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版高考新创新一轮复习英语译林版作业必修4 Unit 3 课下作业一三.docx

1、版高考新创新一轮复习英语译林版作业必修4 Unit 3 课下作业一三必修4 Unit 3 课下作业(一三)课下作业(一) 考点过关针对练.单词拼写1Its important to distinguish reality (现实) from dreams.2I think happiness (幸福) depends on our attitude towards life.3While sitting in the classroom and doing my papers, I felt confident (自信的) and was full of energy.4Children sh

2、ould be taught not to stare at or laugh at the disabled (有残疾的) people.5The firefighters (消防队员) were trying to rescue those trapped in the burning hotel.6The gap between urban (城市的) and rural areas has been narrowed in recent years.7The boy has a lot of_disadvantages (缺点), but on balance, I think he

3、is still a good boy.8More people are deciding that electric (电的) power lines could present a health risk.9Her enthusiasm for earlymorning exercises faded (逐渐消失) as the weather was getting colder and colder.10Last of all, the chief_(主要的) editor read the proposal and approved it.11As we drew closer, w

4、e could see a whale being attacked by a pack (群) of about six other killers.12I took my driving license with me on holiday, in case I wanted to hire (租用) a car.13Last year I had a narrow_escape (逃脱), and I dont want to risk my life a second time.14If we can do as mentioned above, there is no doubt t

5、hat we can master (精通) English.15Well never accuse (指责) you of having done anything forgetful or unmanly.单句语法填空1The newly constructed high buildings add greatly to the beauty of this city.2Existing knowledge was the storehouse of the past; it had to be thoroughly explored and constantly (constant) e

6、xtended.3A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.4Not only I but also Tom and Jack are (be) interested in the activity because it is useful.5I didnt get much of an impression (impress) of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.6The Chinese dis

7、covered that the gas escaping (escape) from the tube could lift it into the air.7The children asked no more questions, but looked up at her in amazement.8I had to remind myself that being confident (confidence) is not the same as being perfect.9We were rather disappointed (disappoint) that you were

8、not able to come yesterday.10If you know first aid, it isnt difficult for you to help an injured (injure) person at an accident.单句改错1Due to his height and reach, he has an advantage to other sportsmen.第二个toover2He often listens to music so as to escape the pressure of work.escape后加from3Isnt it amaze

9、d how the human body heals itself after an injury?amazedamazing4The company was accused with using misleading advertisements in its promotion of the weightloss pills.withof或accusedcharged5The lorry driver escaped being hurt, but a pedestrian injured.injured前加was6Its high time we take effective measu

10、res to improve our work.taketook或take前加should7This is very convenient to shop online. We can save a lot of precious time.ThisIt8Not only the clerks but also the manager want to go climbing tomorrow.wantwants.完成句子1To_our_amazement,_he wasnt delighted at the good news at all.令我们惊讶的是,听到这个好消息他一点也不高兴。2We

11、 should encourage him to have_confidence_in_himself.我们应该鼓励他对自己有信心。3I was at_a_disadvantage compared with the younger members of the team.和队伍中的年轻队员相比,我处于不利地位。4Mike often attempts to escape_being_fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.无论什么时候违反交通规则,迈克总是试图逃避罚款。5Not only the teacher but also the st

12、udents are_against_the_plan.老师和学生都反对这一计划。6In the past few years the workers have_put_forward_a_lot_of_suggestions as to improving the quality of the products.在过去的几年里工人们提出了许多提高产品质量的建议。7Its high time that we_found/should_find_somewhere_to_eat.我们该找个地方吃饭了。课下作业(二) 话题阅读培优练.根据提示填空These are some ideas that

13、some people came_up_with (想出) about what the life will be like in the year 2500.We will have established a base on the moon.School kids can take field trips to the moon weekly.We will have found cures (cure) for AIDS and cancer.The war will have ended and peace flows freely through the land.Kids wil

14、l learn more and be smarter (smart) than ever before! History will be the main subject at school.Cafeteria (自助餐厅) food will be delicious! We just walk up to a machine, stick out our tongue, and it will scan our taste buds (味蕾) to see what we want to eat. KristenHere I am in the wonderful year of 250

15、0 and life is so easy.I work in a pet store and it is so hard! I have to wake up at midnight every day and fly my car to the store.It takes so long to get there.It takes me 20 seconds to get to the store in Mississippi from my home in Florida! At work, I have to push five buttons (button) and then I

