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1、仁爱英语八年级Unit6Topic3SectionA教学设计Unit 6 Enjoyi ng Cycli ngTopic3 Bicycle ridi ng is good exercise.第一课时(Section A 1a,1b,1c,1c)教学设计思路:本课主要学习条件状语从句,评价,发表观点。首先让学生看他们喜欢的数学老 师所喜欢的运动-骑行,引发兴趣,让学生懂得骑自行车是一项很好的健身运动。 教学部分新词汇,为学生后面的学习扫除障碍。听 1a对话完成1b。再读课文,找出文中提到的自行车运动的优点,并提出的看法,完成 1c。为了培养学生辩证地看问题,运用1d提供的语言支架进行口语交际,进

2、一步讨论自行车运动的 优缺点。接着让学生读1a对话并找出文中的短语和重要句子,引出If引导的条 件状语从句。重新回顾课文,补全对话。最后总结归纳,完成本课时。I . Teaching aims(1)学习并掌握新词汇passe nger, crazy, any where, polluti on, adva ntage, disagree, disagree with, rider(2)学习 if 引导的条件状语从句 If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accide nts.(3)学习辩证的看待问题2.Skill aims:

3、(1)能够对别人的观点进行评价。(2)能够听懂含有条件状语从句的句子。(3)能够积极表达自己的观点。3.Emoti onal aims:积极参与小组活动,多角度分析看待同一事物。n . The key points and difficult points1.Key poin ts:(1)学习if引导的条件状语从句。(2)表达同意与不同意。2.Difficult points :正确运用条件状语从句中主句与从句的时态。川.Learning strategies1.学习if引导的条件状语从句。2.学会先听懂文章的大意然后完成任务。3.虚心听取别人的意见,但也要勇于开口表达自己的观点。IV . T

4、eaching aids 多媒体课件/图片V. Teach ing proceduresStage 1(2mins): Getting students ready for learningStepTeacher activityStude nt activityDesig ning purpose1(Group work)T: Good morning, everybody! T: Do you like sports?Ss: Good morning, Mr.Ss: Yes.通过谈论身边 熟悉的人来激 发学生的兴趣,T: Now, lets look at a groups Do you

5、know who they pictures. are?T: Yes, this is our math teacher, and this is his son. last summer holiday, they rode around Taiwang Island for seve ntee n days. Do you think so?Ss:Yes.Ss:Yes.为导入新课作 准备。Stage 2 (5mins): Pre-listeningStepStude nt activity Teacher activityDesig ning purpose1( Class activit

6、y )Lear n some new Teach some new words. words. Ss:NoT: Do you know why they like riding? T:He told me Bicycle riding is good exercise. Do you think so? I think they are amazing, but I agree with him .too .In our life, Cars can carry more passe ngers, but they also cause air pollutio n. We can ride

7、bike any where, adva ntages, so riding bikes has many maybe some of you disagree with me, but after you lear n this topic, you will Do you agree? want to be a todays OK,Now lets lear n T; words通过文字叙述 来呈现生词,教 学新词汇,为后 除听力排面的 障碍。让学生发表自己的看法。 Do you thi nk so? Do you agree?老师在表述时,:用上RemarkWhile

8、 -listening:4mins) (Stage3.StepTeacher activityStude nt activityDesig ningpurpose1(1 ndivid ual work)Let the Ss listen to 1a and do 1b. T: Just now, we lear ned the new words, next we will listen to the dialog. While liste ning try to finish 1b. Before you do, read the senten ces and try to guess T:

9、 Are you ready, class? T: Can we check the an swers now ? T: Great! Who would like to try ? T: Do you know why its false? T: Well don e.Liste n to 1a and do 1b. Ss: Yes. Ss: Yes. S1: T, FSs: Yes Ss: 培养学生的听成力技冃匕,元。1bRemark :在听1a之前,老师让学生阅读1b的句子,让学生养成带着冋题听的习惯。Stage 4( 18mins): Post listeningStepStude n

10、t activity Teacher activityDesig ning purpose1(1 ndividual work)Let the Ss read 1a and Read 1a and finish 1c. finish 1c.T: Now, Our country is en courag ing us to save en ergy and protect our en vir onment. Ridi ng many bicycles have adva ntages. In the dialog, the kids men tio ned some of them. Ple

11、ase read 1a quickly and find them out T: Have you found the Ss: Yes . adva ntages ?速培养学生快 获取信息阅读, 成的能力,完。1cT: Who want to try? T;And your idea?S1:Cycli ng can S2: Cycli ng does nt .S3:Its easy.S4:Cycli ng can make us strong.2(Group work)Let the Ss discuss in groups to find out the adva ntages and di

12、sadva ntages of riding bikes. T: Well do ne . You have found out the adva ntages men ti oned in the dialog. In fact, there are many adva ntages of riding bikes. Everythi ng has two sides. Ridi ng bikes has disadva ntages, too. I will give you some mi nu tes to discuss the adva ntages and disadva nta

13、ges of riding bikes in groups. Is every one clear? T: Great! Go ahead!T: Now, time to share opinions. Which group is willi ng to share your opinions with us.Find out the and adva ntages disadva ntages of riding bikes.Ss: Clear .Group 3:培养学生的思 鼓励学辨能力。生勇于表达自 己的观点,要多 同维度地看待 成一事物。完。1dBikes cover less pl

14、ace .We can ride them on small country roads .Group 4:.Group 1:.3(Group work)Let the Ss read 1a aga in and find out the useful expressi ons and difficult poin ts. T: Up to now, you have got the main idea of the dialog. Next , please read 1a aga in and work in groups to find out the useful expressi o

15、ns and difficult points . T: Now, let me see your findin gs. Which group first ?Read 1a aga in and find out the useful expressi ons.Group 4:get/be used to doing sth.Group 2:be afraid of sth.a little more con fide nt.让学生合作自 学,找出重点、 难点。Remark : 1.在学生讨论时,老师要四处走动,为学生提供帮助。要求每个组要记录本 至于词句,只解释学生不能解决的问 2组的观点

16、,并且还要与全班分享他们的观点。.题Stage 5 (5mins): Fill in the missing words or sentencesStepTeacher activityStude nt activityDesig ning purposeGroup work )1(T: ril give you 2 minu tes to the text and fill in listen to the bla nks. Are you ready? T: Have you got the an swers? T: All right. Lets check. Hands up, ple

17、ase. En, xxx, you please.:YesSs培养学生的边 听边记的能力。 完成课文。RemarkStage 6 (5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStude nt activityDesig ning purposeClass activity) (1to Ss En courage the summarize the key points T:Now,Its time to summarize what you have lear ned today. Boys and girls,In ee

18、dsome volun teers!Summarize what they have lear ned today.We S1: learned the clause adverbial of con diti on .培养学生归纳 总结的能力。T: Right ! Could you please the sentence with make a new grammar ? T: Ofcourse. No pains, no gains. T: Any useful expressi ons?I hard , If S1: I study mark a higher will getin t

19、he to, S2: get used afraid of, . S3: .2 (Class activity)Assig n the HMK. T: For todays HMK, First, Id like you to search some traffic in formati on about rules. You should take some should you Second, no tes. with make sen ten ces five the new grammar .Finish the HMK.适当的家庭作 业有助于巩固 课堂所学的知 识。在归纳环节允许学生用汉语表达有关语法的专用术语。 Remark :

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