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1、写作Unit 1 Punctuation (1)IntroductionPunctuation is the system of symbols that we use to separate sentences and parts of sentences, and to make their meaning clear. Each symbol is called a“punctuation mark”. Punctuation helps to clarify and sometimes emphasizes the meaning of a sentence. It is necess

2、ary to learn to use all the punctuation marks correctly. Although there are general rules for English punctuation, there are differences of styles between, for example, British and American English, some publishers and some writers.The Value of Punctuation An English teacher wrote these words on the

3、 board: woman without her man is nothing The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly. The men wrote the top line. The women wrote the bottom line. Woman, without her man, is nothing. Woman! Without her, man is nothing.Summary of Punctuation MarksPunctuation Mark Name Example

4、. full stop or period eg:I like English. comma eg:I speak English, French and Thai. ; semi-colon eg: I dont often go swimming; I prefer to play tennis.: colon eg: You have two choices: finish the work today or lose the contract.- hyphen eg:This is a rather out-of-date book._ dash eg:In each town Lon

5、don, Paris and Rome he stayed in youth hostels.? question mark eg:Where is Shangri-La?! exclamation mark eg:Help! she cried. Im drowning!“/ forwardslash eg:Please press your browsers Refresh/Reload button. backslash C:UsersFilesjse.doc“ ” double quotation marks eg:“I love you,” he said. single quota

6、tion marks eg:I love you, she said. apostrophe eg:This is Johns car._ underline eg:Have you read War and Peace?W_W underscore eg: ) round brackets eg: I went to Bagkok (my favourite city) and stayed there for two weeks. square brackets eg:The newspaper reported that the hostages (人质)

7、most of them French had been released. curly brackets or braces eg: b : = a + 1RESULT IS b ellipsis eg:One happy customer wrote: “This is the best program.that I have ever seen.”Full Stop (Period)End your sentences with a period (full stop) . - The accessibility of the computer has increased tremend

8、ously over the past several years. - Every student should learn to use the punctuation marks.The period marks the end of a sentence. The next word, if you go on writing, has to be capitalized because it begins a new sentenceThe period is used with most abbreviations: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Ph. D. U. S. A.

9、 a. m. U. K. N. Y. I. Q. B. C. B. A. p. m. i.e (idest: that is to say; in other words) e.g. etc. Nov.Comma Comma is used to indicate a break or pause within a sentence ( , ). This is another commonly used punctuation mark. There are several instances where you might use a comma: Use the comma when d

10、enoting an appositive, or a break within a sentence that supplements and adds information to the subject. Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft, is the developer of the operating system known as Windows. 2. Use the comma when denoting a series. This is a set of three or more list items within a sentence. To

11、save space in newspapers, some writers may omit the last comma. The computer store was filled with video games, computer hardware and other electronic paraphernalia (随身用具). The fruit basket contained apples, bananas, and oranges. 3. Use a comma if your subject has two or more adjectives describing i

12、t. This is somewhat similar to a series, except that it is incorrect to place a comma after the final adjective. CORRECT - The powerful, resonating sound caught our attention. INCORRECT - The powerful, resonating, sound caught our attention. 4. Use a comma when referring to a city and state. It is a

13、lso necessary to use a comma to separate the city and state from the rest of the sentence. I am originally from Freehold, NJ. Los Angeles, CA, is one of the largest cities in the United States. 5. Use a comma to separate an introductory phrase which is usually one or more prepositional phrases from

14、the rest of the sentence. After the show, John and I went out to dinner. On the back of my couch, my cats claws have slowly been carving a large hole. 6. Use the comma to separate two independent clauses. If your sentence contains two independent clauses that are separated by a conjunction (such as

15、and, as, but, for, nor, so, or yet ), place a comma before the conjunction. Ryan went to the beach yesterday, but he forgot his sunscreen. Water bills usually rise during the summer, as people are thirstier during hot and humid days. 7. Use a comma when making a direct address. When calling ones att

16、ention by name, separate the persons name and the rest of the statement with a comma. Note that this kind of comma is used rarely in writing, because this is something that we do normally while speaking. Amber, could you come here for a moment? 8. Use a comma to separate direct quotations. A comma s