16、 go home.It takes 2 seconds and that is like forever. MorganIn the year 2500, I think we will have invented (invent) cars that run on things we dont need like garbage.Tail gas will smell like whatever we like such as chocolate.I also predict (prediction) that buildings will be able to go into a diff

17、erent dimension (维) so our cars wont hit them.The cars in 2500 dont fly, for we havent got that technology (技术) yet, but they can hover (盘旋) up to seven feet.These cars are made for speed! CarlyInstead of cars, we may have hovering devices that float (飘浮) around.We could also have electric (电的) cars

18、 instead of gaspowered cars.Food might be more healthy.What I believe is that the environment will change the most.The environmental (environment) changes will also determine many other changes.If more people try to help the environment, then perhaps in 2500 we will have more forests and wildlife.If

19、 people wont help the environment, then we will have no forests and little wildlife left. Roberta.片段选词填空technology, speed, accident, robot, predict, disappear, fly, replace, conquer, intelligence, different, computer, go on strike Futurologists (未来学家) predict that life will probably be very differen

20、t in 2050 in all the fields of activity, from entertainment to technology.First of all, it seems that TV channels will have_disappeared by 2050.Instead, people will choose a programme from a “menu” (菜单) and a computer will send the programme directly to the television.Today, we can use the World Wid

21、e Web to read newspaper stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away.By 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us through computer.We will also be able to see, smell and touch the things that we see on television.In transport, cars will run on new, c

22、lean “gas” and they will go very fast.Cars will have computers to control the speed of the car and there wont be any accidents.Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to where you want to go.Space planes will fl

23、y all over the world and people will fly from Los Angels to Tokyo in just two hours.In technology, robots will have_replaced people in factories.Many factories already use robots.Big companies prefer robots they do not ask for pay rises or go_on_strike,_and they work 24 hours a day.By 2050, we will

24、see robots everywhere in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.Last but not least, medicine technology will have_conquered many diseases.By 2050, we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and hear again.Scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide ho

25、w they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have.课下作业(三) 高考语篇提能练.阅读理解A(2019沈阳质检)MBA Program in Bellevue UniversityMaster of Arts in ManagementBachelors and Masters in LeadershipYou know youve got what it takes to lead and make a difference.Real concepts and case studies.Real interact

26、ion with other adults in our online classroom.Real Learning for Real Life.Call 8007567920 to enroll today.Bellevue UniversityReal stories at bellevue. eduColorado State Universitys MBA ProgramThe CSU Distance MBA ProgramTwoyear or fouryear programsFlexible and convenient schedulesNo residency requir

27、ementCourses delivered via DVD and streaming videobiz. colostate. eduContact Matt Leland at 800-491-4622*1 Colorado State University College of BusinessMBA: IN PROGRESSWe know you are onthego, so take your MBA program with you.Kelley Direct offers a worldrenowned degree, with the opportunity to crea

28、te global business connections and best of all, ultimate flexibility to fit your lifestyle.For more information visit kelly. iu. EduKelly School of BusinessIndiana UniversityOne school. Endless possibilities.To reserve space or for more information about 2018 Executive Education and MBA Directory op

29、portunities, email patrice_serretbusinessweek. com.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了几所大学的网络课程的相关信息。1If you want to learn something practical in real situations, you can choose _.AKelly School of BusinessBBellevue UniversityCColorado State UniversityDIndiana University解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一个学校广告中的“Real concepts and case

30、studies. Real interaction with other adults in our online classroom”可知,Bellevue University提供的课程是真实的概念和实例研究,学生可以在网络教室里与其他成年人交流。所以如果想学习实用的知识,你可以选择Bellevue University。2What are these advertisements for?ASchool websites. BBachelors degree.COnline learning. DGlobal business.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一个学校广告中的“Real in

31、teraction with other adults in our online classroom”和第二个学校广告中的“Courses delivered via DVD and streaming video”和第三个学校广告中的“Kelley Direct offers a worldrenowned degree, with the opportunity to create global business connections . fit your lifestyle”可知,三个学校的广告是为了招收网络学习的学生,故选C项。3You can find all the infor

32、mation above from _.Akelly. iu. eduBbellevue. eduCbiz. colostate. eduDpatrice_serretbusinessweek. com解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,想了解更多有关2018管理教育和MBA课程目录的信息,你可以发送邮件到patrice_serretbusinessweek. com。B(2019河北五校联考)Youll probably never go to Mars or sing on the stage with the Rolling Stones. But if virtual real

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