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本文(关于路边停车规划的几个问题中英文翻译.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、关于路边停车规划的几个问题中英文翻译关于路边停车规划的几个问题摘要:探讨了路边停车的地位与作用,分析了制约路边停车的道路条件、交通条件、路外停车设施、交通管理水平等制约因素,从系统性、协调性、动态性、可操作性等方面阐述了路边停车规划应遵循的原则。关键词:路边停车,路外停车,停车场,规划1 概述路边停车是指机动车辆停放在道路路边沿附近停车行为总称,是相对于路外停车而言的。作为一种停车方式,路边停车具有以下优点:充分利用道路空间资源;满足短时停车之需要;对路外停车进行有效补充;占用空间少。同时,由于路边停车发生在承担交通功能的道路上,具有诸多不足:降低道路通行能力;容易引起交通事故;造成城市道路周

2、围环境景观的恶化对居民的生活和出行造成不便。正是由于路边停车具有以上优缺点,在目前停车问题仍然比较突出的情况下,如何更好地发挥路边停车的优势,有效解决停车问题已经引起了许多城市管理部门的思考。通过分析现有的停车问题,发现有关路边停车的问题主要表现在以下一些方面:随意路边停车现象比较严重;路边停车场设置不规范,其负面影响比较严重;路边停车管理比较混乱。因此,科学规划路边停车,加强路边停车管理,充分发挥路边停车的长处,避免或者减小其负面的影响,就显得尤为重要。2 关于路边停车的地位与作用路边停车地位与作用的确定是关系到如何对待路边停车,规划路边停车泊位的问题。违章路边停车现象严重,造成道路交通严重

3、拥堵,可以部分归结为没有科学合理进行路边停车规划的原因,而这恰好是以前对路边停车不重视、认识较肤浅、缺乏科学的对待态度,归结为一点就是由对路边停车的地位与作用认识不清的原因造成的。根据部分城市的路边停车规划项目得出:要做好一个城市路边停车规划,首先必须明确和确定路边停车在城市停车系统中的地位以及所起的作用。只有这样,才能够据此确定路边停车的规模以及指定相应的政策策略和规划方案。对于路边停车的地位与作用,有以下几种观点: 1)路边停车是停车系统中不可或缺的一部分。在目前的发展国家,仍然存在着一定比例的路边停车,无论是从这一现实情况,还是从路边停车充分发挥道路功能以及方便停车者需要的角度,都说明了

4、路边停车是城市停车系统的一个不可或缺的组成部分。 2)要依据不同的城市、区位特征来确定路边停车的地位与作用。在不同城市以及不同的城市区域,由于经济发展程度不同。用地性质与功能不一样,因此,应该根据当地的实际情况区别对待路边停车的地位与作用。3 关于路边停车规划的制约因素由于路边停车行为发生在道路边沿,路边停车场用地为道路红线范围内,路边停车规划的合理与否不仅仅牵涉到停车的问题,同时还对道路上的交通产生影响,严重的将造成道路交通拥堵、对居民的出行造成不便,甚至导致交通事故,因此,路边停车规划不同于路外停车规划,主要表现在路边停车规划所考虑的制约因素与路外停车规划的制约因素不一样。路边停车规划不仅

5、要考虑道路条件的制约,同时也要考虑交通条件的制约,此外,从系统角度出发,还必须考虑与路外停车设施的配套、交通管理水平等因素。 1)道路条件。道路设施是路边停车实现的基础设施或平台,它的基本条件直接影响到所提供服务的质量和数量(如服务水平、交通量大小等),因此,作为发挥道路功能的另一种服务,路边停车的设置必须考虑道路的基本条件(如道路的性质及几何尺寸)。 2)交通条件。道路的基本功能是为交通出行中的行驶平台以及通道的服务;不同的道路条件,包括交通车辆的组成与数量、交通的时空特征等,对道路时空的需求也是一样,从而决定着道路在满足其动态交通的服务需求之后可以提供其他服务的能力。而路边停车主要是从发挥

6、道路满足动态交通之后的剩余能力角度出发的,因此,路边停车规划要受到道路上交通条件的制约。 3)路外停车设施。路边停车和路外停车共同组成了城市停车系统,但路边停车毕竟不能作为城市停车系统的主导,只能作为路外停车设施的一种补充;为此,规划路边停车时必须考虑路外停车设施的供给水平以及管理现状(如收费水平等),只有这样,才能够充分发挥路外停车设施的主导作用。 4)交通管理水平。道路交通的运行状况受交通管理水平的影响。交通管理水平高,能够充分发挥道路的最佳服务能力,从而在其他相同的条件下,道路可以提供更多的其他服务。4 关于路边停车规划遵循的原则由于路边停车规划所考虑的因素不同,根据它的地位与作用,在路

