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新目标英语八年级下册Unit1 Whats the matter单元练习.docx

1、新目标英语八年级下册Unit1 Whats the matter单元练习Unit1 Whats the matter?单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) 听力理解(20分)一、情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答语。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. A. Yes, please. B. Here you are. C. In the library. 2. A. It doesnt matter. B. Its cold. C. Good idea. 3. A. Friendly. B. Sunny. C. Delicious. 4. A. Sounds boring. B

2、. I dont like it. C. I agree. 5. A. She is my aunt. B. She is quiet. C. She is a nurse. 二、对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。(共10分,每小题1分) 6. Is Mike tall or short? A. Hes tall. B. Hes short. C. He is of medium height. 7. How was Lucys weekend? A. Boring. B. Great. C. Terrible. 8. Whats Steves favorite sport? A

3、. Soccer. B. Basketball. C. Ping-pong. 9. Why cant Gina go to the party? A. Because she has to look after her sister. B. Because she has too much homework to do. C. Because she has to meet her uncle at the airport.10. How old is Amys sister? A. Three. B. Eleven. C. Fourteen. 听下面一段长对话,回答11-12两个小题。11.

4、 Wheres the bank? A. Behind the park. B. Across from the park. C. Next to the park.12. Is Center Street far from here? A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. I dont know. 听下面一段长对话,回答13-15三个小题。13. What will they do on Saturday evening? A. Go to the park. B. Go to the shop. C. Go to the concert.14. How man

5、y tickets do they have? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.15. When will they meet? A. 5:00. B. 6:00. C. 7:00. 三、短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容及问题选择正确答案。(共5分,每小题1分)16. What color was the dog? A. White. B. Black. C. Brown.17. What was wrong with the dog? A. She was ill. B. She was hungry. C. Her leg was broken.18. How did t

6、hey bring the dog to the doctor for animals? A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bus.19. What did Bill do to find the owner? A. He put up signs in his neighborhood. B. He called the Animal Helper Center. C. He showed the picture of the dog on the Internet.20. What was the name of the baby dog? A. Coco. B.

7、Lucky. C. Happy.二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)21. - Simon, whats matter with you? - I have toothache. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. a; /22. - I dont care what my teachers think. - Well, you . A. could B. would C. should D. might23. I could look after when I was six. A. herself B. myself C. yourself D. himsel

8、f24. When the train arrived in Beijing, we all excitedly. A. get it off B. got it off C. get off it D. got off it25. To our , theyve finished the work in a short time. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprises26. I used to eat a lot in the morning. However, I used to eating anything now be

9、cause I always sleep late. A. dont B. didnt C. havent D. am not27. Bob used to be a problem child, but his mother was very patient and didnt stop trying to help him. A. give out B. give away C. give up D. put up28. His little son the bathroom just now. A. get out of B. gets out of C. got out of D. g

10、ot out from29. I cant stand hamburgers! They make me feel . A. nice B. sick C. excited D. hot30. - Peter, I think we need to buy a new car. - Oh, no! We are out of money, you know? A. trying B. going C. getting D. running三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)31. If you have a s , you shouldnt eat any more.32.

11、One of the p on the plane is the famous singer, Li Yuchun.33. She had t riding her bike to the cinema last Sunday.34. The ice is too thin for you to skate on it. Youd better not take the r .35. My family was in a difficult s when my mother was ill in hospital.36. If a person loses a lot of b , he wi

12、ll become ill and may die.37. He made a d to raise money for charity because he really wanted to help the poor.38. What kind of s do you need to become a scientist?39. We all realize the i of education.40. - Do you know what this word m ?- Let me have a look. Eh, sorry, I dont know. Maybe you can lo

13、ok it up in a dictionary.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)41. My arm was (受伤) last week.42. About 50 passengers were burned to (死亡) on BRT in Xiamen on June 7th, 2013.43. I want to know how to (控制) the machine.44. His grandfathers healthy (情况) is getting better and better.45. It will be a dangerous tri

14、p. Are you sure you want to take the (风险)?46. The air here is so dirty that I can hardly (呼吸).47. There are many (乘客) waiting for train at Dingxiao Railway Station every day.48. Whats your (麻烦), Tom?49. When you have a headache, please lie down and (休息).50. More and more people get to know the (重要性)

