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九年级英语一轮复习Units 712人教新目标版.docx

1、九年级英语一轮复习Units 712人教新目标版初三英语一轮复习Units 7-12人教新目标版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: 一轮复习 七年级下Units 7-12二. 教学过程:考点聚焦I. 词组归纳1. 看起来像_2. 卷/直/长/短发_3. 中等高度/身材_4 . 一点儿_5. 呈现新面貌_6. 去购物_7. 篮球队队长_8. 停下来去做某事_9. 停止正在做的事情_10. 讲笑话/讲故事_11. 想要做某事_12. 什么种类的面条_13. 什么(大小)碗型的面条_14. 大/中/小碗的面条_15. 呆在家里_16. 练习说英语_17. 为考试而学习_18. 举行晚会 _19. 访谈

2、节目 _20. 是该做的时候了_21. 寻找_22. 拜访朋友 _23. 参加夏令营_24. 整天_25. 某事做得很开心_26. 决定做某事_27. 一个十三岁的男孩_28. 实际上_29. 想起,考虑到_30. 在课堂上_31. 在上学期间的晚上_32. 校规_33. 禁止交谈_34. 听音乐_35. 不得不_36. 上学迟到_37. 十点之前_38. 帮某人做某事_II. 句型归纳1. _ do you _ _?Im short and thin.2. _ _ she _ like?Shes tall with curly hair.3. _ _ your weekend? It was

3、 great.4. _ _ you _ over the weekend?We went to the movies.5. _ _ she _ over the weekend?She played the piano.6. _ _ he _ on vacation?He stayed at home.7. _ _ they _ on vacation?They went to the mountains.8. _ she _ to Central Park?No, she didnt.9. _ do you _ _ soap operas?I dont mind them.10. _ doe

4、s he _ sports shows?He loves them!11. _ we eat in class? No, we cant.12. _ are the _ at your school?Dont arrive late for class and dont eat in class.13. _ you _ to wear a uniform at school?No, we dont.14. _ else _ he _ to do? He has to do his homework.答案:I. 词组归纳1. look like2. curly /straight/long/sh

5、ort hair3. medium height/build4. a little bit5. have a new look6. go shopping7. the captain of the basketball team8. stop to do sth.9. stop doing sth.10. tell jokes / stories11. want to do sth.12. what kind of noodles13. what size bowl of noodles14. a large/medium/small bowl of noodles15. stay at ho

6、me16. practice English17. study for the test18. have a party19. talk show20. Its time to do sth.21. look for22. visit a friend23. go to summer camp24. all day25. have fun doing sth.26. decide to do sth.27. a 13-year-old boy28. in fact29. think of30. in class 31. on school nights 32. school rules33.

7、No talking.34. listen to music35. have to36. be late for school 37. by 10 oclock38. help sb with sth./ help sb (to) do sth.II. 句型归纳1. What, look like2. What does, look3. How was4. What did, do5. What did, do6. What did, do7. What did, do8. Did, go9. What, think of10. How, like11. Can12. What, rules1

8、3. Do, have14. What, does, haveIII. 考点归纳1. What does he look like? 他长什么样? What is he like?look like = be like 像使用时注意动词的变化,例如:She looks like her mother.= She is like her mother.She doesnt look like her mother.= She isnt like her mother.Does she look like her mother?= Is she like her mother?高分突破:like

9、和be like 的区别:Tom is like his father. Tom长得像他的爸爸。Tom likes his father. Tom喜欢他的爸爸。2. Wang Lin is very popular. 王林很受欢迎。be popular with sb. 受某人的欢迎3. She never stops talking. 她从没停止过讲话。1) stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事Its time for class, we stop talking. 该上课了,我们停止了讲话。2) stop to do sth. 停下来做另一件事Im too tired, let

10、me stop to have a rest.我累极了,让我停下来休息一会。3) stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事Nobody can stop him doing that.没有人能阻止他做那件事。4. Do you remember Johny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses?你还记得那个戴滑稽眼镜的流行歌手Johny Dean吗?1) remember/forget sth./sb. 记得/忘记2) remember/forget doing sth. 记得/忘记已经做过的事I remember clos

11、ing the windows just now.我记得刚才关了窗户的。3) remember/forget to do sth. 记得/忘记还没做过的事I remember to close the windows when I leave.我记得在离开的时候要关窗。高分突破:remember = dont forget = be sure注意同义句的转换:Remember to take this book to your school!= Dont forget to take this book to your school!= Be sure to take this book to

12、 your school!5. He sat down and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat.他坐下来看着汪汪和一只友好的黑猫一起玩。watch/ see/ look at/ hear/ listen to sb. doing sth. 看见/听见某人正在做某事watch/ see/ look at/ hear/ listen to sb. do sth. 看见/听见某人做了某事I heard the boy _ English at 8:00 yesterday morning. (practice)I often hear

13、 the boy _ English in the morning. (practice)答案:practicing practice6. Then it was time to go home. 接着是回家的时间了。 = Then it was time for home.1) Its time (for sb.) to do sth.= Its time (for sb.) for doing sth.= Its time for (ones) sth.例如:Its time for me to have breakfast.= Its time for my breakfast.2) I

14、 have no time to have breakfast.= I have no time for having breakfast.= I have no time for breakfast.= There is no time for me to have breakfast.= There is no time for my breakfast.(I have no time= I dont have any time)(There is no time = There isnt any time)7. He has no dog and no family. 他没有狗也没有亲人

