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1、英语语法讲义一、名词1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so excited today, for they bought _ yesterday. A. many furnitures B. so many furniture C. quite a few furniture D. a lot of furniture2. _ have traveled in space-ships already. A. Women astronauts B. Women astronaut C. Woman astronauts D. Woman astronaut3. _ have c

2、ome up with the solutions to the problem. A. The boy student B. The boys student C. The boy students D. The boys students4. Li Ying has three _. A. brother-in-law B. brothers-in-law C. brothers-in-laws D. brother-in-laws5. If you are frightened, tell one of _. A. the grown-up B. the grown-ups C. the

3、 up-growns D. the up-grown6. The lady over there is _. A. Jane and Mary mother B. Jane and Marys mother C. Janes and Marys mother D. Janes and Mary mother7. They are _ of different presses. Now they are having a meeting in one of the _ offices. A. editor-in-chiefs/editor-in-chiefs B. editor-in-chief

4、/editor-in-chief C. editor-in-chiefs/editors-in-chief D. editors-in-chief/editor-in-chiefs8. He needs a _. A. few days rest B. few days rest C. little days rest D. little days rest9. I borrowed a book of _ yesterday. A. you B. your C. yours D. yours10. Ever since Picassos painting went on exhibit, t

5、here _ large crowds at the museum every day. A. is B. has been C. have been D. are参考答案:DACBB BDACC二、代词1. It was _ who cleaned the dorm room.A. he and I B. him and meC. he and me D. him and I2. These machines are better than _ we turned out last year.A. that B. whatC. those D. which3. May I help you

6、with some shoes, sir? Yes, Id like to try on those black _A. one B. onesC. two D. pair4. Do you like the book Sidney gave you?Very much. Its exactly _ I wanted.A. one which B. the oneC. one what D. one that5. Have you found the pen you lost yesterday? Yes, I have found _.A. one B. itC. either D. bot

7、h6. Poe and Hawthorne _. in the development of the short story as a distinctive American genre. A. and both leaders were B. both were leaders C. were both leaders D. who were leaders7. My parents _ busy in this evening. A. are both B. all are C. both are D. are all8. _ are very clever. A. Both them

8、B. Both of them C. The both boys D. Both of boys9. Catherine had spent _ mowing the lawn. A. the whole day B. all during the dayC. altogether a day D. entirely a day10. _ the girls came on the trip.A. Neither B. Nobody ofC. None of D. No one of参考答案:ACBBB CABAC三、形容词和副词1. His salary as a driver is muc

9、h higher _.A. than a teacher B. than that of a teacherC. that of a teacher D. than those of a teacher2. _ all the poems I have read recently, Thomas Hardys The Darkling Thrust seems the most relevant to our times.A. Of B. AmongC. In D. About3. To the best of my knowledge, the climate in Arizona is b

10、etter year-round _.A. than any other state B. than other statesC. than in any other state D. than is any other state4. Questioning the quality of the air they breathe becomes less important than _ about the next paycheck.A. having questioned B. questioningC. to have questioned D. question5. He _ liv

11、e in the country than in the city. A. would B. likes to C. would rather D. had better6. The culture and customs of America are more like _ of England than of any other country. A. that B. what C. which D. those7. Dried foods take up less room and weigh _ than the same food packed in cans,and they do

12、 not need to be stored in special condition. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less8. But she would rather stay at home alone than _ to Janes gossip.A. to listen B. listeningC. listen D. listened9. The new method for refining aluminum was _ that it became practical for manypurposes, one of the first of w

13、hich was for making pots and pans. A. so more cheaper B. so much cheaper C. so many cheaper D. such much cheaper10. _ living things are linked together as intimately as bees and flowers. A. Fewer B. Few C. Little D. Less参考答案:BACBC DDCBB四、非谓语动词作定语和状语1. The students expected there _ more reviewing cla

14、sses before the final exams.A. is B. to beC. being D. have been2. Where shall I put my boxes? The drawer is the place _.A. to put them B. putting them inC. to put in them D. to put them in3. She has no pencil _.A. to write about B. to write withC. to write D. to write in4. Though small, the room is

15、comfortable _.A. to live B. to live inC. living in D. live in5. The girl walked quietly into the room _ awake her roommates.A. so as to B. in order not toC. so as to not D. for to not6. We were surprised at _ the exam.A. him not pass B. his passing notC. his not passing D. him not to pass7. _ ones w

16、ork properly may be worse than not doing it at all.A. Not to do B. Doing notC. Doing D. Not doing8. He prided himself on _ at chess.A. having never beaten B. having been never beatenC. having never been beaten D. never have been beaten9. How did you learn to drive? “_ strict obedience to my tutor.A.

