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商务部例行新闻发布会0419 双语收藏版.docx

1、商务部例行新闻发布会0419 双语收藏版2011-04-19 商务部例行新闻发布会Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of Commerce on April 19, 2011各位记者朋友:Dear friends from the Press,欢迎大家出席今天的新闻发布会。我是商务部新闻发言人姚坚。很高兴和大家见面,通报2011年1-3月我国商务工作运行的有关情况,并回答大家关心的问题。 Welcome to the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce. I am Yao Ji

2、an, spokesperson of the Ministry, and very glad to see you here. Now I would like to brief you on the commercial development of China in the first three months of 2011, and then I will take your questions. 一、关于消费市场运行情况I. Chinas consumption market operation据国家统计局统计,1-3月,社会消费品零售总额42922亿元,同比增长16.3%,其中3

3、月份,社会消费品零售总额同比增长17.4%。总体来看,一季度消费市场主要特点有:According to the statistics of National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), from January to March, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 4.2922 trillion yuan with a year-on-year increase of 16.3%, among which the retail sales of March grew by 17.4% year-on-

4、year. In general, here are the main features of consumption market in the first quarter: 一是城乡销售总体保持较快增长,消费增速有所回落。1-3月,社会消费品零售总额同比增长16.3%,比去年四季度回落2.5个百分点,比去年同期回落1.6;剔除价格因素实际增长11.6%,比去年同期回落3.8个百分点。First, urban and rural sales have kept relatively rapid growth on the whole, while the growth rate of con

5、sumption fell back. From January to March, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 16.3%, 2.5 percentage points lower than that in the fourth quarter of last year and 1.6 percentage points lower than that in the same period of last year. Excluding price effect, the actual retail sales

6、increased by 11.6%, 3.8 percentage points lower than that in the same period of last year. 二是大型流通企业销售稳定。1-3月,商务部监测的3000家重点零售企业销售额累计同比增长18.4%,比上年同期加快1个百分点。流通行业中零售、批发业销售额同比分别增长18.4%、12.0%,增速分别比上年同期加快1.0和1.7百分点。另据国家统计局统计,1-3月限额以上企业(单位)商品零售额同比增长22.5%,比全国水平高出6.2个百分点。Second, sales of large circulation ent

7、erprises have maintained steady. In the first three months, accumulated sales of 3,000 major retailers rose by 18.4% year on year, 1 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year. Sales of retail and wholesale in circulation industry increased by 18.4% and 12.0% year on year res

8、pectively, which are 1.0 and 1.7 percentage points higher than those in the same period of last year. In addition, NBS reported that retail sales of enterprises or units above designated size grew by 22.5% year on year during the three months, 6.2 percentage points higher than that at national level

9、. 三是金银珠宝销售持续高速增长,汽车、家用电器等商品增速放缓。据商务部监测,1-3月,金银珠宝销售额同比增长43.5%,增速比上年同期加快18.7个百分点。食品、服装销售额同比增长21.0%、22.5%,增速比上年同期分别加快6.7和4.6个百分点。家具、汽车、家用电器及音响器材销售额同比分别增长8.0%、10.8%和9.6%,但增速分别比上年同期放缓2.8、16.0和11.5个百分点。Third, sales of gold, silver and jewelry have kept fast growth pace while sales growth of automobile and

10、 home appliances slowed down. From January to March, sales of gold, silver and jewelry increased by 43.5% year on year, 18.7 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year. Sales of food and clothing rose by 21.0% and 22.5% year on year respectively, 6.7 and 4.6 percentage points

11、 higher than those in the same period of last year respectively. Although the sales of furniture, automobiles as well as home appliances and audio equipments increased by 8.0%, 10.8% and 9.6% year on year respectively, the growth rates slowed down by 2.8, 16.0 and 11.5 percentage points compared wit

