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1、得阅读者得天下“得阅读者得天下!” -戴氏寄语SECTION A 阅读读不懂的根本问题:阅读量与阅读方法每次考试后总有一些平时英语不错的同学抱怨考试时间不够。深层原因却是长期阅读训练量偏少,阅读速度跟不上。美国一教授谈到,The greatest harm done to students of English in China is Intensive Reading. Intensive Reading is not really reading at all.Chinese students read far too slowly. You may know every single w

2、ord in a passage of English, but not grasp the general meaning of the passage as a whole. If you read fast, you understand better. If you read too slowly, by the time you have reached the end of a page, you have forgotten what the beginning is about. Fast reading forces you to concentrate on ideas.

3、Intensive Reading makes you see the trees but not the wood. Through Intensive Reading, you may learn a little vocabulary well. Through Extensive Reading, you can learn a lot of vocabulary well and gain a lot of information. 症结所在精细有余,阅读量严重不足。从高一至高三,应逐步加大阅读量训练,至高三第二学期,有效阅读速度应当达到60-70词/分钟左右。(所谓有效阅读是:读懂

4、句意,连贯思维,基本弄清全文层次、要点,并对作者的观点情感、写作意图有所领悟。) 解决量的问题的根本方法和有效途径是多而快。多即多读和读多。-多读就必须加快阅读速度,速度快了反过来又能促使阅读量的增加,即读多。那么,怎样做到多而快呢?基本大同小异:进行快速阅读,在课堂上统一要求限时训练。认识到阅读和阅读量的重要性,产生我要读的欲望,这是知识的心理准备阶段;阅读各种材料的过程是知识的感知摄取和理解领会阶段;始终坚持一定量的阅读训练则是知识的巩固保持和实践运用阶段。 阅读方法典型错误一是逐字点读,回视过多。解决方法是培养以语义单位或意群进行扫视式阅读的良好习惯,尽量扩大视幅,减少回视。人在阅读时最

5、大视幅可一次识别2030个字母左右,用扫视法阅读,能够达到一个意群,一个视幅的要求。错误二是“碰到生词,即求助词典、参考书”。还有的一一抄录,注上音标、解释,反复读记,总想牢记心中。事与愿违,要想记住的词语,大多过后即忘。动不动就翻词典、查资料,费时费神。一篇文章读读停停,前看后忘,不知所云。久而久之,阅读速度必然缓慢,兴趣索然。平时做阅读练习不如把功夫先下在对整段、整篇意思的理解上。鲁迅谈外语学习,说到:You must not stop studying foreign languages for even a day. You must do a lot of reading. Take

6、 a book and force yourself to read it .After reading a book, its only natural that you wont understand it all. Never mind. Put it aside, and start another one. Keep on reading all the time, youll certainly be able to read books in the foreign language. 这里,鲁迅先生既指明了外语阅读的方法,也谈到了阅读量问题。他反复提出强调的是mustnt st

7、op a lot of readingKeep on reading all the time.其核心是快读多读,整体地读。 我们提倡快读多读,大胆放过那些无足轻重的词语。 阅读理解能力是树木,阅读量就是基础根系,它必须植根于大量阅读材料的土壤之中。正确的阅读训练方法犹如水分和养料,良好的语言环境恰似空气和阳光。高考阅读理解兵法展第一章 高考阅读的准备知识重要性:得阅读者得天下方式20小题 40分量:5篇 共阅读量10001600词,试题阅读600900词 耗时35分钟,平均每篇7分钟。题材:科普,社会,文化,政治,经济(特别是广告)等。教育是重点)文体:记叙,说明,议

8、论,应用。记叙文频率最高。要求:掌握所读材料的主旨大意和大意以及用以说明和大意的;事实细节(比重最大); 词义指代;主旨的概括;推理与猜测第二章 如何备考一、词汇1. 背词的方法七大原则大量;快速;重复;坚持;听音;背短句短文;多感官并举二、积累语法和特殊句型结构第三章 正面进攻如何读懂文章一、猜词的技巧1. 因果关系 The plan was not practical, so the manager turned it down.2. 同意反义关系I want to attend a public school rather than a private one. All the kids

9、 play in groups but he does individually.3. 定义和解释: Breeze is a kind of light wind.His father is a sales representative, that is to say, a man who sells products for a company.4. 描述和例证 We saw many marine animals such as whales, sharks and seals, turtles.5. 词性搭配He fished out an old book from the bag.6

10、. 利用冠词Mr. Brown earned enough money to buy a car. He valued it so much and he took good care of it. But one day the vehicle didnt start.7. 利用“,”When he first set foot in Shianggelina Island, a park in tended for the elderly,he was struck by the natural beauty.He had worked for the IBM, a world-famou

11、s company, thirty years before he retired.8. 根据常识合理推测President Hu Jintao inspected the warships in Qingdao last week.9. 构词法 特别是反义词的前缀disbelieve unconscious non-profit 10. 平行结构例一:Everyone should obey the law, and nobody ought to break the law.Defenders argue that this method has several advantages. F

12、irst of all, . it also helps finally, people of the community willHowever, critics claim that 例二:Some researchers consider that attitude come from differences between beliefs and ideas; others believe that attitudes come from emotional states.发现重复-阅读的妙招Attitude is an internal (内在的) state that influe

13、nces the choices of personal action made by the individual (个人). Some researchers consider that attitude come from differences between beliefs and ideas; others believe that attitudes come from emotional states. Here, we focus on the effects of attitudes upon behavior, that is, upon the choices of a

14、ction made by the individual. Decision-making is not unlike pokerit often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. The mental process is similar. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are,

15、 by any standards, good thinkers. 二、长难句破解(一) 分析插入成分1. The prices of houses, as some experts expected, are rising sharply. 2. He was, believe it or not, made our monitor. 3. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers. 复杂修饰1. Ma

16、ny operations that were considered impossible and risky a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S. hospitals.2. Advances in genetics and biochemistry lead to the change in the ways that diseases are cured and medicines are made. 倒装1. My uncle has not been to Italy. Neither has my cousin. 2.