17、 Giving B. By givingC. Give D. To give10. Jane was scolded by the director because she left the office with the door _.A. unlocking B. not being lockedC. unlocked D. not locking11. _ in ancient times, the book still appeals to readers today.A. Though it written B. Though writtenC. It was writer D. W

18、ritten it was12. After a whole days heavy work, the old worker returned home, _.A. hungry and felt exhausting B. hunger and exhaustedC. hungry and exhausted D. hungry and having been exhausted13. The old writer could not sleep at night, his wrongs and sorrows _ him no peace.A. gave B. have givenC. b

19、eing given D. giving14. Television has become a major instrument of communication, _ us to see as well as to hear all kinds of programs.A. to permit B. permittedC. being permitting D. permitting15. The decision _ , what is to be done now is how to carry it out.A. been made B. has been madeC. having

20、been made D. having been making16. Some people are sitting on the grass; others are strolling along the lake side, _.A. chatting and to laugh B. to chat and to laughC. chatting and laughing D. chatting and laughed17. I was overjoyed at the news of my hometown _ so much progress.A. to make B. to have

21、 madeC. made D. having made18. Electrical resistance is a common property of all materials, _.A. only differs in degree B. only in degree it differsC. differing only in degree D. and differing in degree only19. That the brain, once _ oxygen, dies has been proved.A. depriving of B. deprivedC. being d

22、eprived D. deprived of20. The Red Cross _ help for refugees, over two million dollars have been raised.A. appeals for B. appeals toC. has been appealing for D. appealing for参考答案:BDBBB CDCBC BCDDC CDCDD非谓语动词(动词+-ing / 动词不定式)作动词宾语和宾语补足语一、综述动词+-ing作宾语We all enjoy swimming. 我们都很喜欢游泳。Someone suggested or

23、ganizing an outing to the West Hills.I couldnt help feeling proud of our country.要求后面跟动词+-ing作宾语的动词和词组:endure(忍受), keep, enjoy, mind, resent(憎恶), escape, resist, risk, finish, quit, cant help (couldnt help)动词不定式作宾语Dont hesitate to ask me questions if you dont understand.要求后面跟动词不定式作宾语的动词和词组:afford, d

24、ecide, like, expect, fail, hate二、重要考点(一)某些动词词组也要求动词+-ing作宾语,例如:give up 放弃 be opposed to反对leave off 停止 devote to投身于put off 推迟 feel like喜欢amount to等于 look forward to期待attend to注意 object to反对be accustomed to习惯于 resort to诉诸于be used to习惯于 submit to屈服于例句:Mr. Smith gave up smoking according to his doctors

25、advice.Some people in the rich world are opposed to doing business with poor countries.(二)有时在形容词后面也要求用动词+-ing,例如:busy,worth,worthwhile等。例如: Is it worthwhile making such an experiment?(三)在point,trouble,difficulty 等名词后,应加介词in+动词-ing。in可以省略。例如: There is not much point (in) thinking about it.这件事情没有必要考虑。

26、 American businessmen have difficulty (in) understanding their Japanese counterparts.(四)在its no use,its not much use,its no good 【it is+ n.+ -ing】 后要求用动词+-ing。但是在it is of no useit is + adj.+ to do 后则要用动词不定式。例如: Its no use crying about it. You must do something. Its no good writing to him; he never a

27、nswers letters.Its of no use to cry over spilt milk.(五)在有些动词后面既可以跟动词+-ing,也可以跟动词不定式,但在某些动词之后,两种结构之间的意义差别较明显。try,mean,remember,forget,regret等动词后跟不定式或动名词意思不同。例如:We must try to solve this problem.我们必须设法解决这个问题。We can try solving this problem in other ways.我们可以试用另一些方法来解决这一问题。I must remember to pay you fo

28、r the ticket.我一定要记住把电影票的钱给你(支付的动作还没有发生)。I remember seeing you somewhere.我记得在什么地方见过你(见的动作已经发生)。(六)demand,deserve,need,require,want 等词既可以要求动词+-ing作宾语,也可以要求动词不定式的被动式作宾语。例如:Johns house in the country wants painting.Johns house in the country wants to be painted.这两种结构意义相同。(七)还有像go on,stop这类动词如果后接动词+-ing

29、则表示继续(做某事)或停止(做某事);而如果后接动词不定式则表示前面一个动作已结束或停止,继之做另一个动作。例如:The robot first reads the engineering drawing and then goes on to assemble the parts according to the drawing.机器人首先阅读工程图纸,然后根据图纸安装零部件。Some students went on working on their examination when the bell rang.当铃声响的时候,一些学生还在继续做考试题。(八)要求动词不定式作宾语补足语【give sb sth】的动词有:feel,have,hear,let,listen to,look at,make,notice,observe,see和watch。在这些动词后面,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to。例如:Ill try to have someone repair the recorder for you.Electricity makes the motor run.但是当这些动词用于被动语态时,后面的动词不定式则必须带to。例如:The motor is made to run by electricity.(九)在cannot but,do nothing b

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