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1、高考翻译专项练习资料2015高考翻译专项练习1. 他想到的是对人民的贡献而不是他的荣誉。thinks about / of not butinstead of ones devotion to the peopleWhat he thinks about / of is not his honour but his devotion to the people. What he thought of / about was his devotion to the people instead of his honour.2. 这本书比他提及的那本书好得多。be much better than

2、This book is much better than the one he mentioned.3. 作为一名高三学生,我已经习惯于刻苦学习。be accustomed toAs a senior three student, I am accustomed to studying hard.4. 虽然自然界的许多规律尚未发现,但它们确实存在于自然界中。 laws of natureexist inThough many laws of nature have not been discovered, they actually exist in nature.5. 他住在一个小镇里,对

3、外面的世界了解甚少。know little about He lives in a small town and knows little about outside world.6. 今天上午校长提醒我们,如果天气不好,学校运动会将延期举行。remind sb. of sth. /remind sb. that clause put offThis morning the headmaster reminded us that the school sports meet would be put off if the weather was not fine.7. 这些广告旨在吸引消费者购

4、买商品。(appeal)aim at appeal toThese advertisements aim at appealing to consumers to buy their goods.8. 养成一种爱好对一个人的身心健康有好处。develop a hobbydo good to Developing a hobby will do good to ones physical and mental health.9. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。like everything else change with time Like everything else in the w

5、orld, language will change with time.10. 任何有良知的中国人都希望中国将尽快统一。with good conscience as soon as possible Any Chinese with good conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible.11. 一般来说“便宜没好货”,但这并非一定如此。generally speaking Generally speaking, cheap goods are usually not good / are usually

6、of poor quality / poor in quality but it is not necessarily so.12. 我把自己视为一名世界公民,并相信教育和能力比国籍更重要。view as I view myself as a global citizen and believe that education and ability are more important than ones nationality.13. 他碰巧以前做过这个练习。happen to doHe happened to have done this exercise (s) before.14. 我

7、很少见到像亨利这样考虑周到的人。Seldom do I seesuchasSeldom do I see such a thoughtful person as Henry.15. 你对正在读的这篇文章的话题熟悉吗?be familiar withbe familiar tothe topic of the articleAre you familiar with the topic of the article you are reading?16. 问题发现得越早,解决起来就越容易。The earlierthe easierfind the problem / solve the prob

8、lemThe earlier the problem is found / discovered, the easier it is to be solved.17. 学习就如逆水行舟,不进则退。be likesail against the currenteither orkeep going ahead / keep falling behindStudy is like sailing against the current: either you keep going ahead or you keep falling behind.18. 只要彼此都有这种愿望,短暂的交往也会发展成长

9、久的友谊。Only ifhave the wishshort-term contact / long-lasting friendshipdevelop intoOnly if both have the wish, short-term contact may develop into long-lasting friendship.19. 我走这条路去同济大学对吗?be on the right way toAm I on the right way to Tongji University?20. 没人把他的提议当回事。takeseriouslyNobody took his propo

10、sal seriously.21. 我希望戒烟的人越来越多,学抽烟的人越来越少。I hope that / hope to domore and more peoplefewer and fewer peoplegive up smokingI hope that more and more people will give up smoking and that fewer and fewer will start.22. 我看不出你让儿子与其他孩子一起玩有什么坏处。I cant /dont see anylet sb. doplay with sb.I cant see any harm

11、in letting your son play with other children.23. 她叫我不要走远,因为晚饭马上就要烧好了。to stay within callbe readyShe told me to stay within call, for supper was nearly ready.24. 承蒙你慷慨相助,我的感激之情难以言表。It is generous of sb. to doappreciate it very muchmore than I can sayIt was generous of you to help me, and I appreciate

12、 it more than I can say.25. 献血是每一个健康公民的责任。It is ones duty to dodonate to It is a healthy citizens duty to donate blood to the sick.26. 她康复的希望似乎很小, 然而医生们还在尽力而为。 There is (no) hope of There seems to be hope ofdo what one can do/ do all that one can dorecover from / recoveryThere seems little hope of h

13、er recovery. However, the doctors are still doing all they could.27. 任何一个考试中作弊的学生都将受到严惩。Whoever / Anyone whocheat in the exampunish sb.Whoever cheats in the exam will be punished severely.28. 人各有所见,因此你最好不要设法去说服别人。have ones opinionhad better do / not dopersuade sb. / try to persuade Each can have his

14、 own opinion, and therefore you had better not try to persuade others.29. 她英语说得这么好,以至于她的老师认为她是在英国或美国长大的。speak good English / speak English wellbring up sb. / raise / educate sb.She could speak such good English that her teacher thought she was brought up in Britain or the United States.30. 考虑到身体不好这样一个事实,工厂让他提前退休了。Considering the fact thatBe in poor healthRetire aheadConsidering the fact that he is in poor health, the factory let him retire ahead.31. 大多数学生都支持他所提出的建议。be in favour ofput forward a proposal / suggestionMost students are in favour of the proposal he put forward.32. 在伦敦停车一个小时要花费3.

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