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1、外研社小学英语四年级教案新部编本教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校 课 题Module 1教材分析本模块的教学内容是介绍自己的新朋友,描述他人的特征。Unit1 I It was my birthday on Saturday.课文情境是Amy在阅读英国朋友Lucy的来信。Lucy说伦敦现在天气有点冷,问Amy北京是不是也冷了。随后她在信中告诉Amy,上星期六是她9岁的生日,她随信寄来了生日聚会的照片。Lucy还介绍了自己的新朋友Zara,Zara留着黑色长发,非常友善。Lucy和Zara一起去了白金汉宫, 她们非常开心。Lucy还寄

2、来了她们在白金汉宫前拍的照片。最后,Lucy请Amy给她回信并介绍自己的朋友。Unit2 Ive got a new friend.课文情境是Amy给她在英国的朋友Lucy的回信。她祝Lucy生日快乐,并说自己今年10岁,明年就11岁了。Amy告诉Lucy,北京现在天气还很暖和,然后她介绍了自己的新朋友Mengmeng。Mengmeng留着短发,很聪明。Amy还随信寄去自己和Mengmeng在长城拍的照片。教学目标 知识与技能:学生能够理解、认读本模块两个单元中的文本内容;学生能够听、说、认读、本模块重点单词 “dear,well,of,tell,love”、句型“It was my birt

3、hday on Saturday. Ive got a new friend.” 学生能够运用重点内容进行对话,锻炼交际能力。 过程与方法:学生能够通过模仿课文语音语调; 能够运用 “It was my birthday on Saturday. Ive got a new friend.”介绍自己的新朋友;能用“Hes/Shes got”描述他人的特征。 情感态度价值观:积极尝试用写英语书信的形式与朋友沟通。 教学重难点:能听懂、会说、会读以下句子:It was my birthday on Saturday. Ive got a new friend. 学情分析学生已经学习了三年半英语,对

4、英语已经有了一定基础,但是由于学习方法等因素影响,学生的成绩参差不齐。作为老师要善于从学生的认知规律和心理特点出发,精心创设情景,利用听、说、做、演、唱、游戏等多种不同的教学方式吸引孩子的有意注意,激发孩子对英语的学习兴趣,给学生养成良好的学习习惯。单元教学构思围绕我们的“三点梳理”研究课题,我设计的教学构思是:趣味导活点:1. 借助歌曲或者歌谣为新授内容的开展做好情感上的准备和知识上的铺垫。2.为学生戴上头饰为动画配音,学生都非常喜欢。自主探究点:设计问题,让学生讨论解决:图上都有谁?他们在哪里?发生了什么?生活链接点:1.学习新单词 “dear,well,tell”,让学生介绍他们的新朋友

5、,联系了学生的实际,完全让学生在用中巩固新知识。2. 通过描述他人的特征,介绍自己的新朋友,能在日常生活中正确使用英语表达出来。课时安排第一课时 Unit1 It was my birthday on Saturday.第二课时 Unit2 Ive got a new friend.第三课时 Review U1/U2第一课时:Unit1 I It was my birthday on Saturday.教学内容:1.学生听、说、认读重点单词dear,well,of,tell,love和句子:It was my birthday on Saturday. Ive got a new friend

6、. 2.学生运用重点内容进行介绍交流。教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片教与学活动过程:Step1. Warm up1.Sing the songDo Ri Me2. T:one,two,three,eyes on me. Ss: Eyes on you.3. Free talkT:Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Liu!T: Today I will introduce one new friend Amy, and she has many friends, do you want to meet her?(引导学生用英语

7、描述自己的朋友。)Step2. Presentation1.向学生展示SB Unit1活动1的挂图,make Ss understand the context by looking at the pictures:小动物们调整了座位。2. T plays the flash, let Ss listen and repeat3. T: We all know Amy has many friends in China, but we dont know Amys friends in England. Now let us know Amys English friends, ok?Ss:

