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1、四年级英语下册Unit9优秀教案Unit 9教学目的与要求:1、能听懂,会说,会拼和会写单词a knife, a plate, a glass, a cup, a bottle, a table, a fridge, an egg, bread, rice2、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型Where is/Where are the/my ? Its/Theyre . Theres no in/on/near .3、能听懂,会说,会读日常用语:Whats for breakfast? Have some juice, then. Can you use chopsticks? No, I can

2、t. But Id like to try. Watch me! Let me try again. 4、了解字母组合wh在单词中的读音。5、会诵读歌谣Its one in the afternoon.二 教学重点与难点:1、能听懂,会说,会拼和会写单词a knife, a plate, a glass, a cup, a bottle, a table, a fridge, an egg, bread, rice2、能听懂,会说,会拼和会写句型 Theres no in/on/near . .三 课前准备:磁带、录音、图片、实物等四 教学时间:安排5教时完成本单元教学内容第一教时一、教学内容

3、1、Part A 1、2、3 2、Part C 3、Part G中的2二、教学目的与要求:1、能听懂,会说,会拼和会写单词 a glass, a cup, a table, an egg, bread, rice2、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型Where is/Where are the/my ? Its / Theyre _.3、能听懂,会说,会读日常用语:Whats for breakfast?三、教学重点与难点:1、能听懂,会说,会拼和会写单词 a glass, a cup, a table, an egg, bread, rice2、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型Where is/Whe

4、re are the/my_? Its/Theyre_.3、能听懂,会说,会读日常用语:Whats for breakfast?四、课前准备:磁带、录音、课文图片、奖品(小刀等)、实物(sandwich, milk, pie, hamburger, chips, sweets, coffee, biscuits, noodles, chocolate, juice)、幻灯片教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图Everyday English 导入。1.Whats this / that in English ?2.What ate these/those in English? 3.What wo

5、uld you like , Lin Tao?4.How about you , Lucy?5.Would you like something to drink ,Ben?6.Anything else?此时,若有同学说出bread或egg,马上出示,领读。例:T: What would you like, Lu Ming?T: Oh, very good ! Bread!领读,拼读,开火车读。注意“ea” e not i: 归纳“ea” e :bread, breakfast,head.板书: breadS1:Id like some bread.S1: Sandwich ,pie and

6、 milk.S2: Hamburger, chips and juice.S3: Biscuits, sweets and coffee.S4: Noodles and eggs. Etc.S1:It is in the bag. / In the bag ?S2: It is on the desk. / On the desk ?S3: It is in the pencil-case. / In the pencil-case?(运用实物或图片来复习巩固Unit 7中学过的单词及句型)Presentation(手拿实物):Heres some bread and milk. Heres

7、some rice and some eggs. Do you know “egg ”and “rice”出示实物egg and rice 领读,拼读,开火车读.注意 “e” e 和 “i ” ai归纳:“e”e:egg, engineer, friend, get, lemon, metro,them“I”ai:white, time, pineapple, right, library, knife, China, driverT:I have bread and pies for breakfast.强调 for breakfast And my son has milk and egg

8、s for breakfast.再次强调 for breakfast 出示,领读,齐读:Whatsfor breakfast?Ask somestudents to answerwhats for his/her breakfast. T: Ill asksome of you to practicein pairs. If you canpractice very well, Illgive you some prizes . Allright? T:Where is my prize? Where is my knife? Who can help me ? Who can find it

9、?T: No. T: Oh, yes. It is in the pencil-case. Thank you very muchIts for you 领读 Its for you并配以手势。跟读单词由bread 呈现新课教授新单词Game (1)、T: Wheres my _?T: Yes, its for you. / No, it isnt.T: Where is my glass? (配以简笔画)T: No.T: No. Look! Its in the cupboard.指着橱说cupboard This is a cupboard.先教单词cup . (配以简笔画并拿出实物)领读

10、,拼读,开火车读。归纳“”: up hurry much cupboard 领读,拼读,开火车读。比较: blackboard 和 cupboard .打开橱,取出玻璃杯, 说You are very clever. Its in the cupboard.T: Where is my glass? (变化方位)比较: cup and glass出示课文插图二.领读,齐读,并出示板书。 T(看表): Time is near up for this lesson. . I feel a bit hungry. Are you hungry now, boys and girls?T : I w

11、ant to give you something to eat and drink.T: What would you like , Fang Ming?T: OK. Here you are.T: OK. Here you are.T: All right. Ill give you some eggs. Some eggs. Oh, I cant find any eggs.Where are my eggs? Who can find my eggs?T: No.T: No. Look! Theyre in the glass.Now, where are the eggs? Who

12、can answer me?Ss: Theyre on /in / near the _.T: (把蛋放在桌子上) Where are the eggs now?They are on the table. (变换位置) Theyre in the table. Theyre near the table. 新授table 领读, pencil-case grape name station tape比较: desk and table 领读: Theyre in the table.出示课文插图三. 领读, 齐读并出示板书。运用 Where is _ ? Its _.Where are _?

