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1、外研版七年级英语上册教案初一英语教案 2015 年 4 月 1-2 日课题Starter Module 4Unit3课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习询问天气情况教学重点Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm.教学难点一年四季单词与其对应的形容词教具多媒体、录音机课时1教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the wordsand phrases: spring, summer,autumn,winter,warm,cool,cold,2) Listen and number

2、 the pictures.3) look at the pictures and ask :T: Whats the weather like in spring?S: Its warm.3.Drills1) Listen and repeat. Ss read in pairs.2)Work in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whats the weather like in?S2: Its4.Practise1) Look at the pictures and write the sentences.2) Discuss: Whats the weather like

3、 in Guilin?5.Conclude6.HomeworkWrite sentences.课后评价:个人修改教案 年 4 月 3 日课题 Module 1 Unit 1课型Listening and speaking教学目标Self-introduction 自我介绍(年龄、姓名、家乡等等)教学重点能做自我介绍,听懂别人的介绍教学难点在做自我介绍是英美人士与的对答习惯教学方法Interactive approach教具多媒体、录音机课时1教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up老师做自我介绍:I am your teacher. My name is _. I am from

4、 Guilin. 问学生:T: Whats your name?S: My name is_/ I am _.T: How old are you?S: Im 12 years old.T: Where are you from?S: Im from Guilin3. 让学生将刚才的答案窜起来说一遍。再让其他的同学照样做自我介绍。4. Listen and check how many people speak.5. Look at the picture. Which words can you use to describe it?6. Listen and read. Play the

5、recording and get the students to listen and read the conversation.7. Listen again to the dialog and check the true sentences.8. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Get the students to ask the questions and answer the questions, and then change the role.然后让一些学生到讲台是做表演。9Match the words with the pictures.1

6、0.Conclude11.Homework: Workbook P72 Exercise 1-4.个人修改课后评价:教案 年 4 月 7-8 日课题Module 1Unit 2课型Reading and speaking教学目标To get information from the reading material about personal information教学重点将自我介绍扩展,加入更多的信息,并能介绍朋友的情况。教学难点动词be 的不同人称的不同形式。教学方法Interactive approach教具多媒体、录音机课时1教学课程1.Greeting and ask some q

7、uestions about the weather.2.Warming-up: Get two students to do “Ask and answer” about themselves.3. Read the passage and check the true sentences.Ask the students to read the passage or get the students to follow the recording, and then check the true sentences. Play the recording (again) for the s

8、tudents to listen and reapeat. Do some necessary explanations of the passage.4. Complete the table according to the passage.5. “小记者”活动。带上笔和练习本,采访一个同学。利用Activity 3 的形式作为问题。然后做汇报。采访不要花太多是时间,以便让更多的学生可以做汇报。6.Practise Write sentences for you.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWrite a self-introduction, not less than 20

9、 words.个人修改课后评价:教案 年 4 月9-10 日课题Module 1 Unit 3Language in use课型Formal and interactive practice教学目标To summarise and consolidate Simple Present tense of BE教学重点复习本单元的句型和语法,并能学以致用。教学难点Be动词的各种形式和其否定形式教学方法Interactive approach教具多媒体、录音机课时2教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up Get some students to introduce themselve

10、s.3. Language practice. Ask some students to read the sentences individually. Point out the words in Bold. Then get the whole class to read aloud all the sentences together.4. Talk about you and your friend to your group.Ask one or two students to read the lines(patten). Then the other students do t

11、he same as the patten.5. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. After they have done it, ask some to read the sentences to the class, and see if there are any mistakes.6. Complete the table with these given words.7. Match the words with the pictures.8. Around the world. Family name and giv

12、en name.很重要,一定要让学生明白中国人的名字与西方人的名字写法上的差异。9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in the pictures. Get two students to do the first picture. Then let the students to do picture 2 and picture 3 in pairs. At last get some pairs to perform in front of the class.10.Homework个人修改课后评价:教案 年 4 月 13-14

13、 日课题Module 2 Unit 1 I can speak English.课型Listening and speaking教学目标To ask and give information about what kind of sport one can do教学重点Modal verb of CAN教学难点The usage of CAN教学方法Botton-up教具多媒体、录音机课时1教学课程1.Greeting. (1)Ask some questions about the weather (2) Get some students to introduce themselves2.

