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1、ted演讲稿英文版如何买到幸福ted演讲稿英文版如何买到幸福小编今天推荐给大家的是ted演讲稿英文版如何买到幸福,仅供参考,希望对大家有用。关注网获得更多内容ted演讲稿英文版如何买到幸福So I want to talk today about money and happiness, which are two things that a lot of us spend a lot of our time thinking about, either trying to earn them or trying to increase them. And a lot of us resona

2、te with this phrase. So we see it in religions and self-help books, that money cant buy happiness.And I want to suggest today that, in fact, thats wrong. (Laughter) Im at a business school, so thats what we do. So thats wrong, and, in fact, if you think that, youre actually just not spending it righ

3、t. So that instead of spending it the way you usually spend it, maybe if you spent it differently, that might work a little bit better.And before I tell you the ways that you can spend it that will make you happier, lets think about the ways we usually spend it that dont, in fact, make us happier. W

4、e had a little natural experiment. So CNN, a little while ago, wrote this interesting article on what happens to people when they win the lottery. It turns out people think when they win the lottery their lives are going to be amazing.This articles about how their lives get ruined. So what happens w

5、hen people win the lottery is, number one, they spend all the money and go into debt, and number two, all of their friends and everyone theyve ever met find them and bug them for money.And it ruins their social relationships, in fact. So they have more debt and worse friendships than they had before

6、 they won the lottery. What was interesting about the article was people started commenting on the article, readers of the thing. And instead of talking about how it had made them realize that money doesnt lead to happiness, everyone instantly started saying, You know what I would do if I won the lo

7、ttery . ? and fantasizing about what theyd do.And heres just two of the ones we saw that are just really interesting to think about. One person wrote in, When I win, Im going to buy my own little mountain and have a little house on top. (Laughter) And another person wrote, I would fill a big bathtub

8、 with money and get in the tub while smoking a big fat cigar and sipping a glass of champagne.This is even worse now: Then Id have a picture taken and dozens of glossies made. Anyone begging for money or trying to extort from me would receive a copy of the picture and nothing else. (Laughter) And so

9、 many of the comments were exactly of this type, where people got money and, in fact, it made them antisocial.So I told you that it ruins peoples lives and that their friends bug them. It also, money often makes us feel very selfish and we do things only for ourselves. Well maybe the reason that mon

10、ey doesnt make us happy is that were always spending it on the wrong things, and in particular, that were always spending it on ourselves.And we thought, I wonder what would happen if we made people spend more of their money on other people. So instead of being antisocial with your money, what if yo

11、u were a little more prosocial with your money? And we thought, lets make people do it and see what happens.So lets have some people do what they usually do and spend money on themselves, and lets make some people give money away, and measure their happiness and see if, in fact, they get happier. So

12、 the first way that we did this. On one Vancouver morning, we went out on the campus at University of British Columbia and we approached people and said, Do you want to be in an experiment?They said, Yes. We asked them how happy they were, and then we gave them an envelope. And one of the envelopes

13、had things in it that said, By 5:00 pm today, spend this money on yourself. So we gave some examples of what you could spend it on. Other people, in the morning, got a slip of paper that said, By 5:00 pm today, spend this money on somebody else. Also inside the envelope was money.And we manipulated

14、how much money we gave them. So some people got this slip of paper and five dollars. Some people got this slip of paper and 20 dollars. We let them go about their day. They did whatever they wanted to do. We found out that they did in fact spend it in the way that we asked them to.We called them up

15、at night and asked them, Whatd you spend it on, and how happy do you feel now? What did they spend it on? Well these are college undergrads, so a lot of what they spent it on for themselves were things like earrings and makeup. One woman said she bought a stuffed animal for her niece. People gave mo

16、ney to homeless people. Huge effect here of Starbucks. (Laughter)So if you give undergraduates five dollars, it looks like coffee to them and they run over to Starbucks and spend it as fast as they can. But some people bought a coffee for themselves, the way they usually would, but other people said