15、 of learning English.五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)51. David (感冒) yesterday and he didnt feel well.52. I am gradually (习惯于吃) with chopsticks and spoon.53. 她应该量体温。She should .54. 如果不是水尽粮绝, 我们将不会停止宿营。We wont stop camping we food and water.55. 如果你想保持身体健康,就不要放弃锻炼。Dont exercise if you want to stay healthy.六

16、、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) How can we stay healthy? One important rule is to exercise 56 . The Fang family try to exercise every day. Lee Fang 57 exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at exactly(精确地) seven oclock. But he runs every evening. He would rather(宁愿) run than watch TV. He walks a lo

17、t, 58 . He walks to school every day, and after school he 59 basketball with his friends. Lee Fang goes to a yoga(瑜伽) class 60 . But it isnt 61 this way. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Fang used to 62 everywhere, even to the drugstore(药房) two blocks away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. T

18、hey wouldnt walk. The Fangs all 63 better now. And they believe you mustnt be lazy. You 64 exercise every day. But you should 65 to get in shape(形状) and stay in shape.56. A. often B. sometimes C. late D. later57. A. may not B. can not C. would not D. should not58. A. either B. also C. too D. again59

19、. A. watches B. plays C. loves D. practices60. A. in two weeks B. after two weeks C. for two weeks D. twice a week61. A. always B. seldom C. usually D. sometimes62. A. ride B. drive C. fly D. walk63. A. had B. make C. feel D. feel like64. A. neednt B. dont C. wont have to D. mustnt65. A. try B. want

20、 C. wish D. hope七、阅读理解(共17小题;共34分)A Alzheimers disease is an illness of the brain. It causes large numbers of brain cells to die. Doctors dont know what causes the disease. They do know that it usually begins after age 60 and nearly half of people age 85 and older may have Alzheimers. The disease of

21、ten starts slowly. In fact, most people dont know they have Alzheimers disease. They blame(抱怨) their forgetfulness on old age. However, their memory problems get much worse. They lose the ability to drive a car, cook a meal, or even read a newspaper. They may get lost easily and find even simple thi

22、ngs confusing. Some people become worried, angry, or violent. Here are signs of Alzheimers. Early signs Trouble remembering recent events. Problems remembering names of people and places. Trouble solving simple math problems. Later signs Forget how to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Cannot remem

23、ber the names of common things such as desk, house, apple, etc. Wander away from home.66. What causes Alzheimers disease? A. Age B. Older C. Health D. No one knows67. This disease can make . A. people become older B. many brain cells die C. people become clever D. peoples memory better68. What does

24、the word confusing mean in Chinese? A. 使人困惑的 B. 使人难忘的 C. 令人高兴的 D. 令人失望的69. Which of the following may be the early sign of this disease? A. Its hard to remember what happened yesterday. B. He doesnt know where he lives. C. He doesnt know what to call TV set. D. Problems brushing his teeth.70. Which

25、of the following is WRONG? A. Alzheimers disease usually begins after age 60. B. Most people know when they have Alzheimers disease. C. People may get lost easily when they have Alzheimers disease. D. People with the disease have trouble solving simple math problems.B Air pollution comes from factor

26、ies, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage(损害; 毁坏). They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. And this “chemical rain” gradually(逐渐地) destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In German

27、y, over 50% of the countrys trees had been damaged by the year 1986. Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a serious accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation flew across the whole Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died

28、 in Russia as a result of illness caused by this accident. In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured(受伤的). Many of the injured lost the

29、ir sight.71. Air pollution comes from . A. factories B. power stations C. cars D. all of the above72. According to the passage, which sentence is right? A. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cant travel far in the wind B. “Chemical rain” is good for the trees C. Chemicals in the smoke from p

30、ower stations are very safe D. “Chemical rain” is bad for our environment73. In Germany, how many trees had been damaged by the year 1986? A. A quarter B. A half C. Three quarters D. A third74. What was the result of the accident that happened in Russia in 1986? A. Over 2,500 people were killed B. M

31、any people couldnt walk C. Many people lost their sight D. Compared with (同.比较) the accident in India, more people died75. From the sentence “Many of the injured lost their sight.” we can know . A. the gas covered the town of Bhopal at that time was poisonous(有毒的) B. gradually the injured could see everything C. many of the injured couldnt see anything any more D. Both A and CC Once there was a boy. He loved sweets very

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