12、h the same period of last year.四是主要食用农产品价格小幅回落。1-3月,居民消费价格同比上涨5.0%,涨幅比上年同期扩大2.8个百分点。但在一系列稳定物价措施的作用以及季节因素影响下,蔬菜、鸡蛋价格从2月中旬开始回落,猪肉、食用油价格在4月初出现下降势头。据我部监测,上周(4月11日-17日),36个大中城市18种主要蔬菜批发价格平均为3.58元/公斤,较前一周下降9.8%,降幅比前一周加大5.2个百分点。与前一周比,18种主要蔬菜价格均下降,其中青椒、油菜、辣椒价格分别下降22.8%、19.4%和18.8%,生菜、茄子、黄瓜、豆角、芹菜价格降幅也都超过10%。

13、随着气温回升,蔬菜上市量持续增加,预计价格呈现加速下降趋势。Fourth, prices of major edible agricultural products dropped slightly. From January to March, the consumer price index (CPI) rose by 5.0% year on year, 2.8 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year. However, with the implementation of a series o

14、f measures on stabilizing prices as well as changes of seasons, prices of vegetables and eggs began to drop from mid-February, and prices of pork and edible oil showed a trend of decrease from early April. Last week (April 11-17), average wholesale price of 18 major varieties of vegetables in 36 lar

15、ge and medium cities was 3.58 yuan per kilogram, 9.8% lower than that of last week. The decrease rate was 5.2 percentage points more than the decrease rate in the week before last. Compared with last week, prices of 18 major vegetables all dropped, such as green peppers by 22.8%, rapes by 19.4% and

16、peppers by 18.8%. The prices of lettuces, eggplants, cucumbers, beans and celeries all declined by more than 10%. With the rise of temperature and increase of market supply of vegetables, prices are estimated to drop accelerately.商务部将继续加强蔬菜等生活必需品市场价格的监测工作,对36个大中城市重要商品进行市场监测,对139家大型批发市场价格情况实行每日监测,及时向

17、社会公布,并加强市场调控,确保市场供应充足。MOFCOM will continue to enhance the surveillance over market prices of vegetables and other necessities, monitor market prices of major commodities in 36 large and medium cities, carry out daily surveillance over prices in 139 large-size wholesale markets, and timely release th

18、e information to the public. Besides, we will enforce market regulations in order to guarantee sufficient market supply. 二、关于对外贸易情况II. Foreign trade据海关统计,1至3月,全国进出口总额为8003.1亿美元,同比增长29.5%。其中,出口3996.4亿美元,增长26.5%;进口4006.6亿美元,增长32.6%,贸易逆差10.2亿美元(上年同期为顺差139.2亿美元)。According to the statistics by the Custom

19、s, Chinas imports and exports from January to March registered US$800.31 billion, up by 29.5% year on year. Among that, exports stood at US$399.64 billion, up 26.5%; and imports was, US$400.66 billion, up 32.6%. The trade deficit was US$1.02 billion. (The foreign trade recorded a favourable balance

20、US$13.92 billion in the same period of last year.) (一)进口额创历史新高,出现小幅季度逆差。在世界经济缓慢复苏和国际市场需求回暖的情况下,一季度出口达到3996.4亿美元,增长26.5%,其中价格上涨拉动11个百分点;在国内需求增加,国际大宗商品价格上涨等因素共同作用下,进口达到4006.6亿美元,创季度规模历史新高,增长32.6%,其中价格上涨拉动16.5个百分点。由于进口增速快于出口增速,一季度贸易逆差10.2亿美元,近6年来首次出现季度逆差。(I) Imports volume hit a record high, giving ris

21、e to a slight deficit in this quarter. Under the situation that the world economy is slowly recovering and the demand of the international market is increasing, Chinas exports reached US$399.64 billion in the first quarter, up 26.5%. Among that, 11 percentage points of growth rate were due to price

22、rise. Thanks to the increasing domestic demand and price rise of international bulk commodities, imports increased by 32.6% to US$400.66 billion, hitting a quarterly record high, among which, 16.5 percentage points were attributable to price rise since the growth of imports was faster than that of e

