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人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语《Unit4 At the farm》教学设计优秀教案.docx

1、人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语Unit4 At the farm教学设计优秀教案人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语Unit4 At the farm教学设计优秀教案人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语Unit4 At the farm教学设计优秀教案 PEP小学四年级英语下册 Unit4 At the farm ALets talk 一、教学目标 1、能听说读写下列词或词组:these,tomatoes, carrots.try some, 2、能够在情景中恰当运用句型What are these ?Theyre 问答物品名称;能运用句型Are these?Yes, they are./No, they

2、 arent.确认是否为某种物品。 3、学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语言、语调朗读对话; 4、通过多种活动形式,培养学生大胆开口说英语的习惯,提高听力能力。 二、教学重点 能够在情景中恰当运用句型What are these ?Theyre 问答物品名称;能运用句型Are these?Yes,they are./No,they arent.确认是否为某种物品。 三、教学难点 能够利用What are these ?Theyre 和Are these?Yes,they are./No,they arent.确认是否为某种物品,并能在情景中运用。 四、教学准备 PPT, 西红柿、胡萝卜实物

3、五、教学过程 Step1、 Warm-up Revision 1.Lets enjoy a song: Friends 2.Guess:Whats this? Its a/an Is it a/an? Step2、 Presentation 1.教师出示西红柿、胡萝卜实物,询问学生:Whats this? 引导学生回答:Its a tomato/carrot.并板书带读。 2. 教师出示一些胡萝卜实物,教师问学生: What are these?Are these tomatoes?学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答:Good.These are carrots. Theyre so big.

4、教读单词carrots,强调其复数形式,并板书,让学生认读。 3.出示几个西红柿并询问:引导学生回答:Look at these. What are these?They are tomatoes.并板书带读。然后教师问:Do you want to try some?学生答:Yes.教师板书Try some并带读。接着把tomatoes切若干块给学生尝尝。最后教师问:Whats your feeling?(学生谈谈自己的口感) 4. 让学生观察两组句子中的this与these,tomato与 tomatoes,carrot与 carrots。熟悉复数形式的问句与回答。 5.出示蔬菜的图片,反

5、复问不同学生:What are these?学生回答:They are 6.教师指着另一张蔬菜的图片问学生:Are these tomatoes?学生回答Yes,they are./No.they arent. 7.T:My students,Who is this?(展示Mike图片) Today, Mike is at a farm(在农场).Lets go and have a look,OK? S:OK. Step3. Listen and match (过渡句:Now lets listen and match What the people talking about at the

6、 farm?)(播放录音,有必要可以听两遍) 1、They are talking about the Step4. Listen and choose. (过渡句:Lets continue listening,and choose the correct answers.)和学生一起读以下选择题后再听。 1.The carrots are _. A.small B.big 2.The tomatoes are_. A.yellow Step5. True( T) or False(F ) (过渡句:My class,Lets listen again and determine

7、 the red words) A Look at this! Are these carrots?( ) B:Yes,they are . ( ) C:Wow! They are so big.How are these? ( ) B:Theyre tomatoes.( ) C:But theyre red.( ) B:Try some! They are bad.( ) C:Thanks.Yum. Step6. Listen and fill in the blank. (过渡语:OK ! Listen the conversation again and write down the c

8、orrect words on the line.) A Look at _! Are these carrots? B:Yes,_ C:Wow!They are so big._are these? B:Theyre_. C:But theyre _. B:Try some!Theyre_. C:Thanks.Yum. Step7. Listen and imitate. (过渡语:Now lets listen to the tape and imitate the conversation.词句可以呈现在幻灯片上,并注解汉语,强调学生模仿对话中人物的语气语调去读) 1、Read afte

9、r the tape. 必要时老师示范领读,让学生基本掌握对话语音、语调和语气。 2、组内学生三人一组分角色自己朗读表演。 3、分角色朗读表演展示,强调看哪一组模仿的最像,读得最好,并评价奖励。 Step8. Practice 1、根据所给提示创编对话 2、pair work 根据图片,同桌完成对话练习 3、达标练习 Step9. Sum-up 教师带读板书内容 Step10. Home work 1、Listen to the tape and read the dialogue听读对话 2、运用所学句型,以小组为单位创编英语对话。 板书设计 Unit 4 At the farm What are these? They aretomatoes carrots Are these? Yes,they are. No,they arent. Try some! They are good.

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