7、边停车规划时,制定规划方案前,还需要确定路边停车规划所应遵循的原则。路边停车规划首先应遵循的原则包括四个方面:系统性、协调性、动态性和可操作性。41 系统性作为交通规划中的一个专题规划,路边停车规划的系统性包括两个方面的含义: 1)必须综合考虑城市停车系统、城市交通系统等不同层次系统对路边停车规划的需求;这些不同层次的系统对路边停车具有不同层次的宏观统领作用,而同时,路边停车的规划也将对这些系统的发展和效益的发挥具有反作用。因此,路边停车规划应与这些层次系统及其规划相协调,不应“就事论事”,出现与这些系统“脱节”的现象。 2)要求对路边停车的规划、管理和政策法规等方面进行系统性的研究。停车问题

8、不仅仅是一个工程规划问题,更是一个资源分配问题。路边停车不仅如此,同时还是一个怎样充分利用道路的剩余能力的问题。因此,路边停车规划要对政策法规、规划、管理等方面进行系统的研究,保证路边停车所取得的效益最大,而尽量减少其负面影响。42 协调性路边停车是城市停车规划的组成部分之一,在整个停车系统中,路边停车只能作为一种解决停车问题的辅助手段。由于路边停车场的存在以及经营方式可能影响到路外停车场的停车需求,因此,作为一种对路外停车场的补充的路边停车,其规划的协调包括三方面含义: 1)与路外停车场(包括现有的以及规划的)之间的协调。路外停车和路边停车共同组成城市停车系统,因此,路边停车规划应该保持两者

9、之间的协调。两者之间的协调不仅仅是保持布局上的协调,同时还应该保持在经营管理方式上的协调,比如路边停车对于短时停车收取较低的费用,而对于长时间停车则采取高收费率的政策。 2)与城市交通发展战略和城市交通规划之间的协调。城市交通发展战略和城市交通规划是对城市的交通走向与发展趋势的整体把握,其研究结果影响到未来的交通需求,包括停车需求。因此,作为对充分发挥道路功能的路边停车的规划研究,应该保持与城市交通发展战略和城市交通规划之间的协调。只能在充分调查与研究的基础上,才能够保证规划的路边停车是科学合理的,才能够与未来的道路条件、交通状况保持协调,不会造成道路交通拥挤,有助于交通发展战略的落实。 3)

10、与城市交通发展战略和城市总体规划之间的协调。城市发展战略和城市总体规划是统领城市未来发展方向的工作,因此,作为对城市交通发展、居民出行生活有较大影响的路边停车应该保持与之协调。43 动态性由于路边停车是发生在主要为动态交通提供服务的道路上的,而同时,由于社会经济活动的改变、道路交通出行需求以及分布也会发生改变,从而使得道路满足交通需求的程度,也就使道路所承担的交通负荷发生改变。因此,作为道路非主要功能的路边停车必须根据道路上动态交通需求的变化而进行适当的调整;同时,还需要根据路外停车设施的发展状况而对路边停车的规划、建设和使用进行实时的调整。44 可操作性可操作性应该是所有工作,特别是实践工作

11、(包括规划工作)所应遵循的原则。对于路边停车规划来说,也必须遵循这一原则。路边停车规划的可操作性包括三方面的含义: 1)规划方案应该是在经过前期详细的实地调查、分析以及发展预测的基础上进行。 2)规划期应该具有可操作性。路边停车规划应该随着道路条件、交通条件以及路外停车设施的发展而进行实时调整,而在目前的城市交通发展形势下,这种变化是非常快的,因此要求路边停车规划的规划期应能尽量符合这一要求。从可操作性出发,建议路边停车规划近期适应时间为2年3年,远期的适应时间为4年5年;此外,每年还要根据情况的发展变化而进行调整。 3)路边停车场的泊位规模要具有可操作性,也即规模要适度。由于路边停车的存在,

12、车辆不仅占据了道路行驶空间,同时驶入驶出行为也会影响道路上其他车辆的行驶。从尽量减小路边停车影响角度出发,路边停车场的规模要保持适度,不能太小,也不能太大。参考文献:1贾净哲城市交通规划建设与管理J山西建筑,2004(4):572徐剑虹道路设计与交通安全J山西建筑,2004(11):134一l35Several problems about ROADSIDE PARKING PLANNINGAbstract:The status of the street parking and the role of the street parking restriction road condition

