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1、主语和主语补足语主语和主语补足语I. 充当主语的成分1. 名词:Our school is not far from my house.2. 代词:We like our school very much. 3. 数词: Two plus two is four.4. 名词性或名词化的词、词组或短语:The mother with her child is coming to the school. 5.动名词:Seeing is believing. 6. 动词不定式: It would be exciting to watch the baseball games.7. 名词化的过去分词

2、The disabled are to receive more money and social cares. 8. 从句That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.It is certain that he will win the match. 带有逻辑主语的主语 The childrens wanting that surprised me. The chil

3、dren wanting that surprised me. Three such rascals hanged in one day is good work for society. For me to back out now would be to acknowledge that I am afraid. It is necessary for him to return the book immediately. 状语形式作主语 Between six and seven will suit me. Just over the bridge is where youll find

4、 it. Now will be the time.Outside is very quiet.Because Sally wants to leave doesnt mean that we have to. 主语+be+补语 补语=表语补语表示确认意义(可以互换)Deborah is my best friend.My best friend is Deborah. What I need is a good computer.A good computer is what I need.My favorite sport is swimming.Swimming is my favori

5、te sport.The purpose of the instruction is to make it easy for newcomers to find their way around the city.To make it easy for newcomers to find their way around the city is the purpose of the instruction.Two reasons for visiting New York are to see the statue of Liberty and to take pictures from th

6、e top of the Empire State Building.To see the statue of Liberty and to take pictures from the top of the Empire State Building are two reasons for visiting New York.表示特征意义(一般不能互换)Climbing hills is good exercise.This hat is the right sizeHis brother is a sailor. 主语+补语How could you be so spiteful, and

7、 her your best friend?= seeing that she is your best friendThey left without a word, and he so sensitive.=They left without a word, though he was so sensitive.He has been acquitted, and no wonder.=He has been acquitted, and it was no wonder. Or=He has been acquitted, which is no wonder. 量度形容词作主语补足语

8、John is old. John is ten years old. big, heavy, far, hot等形容词不能被量度名词短语修饰 Its 20 kilos in weight. *20 kilos heavy The village is five miles away. *five miles far fast, slow, late等可以与量度名词短语使用 My watch is five minutes fast. The train was ten minutes late. 作补语的介词短语与进行体 be + at + 名词 = -ing He is at work (

9、=working) on a new invention. at play, at rest, etc. be + on + 名词= -ing The thief was on trial (=being tired) for theft. on patrol, on strike, on holiday, on duty, on a journey, + under + 名词= -ingTwo new motor roads have recently been opened, and several others are under construction (=being

10、constructed).under cultivation, under way, + in + 名词= -ingThe methods with which we are so familiar were not in use (=being used) in those attendance on, in pursuit of, in motion, in progress, etc. . be + as / what 从句 无差别 He is not as/what he was ten years ago. 有差别 This is what I migh

11、t. 从句中没有be 固定习语 Air is to us as/what water is to fish. Two is to three as/what four is to six.Reading is to the mind as/what food is to the body.Success is to joy as/what failure is to sadness. 准主语补足语和准宾语补足语 准主语补足语 特殊系动词 描述主语现状arrive, float, go, hang, lie, ride, sit, stand, etc. George stood motionl

12、ess as a wooden post. go, pass, emerge, escape, survive, etc. + 过去分词 His remarks passed unnoticed. 表示结果boil, fall, run, sink, wash, etc. The well ran dry. 准宾语补足语 We dont eat shrimps raw. (when they are raw). She pushed the door open.Exercises:1._A_ find their way home still remains a mystery to biol

13、ogists.A.How pigeonsB.That pigeonsC.Since pigeonsD.Pigeons 2. _C_ Rudolf Diesel disappeared from a German ship bound for London is still unknown.A.ThisB.Even thoughC.HowD.That3._C_ efficiently depends on the manner in which the fuel oil is injected into its cylinder.A.A diesel engine worksB.Since a

14、diesel engineC.Whether a diesel engine worksD.Even though a diesel engine works4._A_ salmon find their way back to their birthplaces still remains a puzzle in nature.A.HowB.ThereC.Not thatD.That 5._D_ pigeons can find their way home is beyond dispute.A.There areB.It is C.HowD.That6._B_ the earth is