8、OkT plays the flash of Activity 2 in SB Unit1, make Ss understand the context by looking at the flash.4. Listen, point and imitate.Step 3: Practice 1. Listen and repeatT: Now lets listen and say. T:One two three! Ss: Three two one!2.学生齐读对话; 示范:分角色对话3. Listen and say.CAI: T shows the pictures to Ss a

9、nd encourage Ss to recite the short passage by looking at the pictures(锻炼学生的口语,同时注意纠正学生的语音语调)4. Guessing GameOne student describes one of his/her friend in class, other Ss guess who he/she is Step 4: Extension 情景创设I will make Ss come to the front and introduce their friends to the classmates.S1:Hell

10、o,Im.,Ive got a new friend. Her name isS2:Step5. Sum upSs summarize what they have learned in the class, then I will conclude and stress “well” and “soon”.Step6. Homework1.听本单元录音,注意模仿语音语调2.准备一张自己朋友的照片,下节课带到课堂上Blackboard design M1U1 It was my birthday on Saturday. Dear Well Very soon Tell one story第二

11、课时:Unit2 Ive got a new friend.教学内容:学生听、说、认读重点单词dear/of/soon和句子:Ive got a new friend.学生能够区分has got和have got 的区别学生能够注意字母组合ai,ay,al,au.学生运用重点内容进行介绍交流。教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片教与学活动过程:Step1. Warm up1. Greeting.2. Sing the songI was fat and We were in the supermarket My purpose: to lead in the subject and attract

12、Sss attentionStep2. Presentation1. Play the flash of Activity 1 in the SB Unit2 , and say :Look at the flash and answer myquestions.2. T: Now think about the letters contents of SB Unit1 Who can tell me what questions Amy asked in the letter? How Amy reply to Lucy?(鼓励孩子自己总结答案,用流利的语言能把课文中的问题复述出来)You

13、will get the stick if you answer my questions right, try it? 3. Touching the landmineT prepares seven word cards and sticks all of them to the blackboard. We will choose one of these word cards to become the landmine. T points and Ss read. If there is a student who reads that landmine, then all the

14、classmates will say: One Two Bomb4. Listen and match the letters to the photosT: Now listen and match, youll get stick.Step3: Practice1. Do E3 of P5, Activety Book.2. Chant.3. Ss discribe some friends.Step4. SummarySs summarize what they have learned in the class by themselves, and then I will sum u

15、p.Step5. Homework1.向家人或同学展示所学歌曲2.向其他人口头介绍自己朋友的特征。Step6. Blackboard design M1U2. Ive got a new friend. Dear, wellsoon,tell,Love 第三课时:Review M1 U1U2教学内容:1. 复习认读文本U1 U22. 巩固重点单词和句子的认读和运用3. 趣味练习4. 做相关练习题教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片教与学活动过程:Step 1: Warm up1. Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, M

16、iss Liu.(问候语Good morning ! Good afternoon!每天上课都应练习,适当拓展Good evening!Good night!)2. Sing a song 3. Partner PracticeT: Find your partner quickly and introduce your friends to themStep 2: Revision1.跟读模仿课文U12.检查认读文本,培养学生互评。3. Which missing用PPT展示dear, well, soon, tell, love的图片,点击每一张图片,然后使each picture mis

17、sing .Let Ss guess which is missing.4. Writing TaskT shows Ss the description of one friend and say :“This is my new friend, Alice. Shes got short, brown hair. Shes very nice, and shes very beautiful. I like her very much.”T encourages Ss to try to write one friend of their own.5. 跟读模仿课文U2Step 3: Do

18、 exercise同步练习:注意培养学生指着题目要求,跟着老师说的好习惯,以此来培养学生的读题能力。板书设计: Review Module1 1.dear 2. well 3. very soon 4. tell 5.love作业设计:1.向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。2用英语向其他人介绍一个朋友。 课 题Module 2教材分析本模块的教学内容是谈论自己和他人不久前做的事情。Unit1 I helped my mum.课文情境是Daming 介绍自己昨天所做的事情。他昨天打扫了自己的房间,完成了作业,洗了裤子,还帮妈妈做了饭。妈妈非常开心,表扬了Daming.Unit2 Amy pa

