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1、教师资格证考试中学英语学科知识与教学能力试题及答案一、 单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)二、 1Those robots can walk like_三、 Ahuman四、 Bhumans五、 Chumen六、 Dhumens七、 2She with her friends_to visit their teacher every week八、 Ago九、 Bgoing一十、 Cgoes一十一、 Dwent一十二、 3I dont think the poor_always poorWorking hard_very important一十三、 Ais;is一十四、 Bar

2、e;are一十五、 Care;is一十六、 Dis;are一十七、 4Would you mind_the window?一十八、 AI closing一十九、 Bmy closing二十、 Cme closing二十一、 Dme close二十二、 5It has been_since we went out to play last time二十三、 Asome time二十四、 Bsometime二十五、 Csometimes二十六、 Dsome times二十七、 6MrGreen works in a_building二十八、 Athirty stories high二十九、 Bth

3、irty-stories high三十、 Cthirty-stories-high三十一、 Dthirty-story high三十二、 7Many children would_watch TV than do sports三十三、 Arather三十四、 B1ike三十五、 Cwant三十六、 Dlove三十七、 8ItS very nice_you_my parents your best wishes三十八、 Aof;sending三十九、 Bof;to send四十、 Cfor;to send四十一、 Dfor;sending四十二、 9If you want to go to th

4、e movie tonight,S_I四十三、 Ado四十四、 Bam四十五、 Cwill四十六、 Dshould四十七、 10The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchyThe_has very little power四十八、 Aqueen四十九、 Bmonarch五十、 Cprime minister五十一、 Dking五十二、 11Which of the following words contains a triphthong?五十三、 Alow五十四、 Btower五十五、 Cboy五十六、 Dyear五十七、 12m,nare_

5、五十八、 Africatives五十九、 Bdentals六十、 Cglides六十一、 Dnasals六十二、 13Textbook writing should comply with principles of interest,flexibility and openness,develop-ment and expansibility,science and_六十三、 Apracticality六十四、 Benergy-efficiency六十五、 Ceffectiveness六十六、 Dthought六十七、 14Which of the following statements

6、does not belong to teaching activities?六十八、 ASurvey and interview六十九、 BPlanning text structure七十、 CImpromptu speaking and discussion七十一、 DCooperative learnin9七十二、 15Total Physical Response Method belongs to the comprehension approach which especially em-phasis on the understanding of_Teachers give i

7、nstructions in foreign language;students need to use body movements to respond to the teachers七十三、 A1istening七十四、 Bspeaking七十五、 Creading七十六、 Dwriting七十七、 1 6_is generally considered that far from the linguistic context of target language whose language system is different from source languageS七十八、 A

8、Second Language Teaching七十九、 BForeign Language Teaching八十、 CCommon Language Teaching八十一、 DNative Language Teaching八十二、 17Hymes believes that English communicative skills contain grammatical competence,_,discourse competence and strategic competence八十三、 Asocial and cultural awareness八十四、 Bsocial beha

9、vior八十五、 Csocial awareness八十六、 Dsocial experience八十七、 18The implication of Language Input Theory gives to foreign language teaching is that language teaching should firstly pay attention to_八十八、 Aa certain amount of language input八十九、 B1anguage sign九十、 C1inguistic meaning九十一、 D1anguage use九十二、 19Eng

10、lish learning strategies do NOT include_九十三、 Acognitive strategy九十四、 Bcontrol strategy九十五、 Ccommunication strategy九十六、 Dtest-taking strategy九十七、 20Teachers should actively use a variety of teaching resources,_,and design teaching process which is suitable for the development of students九十八、 Ateach w

11、ith textbooks reasonably九十九、 Buse textbooks flexibly and creatively一百、 Cuse textbooks as required一百零一、 Duse textbooks step by step一百零二、 Passage One一百零三、 Years ago,I lived in a building in a large cityThe buildin9S next door was only a few feetaway from mineThere was a woman who lived there,whom I ha

12、d never met,yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon,sewing or readin9After several months had gone by,I beganto notice that her window was dirtyEverything was unclear through the dirty window1 would say tomyself:“l wonder why that wonlan doesnt wash her windowIt really looks terrible

13、”一百零四、 One bright morning I decided to clean my flatincluding washing the window on the insideLate in the afternoon when I finished the cleanin9I sat down by the window with a cup of cof-fee for a restWhat a surprise!Across the way,the woman sitting by her window was clearly visi-bleHer window was c