14、Warming-up: Ask some questions about sports:Do you like playing basketball?Whats your favourite sport? Etc.Revise some more words about sports: swimming, play football Teach some new words: tennis, table tennis, pingpong, horse3. Match the words with the pictures.4. Look at the pictures. Listen and

15、check what Lingling can do.5. Revise some names of countries: China Chinese, England English, Amerca American and learn the new word international6. Listen and read. And then practise reading the dialog.7. Do Activity 4. Check and see if the students can get the right answers.8. Role play. Get some

16、students to act out the play before the class9. pronunciation and speaking.Homework. Write a dialog between two students asking each other about what sports they can do.个人修改板书设计Module 2 Unit 1 I can speak English.She can speak English. Tony cant speak Chinese.Can Betty speak Chinese? No, she cant.课后

17、评价教案 年 4 月 15-16 日课题Module 2 Unit 2 These are my parents课型Reading , speaking andwriting教学目标To learn information about some jobs and the places where people work教学重点To train the basic writing skill of capitalization教学难点写作中何处用大写字母教学方法Botton-up教具多媒体、录音机课时1教学课程1.Greeting. Ask some questions about sports

18、.2.Warming-up. Teacher: I teach you English. I teach in this school. My job is teacher. I am a teacher. Whats your fathers /mothers job? What does s/he do? Where do they work? 通过这些问题,引出本课新词汇:factary, hospital等,以及worker, doctor, secretary等。3. Get the students to read these words and match the job and

19、 the place where they work.Doctor hospital, secretary office, teacher university etc.4. Match the words with the pictures(Activities 1 & 2)(在图片上的数字1、2、填入工作场所;在a、b、c填入职业)5. Read the passage and label the pictures. 注意:将Activity 1 的a,b,c 等标号填入相应句子后的横线上。Parents有可能填两个。6. Complete the table7. Writing. Mak

20、e sure the students understand where capital letters are used in a sentence.Homework (按自己的要求布置)个人修改板书设计Unit 2 These are my parentsWhats your fathers name?Whats your fathers job?Where does he work?课后评价教案 年 4 月17-20 日课题Module 2 Unit 3Language in use课型Revision and application教学目标教学重点教学难点教学方法Formal and

21、interactive practice教具多媒体、录音机课时2教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up. Ask some questions about jobs or get several students to tell the class what their parentss jobs are.3. Language practice. Get the whole class to read through the sentences. Do some necessary explanations about the modal verb CAN.4. Activi

22、ty 2. Look at the pictures. Say what Daming and you can do and cant do. 学生先填空,然后请学生单独给全班念他们完成的句子。5. Activity 3. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.本题让学生抢答,先口头,做完抢答以后,再让他们把答案填上,全班读这些句子。6. Match the jobs with the work places.7. Around the world. 可以加入一些句子扩展与国名相关的词汇和知识。Chinese are from Chin

23、a. They speak Chinese.English are from England. They speak English. Americans are from America. Do they speak American? No, they dont speak American. They speak English, too.Homework.(按自己的要求布置)个人修改板书设计Unit 3 Language in useChinese are from China. They speak Chinese.The English are from England. They

24、 speak English. Americans are from America. Do they speak American? No, they dont speak American. They speak English, too.课后评价 初一英语教案 年 4 月 21-22 日课题Module 3 Unit 1 There are 46 students in my class.课型Listening and speaking教学目标To understand the conversations involving introduction of class & classro

25、om教学重点There be 句型的用法、二十以上的大数字教学难点There be 句型的单复数、否定及疑问句形式的用法教学方法Top-down approach to listening教具多媒体、录音机课时1 or 2教学课程1.Greeting. Ask some questions about the weather today.2.Warming-up. Get some students to answer indivisually the following questions. What can you see in the classroom? Aswers: Desks/

26、chair and so on.How many are there? 3.复习一下有关学校内物品名称等词汇进入课文第一环节(词汇较多,最好多媒体预先做好,以节省时间)。4. Look at the pictures. Which words can be used to describe them.5. Activity 2. Listen and choose the correct picture.6. Listen and read, and then do Activity 4.7. Pronunciation and speaking. Activities 5 & 6. Do i

27、t in your normal way.8. Activity 7. Match the words and the numbers. Tell the students how these word are formed.9. Work in pairs. Each pair ask each other in turn the question “How many are there in our class(room)? And both fill in the table. Then ask one pair to roleplay it.Homework.(按自己要求布置)个人修改

28、板书设计Module 3 Unit 1 There are 46 students in my class.There is a clock on the wall. There arent computers in our classroom now.Are there thirty boys in our class? No, there arent. There are twenty-two.课后评价初一英语教案 年 4月 23-24 日课题Module 3 Unit 2 Wheres the library? 课型Reading , speaking and writing教学目标To

29、 get information from the reading material about the library教学重点Locations处所,学习一些新介词和短语介词教学难点Any和some的用法教学方法Interactive approach教具多媒体、录音机课时1教学课程1.Greeting. Ask some questions about the things we can see in the classroom to practise the numbers over twenty. Eg. How many students / boys / girls are the

30、re in our class? Are there any English students in our class? And so on and so forth.2. look and learn the words of places.Match the pictures with the places.3.Warming-up. Revise the prepositions “in, on and under”,Where is / are the pen/s? Its / Theyre on/ in / under .4.look at the pictures.Make some more sentences.5.Ask students: Where are you in the classroom? 尽可能让多一些学生说说某某在谁的前后及旁边。 6. Work in pairs. listen Bettys homework and write the names

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