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英语 倒装.docx

1、英语 倒装倒装语序inversion英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”,叫做陈述语序。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,叫做倒装语序。当谓语全部放在主语之前时,叫做全倒装complete inversion;当谓语的助动词或情态动词部分放在主语之前时,叫做部分倒装partial inversion.E.g. There stands a monument at the center of the square. Never before have I seen such a wonderful park.一、全部倒装1There be 结构是典型的全倒装句如 there are over 10

2、0 hundred elements in the world. There was no one waiting.2以here, there, then, thus, hence等引导的句子,习惯上用全倒装,其谓语动词通常是不带助动词或情态动词的不及物动词。如 here is a ticket for you. Now comes your turn. Thus ended the lecture.3 表示方向或地点的状语放在句首,而谓语动词又是表示运动的词或表示存在的动词时,主谓全倒装。但是,当主语是人称代词时,不用倒装语序。如 Down came the bird. - Down it

3、came. On a hill in front of them stood a great castle.表示方向或地点的词或词组有:up, down, away, here, in, out of, on 表示运动或存在的动词有:go, come, fall, rush, be stand 4 表语前置或者分词前置也会构成全倒装如 Happy indeed are the young people of today. Marching at the head of the procession were some veterans of the Second World War.5. 当介

4、词短语作状语位于句首时,句子构成的完全倒装out of sadness comes the awakening At the basis of this inaction is an old-fashioned conceptWith economic growth has come centralization of population二、部分倒装1否定词或具有(半)否定意义的词位于句首做状语时,要用部分倒装这样的词有:no, never, seldom, little, few, rarely, hardly, never before, nowhere, no longer, no m

5、ore, not often, not until, no longer, no more, not only, at no time, in no way, in / under no circumstances, in no case, on no account, hardly when, scarcely when, no sooner than, not only but also等如 Hardly did I think it possible. Under no circumstances will we be the first to use nuclear weapon. N

6、ot only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the young sender.注意:当否定词或具有否定意义的词在句中修饰或者充当主语成分时,不用倒装。 Little help can be expected from Peter.2当否定词或具有(半)否定意义的词位于句首做宾语时,要用部分倒装 Nothing would the poor child reply. No a single word did Tom speak.但是,当主语是人称代词时,不用倒装。 Not a word he said.3不含否定词的状语

7、放在句首一般不用倒装,但是如果句首有only修饰时,要用半倒装。 Only in Beijing have I seen such a beautiful park. Only then did I realize the importance of English.Note: when only at the beginning of the sentence does not function as the modifiers, the whole sentence should be in normal order.e.g. Only a capable manager can brin

8、g this enterprise back to life. 4”So thatsuchthat ”结构中“so / such +状语”放在句首表示强调时,要用部分倒装 So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him. Such was the force of the explosion To such an extent do the parents love their son that they have tried to satisfy every demand of his. 如果so

9、 + adj. 作表语放在句首,则要用全倒装 So strong and healthy is he that he is never found ill.Such is his confidence in his daughter that he believes she will be a great pianist one day.5“ as / so / neither / nor + inversion”表示”也如此” / ”也不” Tom cant speak French. Neither / nor can Jack. He is sick, as are other pass

10、engers.The idea of punishing a tiger that kills somebody is absurd; for exactly the same reason, so is the idea that tigers have rights.They have all got up, and so has Jack. 当So 表示对上一句的认同或强调,理解为的确,一定时, 尽管位于句首,也不构成倒装 On the dust jacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gould says “this book stands for

11、reason itself.” And so it does.比较:1) -John is very bright 2) they will have a good time - so he is so they will- so is Mary so will we在表示前后两句的肯定表达情况相同时,可用 as, so 句型,后一句用倒装语序Just as first impressions are memorable, so are last impressions. 6倒装表示虚拟语气。当虚拟句中有were, should, had 做助动词时,可用主谓到装表示虚拟语气,去掉if。 Sh

12、ould he come, tell him to ring me up. Were I in your position, I would go.7由as, though 引导的让步状语从句1)由as引导的让步状语从句,可将adj.、adv.前置到句首,但不是主谓倒装 Strong as he is, he cannot lift the big stone.Gently as her words were spoken, there was no mistaking that she was displeased.Impossible as it may seem, you have to

13、 fight for every dreamDisillusioned though she is with the future, the Time Traveler has set off again on a journey through time.Note: though 引导的让步从句还有一种倒装方式较为正式。当从句是主系表结构时,省略连词though 系动词变原型放在句首。No man loves his chains, be they made of gold.2) whether , 引导的状语从句中,当省略whether 时, 系动词用原型 be ,置于句首。Be they

14、 common people or high-ranking officials, they stand equal before the law.All science students, be they future physicists or chemists, should have a good foundation in basic science.3) 表示让步状语的习语构成的部分倒装Come what may =(whatever may happen) 不管发生什么, cost what may =(whatever it may cost) 不惜代价 go where yo