13、 Theyre _. 进行两两操练。开火车检查操练情况。看幻灯片, 做 P71 Part C.渗透第二教时单词 a knife 、a spoon、 chopsticks 、a plate 、 a bottleS: On /In / Near _?SsSsS1: In the bag?S2: Under the desk?Ss: Its in /on /near the cupboard.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yeah!S1: Id like some biscuits.S2: Id like some cakes.S3: Id like some eggs.S4: On the desk?S

14、5: Near the cup?S6: In the desk?拼读,开火车读。 归纳: “a” ei :教授新单词,总结发音规律课堂作业:一词组她的名字乘火车一碗米饭一个办公室在冰箱里一纸盒橙汁一杯咖啡回家作业熟读课文。抄写并能默写四会的单词与句型。完成P 71 的Part C.熟悉三会的句型。复习Part G 中的第二个游戏。六、板书设计不可数名词breadrice可数名词的单数an egg a glassa cupa table主要句型Where is _?Its _.Where are _?Theyre _.课后记:通过此课的句型练习,让学生对于此课的食物与厨房用品的单词能熟练的读与拼

15、,并熟悉句型where is .? Its .?where are? Theyre.?第二教时一、教学内容:1、Part A 中的4,5两幅图 2、 Part B 3、 Part D二、教学目的与要求:1、能听懂,会说,会读和会写单词 a fridge a knife a plate a bottle2、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型There is no _ in /on /near the _.3、能听懂,会说,会读单词 a fork a bowl a spoon chopsticks 并会使用固定搭配a bowl of a bottle of a spoon of .4、能听懂,会说,会读

16、句型 Have some juice, then.注意这其中的have是吃的意思三、教学重点与难点:1、能听懂,会说,会读和会写单词 a fridge a knife a plate a bottle2、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型There is no _ in /on /near the _.3、能听懂,会说,会读单词 a fork a bowl a spoon chopsticks 4、能听懂,会说,会读句型 Have some juice, then.四、课前准备:、录音,磁带,实物,幻灯片、学生准备:食物和餐具的小图片,可以打开的橱及冰箱。教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图以Every

17、day English 导入新课。1、Hi,Li Lei. Whats for your breakfast?2、Where is _ ? Where are _ ? answer通过师生问答,了解学生的早餐情况,借以复习前一教时所学过的食物的名称。来复习前一教时中学过的餐具,家具的名称。由 Where is the milk?引入新课。 1、顺接Everyday English 继续提问。(出示图片,各种物品的位置清晰可辨。) T:Where is the knife /plate /spoon /bottle?Where are the chopsticks?(这四个单词在前一教时中的Pa

18、rt C 中均有渗透,在此着重强调一下即可。)knife 中的“i”发ai; plate中的“a”发ei;spoon中的“oo”发u:;bottle中的“o”发。领读,拼读,开火车读。并出示板书。“a” ei:table tape plane station name grape“oo”u: room broom“o”: not box chocolate coffee doctor hospital job clock特别强调knife 的复数形式knives. 与以前所学的单词strawberry 的复数相结合,重点记忆 字母a在开音节单词中发它的本音ei.归纳:“i” ai:white

19、pineapple rice right libraryT:Where is the plate?T (Open the cupboard): Oh, yes. Its in the cupboard. Look! Therere some other things in it What is it? (拿出一只碗) Oh, its a bowl. A bowl. 领读,拼读,开火车读。 T: Guess, whats in the bowl?T: No.T: No.T: No. Look, its a fork. . A fork. Who can use this fork? 介绍西餐小知

20、识:吃西餐到底应该哪只手拿knife,哪只手拿fork?反应训练(1)教师说单词,学生举起相应的实物或图片。(2)教师举图片,学生齐说或个别说单词,也可进行比赛。 5、 借助手中的图片,用 There is _ in /on /near the_. 来造句。(巩固第八单元句型) T:Theres a fork in the glass.、用Where is the milk? It is _ . 引入Part D. T: Look! I have a big fridge here. Do you have a fridge home? (拿出可打开门的冰箱模型) All right, you

