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英语写作lesson 4paragraph writing.docx

1、英语写作lesson 4paragraph writingLesson 4 段落写作 Paragraph Writing Questions to consider:v What is a paragraph?v What is the structure of a typical English paragraph?v What kind of paragraphs are strong / good paragraphs?Paragraph a group of sentences that deal with the same subject or topic several relat

2、ed sentences that support one main idea, which is limited to and focused in one sentence.段落的结构(paragraph structure)v 主题句(topic sentence) TS (+重述(restating) R)v +发展句(Supporting/developing sentences) Dv +结论句(concluding sentence) Cv 基本结构:TS-(R)-D1-D2-D3-(C)v 主题句:段首(普遍),提出主题v 重述句:放在主题句后面,使它更具体,明确。v 展开句:

3、段中,论证,阐明,支持主题v 结论句:段尾,对段落的中心思想进行重述,总结或评论。v Einstein was a purely and exclusively a theorist. He didnt have the slightest interest in the practical application of his ideas and the theories. His E=mc2 is probably the most famous equation in historyyet Einstein wouldnt walk down the street to see a re

4、actor create atomic energy. He won the Nobel Prize for his Photoelectric Theory, a series of equations that he considered relatively minor in importance he didnt have any curiosity in observing how his theory made TV possible.v Friends are very important to us. They share our joys and sorrows, and m

5、ake our life meaningful. A life without friends is not worth living. Friendship is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. So we should make as many friends as possible.v 发展句不能简单的重复主题句的思想Topic sentencev What is a topic sentence?v What are the functions of the topic s

6、entence? v What are the two parts of a topic sentence?v What kind of topic sentences are “good” topic sentences?v Where can one usually find the topic sentences? Topic sentence (governor)v a statement that declares the main idea of a paragraph, v and limits the topic to some specific points, control

7、s the development of the following sentences. 主题句的构成v 主题topic +主导思想controlling idea:v Topic: 中心事件,问题,解决的任务,论点- subjectv Controlling idea: 作者的看法,观点,对主题的具体限定- attitude towards the subject主题句的特点:v 1)段落主题句只能有一个主题。v 2)段落主题句必须具备一个主导思想,即段落主题句中必须包含一个等待发展的思想;v 3)段落主题句必须具有一定的限定性。其限定内容有助于段落的铺开和抒发,避免段落在展开过程中偏离主

8、题方向。Controlling ideav The voters supported the candidate.v The voters passively supported the candidate.v The voters found several reasons for supporting the candidate.v A dictionary is useful tool for a college student.v Poor handwriting can often get you into trouble.v Taking a young child to lunc

9、h requires patience.v Enrolling in college can be very surprising. v Electricity is an essential part of our modern life.v What + how /what specific v Doing housework is very boring.v My trip to the botanical garden taught me a lot.v 主题句直接点明某事物的作用,优点或看法。Topic:SolarEnergyv Solarenergy can contributet

10、oour futureenergysupply.v 主题句指出人们对某主题的论述要点。Topic: SolarEnergyv Solarenergy is getting popular for several reasons.A good topic sentencev Grammatically correctv -limited to or focused on one specific main idea A good topic sentence is usually one with a well-defined controlling idea that can be reaso

11、nably developed within a paragraph.v General topic: televisionv Limited topic: television commercialsv Topic sentence: Too many television commercials can be a disaster.v General topic: televisionv Limited topic: effects on peoplev Topic sentence: Television has more positive effects than negative e

12、ffects.For a university student in China, living on the campus is beneficial to his study.v Winter is the most boring season of the year.v Buying insurance is a good way of investment.v 1) It must take the form of a complete sentence 一定要注意,主题句不能使用短语代替。v 2)主题句不能太笼统:Marriage is different.v Topicsenten

13、ce:Iloveourschoolcampus.这个主题句没有限制一个合适的范围,包括的内容面太宽,不好下笔,因此可改为:Iloveourschoolcampusfor severalreasons.v Marriage is different from that of my grandmothers time.v 3)主题句涉及的面也不能太窄,否则就没有展开讨论的余地。Topicsentence:Igotocollegetomakefriends.v 此类涉及面太窄的主题句就不好进一步发挥,这一主题句可改为:Igotocollegeforseveralreasons.v topic sen

14、tence simple fact v Fact: Bill works nine hours a day and then goes to school three hours a night.v Topic sentence: Bill is ambitious.v Fact: Diana has blue eyes and long blond hair.v Topic: Diana is beautiful.v Fact: Susan paid $3.95 for her new dress.v Topic sentence: Susan loves to shop for barga

