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1、船舶英语口语船舶英语口语CONTENTSPart One Ship Common PatternsLesson 1 Oral Shipbuilding English Lesson 2 Ship Fitter English Lesson 3 Piper English Part Two Business Telex and Lettet Lesson4 A Telex About Shipprepairing Lesson 5 Bid To Success Part Three EstimateLesson 6 Discussing Estimates Part Four Reconnais

2、sance of WorkLesson 7 Docking Arrangement Lesson 8 Reconnaissance Of Work Lesson 9 Reconnaissance of Work Lesson 10 Reconnaissance of Work Part five After IndockLesson 11 Contact After Indock Lesson 12 Start Work Lesson 13 Daily Contact Part Six SurveyLesson 14 Ask for Certificate Lesson 15 Hull Sur

3、vey Lesson 16 Docking Survey Lesson 17 Deck Survey Lesson 18 Steering Gear Survey Lesson 19 Main Engine Survey Lesson 20 Trouble Survey Lesson 21 Sea Trial Part Seven AcknowledgementLesson 22 Check Acknowledgd List Part Eight Work Finish and Account BalanceLesson 23 Discussion On Bill Lesson 24Sendi

4、ng out the Bill Part Nine Business Negotiation and Sign tile ContractLesson 25 Business Negotitation Lesson 26Sign The Contract 附录:船舶常用词汇表Part One Ship Common PatternsLesson 1 Oral Shipbuilding English1.1 船厂生活用语Life in the Yard1.您好!(第一次见面)How do you do?2.您好!见到您很高兴。How do you do? Im very glad to meet

5、 you.3.让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长;王先生,总工程师;吴先生,船体车间主任。Let me introduce the gentlemen present here. This is Mr. Lin, our shipyard manager; Mr. Wang, our chief engineer; Mr. Wu, director of the hull shop.4.欢迎您到我们船厂来!Welcome to our shipyard!5.请喝茶。Please have a cup of tea.6.喂,您好吗?(熟人之间)Hi, how are you?7.

6、很好,谢谢。您好吗?Fine, thank you, and how are you?8.很好,谢谢!Very well, thanks.9.我们现在就开始工作好吗?Shall we start our work now?10.请这边走。This way, please.11.我可以进来吗?May I come in?12.请进!Yes, please.13.早晨好,女士。Good morning, maam (Madam).14.早晨好,布莱克先生。请坐。Good morning, Mr. Blake. Take a seat, please.15.请问您有什么事和我商讨?What busi

7、ness would you like to talk with me about?16.船东想在船上做些变化。The ship owner wants to make some changes in the hull.17.这样的事,我只能晚些时候回答您。In that case, I need to answer you later.18.好的。如果你做出了决定,请尽快告诉我。OK. If you make the decision, please tell me soon.19.没有问题,再见!No problem. Good bye.20.有一个舱口盖有点问题,我想和你谈谈。There

8、 is something wrong with the hatch cover. I would like to discuss it with you.21.对不起,我听不懂您讲话,您能说得慢一点吗?Im sorry. I cant follow you. Can you speak slowly?22.我的意思是我想和您谈一谈舱口盖的问题。I mean I want to talk with you about the hatch cover.23.噢,我懂了。到我办公室去详谈。Oh, I see. Lets go to my office and talk it over in det

9、ail.24.那再好不过了。That couldnt be better.25.我想要一份这种图纸。I would like a copy of this drawing.26.对不起,我帮不了这个忙。您可以到技术科去要。Im sorry. I cant help you. You may ask the technical department for it.27.您知道电话号码吗?Do you know the telephone number?28.分机号是4557。Its 4557 extension.29.非常愿意帮助您!My pleasure!30.生活还习惯吗?Have you

10、got used to life here?31.完全可以。By all means.32.小心,当心。Be careful (Take care).33.正是这样,对啦。Just so.34.好,可以,行。All right.35.请休息会儿。Have a rest (break), please.36.哦,我明白了。Oh, I see.37.给你,接着。Here you are.38.那样更好一些。Thats better.39.抓好扶手。Please hold the handrails well.40.请看这(那)个。Look at this (that) one.41.请用对讲机。P

11、lease use your intercom.42.请继续,我听着呢!Go on please. Im listening43.一点也不麻烦。Its no trouble.44.我不懂。I dont understand.45.就是这些,完了。Thats all.46.听我说。Listen to me.47.注意。Mind.48.再来一次。Once more. Once again.49.我要像这样的。I want something like this.50.请再说一遍好吗?I beg your pardon.51.现在可以开始了吗?Shall we begin now?52.这样可以了吗

12、?Is this all right?53.让我检查一下。Let me have a check.54.问题(毛病)在哪儿?Whats the trouble? / Whats wrong with it?55.这鼓风机怎么了?Whats wrong with the blower?56.质量(设备)怎么样?How/What about quality (equipment)? 57.那个单词是什么意思?What dose that word mean? / Whats the meaning of that word?58.有件事情要和你谈一谈。Theres something I shou

13、ld like to speak to you about.59.我得等多久?How long do I have to wait?60.有件事情我要解释一下。There is a certain matter I want to explain.61.到什么时候你才有空?Up to what time shall you be free?62.位置不对。The position is wrong.63.图纸有问题。Theres something wrong with the drawing.64.别担心,很容易解决的。Dont worry. Thats easy to deal with.65.这是唯一可以解决的办法。This is the only way out.66.如果你能够的话,尽量早一些来。Try to come earlier, if you can.67.我在三点钟左右等你。Ill wait for you at about three.68.一定要想办法做。Do try to do.69.恐怕你在这一点上弄错了。Im afraid you are mistaken there.70.那也正是我所认为的。Thats just what I think.71.我的意见也

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