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1、福大研究生英语期末复习资料期末考试词汇及句子翻译一、词汇二、词汇及例句Unit 11. get sth. / sb. wrong:算错,误解No real harm will be done should you get it wrong first time, but you will have to start from the beginning again.Dont get me wrong on this, this is not in any way meant to be a criticism. What were trying to do here is to sit dow

2、n and get it better organized.Im not sure that honestys a word which I would use. Dont get me wrong. Im not suggesting that a salesman is dishonest.2. commemorate:vt. (Remember, honor, mark, celebrate) 纪念The idea of making a special flower picture to commemorate a particular wedding anniversary work

3、s very well.Such arches were erected to commemorate important military or domestic happenings, or in memory and respect of generals and emperors.The four men who allegedly planned demonstrations to commemorate the 1988 flag-raising, were sentenced to terms between 6 and 12 years.3. call in:to ask so

4、meone to come to help in a difficult situation 求助British detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.Environmental health officers have been called in and are now treating the problem.Professional hunters called in by police were today searching for a great white shark that killed a scuba d

5、iver on his honeymoon.4. embark on / upon sth:开始But by the summer of 1984 the marriage began to break down and Mrs. Martin embarked on an affair without her husbands knowledge.She was often forced to spend months apart from her husband as he embarked on long tours.Labor has now embarked on a leaders

6、hip election.5. wild goose chase:无法达到目的的;徒劳的Instead of that, he had become involved in what was most likely a wild goose chase.They deliberately sent me on a wild goose chase.Police said,“He lied and took us on a wild goose chase.”6. speculate:推测A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of t

7、he train crash.Your students may have seen you play a sequence without sound then rewind for a second viewing, or pause to speculate about what might happen next.It would be futile to speculate what might have been achieved had these two separate teams felt able to cooperate.7. pick out: to recogniz

8、e, find or make a choice among different people or items in a group挑出The critics picked him out as the outstanding male dancer of the decade.I cant remember now who it was from but Id been picked out and given a valuable prize.8. devoid of:lack or be without something that is necessary or usual 缺乏Th

9、eir apartment is devoid of all comforts.“Did you do your homework last night, Hank?” she asked in a voice devoid of real inquiry.His mind would become totally clear and his reactions devoid of any hesitation.Unit 31. stretch out:to lie with ones legs and body in a straight line; to reach out; to ext

10、end 伸展;伸长She stretched herself out after sitting for hours on end.He was about to stretch out to grab me when the rope yielded.The rescuers had the stretcher stretched out for the earthquake victim.2. mark:vt. to show a sign that sth. different is about to happen; to remember 标志;纪念The city held fest

11、ivities to mark the 20th anniversary of its founding.Devotion to the revolution marks the youth of our era.The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history.3. advance:vt.& vi. to move forward, often in order to attack; to make progress; to lend 提升;借贷The passionate speech

12、 advanced the movement to a new stage.Now that medical technology has advanced to its present state, more people are aware of how long one can be kept alive.I advanced him some money, which he would repay on our way home.4. hold ones footing:to stand firmly and steadily 站稳She grabbed the rail in ord

13、er to hold her footing in the gale.No sooner had he held his footing in the city than he picked up his family in the remote village.The way up to the mountain top was so steep that we found it difficult to find a place to hold our footing.5. thrust:vt. to push or move sth. quickly with a lot of forc

14、e 塞;推The messenger thrust a letter into the mailbox.The courageous soldier thrust a dagger into the enemys heart.She grabs a stack of baby photos and thrusts them into my hands.6. pin down:to curb; to check; to contain 扣牢;牵制The earthquake victim was pinned down by a fallen roof.A battalion was stati

15、oned to pin down the enemy troops.Our men had been pinned down by the enemy fire for days before the reinforcements arrived.7. have a hand in:intervene, get involved in 插手He thanked all who had a hand in his release from the jail.The matter could have been settled earlier if his parents had not had a hand in it.China will not allow any other countries to have a hand in its internal affairs.8. unfold:vt. appear 呈现;展开Little by little, the story unfolds itself before the reader.Mr. Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment and enthusiasm.

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