13、s, traffic conditions, road, parking facilities, traffic management and other constraints, from the systemic, coordinated, dynamic and operational aspects street parking plan elaborated principles to be followed.Key words:park along roadside,park outside road,park,plan1 OverviewStreet parking is the

14、 parking of motor vehicles stopped near the edge of the road in the general behavior, as opposed to off-road parking purposes. As a way of parking, street parking has the following advantages: full use of road space resources; to meet the needs of short-term parking; right path and outside the park

15、to complement; take up less space. Also, because street parking in the road bear the transportation function, has many disadvantages: reduced road capacity; easily lead to accidents; city roads caused a deterioration of the landscape surrounding the living and traveling inconvenience.2 on the status

16、 and role of street parkingStreet parking to determine the status and role is related to how to deal with street parking, street parking planning issues. Street parking violation is serious, causing severe traffic jams, can be attributed to not some scientific and rational planning of the reasons fo

17、r street parking, which happens to be on-street parking is not before seriously know more superficial treatment of the lack of scientific attitude nutshell is that the on-street parking status and role of knowledge and vague reasons.According to some urban planning projects come on-street parking: T

18、o make a city street parking plan, first of all must be clear and sure-street parking in the city parking system status and role. Only in this way can thus determine the scale of street parking and the designation of appropriate policy strategies and planning.For the status and role of street parkin

19、g, there are several views:1) street parking is an integral part of the parking system. In the present developed countries, there is still a certain proportion of street parking, whether it is from this reality, or the full path from the street parking functions and to facilitate the needs of the an

20、gle parking, street parking is all explained Parking system is an integral component.2) to be based on different cities, location features to determine the status and role of street parking. In different cities and different urban areas, due to different levels of economic development. Nature and fu

21、nction of different sites, therefore, should be based on the actual situation of local differentiation status and role of street parking.3 on street parking planning constraintAct as street parking on the road edge, on-street parking spaces within the red line for the road, street parking plan is re

22、asonable or not is not just about parking problems, but also on the impact of traffic on the road, serious will result in traffic congestion, inconvenience to the residents of the trip, and even lead to accidents, so different from the way-street parking outside the parking plan planning, mainly in

23、roadside parking planning constraints taken into account and off-road parking planning constraints factors are different. Street parking plan would not only have to consider road conditions, while also considering traffic conditions, In addition, from a system point of view, we must also consider th

24、e matching off-road parking facilities, traffic management and other factors.1) road conditions. Road-street parking facilities is to achieve the infrastructure or platform, the basic conditions for its direct impact on the quality and quantity of services provided (such as the level of service, tra

25、ffic flow, and so), so, as a function of the road to play another service street parking in the road to set the basic conditions must be considered (such as roads to the nature and geometry). 2) traffic conditions. The basic function is to road traffic and travel of the moving platform to access the

26、 service; different road conditions, including transport vehicles, the composition and quantity of space-time characteristics of traffic, the demand for road space is the same, and thus determines the roads meet dynamic traffic demand can then be provided other services. On-street parking is mainly

27、to meet the dynamic traffic from road to play the remaining capacity after the point of view, therefore, planning to be street parking on the road traffic conditions.3) off-road parking facilities. Street parking and off-road parking together to form the city parking system, but street parking can n

28、ot be the city parking system, after all, the main lead, only as a road, parking facilities, a supplement; this end, planning street parking must be consider the off-road parking facilities and management status of the supply level (such as the level of charges, etc.), the only way to give full play

29、 to the road, parking facilities leading role.4) Traffic management. Operation of road traffic management by the traffic impact. High levels of traffic management, can give full play to the best service road ability, and thus the same in other conditions, the road can provide more other services.4 o

30、n-street parking plan to follow the principle ofSince street parking in different planning considerations, according to its status and role of street parking in the planning, development planning proposal, street parking also need to identify planning principles to be followed. Street parking planni

31、ng principles to be followed, including the first four areas: systematic, coordinated, dynamic and practical.4.1 systemicTransportation planning as a special planning, street parking, including the systematic planning two meanings:1) must be integrated into urban parking systems, urban transportatio

32、n systems, on-street parking systems at different levels of demand planning; these different levels of the system on-street parking with different levels of macro-command role, while at the same time, street parking is also planning will be the development and effectiveness of these systems play is counterproductive. Therefore, street parking should be the level of planning and planning coordination system should not be the sake of discussion, and these systems appear out of touch phenomenon.2) on-street parking requirements planning, manag

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