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1、运营管理期末复习上范文【第一张 operations strategy and managing chance】1.What is Operations Management?Operations management(OM) is defined as the design, operating, and improvement of the Systems that create and deliver the firms primary products.PlanningOrganizingStaffing(配置)DirectingControling 2.What is Transfo

2、rmation Process?Transformation Process: A collection of tasks and buffer, connected by flows of material and information, that transforms various inputs into outputs. 在物流和信息流的共同作用下,将(各种要素)投入变成(产品、服务)产出的一系列任务和缓冲的集合。3.Manufacturing or Service Operations?商品生产 交付服务Output(产出)Uniformity of output(产出一致性)Un

3、iformity of input(投入一致性)Labor content(劳动内容)Measurement of productivity(生产率测定)Customer contact(客户联系)Opportunity to correct quality problems before delivery( 更正前交付质量问题的机会)Evaluation(评估)Patentable(专利的可取得性)4. What does Operations Manger Do?Making Supply Meet Demand系统systemA set of interrelated parts tha

4、t must work together.一系列相互关联的必须一起工作(共同运作)的部分的集合。 4.System Design System capacity(系统容量)Location of facilities(设施定位)Arrangement of departments(部门安排)Product and services planning (生产服务计划)Acquisition and placement of equipment(设备的采集和放置)5. System OperationsManagement of personnel 工作人员的管理 Inventory planni

5、ng and control 存货的计划和控制Scheduling 计划Project management 项目管理Quality assurance 质量保障【第二章 战略与运营战略Operations Strategy and Competitiveness】1.What is Strategy ?In military, strategy is about the victory in the war, Attack and defendingStrategy is about positioning, finding right position in the market, the

6、n targeting them (M Porter: HBS, 1996)战略是关于定位,找到在市场上的正确位置,然后以之为目标并实现。Business Strategy= competitive strategy企业发展战略定义为包括企业战略(Corporate strategy)、商业战略(Business strategy)及各职能战略(Functional strategies)的战略体系Types of Business Strategies即低成本、市场分割、产品差异化战略。2.What is Competitive Strategy?Competitiveness:The at

7、tractiveness of the product it supplies in the marketplace relative to its competition.竞争力是指公司与其竞争对手在供应市场上的商品或服务的吸引力。Core competency:Business Strategy= competitive strategy:How a strategic business unit (SBU) addresses the specific markets it serves and products it provides. 战略业务单元如何为其服务市场或产品市场安排定位。

8、3.What is Operations Strategy?A setting broad policies and plans for using the resources of firm to best support its long term competitive One of functional strategies 4.Competitiveness Dimensions竞争维度:Product Attributes:(1) Price (Cost) P(2) Quality QProduct features, performance, reliab

9、ility(3) Rapid Delivery D, reliable delivery(4) Variety VDegree of customization(5)(6)Process Attributes:Measuring the ability of processes to produce and deliver corresponding product attributes:(1)Cost: 成本the total cost incurred in producing and delivering outputs.(2)Flow Time:生产时间 the total time

10、needed to transform a flow unit from input into output.(3)Consistency:生产和提供高质量的产品的能力the ability to produce and deliver quality products.(4)Flexibility: 生产和提供所需的产品种类的能力the ability to produce and deliver desired product variety.5.Dealing with Trade-offs and PrioritiesOrder qualifiers are the basic cri

11、teria that permit the firms products to be considered as candidates for purchase by customersOrder winners are the criteria that differentiate the products and services of one firm from another 【第四章 产品设计Product Design】1.product:The goods or service the organization provides society组织向社会提供的商品或服务Produ

12、ct design:它将人的某种目的或需要转换为一个具体的物理或工具的过程Product development process:非为六个步骤:即planning,concept development,system-level development,detail design,test and refinement. Production ramp-up .2.Product life cycle:所谓产品生命周期,是指产品从进入市场开始,直到最终退出市场为止所经历的市场生命循环过程.分为介绍期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期。Introduction:Fine tuningResearchPro

13、duct developmentProcess modification and enhancementSupplier developmentGrowth :Product design begins to stabilizeEffective forecasting of capacity becomes necessaryAdding or enhancing capacity may be necessaryMaturity:Competitors now establishedHigh volume, innovative production may be neededImprov

14、ed cost control, reduction in options, paring down of product lineDecline:Unless product makes a special contribution to the organization, must plan to terminate offering3.Typical Phases of Product DevelopmentPlanning(j计划)Concept Development(概念设计)System-Level Design(系统设计)Design Detail(详细设计)Testing a

15、nd Refinement(测试和完善)Production Ramp-up(生产提高)4.ideal product:(1)Quality Function Deployment:质量功能展开The process for translating customer requirements into a products design.1)Interfunctional teams from marketing, design engineering, and manufacturing2)Voice of the customer3)House of QualityUse of QFD t

16、eams1)Identify important customer attributes.2)Design superior product.3)Shorten product design time.4)Facilitate interfunctional cooperation.(2)House of Quality:Deploying resources through the organization in response to customer requirements5.Designing for the Customer: 6.Value Analysis/Value Engi