23、xports, trade deficit of the first quarter amounted to US$1.02 billion, being the first quarterly deficit for nearly 6 years.(二)对欧美出口份额下降,与部分新兴市场贸易快速增长。一季度,我对欧盟、美国出口分别增长17.2%和21.4%,占整体出口比重为19.2%和16.5%,分别下降1.5和0.7个百分点。对日本出口增长28.1%,高于整体增幅1.6个百分点;自日本进口增长26.4%,低于整体增幅6.2个百分点。与部分新兴市场如南非、巴西双边贸易增长较快,贸易额分别增长

24、107.1%和57.7%。(II) Share of exports to European and American markets declined while trade with several emerging markets enjoyed a rapid increase. In the first quarter, Chinas export to European Union and the U.S. increased by 17.2% and 21.4% respectively and accounted for 19.2% and 16.5% of the total

25、 export, decreasing by 1.5 and 0.7 percentage points respectively. Specifically, export to Japan increased by 28.1%, 1.6 percentage points higher than the total growth; imports from Japan increased by 26.4%, 6.2 percentage points lower than the total growth. Besides, bilateral trades grew relatively

26、 faster with several emerging markets, such as South Africa and Brazil, each with an increase of 107.1% and 57.7% respectively in trade value. (三)资源品进口量增价涨,轻纺产品出口增势好于机电产品。一季度,原油、铁矿砂、成品油进口数量分别增长11.9%、14.4%和27.7%,价格分别增长24.3%、59.5%和18.7%,这三种商品合计拉动进口增长9.1个百分点,其中价格上涨拉动5.9个百分点。服装、纺织、鞋类、家具、箱包、玩具合计出口719.9亿美

27、元,增长23.8%。机电产品出口2320.3亿美元,增长22.8%,低于整体增幅3.7个百分点,其中自动数据处理设备、集成电路、彩电和摩托车出口分别增长5.8%、12.5%、14%和16.6%,均低于整体出口增幅。(III) Both volume and price jumped in the import of resource, and export growth momentum of light industrial and textile products was better than that of mechanical and electrical products. In

28、the first quarter, the imports of crude oil, iron ore and oil refined jumped by 11.9%, 14.4%and 27.7% respectively, each with an increase of 24.3%, 59.5%and 18.7% in price. Those three commodities jointly contributed 9.1 percentage points to import growth, among which 5.9 percentage points came from

29、 price rise. Exports of clothing, textiles, footwear, furniture, bags and suit cases as well as toys totaled US$71.99 billion, up 23.8%. Exports of mechanical and electrical products registered US$232.03 billion, up by 22.8%, 3.7 percentage points lower than the total growth. Among them, exports of

30、automatic data processing equipments, integrated circuits, color TV sets and motorcycles increased by 5.8%, 12.5%, 14% and 16.6% respectively, all lower than the overall growth of export.(四)加工贸易出口比重下降,一般贸易对进口增量贡献较大。一季度,加工贸易出口1845.1亿美元,增长21.6%,占整体出口比重46.2%,同比下降1.8个百分点;进口1074亿美元,增长20.9%。一般贸易出口1859.7亿美

31、元,增长31.7%,占整体出口比重高于加工贸易0.3个百分点;进口2319.5亿美元,增长37.4%,高于整体增幅4.8个百分点,对进口增量贡献64.1%,拉动进口增长20.9个百分点。一般贸易逆差明显增加,为459.9亿美元,增长66.5%。 (IV) The export of processing trade declined in proportion, while general trade made a greater contribution to import increase. In the first quarter, the export of processing tr

32、ade reached US$184.51 billion, up 21.6%, accounted for 46.2% of total exports, which was 1.8 percentage points lower year on year. Import value reached, US$107.4 billion, up 20.9%. The export of general trade amounted to US$185.97 billion, up 31.7%,0.3 percentage points higher than the proportion of

33、 processing trade in the total exports. Imports value of general trade was, US$231.95 billion, up 37.4%, which was 4.8 percentage points higher than the total growth. It accounted for 64.1% in the total import increase of volume, resulting to 20.9 percentage points of increase for imports. The deficit of general trade increased

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