17、hould come after the last word before a quotation that is being introduced. An indirect quotation that does not require a comma. While I was at his house, John asked me if I wanted anything to eat. A direct quotation. While I was at his house, John asked, “Do you want anything to eat?”A partial dire

18、ct quotation that does not require a comma. According to the client, the lawyer was “lazy and incompetent.”9. Comma around words interrupting the flow of thought Use a comma on both sides of words or phrases that interrupt the flow of thought in a sentence. Martys computer, which his wife got him as

19、 a birthday gift, occupies all of his spare time. Sue Dodd, who goes to aerobics class with me, was in a serious car accident.10. Comma with everyday material June 30, 2008, is the day I made the last payment on my car. I buy discount childrens clothing from Isaacs Wear Factory, Box 900, Chicago, Il

20、linosis 60614. Dear Santa, Sincerely yours, The insurance agent sold me a $50,000 term life insurance policy.Question MarkThe question mark ( ? ), used at the end of a sentence, suggests an interrogatory remark or inquiry. What has humanity done about the growing concern of global warming? You are l

21、eaving tomorrow? Are you leaving tomorrow?Exclamation PointThe exclamation point (exclamation mark, shout mark)( ! ) suggests excitement or emphasis in a sentence. I cant believe how difficult the exam was! How beautiful! What a nice day!Semicolon and Colon The semicolon ( ; ) has a few uses.Use a s

22、emicolon to separate two related but independent clauses. Note that, if the two clauses are very wordy or complex, it is better to use a period instead. People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk. 2. Use a semicolon to separate a complex se

23、ries of items, especially those that contain commas. I went to the show with Jake, my close friend; his friend, Jane; and her best friend, Jenna. The colon ( : ) has multiple uses. 1. Use the colon to introduce a list. Be careful not to use a colon when denoting a regular series. Usually, the word f

24、ollowing suggests the use of a colon. Use only after a full sentence which ends in a noun. he professor has given me three options: to retake the exam, to accept the extra credit assignment, or to fail the class. INCORRECT - The Easter basket contained: Easter eggs, chocolate rabbits, and other cand

25、y. Understanding of the differences between a hyphen and a dash The hyphen ( - ) is used to split long word between two lines; to add a prefix to some words to make the word easier to read; e.g. re-examine (easy to read) reexamine (harder to read)3. to require no hyphen to separate the prefix from t

26、he word, such as restate, pretest, and undo. To make two words rely on each other; e.g. re-arrange Cara is his ex-girlfriend. To create compound words from separate words; e.g. The up-to-date newspaper reporters were quick to jump on the latest scandal. To separate the two words of any number under

27、one hundred when writing numbers out as words. e.g. There are fifty-two playing cards in a deck. (The amount is one hundred and eighty is a common error in US English, where the and is usually omitted. Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, however, the and is usually included.) e.g. I have one-hu

28、ndred tapes. He lived to be one hundred twenty-one. The dash ( or ) should be used To make a brief interruption within a statement, a sudden change of thought (思维中断或改变) an additional comment; e.g. News of the dramatic merger no one believe it at first shook the financial world. Ship the materials Mo

29、nday no, we must have them sooner.2. to add a parenthetical statement, such as for further clarification relevant to the sentence; e.g. An introductory clause is a brief phrase that comes yes, you guessed it at the beginning of a sentence. This is the end of our sentence or so we thought. Double quo

30、tation mark and single quotation mark/apostrophe The double quotation ( ) encloses a direct quotation, whether made by a person or taken from a piece of literature. e.g. “I cant wait to see him perform!” John exclaimed. According to the article, the value of the dollar in developing nations is “stro

31、ngly influenced by its aesthetic (美学) value, rather than its face value.”encloses a word or phrases. e.g. The word “protein” comes from a Greek word that means “of first importance.” Known as “the peoples princess,” Diana captivated all who knew her.encloses the titles of newspaper and journal artic

32、les, chapters in books, short stories, reports, poems and songs. e.g. Stevens favorite song is “Five Hundred Miles Away.” Chapter 2, “Big Bang,” is very fascinating.4. Single quotation mark is used within a regular quotation to indicate a quotation within a quotation. e.g. Ali said, “Anna told me, I wasnt sure if you wanted to

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