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1、2课教案教学文档德阳外国语学校小学部外语组“体验课堂”教学设计 设计者designer: 四年级组 课题Topic2. Sounds around us单元目标教学目标TeachingAims知识目标(Knowledge):Aims on the knowledge(1) Use noun phrases to refer to sounds(2) Use the modal “can” to show awareness.(3) Use the preposition to indicate place. (4) Use the simple present tense to express

2、 interests(5) Use adjectives to describe sounds能力目标(Ability ):Aims on the abilities(1) Use simple phrases and sentences to communicate with others with the help of cues.(2) Train the Ss abilities of working in groups.(3) Foster Ss abilities of communication.情感目标(Feeling):Aims on the emotion(1)Foster

3、 Ss good co-operation and proper competition.(2)Develop creative attitudes and attributes: Imagination(3)Develop Ss interest in English.教学重、难点Key& ImportantitemsKey-points of this lesson(1) describing sounds.(2) expressing “I can here”(3) Ask and answer the questions according to the text.(4) Enable

4、 Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.Difficult points(1)adjectives describing tastes(2)asking about and expressing likes and dislikes(3)Train the Ss abilities of working in groups.(4)Develop creative attitudes and attributes: Imagination教具准备Materials for TeachingPPT课件Word cardsCDThe 1stp

5、eriod第一课时教学内容Teaching contentWords : some common sounds.Test: P34教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1.Understand the meaning of each word and pay attention to the pronunciations.2. Ask and answer the question according to the words.3. Enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.教学步骤Teaching Steps教学

6、设计Teaching design设计意图purpose教学批注reflectionStep 1 Free talk & duty report.口语练习经典诵读西文经典诵读1.听CD跟读。2.小老师教读。3.齐读让值日生做好准备,积极主动的诵读和练习西文经典。训练学生的口语表达能力,培养学生自主学习能力、合作学习的能力。Step 2 Greeting and warm-up热身导入创设情境1. show a bell and tell the class this is a bell.2. Ring the bell and say Its ringing. Ask what can you

7、 hear? Prompt pupils to give the correct answer3. Repeat with other objects found in the classroom which can make sounds?4. Discuss with pupils what sound they like the most and what sound they dislike the most. Let them express themselves freely5.Explain to the class the different between sounds an

8、d noise. The former is something you hear while the latter refers to a loud or unpleasant sound .从谈论孩子们每天上下课铃声话题入手,让学生讨论,练习口语表达,自然引出课题。Step 3 Presentation呈现问题启发诱导1. Look at page34 with pupils. Ask pupils to describe the picture, What animals can you see? Where are the animals? What are the animals d

9、oing?2. Find out the new words and think about their meaning.让学生带着好奇心和极强的求知欲望去自主体验,自学拼读单词,并根据课文猜猜生单词意思。Step4 Students learning by themselves自主体验设疑质疑The students learning by themselves. Spell the words and try to make sentences with the words.1. R ead each paragraph and point to the corresponding det

10、ails in the picture while reading in groups. 2. 2. Invite pupils to repeat after you. Explain the meanings of the new words.3.fe3. Draw pupils attention to the sound mentioned on page 34. Point to the stream and ask what sound can the animals hear? Prompt pupils to give the correct answer.学生根据教师的自学要

11、求进行自学拼读,老师巡视指导,下座位巡视帮助纠正学生的发音。小组阅读讨论,巩固单词,理解文章大意,并在老师的引导下去关注文中动物们听到的声音Step 5 Pair work & group work合作探究解惑释疑The1.Play some sounds downloaded from the internet. Tell Ss what sounds they are2. write on the BD a list of the sounds you have just played and go through each item with Ss3. divide the class

12、into groups and have a competition. Play a sound at random. Ask what can you hear? And have group representatives put up their hands to make guesses2.通过播放网咯上各种声音。小组合作找声音使学生对各种声音的英文表达更熟悉Step 6 Practice show & report展示交流评价反馈Each team come one student come to play the game with me. Then lets check who

13、is the winner 分小组全班轮流展示,分享成果。板书设计Blackboard designSounds around usNew words 此处为各小组比分教学反思What have you got after teaching?The 2ndperiod第2课时教学内容Teaching contentSome common soundsP44教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1.Understand the meaning of each sentence and pay attention to the pronunciations.2. Ask and ans

14、wer the question about each paragraph.3. Enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.4. Practice reading this part by themselves.教学步骤Teaching Steps教学设计Teaching design设计意图purpose教学批注reflectionStep 1 Free talk & duty report.口语练习经典诵读西文经典诵读1.听CD跟读。2.小老师教读。3.齐读让值日生做好准备,积极主动的诵读和练习西文经典。训练学生的口语表达

15、能力,培养学生自主学习能力、合作学习的能力。Step 2 Greeting and warm-up热身导入创设情境1.ask Ss to close their eyes and listen to the sounds you make. ”can you hear?” prompt Ss to say ”I can hear”2.recap the storyline of the first part of the story onP34 ask what can the animals hear in the country park?3.Invite Ss to guess what

16、 sounds the animals can hear in the second part of the story以闭眼听音导入贯穿第一课时所学内容为铺垫Step 3 Presentation呈现问题启发诱导1.Look at P35 with Ss. Ask related questions.2.Play the recording to familiarise Ss with the first part on P353.Draw Ss attention to the key words for the answers to your questions引导学生进行课文的学习,

