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1、圣才学习网0519180950288综 合 改 错(Errors Correction): 大学生村官之我见 大学生自主创业的利与弊 和谐宿舍的建设之道 “富二代” affluent 2nd generation 特长生是否可以不用通过考试上大学? 汉语热的现状及其原因 考试作弊或论文抄袭与大学生诚信的重要性 大学生应该杜绝校园浪费 节约型校园首先从节约用水开始 大学生给老师评分是否合理?一、语法错误二、词汇错误三、逻辑错误四、多词少词Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods. Many of th

2、e arguments 1.time/times/agehaving used for the study for literature as a 2. / school subject are valid for study of television. 3. the 一、语法错误1、平行结构(not only.but alsoboth.andeither.orand)1)A professors salary is higher than a secretary.secretarys 2) One of these is informative, interesting, and is e

3、asy to understand.去掉3) Defining a problem is easier than to provide a solution.providing2、连词错误1) Candle will later be replaced by lamp, that could burn longer and lighter. which2) The children attended a small elementary school (often of just one room) to that they had to walk every day, possibly fo

4、r a few miles. which,that前只能有except和in。except that除此以外;in that因为,体现在3) It will be interesting to discover how many young people go to universities without any idea of that they are going to do afterward. what,what相当于the thing that4) It appears that we all find company in sound, if we demand a little

5、 quiet from time to time. but或yet 转折,所以不能用if 5) They are likely to travel more and to want more education. Nevertheless, many more jobs are available in these services. Therefore或So 因果3、分词错误1) Polices records show a surprised link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns. surprising2) Even

6、the quiet of our careful protected wilderness areas can be invaded at any moment by a passed jet. passing3) So a sportsmans individual way of walking with raised shoulders is imitated by an admired fan. admiring4、指代错误 1) A break in their employment, or a decision to work part time, will slow its rai

7、ses and promotions-as it would for men. their 2) Clearly some risks are worth taking, especially when the rewards are high: a man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of a second-floor window is an acceptable risk to save its life. his 3) The modern light-house also id

8、entifies it in a code known to all ships. itself 主语宾语相重叠用反身代词5、形容词、副词(略)6、谓语错误(主谓一致、时态、语态)1) Business today whether it is running a little gas-station or a big factory take good management.takes2) Advances in technology has also changed peoples lives. have3) But if 98 percent of us doesnt need to wo

9、rk, what are we going to do with ourselves? dont复数 4) Whether women who have started a career will attain pay equality with men rest on at least two factors. rests句子做主语为单数 5) In some places all the trees have cut down. have been二、词汇错误(搭配错误、用词错误)三、逻辑错误(肯定否定乱用)1)Blood pressure drugs definitely help so

10、me people live after a heart attack, but these same drugs may be both necessary and harmful for those with only mild blood pressure problems. unnecessary2) In every case, the influential person may consciously notice the imitation but he will feel comfortable in its presence. unconsciously四、多词少词(少介词

11、、冠词、形式宾语;多介词和副词)1)When two Americans meet for first time, it is normal for them to call each other by their given name immediately. the first2)In fact, until recently seawater has almost be considered to be useless and no value. of no Passage 2 Until the very latest moment of his existence, manhas b

12、een bound to the planet on which be originated anddeveloped. Now he had the capability to leave that planet 1. has and move out into the universe to those worlds which hehad known previously only directly. Men have explored 2. indirectly parts of the moon. put spaceships in orbit around anotherplane

13、t and possibly within the decade will land into anoth- 3. on er planet and explore it. Can we be too bold as to sug- 4. sogest that we may be able to colonize other planet 5. planetswithin the not-too-distant future? Some have advocat-ed such a procedure as a solution to the population problem: ship

14、 the excess people off to the moon. But we must keep in head the billions of dollars we might 6. mindspend in carrying out the project. To maintain the earths population at its present level, we would have to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of the year. Why are we spending

15、so little money on space 7. muchexploration? Consider the great need for improving 8. Consideringmany aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured into the space exploration ef- 9. 去掉forts. But perhaps we should look at bo