15、round is a well-known fact.A.SinceB.ThatC.WhetherD.This7._D_ the universe resulted from a huge explosion known as the “Big Bang” is widely accepted among astronomers in the world.A.HowB.WhenC.WhetherD.That8._A_ some precious stones can keep evils away and bring about good fortune is a deeply rooted

16、belief among the Chinese people.A.WhyB.HowC.There areD.That 9.In 1857, Elizabeth Blackwell established the first hospital for women and children which later became _ is now the New York Infirmary for Women Children.A.whatB.thatC.whereD.when10.The main reason architects are building more and more sky

17、scrapers is _ the building space becoming increasingly limited.A.becauseB.whenC.thatD.where11.One of the advantages of the photovoltaic cell is because it provides a clean source of energy directly from the sun. 12.“Did Mary enjoy her trip on the ocean liner?” “No, she stayed in her cabin while the

18、ship was _.” seaB.over the the sea13.“I like your flower garden very much.” “Thank you, everything is _ bloom now,”A.inB.byC.onD.at14.Cotton production has been _ the decline these years.A.downB.onC.atD.under15.The survival of civilization as we know it is _ threat.A.withinB.unde

19、rC.towardsD.upon16.What he said just now had little to do with the question _ discussion.A.onB.inC.underD.at17.The reason I didnt go to France was _ a new job.A.because I gotB.because of gettingC.due toD.that I got18.Output is now six times _ it was before 1990.A.thatB.whatC.that whichD.of that19.Wa

20、ter will continue to be _ it is today next in importance to oxygen.A.howB.whichC.asD.what20.“Whats the matter with Harry?” “I dont know, but he certainly looks _ hed lost his best friend.” if21.Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take d

21、rugs _ indicated.A.likeB.soC.whichD.as22._ men have learned much from the behavior of animals is hardly new.A.WhatB.ThoseC.ThatD.Whether23._ is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Age.A.It is the sun and not the earthB.Being the sun and not the earthC.Th

22、e sun and not the earthD.That the sun and not the earth24.They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall.A.thatB.itC.whatD.which25.A man cannot be really happy if that he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance.26.That his explanation

23、 comes to is that we can expect no further help from him.27.Contrary to that I had expected, the meeting failed to adopt either of the proposals.28.Paul never told us why was he absent from the meeting yesterday, did he?29.Many years ago, churches were protected by the belief that who stole from a s

24、acred place would go to hell.30.If I knew his address, I _ to him.A.can writeB.could writeC.could have writtenD.had written2006年英语专业四级语法真题31._D_ dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.A.AlthoughB.WhateverC.AsD.However32.If only I _B_ play the guitar as well as you!A.wouldB.c

25、ouldC.shouldD.might33.The party, _D_ I was the guest of honor, was extremely whichB.for which34.Its high time we _B_ cutting down the rainforests.A.stoppedB.had to stopC.shall stopD.stop35.The student said there were a few points in the essay he _C_ impossible to c

26、omprehend.A.has foundB.was findingC.had foundD.would find36.Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone _D_ an opportunity to the speech.A.ought to haveB.must haveC.may haveD.should have37.I am surprised _A_ this city is a dull place to live in.A.that you should what you are think

27、ingC.that you would thinkD.with what you were thinking38.Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not _B_ for her work.A.enough goodB.good good enoughD.good as enough39.It is imperative that the government _C_ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A.attractsB.shall attractC.attr

28、actD.has to attract40.Land belongs to the city; there is _D_ thing as private ownership of such aB.not suchC.not such such41.My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk _C_ far.A./B.suchC.thatD.as42.The statistics _D_ that living standards in the ar

29、ea have improved drastically in recent provingC.are provingD.prove43.There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _A_ the spoilt ones.A.not countingB.not to countC.dont countD.having not counted44.It was _C_ we had hoped.A.more a success thanB.a success more much of a s

30、uccess asD.a success as much as45.There used to be a petrol station near the park, _D_?A.didnt itB.doesnt thereC.usednt itD.didnt there46.It is an offence to show _D_ against people of different races.A.distinctionB.differenceC.separationD.discrimination47.A great amount of work has gone into _B_ the Cathedral to its previous splendor.A.refreshingB.restoringC.renovatingD.renewing48.The thieves fled with the local police close on their _D_.A.backsB.necksC.toesD.heels49.The economic recession has meant that job _A_

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