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本文(论文初稿文化全球化背景下中美商务沟通中的跨文化冲突分析325.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、论文初稿文化全球化背景下中美商务沟通中的跨文化冲突分析325 毕业论文 An Analysis of the Cross-cultural Conflicts in Sino-American Business Communication under the Background of Cultural Globalization 文化全球化背景下中美商务沟通中的跨文化冲突分析 院(系)名称 专业名称 学生姓名如有使用请联系作者 指导教师QQ:553904622017 年 月 日Acknowledgements The thesis is completed although a lot to

2、 be desired. While the completion the thesis cannot be separated from the great help of a lot of people. I would like to extend my warmest gratitude and genuine appreciation to those who give me support and assistance directly and indirectly during the process of making the research. First and forem

3、ost, I would like to address my special thanks to my erudite and amiable supervisor, associate professor Zhang. He provides me valuable advice and suggestions about thesis as well as many life truth. His righteous scholarship and upright life attitude influenced me deeply. Besides, I want to show my

4、 gratitude to all the teachers in the Foreign Language College. Their earnest teachings not only gave me a lot of knowledge but also helped me to set up correct outlook on life.Thirdly, I would like to express my gratefulness to my dearest classmates such as Dong Fuhong and Wang Huifang. They always

5、 gave me advice friendly and encouraged me heartily during the time I completing the thesis. Last but not least, I want to give my thanks to my patents. Their earnest support and patiently care is the wealth of my whole life.An Analysis of the Cross-cultural Conflicts in Sino-America Business Commun

6、ication Abstract With the development of globalization, the communication among countries is more and more frequent. A variety of joint ventures and foreign-funded enterprises emerges in China, which facilitate the diversification of Chinese economic forms as well as the prosperity of Chinese econom

7、y. After entering 21th century, business communication between China and America increase rapidly. Both China and America attach great importance on the bilateral trade relations. Cultural differences between China and the America is the biggest obstacle to the development of bilateral economic and

8、trade relations, which is reflected in all aspects, including values, beliefs, ways of thinking, communication, etc. It is supposed to be solved in the background of Cultural globalization. Cultural globalizationrefers to the transmission of ideas, meanings andvaluesaround the world in such a way as

9、 to extend and intensifysocial relations.This paper is supposed to analyze the different cultures between China and America under the background of cultural globalization, finding out the existing conflicts in the business communication, including the conflicts in daily communication and business ne

10、gotiation, language styles and context as well as different working groups and identities. The cause for the cultural conflicts are also to be discussed from the cultural personality, development and interests. Through the discussion of cultural conflicts, the solutions are to be raised so that impr

11、ove the efficiency of the business communication between China and America. Key words: Inter-cultural conflicts, Sino-America business communication, Cultural globalization 文化全球化背景下中美商务沟通中的跨文化冲突分析摘 要随着全球化的发展, 国与国之间的交往日益频繁。大量的中外合资、外资企业在中国如雨后春笋般出现,促进了国内经济形式的多样化和中国经济的繁荣。进入21世纪后,中美之间的商务交流骤增,两国对双边贸易关系都极为


13、务交流中跨文化冲突的办法,以提高中美商务沟通效率和质量。关键词:跨文化冲突,中美商务沟通,文化全球化ContentsAcknowledgements .IAbstract in English.IIAbstract in Chinese . IV1 Introduction .1 2 Literature Review .3 2.1 Inter-cultural Communication .3 2.2 Definition and Features of Culture.4 2.3 Features of Inter-cultural Conflicts in Business Commun

14、ication under the Background of Cultural Globalization.52.4 Previous Studies at Home and Abroad.6 3 Inter-cultural Conflicts in Business Communication between China and America under the Background of Cultural Globalization.7 3.1 Inter-cultural Conflicts in Business Communication Occasions.7 3.1.1 D

15、aily Communication.7 3.1.2 Business Negotiations.8 3.2 Inter-cultural Conflicts in Business Communication Objects.9 3.2.1 Different Working Groups.9 3.2.2 Different Identities.103.3 Inter-cultural Conflicts in Business Communication Language Uses.11 3.3.1 Language Styles.11 3.3.2 Language Contexts.1

16、23.4 Case Analysis.124 Analysis of the Causes of the Cross Cultural Conflicts in Sino American Business Communication.144.1 Differences in Cultural Personality.174.2 Different Levels of Cultural Development.18 4.3 The Interests have changed under the Globalization.185 Analysis of the Countermeasures

17、 for Solving Cross Cultural Conflicts in Sino American Business Communication.185.1 Enhance the sensitivity of cross-cultural ideas.205.2 Strengthen communication and establish a global cultural view.215.3 Seek common ground and strengthen cross-cultural awareness.226 Conclusion.23Notes .25Bibliogra

18、phy.26An Analysis of Cross-cultural Conflicts in Sino-America Business Communication under the Background of Cultural Globalization1 Introduction With the development of globalization, business communication among countries is more and more frequent. Cooperation and competition is the main stream in

19、 the business communication, which determines the important position of countries interaction and communication. China and America are two great powers in the world. There are many connections not only in politics but also in economy. In 1980s, China put forward the policy of reform and opening up,

20、the business relationships with countries in the world are closer, especially with America. After entering WTO, Business communication between China and America became more frequent. It can be seen that the business communication between China and America is an important part for Chinese foreign tra

21、de. The conflicts always pose challenge and instability to business communication between China and American. Hence it is urgent to solve the inter-cultural conflicts in order to advance the business communication. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is introduction, which introduc

22、es the cultural globalization, the business communication between China and America and the significance of the study. The second part is literature review, expounding the definition of culture, inter-cultural communication and the previous study at home and abroad. The third part is the body of the

23、 research, including the inter-cultural conflicts in the Sino-America business communication, the cause of the conflicts and the solutions to the inter-cultural conflicts between China and America. The inter-cultural conflicts in Sino-America business communication are mainly discussed from differen

24、t occasions, objects and language use. The causes of the inter-cultural conflicts are analyzed from the cultural personality, cultural development and interests. The countermeasures to the inter-cultural conflicts are mainly three points: Enhance the sensibility of cultural ideas, establish a global

25、 cultural view, seek common ground and strengthen cross-culture awareness. The fourth part is the conclusion of the whole research.2 Cultural Globalization and Cross-Cultural Communication2.1 Inter-cultural Communication Intercultural communicationis a discipline that studies communication across di

26、fferent cultures and social groups, or how culture affects communication 1. It is used to describe the wide range of communication processes and problems that naturally appear within an organization or social context made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational ba

27、ckgrounds. Intercultural communication is sometimes usedsynonymouslywithcross-cultural communication. Many people in intercultural business communication argue that culture determines how individuals encode messages, what medium they choose for transmitting them, and the way messages are interpreted

28、 2. With regard to intercultural communication proper, it studies situations where people from different cultural backgroundsinteract. Aside from language, intercultural communication focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves und

29、erstanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries. Intercultural communication is also referred to as the base for international businesses. The inter-cultural communication discussed here is the business communication between China and America. Because of the different cultural backgrounds, Chinese and American businessmen are supposed to performance in different ways 3. And the differences w

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