16、th sides of thecoin before arriving hasty conclusions. 10. arriving at/reachingPassage 3Most people work to earn a living and theyProduce goods and services. Goods are eitheragricultural (like maize) or manufactured (like cars). Services are such things like education, 1. asmedicine, and commerce. T

17、hese people provide 2. Somegoods; some provide services. Other people provideboth goods or services. For example, in the same 3. andgarage a man may buy a car or some service which helps him maintain his car.The work people do is called as economic 4. 去掉activity. All economic activities taken togeth

18、er make up the economic system of town, a city, a country,or the world. Such economic system is the sum-total 5. 之前加anof what people do and what they want. The workpeople do either provides what they need or providesthe money with that they can buy essential 6. whichcommodities. Of course, most peop

19、le hope to have enough money to buy commodities and services whichare essential but which provide some particular 7. nonessentialpersonal satisfaction, such as toys for children, visits 8. 之后加tothe cinema, and books. The science of economist is basis upon the facts 9. basedof our everyday lives. Eco

20、nomists study our everydaylives and the general life of our communities in orderto understand the whole economic system of which we are a part. They try to describe the facts of theeconomy in which we live, and to explain how itworks. The economist methods should of course be 10. economistsstrictly

21、objective and scientific.Passage 4British people dont drink as many tea as they 1. muchused to, but Great Britain still takes almost twenty-five per cent of all world exports of the commodity.The world largest producers of tea are India, China 2. worldsand the Sri Lanka. 3. 去掉 The quantity of tea is

22、 affected by the climate, 4. qualityby the latitude at which it is grown and also by that part of the tea bush is plucked. In fact, as 5. whichDominic Beddard, a tea taster, tells us, favour can 6. flavoureven depend on which day the leaf is plucked:There are very considerable differences between te

23、as from the same estate made on different day, he says. 7. daysProcessing tea is a complicated procedure. After the green leaf has been plucked, it is processed in afactory. Quickly and carefully, the tea is reduced to 8. slowlya small brittle particle, which is then dried and looks like the tea you

24、 see in a packet. The tea companiesthen rely on tasters as Donimic to value the tea. This 9. 之前加such has to be done on a day-to-day basis because of fluctuations in quality. Having to taste up to sixhundred cups of tea a day certainly causes Dominics 10. makesjob an unusual one!take = account for 9题

25、或者把as改成likecause sb. to do make sb sth 不是双宾语,而是宾语和补语Passage 5Parents can be supportive of suspicions. Theycan be helpful to the teacher, or are in need of help 1. bethemselves. Sometimes, I think parents are too hardto their children. I have seen many parents of this 2. onkind. I often have the prob

26、lem of parents coming inand telling me what they really treat their kids. They 3. howtell me that they usually stand over their kinds whenthey do their homework. They check their work andmake big fuss over the grades. They criticize the kids 4. 之前加aover everything having to do with school. My respon

27、se usually is: well, you know, he is really a good kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you shouldnot be too strict with them. 5. him We want parents to realize the fact that teachers are professors at working with children. They have 6. professionalobserved many children and many parents. Becauseof t

28、his, and because of their specialized training,teachers can be realistic about children. Teachersknow whether parents want their children to do well 7. thatand to behave well. But teachers know less what 8. betterchildren should be able to do at different ages andstages. They dont expect the 8-year-

29、olds to do the work that can only be done by the 12-year-olds. Parents, in the contrary, often expect their children 9. onto do what is usually beyond their age and ability. Obviously, this may make great harm to the 10. dochildrens development.stand over 密切监视某人what 后面必须缺少主语或者宾语make a big fuss 大惊小怪P

30、assage 6 Thus you experience success as you complete each chapter. While you have completed the overall 5. havent goal, you know you have progressed toward it.Passage 7although the tremendous amounts of money, time 3. despiteand energy giving over to oral health.Although 后面必须接句子Critics, on the other

31、 hand, slam the profession. It can be conservatively estimated that at least 15 percent of United States dentists areincompetent, honest, or both, says a former 10. dishonestPassage 8All these tokens of success are in a sense merely bribes provided by another person. Therefore, they can be 10. HoweverButeffective and a sense 某种意义上Passage 9It is not just in academy that children are been pushed 4. beingtoo far and too fast. Some parents start their preschoolWe need to abandon

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