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村两委协调机制The village two committees coordination mechanism.docx

1、村两委协调机制The village two committees coordination mechanism村两委协调机制(The village two committees coordination mechanism)The village two committees coordination mechanismLianxinliangRegulations China Communist Party grassroots organization pointed out that the township party committee and village Party bra

2、nch is a party in the rural grass-roots organization is the foundation of the party in the rural work and combat, is a township and village organizations and the work of the core of leadership. Peoples Republic of China pointed out that the Village Committee Organization Law, the villagers committee

3、 is the self management, self education and self service grassroots autonomous organizations, responsible for the administration of village public affairs, economic development, maintenance of villages and villagers reflect stable, opinions, demands and suggestions of responsibility. In practical wo

4、rk, the relationship between the Party branch and the leadership and leadership of the village committee is embodied in the relationship, coordination and handling of the Party branch and the village committee. Therefore, how to effectively coordinate the relationship between the village committee a

5、nd village Party branch is an urgent task in front of our Township Party committee, is also the major political issues related to a place to the comprehensive construction of a well-off society.In this village level organizations general election, through the forum, forum, analysis and other researc

6、h methods, on the Liushi town of the village organization of special investigation. I will take this research as an example, combined with the current situation, how to strengthen the coordination mechanism of the construction of the village two committees to talk about a few understanding and think

7、ing of their own.At present, the village two committees statusThrough the investigation found that, in general, the town of Liushi village two committees in general is relatively good, most of the village can be great practice and actively striving to lead the masses into the innovation class reform

8、 trend, can better play the local economic development and social stability of construction and maintenance task and the construction of village organization. We follow the comprehensive evaluation standards committees is united, people are satisfied with this part of the village two committees , ca

9、n be divided into good and bad, three grades. The town 77 village, is a good the order of the two committees high proportion of 46, accounting for about 60%. This part of the village two committees, high prestige among the masses, the work is a clear division of labor, and to unity and cooperation,

10、mutual support. Especially the Secretary of the village Party branch and the head of the village committee trust each other and form a joint force. The category of general in the order of the village two committees of 21, accounting for about 27%. This part of the village two committees to work, not

11、 much conflict, also can do more practical things for the masses, but on the whole the masses satisfaction in general. Is the poor in the order of the village two committees of 10, accounting for about 13%. The tense relationship between two committees part of the village, serious resistance, confli

12、ct, coordination mechanism is not smooth. Individual village Party branch secretary and village committee director for power, the gain, the village team members of the overall awareness of the poor, partisan, against each other, tensions between cadres and the masses, the opinions of the masses. Sum

13、 up the general and poor the two village two committees coordination performance, specific:First, the village Party branch ultra vires to take over all the affairs of the village, the emergence of branch independence politics phenomenon. That is the core of rural Party branch organizations and all k

14、inds of work, so the leadership of the Party branch of rural work, understand the village things regardless of size, size of the Party branch says, and the work of the village committee acting on their behalf. Two, the village committee can not consciously accept the leadership of the Party branch,

15、the leading role of the leading role of the village Party branch is weakened, and the phenomenon of village committee holding politics appears. Some think he is the director of the village committee in accordance with the Village Committee Organization Law after the villagers elected, can represent

16、the majority of the wishes of the masses, the Party branch secretary of just a few Party members elected representatives, as their own face, think that the affairs of the village by the village committee director should have the final say. There the director of the village committee and the Secretar

17、y of the Party branch on the level, power. Three is the village two committees responsibility is not clear, the village committee appeared for politics phenomenon. Some village committee directors believe that the core role of the leadership of the Party branch of the village is embodied in the part

18、y building and the management of party affairs, in addition to the jurisdiction of the village committee. Individual director of the village committee after the election, when different party branch secretary to discuss responsibility; plus the village Party branch secretary and some due to their ow

19、n reasons will not know how to lead to the village, not dare to lead, not good at leadership, leading to the relationship between two committees misplaced. Four is the village Party branch and village lack of coordination, the village committee appear each acts in his own way, put politics and polit

20、ical push phenomenon. The work does not support each other and cooperate with each other, but wrangling with each other, defeating each other. Some of the village Party branch secretary working level and ability is limited, improper methods plus, some of the village committee director does not under

21、stand the working procedure, the principle of poor, strong sense of responsibility, without major problems with the village Party branch to discuss it,In two top leaders relationship getting more Xinjiang, the gradual intensification of contradictions, so as to reduce the two committees, the credibi

22、lity of cohesion and fighting capacity, good to appear dry, difficult to push away, the two sides kick the ball.Two, analysis of the reasons caused by inconsistent relationship between two committees of the villageThe cause of the non coordination relationship between two committees of the village i

23、s in many aspects:(a) the village two committees especially the Secretary and director of the uneven quality of the consciousness of small peasant narrow lead to the imbalance of the village two committees. First, there are deviations in cognition. The meaning and purpose of understanding individual

24、 village cadres of the implementation of villagers autonomy is not deep understanding, still remain in the who said the superficial level is on the understanding of the cooperation in the village Party branch and village is not deep, not through. Two is the way of work, the method is relatively simp

25、le. Some village cadres to do the work, to go straight, rarely pay attention to the work of art. For thousands of years, the remnants of the feudal ideology of the countryside have been entrenched among other people, and the narrow sense of smallholder farmers will cause contradictions between the t

26、wo sides. At the same time, they can not take the initiative to resolve conflicts, often in the old death, no exchanges way to avoid, put aside contradictions, and some even give up ideological communication and exchanges. Three is the individual village cadres overall situation consciousness and th

27、e unity consciousness is bad. The director of the village committee elections, in some places by the traditional concept and family (clan) influence, often do things in their own or in its own family (clan) interests, and eager to return the so-called elected supporters of the past, in some of the m

28、ajor issues involved in the majority of the interests of the villagers and not through the village committee leadership collective research make decision. Especially some new served as the director of the village committee, in principle, the sense of responsibility is relatively poor, the lack of aw

29、areness of the initiative to accept the leadership of the Party branch, which deepened the village two committees contradiction. Four, part of the village cadres on the negative impact of the market economy, poor ability to resist. It has a negative impact on the construction of rural grass-roots or

30、ganizations and the world outlook and values of individual village cadres. Money worship, hedonism and feudal superstition have been thrown up, and the party members and cadres who have no definite will have weakened the fighting capacity and cohesion of the party organizations at the grass-roots le

31、vel, and have affected the image and status of the party in the masses.(two) the education and management of the village cadres are not in place, resulting in inconsistent relationship between two committees of the village. First, the newly elected village cadres, especially the newly elected villag

32、e committee director, lack of necessary pre post training. As a whole, the level of cadres at the village level is low, their ability and quality are not high, the methods of dealing with problems are simple, and they lack the experience of democratic management. The two is the town (township) party in the relationship between two committees treatment guidance is not in place. Lack of foresight in peacetime, the management of village cadres is not strict, education is not in place, the lack of systematic education and management. Heavy to the village two committees and light

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