15、。 He doesnt have dogs or A, B or C = no A, no B and no C 没有A, B和C例如:Now I have no arms, no hands, no legs and no feet. = Now I have no arms, hands, legs or feet.8. We had great fun playing in the water. 我们在水里玩得很高兴。have (great/much) fun (in) doing sth.某事做得很开心 do sth. happily类似的短语:be busy

16、(in) doing sth. 忙于做某事spend time/money (in) doing sth. 花时间/钱做某事9. The shops were too crowded.商店太挤了。1) too adv. 也 Tom is from America. Lucy is from America, too.2) too adv. 太 The box is too heavy.高分突破:too和very的区别:too“太”表示超过承受范围very“太”没有超过承受范围tooto 太以致于不能= so that not= not enough to Little Tom is too y

17、oung to go to school.= Little Tom is so young that he cant go to school.= Little Tom isnt old enough to go to school.10. I found a small boy crying in the corner.我发现有个小男孩正在角落里哭。find sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事find sb. + adj./n. 发现某人find sb. to be 发现某人find (that) + 从句 发现I found Tony to be a serious man.=

18、 I found Tony serious.= I found Tony was a serious man.11. What do you think of soap operas?你认为肥皂剧怎样?句型“What does sb. think of?”意为“某人认为怎么样?”可以与句型“How does sb. like?”互换,用来询问某人对某物或某人的观点或看法。回答时可根据实际情况进行选择。其肯定答语有:I like it./ They love it. / Its beautiful. / Theyre cool. 否定答语有:I dont like it. / He cant s

19、tand it. / Its too awful. / Theyre boring. 委婉回答有:I dont mind it. 12. Dont eat in class! 上课不许吃东西!in class 在课堂上 in the class 在班上in hospital 在住院 in the hospital 在医院at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌旁13. I have too many rules in my house. 在我家有太多的家规。1) too much + n.(U) 太多too many + n.(C) 太多2) too much “太多” 副词词

20、组Watching TV too much isnt good for your health.3) much too “太” 后接形容词或副词Its much too boring.14. I have to be in bed by ten oclock. 我不得不10点前睡觉。have to和must的区别:have to:“不得不,必须”,主要强调的是外界的客观因素,如环境、习惯、急事等而要求某人“不得不,必须”。它可用于多种时态(一般不用于进行时态),且有人称和数的变化。must:“必须”,表示说话人主观认为“应该、必须”,它无人称、数和时态的变化。例如:I must go ther

21、e.我必须去那儿。(我主观认为必须要去)I have to go there.我不得不去那儿。(因有急事所以我要去)Its raining hard. We have to stop.We must get there before dark.15. Later I have to go to the childrens palace to learn the piano.接着我得去少年宫学钢琴。later “以后” 可单独使用也可和时间连用one year laterfive days later反义词:ago “以前”one year agofive days ago16. 祈使句通常用来

22、表示命令、请求、禁止、建议、警告等语气。它的主语you(听话人)通常省略。其构成通常有以下几种形式。1)Be型(即系动词原形be+表语其他)。如:Be quiet, please.否定句Dont + be+表语+其他。如:Dont be angry.2)Do型(即系动词原形宾语其他)。如:Open your books, please.否定句Dont +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。如:Dont eat in the classroom.3)Let型(即Let+宾语+动词原形+其他)如:Let me help you.Lets go at six oclock.否定句一般在宾语后加not。如:Le

23、ts not watch TV.4)No+ v-ing型(此种形式通常用于公共场合的提示语中,意为“禁止做某事”)如:No smoking!严禁吸烟!No talking! 不许交谈!No passing!禁止通行!No parking!不许停车!5)Dont +动词原形Dont play in the street. 【模拟试题】(答题时间:70分钟)I. 单项选择1. _? Im tall and medium build.A. What do you do B. How old are you C. What do you look like D. What are you doing2

24、. Do you remember the popular singer _ long straight hair?A. has B. is C. looks like D. with3.Did they _ her grandma last Sunday? A. visit B. visited C. visits D. visiting4.What _ she like?-She is a little bit smart.A. does B. is C. did D. does look 5._ _ May Day vacation_?-Not bad.A. Whats; going B

25、. Hows; going C. What; going D. How; going6.I found a boy _ _in the corner. A. crying B. cry C. to cry D. cries7.How _ the people in the museum? They _ _ friendlyA. was; was B. were; were C. was; is D. were; are8. We decided_ _ at home on the raining day.A. stay B. stayed C. staying D. to stay 9.Som

26、e boys are taking _now.A. photo B. photoes C. photos D. much photos10.My sister went to the post office and _ _ a letter _ yesterday afternoon.A . posted; / B. posts; in C. posted; on D posted; at11.I like _ cold weather. Because we can _.A.a; go swimming B. /; go swimming C. a; skating D. /; go ska

27、ting.12.My teacher often _ interesting stories to the students.A. say B. speak C. talks D. tells 13._ run in the hallways.A. Cant B. Dont C. Arent D. Doesnt14. I have _ homework to do today.A. too many B. too much C. much D. very much15. Its raining all day, so we _ stay at home.A. can B. must C. may D. have to 16. My mother lets me_ my bed every day.A. to make B. make C. makin

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