21、 all have big fridges home. Read after me “fridge”.领读,拼读,开火车读。注意: “i” i. 归类: “i”S:It is in the cupboard.S1: A knife?S2: A spoon?S3: Some rice?Open the books and listen to the tape. Read after the tape. Read together.S1: Theres a knife in the cupboard. S2: Theres some rice in the bowl.(rice是不可数名词) S3

22、: Theres a cup near the spoon. S4: Therere some chopsticks in the bottle. S5: Theres some bread in the plate. Etc.看幻灯 口头完成P72 Part .教授新单词,注意音节发音结合句子,使用已教单词练习与巩固1、看板书跟老师齐读。2、听录音,模仿跟读Part A. and Part B.3、模仿Part A.中的全部五幅画,自编对话。练习课堂作业按要求写词those(反义词)chopstick(复数)wheres(完整形式) 4 sister(对应词)glass(复数)old(反义词

23、)回家作业1、熟读Part A. and Part B.2、抄写并会默写今天所学的四会单词和句型。3、书面完成P72 Part D.板书设计a fridgea platea bottlea knife (knives)主要句型Theres no in /on /neara carton of课后记:此课着重帮助学生了解并掌握不可数名词的量词表示的各种单位,a bowl of, a bottle of, a spoon of, a carton of. 并能与已学不可数名词相配合,注意这种情况的复数形式是在量词后面加上同时会用theres后加no即表示没有第三教时一、教学内容:Part E 、P

24、art F 、Part G1 、Part G3 二、教学目的与要求:三会掌握:Can you use chopsticks? No, I cannot. But Id like to try. Watch me! Let me try again.掌握字母组合wh的发音.读懂 Part G1会读 Part G3 : A rhyme三、教学重点与难点:1、三会掌握5句短语。2、掌握wh的发音的规律3、读懂 Part G14、会读 Part G3四、课前准备:磁带,录音,图片。教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图以Everyday English 导入新课。 Where is _ ? Where ar

25、e _ ? Whats for your breakfast, Lucy ? answer复习操练引入新课。接以上话题:T: Whats for your breakfast?T: Can you make bread by yourself? Look! I can make some bread by myself.Watch me! (边说边做动作,假装做好一条香喷喷的面包)Can you make any bread?T: Can you make biscuits?T: I can make biscuits. Watch me!Can you use forks? (配以手势)T:

26、 Can you use knife and fork? (实物与手势)T: Now ,look at me and read after me:Use a knife Use a fork Use chopsticks领读,齐读,开火车读.T: Who can ask me some questions with “Can you_ ?”T: No, I cant. But Id like to try. (使劲开窗,但怎么也打不开)Wholl help me? Tom, come here and help me.Tom: Watch me! (打开了)T: Thank you very

27、much.T: No, I cant . But Id like to try. Repeat: But Id like to try.(在黑板上画,但画来画去不象) Wholl help me?T: Thank you. Let me try again.Repeat: Let me try again.(照着画学生也画得很好)出示三会的词组及短句。T: Now read after me, please.Can you use _ ?No, I cant.But Id like to try.Watch me! Let me try again.S1: Bread, eggs and mi

28、lk.S1: No, I cant.S2: No, I cant.S3: Yes, I can.S4: Yes, I can.S1: Can you open that window?S2: Can you draw a lovely dog?S3: Let me help you . Watch me !(画得很漂亮)齐读,同桌互相朗读,听录音跟读。3、自学并表演:注意提醒: a pair of 的用法。在4A Unit 6中已出现过,在此处再复现一下。4、进入 Part E的教学学生听录音跟读 what where which white借助图片,理解并朗读句子 Mr White,what

29、s for lunch? Wheres my plate? Which is my fork?朗读时注意节奏学生归纳wh发w “wh” w : where what which white “wh” h : who whose教授新课课文教学 Part G1教学 Part G3: Say a rhyme指导学生看图读句,体会内涵,注意比较breakfast and dinner听录音,跟读。 分角色朗读。分小组比赛朗读。听录音模仿。反复朗读,体会韵律美。学习G 部分课堂作业:中译英房里有什么?有张桌子面条在哪?在碗柜里中饭吃什么?学生们在哪?他们在操场上回家作业1 、熟读 Part E, Part F and Part G2、复习四会的单词及句型。板书设计 w:where whatwh which white h : who whose三会句型Can you use_ ?No, I cant.But Id like to try.Watch me!Let me try again.课后记:让学生进一步巩固了此课的基本句型及基本单词后,进一步让学生了解一些句型,如can

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