15、u will = (wherever you go) say what you will =whatever you saysay what you will, I cant trust youcome what may , we are not going to make any concession to his unreasonable demands.8当频度状语(often, many a time, now and then, etc.),方式状语(with good reason, well, sadly, etc.)或者程度状语(to such an extent, to su

16、ch a degree, to such length, to such a point, etc.)放在句首时,一般也会用倒装。(不经常用) Many a time has he given me good advice. Well do I remember the day when it happened.9. 比较状语从句的倒装通常在than或第二个 as 之后的部分往往构成部分倒装e.g. he traveled a great deal as did most of his friends.= as most of his friends did he is older than

17、are the other students in his class.= than the other students in his class are.People anticipated that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today. On the whole, ambitious students are more likely to succeed in their studies than are those with little a

18、mbition.1. _ will Bill be able to impress his boss.A. with hard work B. by hard work C. only with hard work D. through hard work2. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar _ write correctly.A. you will B. you can C. can you D. cant you3. Humble _ it may be, theres no place like home,

19、where he may go.A. although B. as C. how D. which4. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise.A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been5. The business of each day, _ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.A. it be

20、ing B. be it C. was it D. it was6. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, _ all practical value by the time they were finished. A. could lose B. would have lost C. might lose D. ought to have lost7. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, _ the atmosphere.A. as it is B.

21、the same as C. so is D. and so is8. _ do we go for picnic.A. certainly B. sometimes C. seldom D. once9. Vitamins do not provide energy, _ do they construct or build any part of the body.A. either B. so C. nor D. never10. _ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be s

22、o thriving as it is.A. had it not been B. were it not C. be it not D. should it not be11. Only when you have obtained sufficient data_ come to a sound conclusion.A. can you B. would you C. you will D. you can12. Wood does not conduct electricity; _.A. so doesnt rubber B. also doesnt rubber C. nor do

23、es rubber D. nor rubber does13. So involved with their computers _ that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.A. became the children B. become the children C. had the children become D. do the children become14. Church, as we use the word, refers to

24、all religious institutions, _ they Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, and so on.A. be B. being C. were D. are15. “_ during the performance of this trick, ladies and gentleman, do my hands actually leave my arms.” Said the magician.A. on time B. in no time C. at no time D. at times16. _, I still e

25、njoy driving even after my accident.A. it may seem strange though B. strange though it may seem C. though strange it may seem D. strange it may seem though17. In vain _ to discover what had happened before they got there.A. did they try B. they tried C. tried they D. they had tried18. So fast _ that

26、 it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.A. light travels B. travels light C. does light travel D. do light travel19. Not until _ himself seriously ill.A. did he complete the task he had found B. had he completed the task did he findC. he completed the task had he found D. he had completed the t

27、ask did he find20. Little _ his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.A. did we think B. we think C. we did think D. we thought小学二(2)班班规一、 安全方面1、 每天课间不能追逐打闹。2、 中午和下午放学要结伴回家。3、公路上走路要沿右边走,过马路要注意交通安全。4、不能在上学路上玩耍、逗留。二、学习方面1、每天到校后,不允许在走廊玩耍打闹,要进教室读书。2、每节课铃声一响,要快速坐好,安静地等老师来上课。3、课堂上不做小动作,不与同

28、桌说悄悄话, 认真思考,积极回答问题。4、养成学前预习、学后复习的好习惯。每天按时完成作业,保证字迹工整,卷面整洁。5、考试时做到认真审题,不交头接耳,不抄袭,独立完成答卷。三、升旗排队和两操方面1、升旗时,要快速出教室排好队,做到快、静、齐,安静整齐地排队走出课室门,班长负责监督。2、上午第二节后,快速坐好,按要求做好眼保健操。3、下午预备铃声一响,在座位上做眼保健操。四、卫生方面1、每组值日生早晨7:35到校做值日。2、要求各负其责,打扫要迅速彻底,打扫完毕劳动工具要摆放整齐。3、卫生监督员(剑锋,锶妍,炜薪)要按时到岗,除负责自己的值日工作外,还要做好记录。五、 一日常规1、每天学生到齐

29、后,班长要检查红领巾。2、劳动委员组织检查卫生。3、 每天负责领读的学生要督促学生学习。4、 上课前需唱一首歌,由文娱委员负责。5、做好两操。6、放学后,先做作业,然后帮助家长至少做一件家务事。7、如果有人违反班规,要到老师处说明原因。班训:坐如钟 站如松 快如风 静无声班规:课堂听讲坐如钟,精神集中认真听;排队升旗站如松,做操到位展雄风;做事迅速快如风,样样事情记得清;自习课上静无声,踏实学习不放松;个人努力进步快,团结向上集体荣;我为领巾添光彩,标兵集体记我功。加分标准序号考核项目加分值备注1单元考试满分+22单元考试85分以上+13课堂小测满分+14期中、期末考试满分+35在红领巾广播站


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