15、ins.v Fact: I know Mr. Charles.v Topic sentence: Mr. Charles is the meanest man I ever know.A good topic sentencea sentence rather than a phrase or a fragment neither too broad nor too specificfocusing on one single idea Good topic sentence: clear in idea and easy to organize v I was employed last s

16、ummer by the KFC near my school.v Id rather work indoors than outdoors.v I work part time while going to school.v Susan is confused.v Susan is undecided about getting married.v Susan does not want a career.v _The first has all the standard sets and best-sellersunread, untouched. The second has a gre

17、at many booksa few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third has a few books or manyevery one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribble in from front to back.v There are

18、 three kinds of book owners.v _The tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable. Except for a half hour at lunch time, there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work. There was no music. The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color. I was amazed that the workers had

19、nt gone on strike.v The working conditions were poor.v _In towns and in villages, on farms and in factories, machines have made life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods-everything. Factories and industrial pla

20、nts use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell.v Our life today depends very much on energy. Position of the topic sentencev at the beginningv at the endv in the middle of a paragraphv implied or suggested (not written out at all)position of the topic sentence一,段落的开端,

21、预示或概述所要展开的内容。v 结构: TS-D1-D2-D3v 绝大多数的说明文,以论文均采用这种模式,这是最广泛的一种模式。 v 下面逐渐扩大,给主题句的论点提供细节和论证 My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Dawen River, which is wide and full of sand and silt. Also, on the edge of the Taian is Mount Tai, which a world-famous becau

22、se it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. It stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old.主题句放在段末v 先从许多细节出发,逐渐收拢,一步步归纳到中心论点,用一个主题句画龙点睛,把前面陈述的一切概括起来,做出结论。v 结构模式: D1-D2-D3-TS English is spoken by pilots and airports control operators on all the air

23、ways of the world. Over 70 percent of the worlds mail is written in English. More than 60 percent of the worlds radio programs are in English. Clearly English is an international language.v 同时位于段首和段末:用于强调本段的重要性v The end restatement is more strongly expresses than the beginning topic sentence.v Good

24、manners are important in all countries, but ways of expressing good manners are different from country to country. Americans eat with knives and folks; the Japaneses eat with chopsticks. Americans say “hi” when they meet; Japanese men do not. On the surface, it appears that good manners in America a

25、re not good manners in Japan, and in a way this is true, but in all countries it is good manners to behave considerately toward others. It is only the way of behaving politely that differs from country to country.v 位于段中:除了概括本段的中心意思外,亦起承上启下的过渡作用。v serve as a connector or transition.v If you were plan

26、ning to buy a television set, the following advertisement would certainly draw your attention: “Color TV. Only 79 Two day sale.However, when you go to the store ready to buy. You may discover that they are sold out. But the shop assistant is quick to tell you that he has another model. A much better

27、 set which is “just right for you” It costs 395. This sales method is called “bait and switch”. Buyers are baited with a sales advertisement, and then they are switched to another more expensive one. Buying things on sale needs careful consideration of the goods and the reason for the sale. v 主题句隐藏于

28、文中。v 用于不需要概括,读者也能轻易理解的段落内容,多为描写和叙事文。只要中心突出,意思紧凑,也可达到好的写作效果,但不建议初学者使用。v Dr. Joan T. Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes to intellectual growth. It also improves concentration, attention span, and the ability to get along with others, she said. In an experiment with school children, sh

29、e found that daydreaming let children to pay more attention to details. They have more happy feelings. Another researcher reported that daydreaming seemed to produce improved self-control and creative abilities.Homework 1. Preview the ways of developing a paragraph. 2. topic for writing: generation

30、gap; new ways of building a house;the housing problem in chinaSupporting Details Searching Group Work: Topic sentence: I easily give up doing my homework.I always start to feel hungry and go into the kitchen for a snack.I will leave my studying to investigate any noise I hear.While I study, I try to

31、 listen to the radio with one ear.I often leave my desk to go to the mirror, to comb my hair.Often, in the middle of an assignment, I decide that my shoes need polishing and do that instead of the assignment in front of me.段落的发展v 在主题句确定后,需要围绕主题中心扩展成段落。扩展的方式有多种,本节重点介绍排列顺序、比较和对照、因果推理、分类和举例。v The Topic Sentencev (if possible with link to previous paragraph)v Followed byv Paragraph Development Sentencesv (expansion/explanation/c

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