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Unit 23 Resuing the temple.docx

1、Unit 23 Resuing the templeUnit 23 Resuing the temple教学目标知识目标一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,使学生掌握有关提出建议或忠告的句型,对他人的一些具体问题提出自己的建议或忠告。阅读课文“The rescue of Abu Simbel”,让学生了解保护古迹文物的重要意义,并完成有关课文内容的练习。二、重点与难点1.重点词汇:in danger, face, date from, flood, make a good effort2.重点句型1).They are now at breakfast, talking about the pl

2、an for their trip.(现在分词做伴随状语)2).There are plenty of interesting places to visit.(不定式做定语)3).The dam, which is the biggest in the workd, is 3830 meters long. (非限定性定语从句)3语法:复习非限定性定语从句。4日常交际用语1).Id prefer to do2).Id like to do3).Cant we ? 4). I think we should do that another day. 5).I think thats a goo

3、d idea. 6).How about?能力目标1运用有关交际用语及词汇来表达个人的愿望、想法,及提出自己的意见。2区别限定性定语从句和非限定语从句。德育与美育目标通过对Abu Simbel的挽救,激发学生热爱祖国悠久历史及灿烂文化的激情,并培养学生热爱历史文物、欣赏文物、从而保护文物的美德。教学建议课文分析本单元的阅读是介绍阿斯旺高坝,以及由于兴建高坝而引起的拯救阿布辛波古庙的工程。阿斯旺高坝是世界上三大人造工程之一,另外两个是中国的长城和埃及的金字塔。通过本单元的学习,学生应了解保护古迹文物的重要意义。分为三部分:Part 1 (Paragraph l ) The Aswan High

4、Dam is one of the three biggest man-made projects in the world.Part 2 (Paragraphs 2 - 4) The description of the dam(Paragraph 2) The High Dam was built for several reasons.(Paragraph 3) The High Darn is the biggest in the world.(Paragraph 4) There were several problems building the darn.Part 3 (Para

5、graphs 58) The project of removing Abu Simbel(Paragraph 5) Abu Simbel was in danger.(Paragraph 6) The engineers decided to move the temple.(Paragraph 7) The project lasted 4 years and cost l billion US dollars.(Paragraph 8) The project was successfully completed.本课阅读讲述了兴建高坝的原因和困难,列表如下:ReasonsDifficu

6、ltiescontrol the waters of the Nilemake electricity from the watermove 53,000 people from their villagesrescue the important old templesLesson 90 Aswan Dam 建议1.给出有关埃及的地图,教师可在网上搜到地图或图片,如条件不允许可用手画。The teacher tell the students today we are going to read/listen to a dialogue about Egypt. Draw a rough m

7、ap of Africa on the blackboard to show the location of Egypt. And draw a rough map of Egypt to show the location of the capital Cairo, the River Nile, and Aswan in the south.2.听录音,了解对话内容Play the tape of the dialogue for the students to listen and repeat. Then let them practise the dialogue in pairs.

8、3看视频,教师在播放视频过程中,让学生思考问题,给出一两道设问。4通过阅读了解本文的意思,教师通过让学生精读和阅读给学生一些设问。5教师在课堂中展示相关图片,做为拓展学生的课外知识,如尼罗河风光,埃及金字塔,阿司旺大坝纪念碑等。6教师分别给出话题,分组讨论阿旺大坝的利弊之处。教师帮助学生提供图片或相应的网站名称,最后学生给出结论,教师讲评。语言点讲解be covered by,be covered with这两个短语都有“由覆盖”之意,介词by用于被动语态,引出动作的逻辑主语,表动作。with用于主动或被动语态均可,指“用覆盖掩盖”,表状态。When Sanxia Dam is finishe

9、d, many towns and villages wi1l be covered by water. 三峡大坝完工后,许多村镇都将被水淹没。He covered his face with his hands. 他双手捂着脸。on/at/ along the edge of, on edgeat the edge of意为“在的边缘”表位置on the edge of 意为“在边缘上面”和“即将,濒于”along the edge of意为“沿着边缘”on edge意为“紧张、不耐烦,急切”。He sat on the edge of a chair. 他坐在椅子边 。We are now

10、 at the edge of Libyan Desert.我们现在是在利比亚大沙漠的边缘。Grass grew along the edges of the road.草生长在路的两旁 。He was on edge to have a look at it.他急于想看看那个东西。rush at 意为“向冲(扑)过去”。rush in/into意为“冲进”rush off ( of )/from 意为“冲出”rush through 意为“通过,匆匆做完,穿过”They rushed at the enemy. 他们冲向敌人。Firemen rushed into the burning b