17、neering (VA/VE)Achieve equivalent or better performance at a lower cost while maintaining all functional requirements defined by the customer.7.Design for ManufacturabilityWe design it, you build it” or “Over the wall”Design for Manufacturing and Assembly:Greatest improvements related to DFMA arise

18、from simplification of the product by reducing the number of separate parts8.Concurrent EngineeringConcurrent engineering can be defined as the simultaneous development of project design functions, with open and interactive communication existing among all team members for the purposes of reducing t

19、ime to market, decreasing cost, and improving quality and reliability.为了减少上市时间,降低成本,提高质量和可靠性,在项目设计的同时,在所有团队成员中进行开放和互动式交流。Lets work together simultaneously,也就是共同工作。9.Measuring Product Development Performance产品开发绩效测量评价指标:市场时间、生产率、质量。【第五章 Process Analysis】1.What is a Process?A Process is a transformati

20、on of input into output.将投入转化成产出Process: A collection of tasks, connected by flows of material and information, that transforms various inputs into outputs. 2. Tools to Describe Processes?Flow Diagrams - Shows the movement of materials流程图生产物流路线1)A graphic tool to present the major elements of a proc

21、ess 2)The basic elements can include tasks or operations, flows of the flow units, and storage areas or queues3)It is an ideal methodology by which to begin analyzing a process Time-Function Mapping - Shows flows and time frame时间函数图展现流程和时间结构Value Stream Mapping - Shows flows and time and value added

22、 beyond the immediate organization价值流程图-显示流程、 时间和立即组织之外的附加值 Process Charts - Uses symbols to show key activities用标志去表示关键活动1)RECTANGLES Representing activities, Tasks/Operations矩形表示活动、任务或者操作2)Arrows Representing Flow of Material/Information箭头代表材料或者信息流3)TRIANGLES Representing buffers/inventories三角形代表缓

23、冲或者存储Service Blueprinting - focuses on customer/provider interaction服务蓝图3Activity/Buffer Network?Activity: Smallest process of interestConversion :(转变) Changing the physical or chemical properties of the inputse.g., oil refining, baking, serving customers, education, (炼油、烘焙、服务客户、教育,)Fabrication: (加工

24、)Shaping, machining, or constructing the inputse.g., Machine tools, woodwork, textiles(成型、加工或构建输入如机床、木制品、纺织)Assembly:(安装)Creating subassemblies or final assemblies from (usually discrete) input componentse.g., Automobiles, computers(创建组件或最终组件(通常是离散)输入组件如。、汽车、电脑)Inspection / Testing / Validation:(检查测

25、试验证) Non-value-adding operation from the standpoint of the products capabilities or value to customersBuffers: Storage (inventory) between activitiesThe storage of flow units between consecutive activities.Resource: Tangible assets that are “utilized”(利用的有形资产). Allocating resources to activities for

26、 integrating every part of the process is KEY整合每一过程的关键是给各项活动合理分配资源4 Classification of ProcessesBy The Number of stage: Single-stage Process单级流程 Multi-stage Process多级流程By With or Without Buffer:Multi-stage Process with BufferBy Process Architecture:Project is a series of related jobs usually directed

27、 toward some major output and requiring a significant period of time to perform.项目是一系列通常针对一些主要产出的相关工作,需要很长一段时间来执行。1)Unique product, very low volume产品唯一、产量小2)Very flexible (general purpose) resources资源灵活3)Product is stable, M/Cs and tools are mobile产品稳定Job Shop Flow加工车间流1)High product variety, very l

28、ow volume产品繁多产量低2)Flexible (general purpose) resources资源灵活 3)Functional layout 功能布局4)Jumbled flows, often unique to each product混流,通常每个产品所特有的Batch Flow批量生产Small batches (though bigger than job shop)小批量Stable line of products产品生产线稳定 More standardized process flows which most or all products follow wi

29、th minor deviations更标准化的流程流,大多数甚至所有产品遵循小偏差 Line Flow线路流程1)Disconnected Line Flows:Discrete parts moving from workstation to workstation for processing or assembly产品部件从一个工作站到另一个工作站进行加工或组装。Rigid process flows严格的流程Workstations are not physically connected非物理连接 Workers move product 工人移动产品Worker-paced fl

30、ow 工人节奏流2)Connected Line Flows:The “classic” assembly lineLarger scaleMachine-paced flowContinuous Flow:Extremely rigid process flow极其严格Massive scale (capital intensive)规模极大 Highly automated高度自动化Product flows in continuous (rather than discrete) quantities产品生产连续5.The productprocess matrixSix Compara

31、tive Dimensions:(0)Product: Variety and quantity种类和数量 (1)Flow流程 (2)Materials 材料(3)Information信息(4)Resource: Labor and Capital资源:劳动力和资金(5)Management 管理Product: From custom to commodity (从定制到商品化)Flow: From free-form to rigid(从自由到严格的生产流)。6.Other Types of Processes:Make-to-order 订单生产Only activated in response to an actual order 对实际需求积极响应Both work-in-process and finished goods inventory kept to a minimum 使得在产品和成品的库存量保持在最低。Make-to-stock 库存生产Process activated to meet expected or forecast demand根据预测需求进行生产Customer orders are ser

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