17、 that they bought a coffee for somebody else. So the very same purchase, just targeted toward yourself or targeted toward somebody else. What did we find when we called them back at the end of the day?People who spent money on other people got happier. People who spent money on themselves, nothing h

18、appened. It didnt make them less happy, it just didnt do much for them. And the other thing we saw is the amount of money doesnt matter that much. So people thought that 20 dollars would be way better than five dollars.In fact, it doesnt matter how much money you spent. What really matters is that y

19、ou spent it on somebody else rather than on yourself. We see this again and again when we give people money to spend on other people instead of on themselves. Of course, these are undergraduates in Canada - not the worlds most representative population.Theyre also fairly wealthy and affluent and all

20、 these other sorts of things. We wanted to see if this holds true everywhere in the world or just among wealthy countries. So we went, in fact, to Uganda and ran a very similar experiment. So imagine, instead of just people in Canada, we said, Name the last time you spent money on yourself or other

21、people.Describe it. How happy did it make you? Or in Uganda, Name the last time you spent money on yourself or other people and describe that. And then we asked them how happy they are again. And what we see is sort of amazing because theres human universals on what you do with your money and then r

22、eal cultural differences on what you do as well.So for example, one guy from Uganda says this. He said, I called a girl I wished to love. They basically went out on a date, and he says at the end that he didnt achieve her up till now. Heres a guy from Canada. Very similar thing. I took my girlfriend

23、 out for dinner. We went to a movie, we left early, and then went back to her room for . only cake - just a piece of cake.Human universal - so you spend money on other people, youre being nice to them. Maybe you have something in mind, maybe not. But then we see extraordinary differences. So look at

24、 these two. This is a woman from Canada. We say, Name a time you spent money on somebody else. She says, I bought a present for my mom.I drove to the mall in my car, bought a present, gave it to my mom. Perfectly nice thing to do. Its good to get gifts for people that you know. Compare that to this

25、woman from Uganda. I was walking and met a long-time friend whose son was sick with malaria. They had no money, they went to a clinic and I gave her this money.This isnt $10,000, its the local currency. So its a very small amount of money, in fact. But enormously different motivations here. This is

26、a real medical need, literally a life-saving donation. Above, its just kind of, I bought a gift for my mother.What we see again though is that the specific way that you spend on other people isnt nearly as important as the fact that you spend on other people in order to make yourself happy, which is

27、 really quite important. So you dont have to do amazing things with your money to make yourself happy.You can do small, trivial things and yet still get these benefits from doing this. These are only two countries. We also wanted to go even broader and look at every country in the world if we could

28、to see what the relationship is between money and happiness.We got data from the Gallup Organization, which you know from all the political polls that have been happening lately. They ask people, Did you donate money to charity recently? and they ask them, How happy are you with your life in general

29、? And we can see what the relationship is between those two things. Are they positively correlated?Giving money makes you happy. Or are they negatively correlated? On this map, green will mean theyre positively correlated and red means theyre negatively correlated. And you can see, the world is craz

30、ily green. So in almost every country in the world where we have this data, people who give money to charity are happier people that people who dont give money to charity.I know youre all looking at that red country in the middle. I would be a jerk and not tell you what it is, but in fact, its Centr

31、al African Republic. You can make up stories. Maybe its different there for some reason or another. Just below that to the right is Rwanda though, which is amazingly green. So almost everywhere we look we see that giving money away makes you happier than keeping it for yourself.What about your work

32、life, which is where we spend all the rest of our time when were not with the people we know. We decided to infiltrate some companies and do a very similar thing. So these are sales teams in Belgium. They work in teams; they go out and sell to doctors and try to get them to buy drugs.So we can look and see how well they sell things as a function of being a member of a team. Some teams, we give people on the team some money for themselves and say, Spend it however you want on yo

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