retain its consciousness of separate individuality and would be aware that of i

23、ts own free will it now acted as a part of God, not diverting mind force because it was in agreement with the action toward which this force was directed. Until this state was reached the soul would not be a companion in the true sense of the word. 在这种状态中,灵魂会保持其分离的个性意识,并了解它自己的自由意志,它现在是作为上帝的一部分而行动,而不

24、是使心灵力量背道而驰,因为它与心灵力量所指向的行动是一致的。直到达成这种状态,灵魂才在真正意义上成为一个伴侣。 The idea that a return to God means a loss of individuality is paradoxical, since God is aware of everything that happens and must therefore be aware of the consciousness of each individual. Thus the return of the soul is the return of the imag

25、e to that which imagined it, and the consciousness of an individual - its record, written in mind - could not be destroyed without destroying part of God. When a soul returns to God it becomes aware of itself not only as a part of God, but as a part of every other soul, and everything. 回归上帝的观念意味着失去个

26、性是荒谬的,因为上帝知道所发生的一切,并因而必定知道每个个人的意识。因此,灵魂的回归就是意象向意象想象者的回归,如果不摧毁个人意识它写在心灵中的记录中的上帝的部分,它就无法被毁灭。当一个灵魂回归上帝,它认识到自己不仅是上帝的一部分,而且是每一个其他灵魂和一切事物的一部分。 What is lost is the ego - the desire to do other than the will of God. When the soul returns to God the ego is voluntarily relinquished; this is the symbology behi

27、nd the crucifixion of Christ. 失去的只是自我做上帝意志以外的事情的愿望。当灵魂回归上帝,自我被自动放弃;这就是基督受难背后的象征意义。 The plan for the soul included experience of all creation, but it did not necessarily mean identification with a participation in all forms and substance. Nor did it mean interference in creation by souls. It did not

28、mean that they were to spin their own little worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams. 灵魂的计划包括所有创造的经历,但这并不一定意味着要去认同对所有形式和物质的参与。这也不意味着干涉灵魂的创造。这并不意味着它们应该去旋转它们自己的小世界、去扭曲法则以造就它们梦中的意象。 But these things could happen. The soul was the greatest thing that was made; it had free will.

29、Once free will was given, God did nothing to curb it; however it acted, it had to act within Gods reality; by whatever route, the soul had to return to God. 但这些事情可以发生。灵魂是最伟大的创造物;它具有自由意志。上帝一旦给予它自由意志,上帝就对它不加控制;不论它如何行动,它必须在上帝的现实之中行动;无论走哪条路线,灵魂必须回归上帝。 The fact that mans body is a speck of dust on a smal

30、l planet leads to the illusion that humans are a small creation. The measure of the soul is the limitless activity of mind and the grandeur of imagination. 人的身体是一颗小行星上的一粒尘埃,这一事实使人类产生自己是一个渺小的造物的幻觉。衡量灵魂的标准是心灵的无限活动性和伟大的想象力。 At first there was little difference between the consciousness of the new indiv

31、idual and its consciousness of identity with God. Free will merely watched the flow of mind, somewhat as humanity watches his fancy disport in daydreams, marveling at its power and versatility. Then it began to exercise itself, imitating and paralleling what mind was doing. Gradually it acquired exp

32、erience, becoming a complementary rather than an imitative force. It helped to extend, modify, and regulate creation. 一开始,新的个人意识与它和上帝是同一的意识之间并无区别。自由意志只是看着心灵的流动,有点像人看着他的想象在白日梦中玩耍,惊讶于它的无所不能。然后,他开始自己练习,模仿和比照心灵的所作所为。它逐渐获得经验,成了一个互补的、而不是模仿的力量。它帮助扩大、修改和调节创造。 Certain souls became bemused with their own power and began to experiment with it. They mingled with the dust of the stars and the winds of the spheres, feeling them, becoming part of them. One result of this was an unbalancing of the positive-negative force, by accentuating one or the other; to feel things d

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