17、提出疑问,呈现问题诱发学生主动思考。Step4 Students learning by themselves自主体验设疑质疑1.Read the first part on P35 silently and find out the answers2.Invite several Ss to imitate these sounds to make sure they know what the sounds are带着疑问去读课文,通过解决问题去了解课文Step 5 Pair work & group work合作探究解惑释疑1.Divide the class into groups o

18、f eleven. Tell each group to choose a pupil to be the narrator and the other Ss choose their own roles2.Tell the narrator to read the narrators lines and the three main animal characters to read their corresponding lines小组熟读故事,讨论故事,准备表演故事Step 6 Practice show & report展示交流任务驱动评价反馈Invite each group to

19、act out the story in front of the class学生在理解课文内容的情况下, 分小组熟读课文, 最后将所学小故事表演出来。板书设计Blackboard design教学反思What have you got after teaching?The 3rdperiod第3课时教学内容Teaching contentTo join two sentencesSome common soundsP36教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1. Enable Ss to study to practice ask and answer questions wit

20、h the key words and phrases.2. Enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.教学步骤Teaching Steps教学设计Teaching design设计意图purpose教学批注reflectionStep 1 Free talk & duty report.口语练习经典诵读西文经典诵读1.小老师教读。2.齐读让值日生做好准备,积极主动的诵读和练习西文经典。训练学生的口语表达能力,培养学生自主学习能力、合作学习的能力。Step 2 Greeting and warm-up热身导入创设情境1.Rev

21、iew the story of sounds around us with Ss by asking related questions2.Invite several Ss to retell the whole story briefly3.Encourage Ss to add in details to the story by including other sounds found in the country side通过复述上节课所学故事。引导学生在熟悉情境中发挥想象出在乡村里的其他声音Step 3 Presentation呈现问题启发诱导Can you find out a

22、ny repositions of place and direction in this text?What are their Chinese meanings?Can you use them to make sentences?让学生根据已有的知识储备来找出课文中的方位介词, 并试着揣摩其含义。Step4 Students learning by themselves自主体验设疑质疑Leading the students find out the following phrase:It is between/beside(We are) walking along/acrossGo

23、straight on教师在教室巡视指导学生通过自学划出本节课要学的知识要点方位介词。Step 5 Pair work & group work合作探究解惑释疑Find treasure boxes and to have a competition. Continue last part, our bus stopped at Disney, and then I will give each group a same map. Tell them, there are some treasure boxes under some block. They should guess and d

24、iscuss in groups. 让学生小组合作讨论藏宝图, 并在小组内互相帮助试着用这些方位短语描述宝藏所藏得地方。在必要的时候,老师进行指导,最后对比较集中的问题进行集体讲解。Step 6 Practice show & report展示交流评价反馈Students work in groups and practice more sentences with these words and phrase. And then come to tell me the exactly way to find the treasure box. If there is, we find out

25、. I will give the S the thing which in the treasure box, at the same time he or she can win some points for his or her groups讨论完毕后,学生用英语说出具体的方位一起寻宝,看哪个小组寻得的宝藏最多板书设计Blackboard designLesson 2 Visiting Hong Kong 此处为各小组比分教学反思What have you got after teaching?The 4thperiod第4课时教学内容Teaching contentListening

26、 practiceIntensive readingComprehension practice教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1.Listening drill.2. Repetitions and retell the story.3. Enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.教学步骤Teaching Steps教学设计Teaching design设计意图purpose教学批注reflectionStep 1 Free talk & duty report.口语练习经典诵读西文经典诵读1.小老师教读。

27、2.齐读让值日生做好准备,积极主动的诵读和练习西文经典。训练学生的口语表达能力,培养学生自主学习能力、合作学习的能力。Step 2 Greeting and warm-up热身导入创设情境Ask the students to look at the pictures and try to understand the situation and then interpret the pictures.让学生看图理解文本,并抽优秀的学生解读图片。Step 3 Presentation呈现问题启发诱导Do some listening practice and then ask some que

28、stions.T: Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Are the children coming out of the park or going into it?做一些听力练习后,提出一个问题让学生思考,并让学生带着这个问题熟读课文。Step4 Students learning by themselves自主体验设疑质疑Play the tape again and again or ask the students to read the dialogue as much as possible.

29、After reading, ask the question:Are the park near the school or not?让学生带着问题边听边思考或者边读边思考。Step 5 Pair work & group work合作探究解惑释疑Ask the students to work in groups to talk about these questions:1.where is Cindy and her mother?2.Do they like the food in Hong Kong?3.Where is the Chinese restaurant?4.What

30、does Cindy want to buy?5.Where is he gift shop?让学生合作讨论这些问题,并根据这些问题提供的关键信息练习复述课文。Step 6 Practice show & report展示交流评价反馈Students working in groups to practice retelling the text. And then show in the front of the classroom by turns.让学生分小组根据刚才所讨论的个问题的提示信息进行复述课文的展示交流。板书设计Blackboard designLesson2 Visiting Hong Kong 此处为各小组比分教学反思What have you got after teaching?The 5thperiod第5课时教学内容Teaching contentThe exercises in the exercise book.教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1. Enable Ss to finish th

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