11、uilding to save the child.消防队员冲进着火的大楼去救那小孩。When the bell rang the children rushed out of the classroom.铃一响,孩子们冲出教室。The fire broke out suddenly and they rushed through the window.突然起火,他们跃出窗户。date back (to)和date from均有“追溯到,从就开始有”之意date for意为“为约会”The custom dates from ancient times.这个习惯是从古代开始的。The cast

12、le dates back to the 14th century. 这座城堡是在14世纪建造的。Ill date Nancy for the dance. 我将约南希去跳舞。dangerous表“危险的,有危险的”,多指客观情况be dangerous指对主语对他人构成威胁;in danger 指某人(物)处于危险地。如:out of danger 意为“脱险”。The man is dangerous. 此人是个危险人物(会伤害别人)。The man is in(great) danger. 此人处境(很)危险。in all和in total 都有“总共”之意,作状语。如:There we

13、re twenty in all in the party. 参加这次聚会的总人有20人。The cost of the project amounts in total to 25,000 US dollars.这项工程的费用总计25,000美元。altogether作“总共”解时,与副词短语all together 意思接近,可用于可数或不可数名词,位置灵活。如:There are altogether/all together twentyfour children in the class.班上共有24名儿童。The White family are on holiday in Egy

14、pt.怀特一家在埃及度假。(l)family 是集合名词。当其作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数均可。如果把它看做一个集体,则用单数;如果把它看做这个集体中的个体,则用复数。句中的family 被视作这个集体中的个体(family members),所以谓语动词用复数动词are。例如:My family is a big one. There are 16 members. 我家是个大家,有十六口人。类似的集合名词还有army,group, organization, team, nation等。(2) be on holiday表示状态“在度假”go on holiday表示动作“去度假”。例如:

15、Jack told me that his parents had gone on holiday two days before. 杰克告诉我他的父母亲两天前就去度假了。One of the most important temples in danger was the one at Abu Simbel.位于阿布辛波的那座寺庙是处境危险的最重要的寺庙之一。the one,用来代替一个特指的单数可数名词;而one用来代替一个泛指的单数可数名词。例如:The school is that we visited last year这所学校是我们去年参观过的那所学校。(the one=the s

16、chool)There were a lot of books in the shop and I bought. (one=a book)那书店里有很多书,于是我买了一本。(one+ a book)Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake. 今天,你可以乘飞机去阿布辛波,也可以从湖对岸乘船前往。from across the lake从湖对岸,介词from后面往往可以再接一个介词短语,在句中作地点状语。这一结构也叫双重介词结构,常见方式有:“from +介词短语”是“介

17、词十介词短语”结构中最常见的一个,其后可接的另一个介词短语至少有十个以上。He said hello tome from across the room他从房间的另一边向我打招呼。The 1ittle boy came out from behind the door小男孩从门后走了出来。They came from beyond the sea他们来自海外。Cant we visit the High Dam? 我们难道不能去参观高坝吗?以 can或其它助动词+ not开头的这类句子,是一种否定问句,用来提出要求或征求意见。使用这种问句时,往往期待对方给予肯定的答复。You havent h

18、ad anything since morningArent you hungry?从早晨到现在你什么也没吃,你不饿吗?Cant we leave a message for her?咱们不能给她留个条吗?Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip.乘船游览以后,凡是想去的人都可到阿斯旺各处走一走。(1)句中的“anyone who”是常用结构。其中的关系代词who引导了一个定语从句。又如:Anyone who wants to listen to the talk must come t

19、o school at two oclock 凡是想听报告的人必须两点到校。( 2) 句中的“who wants to”是个省略的说法,其中的to是不定式符号,它代替整个动词不定式,以避免上下文中提到的相同的内容。又如:A: Would you like to go to Anns birthday party tomorrow?B: Yes, Id like to(=Id like to go to Anns birthday party tomorrow).A:你想明天参加安的生日聚会吗?B:是的,我想去。I went there, because I wanted to(=l wante

20、d to go there).我到那儿去了,是因为我想去。(3)有时不定符号“to”也可省略(主要不得在名词、形容词以及动词try等之后)。例如:He has to get a job and he is ready (to).他不得不找工作,并且他也准备这么做。A: Can you start the car?B: OK, Ill try.A:你能发动这车子吗?B:好,让我试试。(4) 在would like和want之后,通常不能省略“to”。例如:A: Are you interested in playing football?B: Yes, I would like to.A:你对踢

21、足球感兴趣吗?B:是的,我想踢足球。My parents encouraged me to be a lawyer, but I dont want to.我父母鼓励我去当个律师,可我不想。(5) 当want和like用于从句中(在when/ if/ what/as之后)对,动词不定式符号“to”常常省略。例如:Come when you want. 你什么时候想来,就来吧。You may go if you like. 如果想走,你可以走。Also,around the area of Aswan there are a lot of important old temples,which