17、 Were it to rain tomorrow, I would not go out. 3. Away flew her pet bird.省略1. The result makes the winners happy while (it makes) the losers sad.2. (Give me) Two more days and I will complete the task perfectly.特殊句式1. It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.2. It is five years sinc

18、e I was ill.3. So delicious was the cake that he bought a big bag for his daughter.4. Tired as he was, the old man continued working.(二)对策语法分析找到连接词忽略从句,抓主句,提取核心意思,带入从句丰富原句-扒鸡毛If you ask people to name the one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shak

19、espeare,” “Samuel Johnson,”and “Webster,”but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didnt even speak English William the Conqueror.长难句的语义提取I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story.上帝指示:收集高考真题中长难句,反复阅读,分拆分析再反复阅读。 1. (0

20、9北京)I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with Immigration officers, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.2. (09上海) Thousands of laptops are stolen every year form homes and offices, but with th

21、e use of laptops increasing, the number stolen while their owners are out and about has been rising sharply. 3. (09全国2卷-完形)Ive discovered I possess a large number of different talents(才能)and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being open to trying new opportu

22、nities.4. (09北京C篇)Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots. 5. (09年湖北B篇)Ever since

23、 then, the programme has enjoyed great success, mainly because the birds now being set free are Mexican birds illegally caught in the wild, confiscated (没收) on arrival north of the border, and raised by their parents in the safety of the programme. 第三章 题材与体裁1. 小故事 故事发展顺序倒叙注意时态与时间副词或时间状语;点金之句,哲理之句往往在

24、最后;心理活动2. 说明文 说明方法,顺序3. 议论文 观点态度,论点论据4. 新闻稿 开头首句和首段要读透5. 广告本来就不要你读懂,只要求耐心细致,选秘书的考题 第四章 答题程序与技巧1. 先读题干,找出提问中心,一定要把题干读懂读准。2. 带着目的去读,忽略无关信息,标出有关信息。如何做标记?1) 时间和概念名词 at first/in the beginning next then at last /in the end 2)态度词和语气词:形容词副词, 有些名词动词 good well wonderful terrific great positive negative optimi

25、stic doubtful believable sorry pity shame regret3)程度词 fairly quite rather very greatly extremely 4)逻辑关系词常见逻辑关系词A、表示解释 如:namely(即), or(或者说, that is(to say) (即), in other words(换言之),i.e. (即)等。B、表示评注 如:clearly/obviously/evidently/apparently(显然,很明显), generally(speaking)(一般说来,总体而言) , honestly (speaking)/

26、to be honest(老实说), luckily/fortunately(幸运的是) unluckily/unfortunately(不幸的是), to tell you the truth(说实话), believe it or not(信不信由你)等。C、表示递进 如:also(且, 又, 还有), besides/ additionally/in addition/whats more/ furthermore/still/moreover(此外, 还有)等。whats worse/worse still/to make matters worse/ to make things w

27、orse (更糟的是),not to mention/let alone/to say nothing of(更不用说)等。D、表示列举或举例 如:such as (诸如), for example/ instance(例如), to takeas an example/to takefor example(以为例), and so on/ ect. (等等) , to name a few(仅举几例), in the first place/ first(ly)/first of all/to begin with/ to start with(首先, 第一),second(ly) (第二)

28、, next (其次), finally/lastly最后(一点)等。E、表示转折 如:otherwise, however, nevertheless(然而, 不过)等。F、表示假设 如:if any(如果有), if ever(如果曾经), if possible(如果有可能), if necessary(如果有必要), if not better than(即使不比更好)等。G、表示结果 如:therefore/thus(因而/此), as a result/consequence(结果); in turn(反过来)等。H、表示总结 如:in brief/short(简言之), in a

29、/ one word(简言之,一句话), in conclusion/ finally/eventually (最后), all in all/ altogether(总之) 等。I、表示强调 如:first of all/ above all, most importantly(首要的是,最重要的是) /more importantly(更重要的是), especially/ particularly/in particular(尤其是, 特别是)等。注意: 以上常见插入语应逐个完全掌握,对于提高阅读理解和写作水平很有帮助。第五章 解题思路一、从题干入手(一).细节题1)针对某细节时间、地点

30、、原因、结果条件等How did the fire break out?The disease spread so quickly because 2)根据某一细节进行简单计算A man bought a ticket of 15 and three tickets for his family railcard. How much did he pay?3)根据某一细节进行识图Which of the following pictures is the closest to the iloo hotel as described in the text?4)根据某一细节进行排序Which o

31、f the following shows the right order of what happened to the diary?Choose the right time order of the following events in Thomass life.5)根据某一细节进行正误判断Which of the following statements is (not)true according to the text?The author would probably agree that 细节判断-相对而言简单,做好这类题是确保基础分的关键。同时,弄清细节,正确获取信息,也是

32、把握文章主旨的前提。细节判断题题干常见的问句形式多种多样。如:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?Which of the following statements is NOT true?Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?Which of the following is NOT considered as ?According to the passage, which of the following is NOT menti

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