19、inted a picture.课文情境是介绍Smart一家人昨天从事的活动。昨天,Mr Smart煮了面条,小Tom也来帮忙,Ms Smart 给奶奶打了电话,Sam 看了电视,Amy 画了一幅画。教学目标 知识与技能:学生能够理解、认读本模块两个单元中的文本内容;学生能够听、说、认读、本模块重点单词 “skirt,clean,dirty,Mr”、句型“I helped my mum. Amy painted a picture.” 学生能够运用重点内容进行对话,锻炼交际能力。 过程与方法:学生能够通过模仿课文语音语调; 能够运用 “I helped my mum. Amy painted

20、a picture.” 等语句说明自己和他人昨天做的事情。 情感态度价值观:敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误,乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 教学重难点:能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: “I helped my mum. Amy painted a picture.” 学情分析学生已经学习了三年半英语,对英语已经有了一定基础,但是由于学习方法等因素影响,学生的成绩参差不齐。作为老师要善于从学生的认知规律和心理特点出发,精心创设情景,利用听、说、做、演、唱、游戏等多种不同的教学方式吸引孩子的有意注意,激发孩子对英语的学习兴趣,给学生养成良好的学习习惯。单元教学构思围绕我们的“三点梳理”研究课题,我设计的教

21、学构思是:趣味导活点:1. 借助歌曲或者歌谣为新授内容的开展做好情感上的准备和知识上的铺垫。2.为学生戴上头饰为动画配音,学生都非常喜欢。自主探究点:设计问题,让学生讨论解决:图上都有谁?他们在哪里?发生了什么?生活链接点:1.学习新单词 “clean, finish, paint”,让学生用这些动词的过去时态去讲述原来做过的事情。联系了学生的实际,完全让学生在用中巩固新知识。2. 鼓励学生介绍自己和他人之前做过的事情。课时安排第一课时 Unit1 I I helped my mum.第二课时 Unit2 Amy painted a picture.第三课时 Review U1/U2第一课时:

22、Unit1 I I helped my mum.教学内容:1.学生听、说、认读重点单词skirt/clean/dirty/Mr和句子:I helped my mum.2.学生理解并灵活运用过去式3. 学生运用重点内容进行介绍交流。教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片教与学活动过程:Step1. Warm up1. Greeting2. Sing the chant:Hooray, hooray, I washed my shirt!Hooray, hooray, I washed my shirt!Step2. Presentation1. T shows the flash of SB Unit1

23、 and let Ss guess why the little pig and the cat are so happy.2. 我来表演你来猜 T shows the difference between washing and washed by action. For example, use the action washing the clothes to signify “washing” and the action dry the clothes to signify “washed”. Let Ss guess them.3. T: Any questions? It mea

24、ns the things we did before by adding “ed” after the verbs. Just like the little pig and cat in the picture, they washed clothes just before. Therefore, we use “washed”4. 超级记忆王T describes the contents of every picture and makes Ss look at these pictures. Then T will let Ss say what they saw and what

25、 they listened.(鼓励孩子大胆说话,对于the first student, I will give him/her stick)Step3. Practice1. Do E2 and E3 of P7, Activity Book.2. Pair workFind your partner and tell him or her what you did yesterday, let Ss come to the front and share with us.Step4. ExtensionSs talked about the things they did before to others.Step5. SummarySs summarize what they have learnt in the class, then I will conclude and stress “clean” ,“finish”,“paint”Step6. Blackboard design M2U1 I helped my mum. clean/cleaned finish/ finished paint/ painted MrStep7. Homework1.向家人或同学介绍自己上周末做的事情。2.听本单元录音,注意模仿语音语调。

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