22、date from about 1250 BC而且在阿斯旺地区的周围还有许多重要古庙,它们是公元前1250年左右建立的。这是一个带有非限制性定语从句的复合句。非限制性定语从句用以补充前面内容的不足,它和主句的关系不十分密切。如果去掉,主句意思仍然清楚。从句与主句之间往往用逗号隔开,一般不用that引导。如:He marred a doctor,which made his parents angry他娶了位医生,使得他的父母很生气。She had two sons,neither of whom was kind to her她有两个儿子,没一个对她好的。The dam, which is t

23、he biggest in the world, is 3,830 metres long.这座水坝长3,830米,是世界上最大的。(1) “,which is the biggest in the world”是一个非限制性定语从句,它插在主句(The dam is 3,830 metres long)的主语和谓语之间,前后有逗号隔开。例如:The letter, which I got yesterday, lay there unopened.这封信是昨天收到的,还没有拆开过哩。(2) 3,830 metres long是名词短语,表示长度,在句中作表语。英语中常用“metres lon

24、g/ wide/ high”等表示长度/宽度/高度(=metres in length/ width/height),如课文中的:980 metres wide, 40metes wide, 500 kilometres long. 例如:He is a basketball player; he is six feet tall.他是篮球运动员,身高6英尺。It was carved in the rock and had on the outside four large stone figures, each of which was 20 metres high.这座庙宇是雕凿在岩石中

25、的,外面有四尊巨大的石像。每尊石像有20米高。(1)句中的each of which was 20 metres high是一个非限制性从句。句中had的宾语是four large stone figures,状语on the outside。这种定语从句是由“名词(代词或数词)+介词+关系代词”来引导的。又如:In his house there are three rooms, each of which has a bed.They lived in a house, the door of which opens to the south.China has hundreds of i

26、sland, the largest of which is Taiwan.These books, two of which I have read, are interesting.(2)除了of which外,还有of whom这种句型。即:“名词/代词/数词+of whom”There are around 100 teachers in our school, most of whom are women.These girls, the youngest of whom is my sister, will dance a waltz for us.Her brothers, bo

27、th of whom (three of whom) work in Scotland, ring her up every week.(3)除了上述所举的名词、代词、数词外,some, all, none, several, few等词都可接of+ which/ whom的句型。限制性和非限制性定语从句的区别区别:1)在形式上限制性定语从句的关系词和先行词之间不用逗号分开。非限制性定语从句中两者则用逗号分开。Jack is the kind of people who prefers listening to talking. (限定性)杰克是那种宁愿聆听,不愿讲话的人。The studen

28、ts, some of whom were rather busy, did not spend much time on music. (非限定性)这些学生在音乐上花的时间不多,他们中有些人的确很忙。2)在意义上限制性定语从句说明的是句中的先行词必不可少的情况,它用来限制先行词所指的范围,其内容与先行词关系密切;若去掉此定语从句,剩下的部分则含义不明确、意义不完整或意义完全改变。非限制性定语从句则与先行词关系较松散,只是对先行词做进一步的解释、补充或说明;若去掉此定语从句,整个句子意义一样很明确,不会引起误解和歧义。请看以下例句:Beijing,which Is the capital of

29、 China,has developed into an international city3)在翻译上限制性定语从句一般是直接将定语从句译成先行词的定语成分,如:“的+先行词”;非限制性定请从句一般则不宜译成先行词的定语成分,其译法相当灵活。常可译成状语从句,来表示原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等意义。我们比较以下例句:The cab drivers who knew abut the traffic jam took another road. 知道那里塞车的出租车司机换了另一条道。(言外之意:不知道的司机则没有换路线,只有部分司机换路线了)The cab drivers,who knew

30、 about the traffic Jam,took another load出租车司机因为知道那里塞车了,他们都换了另一条道。(言外之意:所有司机都知道,都换了行驶路线)4)在口语中一般来说,限制性定语从句做停顿,非限制性定语从内要稍加停顿。注意(1)在非限定性定语从句中不能用关系代词that,其他的关系代词或关系副词根据情况进行选择,(2)在非限定性定语从句中,无论关系词作什么成分都不要省略,如:The mail .whom you met with just now is our English teacher. 你刚才碰到的那个人是我们的英语老师,在这个句子中whom是介词with的宾语,但却不能省略,4)注意as和which引导的非限定性定语从句的不同,as引导的定语从句可以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,which只能放在主句之后,放在句末时,which译成:“这一点”、“这件事”怎么样?as往往译成“正像”、“正如”,如:He came back on time,as we expected. 他按时回来了,正如大家所希望的。例题:The weather t

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