14、lean!一百零五、 Then it dawned on meI had been criticizing(批评)her dirty window,but all the time l waswatching hers through my own dirty window一百零六、 That was quite an important lesson for meHow often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart,through my own shortcomings?一百零

15、七、 Since then,whenever l wanted to judge(评判)someone,I asked myself first,“Am I lookingat him through my own dirty window”Then I try to clean the window of my Own world SO that I may see the world about me more clearly一百零八、 21The writer couldnt see everything clearly through the window because_一百零九、

16、Athe womans window was dirty一百一十、 Bthe writers window was dirty一百一十一、 Cthe woman lived nearby一百一十二、 Dthe writer was nearsighted一百一十三、 22The writer was surprised that_一百一十四、 Athe woman was sitting by her window一百一十五、 Bthe womans window was clean一百一十六、 Cthe woman did cleaning in the afternoon一百一十七、 Dt

17、he womans window was still terrible一百一十八、 23“It dawned on me”probably means“_”一百一十九、 AI began to understand it一百二十、 Bit cheered me up一百二十一、 CI knew it grew light一百二十二、 Dit began to get dark一百二十三、 clear that_一百二十四、 Athe writer had never met the woman before一百二十五、 writer often washed the window一百二十六、

18、Cthey both worked as cleaner一百二十七、 Dthey lived in a small town一百二十八、 25From the passage,we can learn_一百二十九、 shouldnt criticize others very often一百三十、 Bone should often make his windoWS cleaIl一百三十一、 Cone must judge himself before he judges others一百三十二、 Done must look at others through his dirty windo

19、w一百三十三、 请阅读Passage Two,完成第2630小题。一百三十四、 Passage Two一百三十五、 Greenspace facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environ it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this ideaAt present it is generally

20、 accepted,although more as self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proofThe recognition of the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way,this does not mean,however,that sufficient details are known about the functions of gree

21、nspace in towns and about the wav in whichthe inhabitants are using these spacesAs to this rather complex subject I shallwithin the scope ofthis lecture,enter into oBe aspect only namely the recreatire function of greermpace faeihties一百三十六、 The theoretical separation of living,working,traffic and re

22、creation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning,has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home,whereas there Was relatively little attention for improvement of rec-reative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the homeWe

23、have come to the conclusion that this is not right,because an important part of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working,is used for activities at and arOund homeSo it is。bvi。us that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the houseThe urban environment has to offer

24、 as many reereation activities as possible,and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also haye a recreative aspect一百三十七、 The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the dis-trict,if the children cannot be allowed to pl

25、ay in the streets,because the risks of traffic are too greatif during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather,in short,if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed after you一百三十八、 26According to the authorthe importance of gr

26、eenspaces in the urban environment_一百三十九、 Ais still unknown一百四十、 Bis usually neglected一百四十一、 Cis being closely studied一百四十二、 Dhas been fully recognized一百四十三、 27The theoretical separation of livin9,workin9,traffic and recreation has led to_一百四十四、 Athe disproportion of recreation facilities in the nei

27、ghborhood一百四十五、 Bthe location of recreation facilities far from home一百四十六、 Crelatively little attention for recreative possibilities一百四十七、 Dthe improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighborTaood一百四十八、 28The author suggests that the recreative possibilities of greenspace should be provided_

28、一百四十九、 Ain special areas一百五十、 Bin the suburbs一百五十一、 Cin the neighborhood of the house一百五十二、 Din gardens and parks一百五十三、 29According to the authorgreenspace facilities should be designed in such a way that_一百五十四、 Amore obligatory activities might take on a recreation aspect一百五十五、 Bmore and more peopl

29、e might have access to them一百五十六、 Can increasing number of recreative activities might be developed一百五十七、 Drecreative activities might be brought into our homes一百五十八、 30The main idea of the passage is that_一百五十九、 Abetter use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our

30、 life一百六十、 Battention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities一百六十一、 Cthe urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years ago一百六十二、 Dpriority must be given to the development of obligatory activities一百六十三、 二、简答题(本大题1小题,20分)一百六十四、 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。一百六十五、 31在中学英语听力教学中教师如何提高学生的听力理解能力?一百六十六、 三、教学情境分析题(本大题1小题,30分)一百六十七、 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。一百六十八、 32教学片段:一百六十九、 (1)教师让学生轻松、愉快地通过多媒体学习

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