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1、希拉里在夏威夷关于亚太地区的演讲希拉里在夏威夷关于亚太地区的演讲美国国务卿希拉里克林顿12日说,美国的未来与亚太地区未来彼此攸关,奥巴马政府寻求加强同亚太地区国家的合作。Regional Architecture in Asia: Principles and PrioritiesSecretary of State Hillary Rodham ClintonImin Center-Jefferson Hall, Honolulu, HawaiiJanuary 12, 2010亚洲的地区性架构:原则与重点美国国务卿 克林顿夏威夷檀香山市 杰斐逊纪念厅伊民中心2010年1月12日Thank y

2、ou very much. And thank you, Charles, for that kind introduction. Im delighted to be here at the East-West Center in a new year that marks your 50th anniversary on this beautiful campus in this most extraordinary place. It is also a great pleasure to see so many friends in the audience. I am delight

3、ed to just recognize, obviously, Governor Lingle and Mayor Hannemann, Senator Akaka, my colleague in the Senate, Congressman Abercrombie, Hawaii Senate President Hanabusa, Japans ambassador to the United States Ambassador Fujisaki and Americas ambassador to Japan Ambassador Roos. Im also delighted t

4、o see some longtime friends who Bill and I served with when they served this state, certainly, former Governor John Waihee and Lynne, and former Governor Ariyoshi and Jean. Im also aware that we have consul generals for Australia, Japan, the Philippines, Micronesia and Marshall Islands, and of cours

5、e, President Greenwood of this university. And to all who serve on this board, obviously, if you want a good introduction, come to a place where you appoint a third of the board. (Laughter.) Charles fulfilled that. Im also honored that senior leadership of Pacific Command are here. I had a very prod

6、uctive meeting with them earlier. And Assistant Secretary Kurt Campbell, who has the enviable job that he thanks me for every day of overseeing our relations throughout the Asia Pacific.非常感谢大家。查尔斯,感谢你的热情介绍。我很高兴能在“东西方中心”进入50周年之际来到这里,来到这所坐落在这个最不一般的地方的美丽校园。看到有这么多朋友在座,也令我万分高兴。我高兴地看到林格州长和韩纳曼市长,我在参议院的同事阿卡


8、个亚太地区的关系,每天都要感谢我给了他这个美差。Before I begin with this critically important subject about our future in Asia, I want to just say a few words about developments in Haiti. We are still gathering information about this catastrophic earthquake, the point of impact, its effect on the people of Haiti. The Unite

9、d States is offering our full assistance to Haiti and to others in the region. We will be providing both civilian and military disaster relief and humanitarian assistance. And our prayers are with the people who have suffered, their families, and their loved ones.在我开始阐述这个关于我们在亚洲的前景的极其重要的主题之前,我想就海地的情

10、况简单说几句。我们正在收集有关这次严重震灾、地震位置以及海地人民受灾情况的信息。美国正在向海地和该地区其他地方全力提供援助。我们将调动军事和民间力量,提供救灾及人道援助。我们为受灾民众、他们的家人和亲朋好友祈祷。It is hard to even imagine how different the region were talking about today was back in 1959 when Lyndon Johnson proposed creating an institution where thinkers from East and West could come to

11、gether. And during the five decades since the Center opened, no region has undergone a more dramatic transformation. This progress is the product of hard work and ingenuity multiplied across billions of individual lives. And it has been sustained by the engagement, security and assistance provided b

12、y the United States.自1959年林登?约翰逊建议创立一个汇集东西方思想家的机构以来,我们今天要谈的这个地区所发生的巨变令人难以想见。在贵中心成立以来的50年中,其他任何一个地区的变化都无法与这个地区相比。这种进步是数十亿人勤奋努力和创新的结晶。美国积极接触、保障安全和提供援助的努力也使这种进步得以持续。 The East-West Center has been part of this sea change, helping to shape ideas and train experts, including one young woman who became a p

13、ioneer in microfinance and rural economic development and the mother of our President. And I thank all of you for bringing greater awareness and understanding to the economic, political, and security issues that dominate the region and the world today.“东西方中心”是这个巨变中的一员,促成观念的形成并帮助培训专家,其中包括率先倡导微型贷款和农村经

14、济发展的一位年轻女性,她就是我们总统的母亲。我要感谢你们所有人的努力,你们提高了对这个地区及全世界当今面临的主要经济、政治和安全问题的认识和理解。By now almost a year into the new Administration it should be clear that the Asia-Pacific relationship is a priority of the United States. President Obama spent his formative years here in Hawaii and in Indonesia. His world vie

15、w reflects his appreciation of and respect for Asia and its people. I am deeply committed to strengthening our ties across the Pacific and throughout Asia. And I know the President is personally looking forward to Honolulu his hometown hosting the APEC leaders meeting in 2011. (Applause.) Now, Ive b

16、een informed by the congressman, the governor, the mayor and others that the most difficult decision will be figuring out the aloha shirt that will be given to all of the leaders.至今新政府上任已接近一年应可明显看到亚太关系是美国的一项重点。奥巴马总统在夏威夷和印度尼西亚度过了他的童年和少年时代,他的世界观反映了他对亚洲及亚洲人民的了解和尊重。我坚信我们应当加强与太平洋彼岸以及整个亚洲的关系。据我所知,总统本人期盼着2

17、011年的亚太经合组织领导人会议在他的家乡檀香山召开。(掌声)你们的国会议员、州长、市长以及其他人都告诉我,现在最难做的决定是为各国领导人设计什么样的阿罗哈衫。But for these reasons and more, we began last January to lay the foundation for a revitalized Asia-Pacific relationship. My first trip as Secretary of State was to Asia in fact, this will be my fourth to the region in th

18、e last eleven months. President Obama participated in the APEC Summit in Singapore as well as visiting China, Japan, and South Korea; we supported the creation of a regular G-20 leaders summit with strong Asian participation reflecting the new global balance of financial and political power; we held

19、 the first ever U.S.-ASEAN summit; we signed the Guam International Agreement that helps sustain a strong U.S. military presence in the region; and we signed the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. And it was no accident that the first state visit hosted by President and Mrs. Obama was for an Asi

20、an leader, Indian Prime Minister Singh.由于这些原因以及更多的原因,我们从去年一月开始为重振亚太关系打基础。我就任国务卿后第一次出访就是前往亚洲事实上,这次将是我在过去十一个月中第四次访问该地区。奥巴马总统出席了在新加坡举行的亚太经合组织峰会,并访问了中国、日本和韩国;我们支持定期举行20国集团领导人峰会,并且主张亚洲强有力的参与,以反映全球金融和政治力量的新格局;我们举行了首届美国-东盟峰会;我们签署了有助于美国在该地区保持强大军事部署的关岛国际协议;我们还签署了东南亚国家联盟友好合作条约。奥巴马总统和夫人接待的第一位来访的外国领导人是来自亚洲的印度总理

21、辛格,这并非巧合。So we are working to deepen our historic ties, build new partnerships, work with existing multilateral organizations to pursue shared interests, and reach beyond governments to engage directly with people in every corner of this vast region.因此,我们正在努力深化历史上已有的关系,建立新的伙伴关系,与现有的多边组织为寻求共同利益进行合作,并

22、在与各国政府联系之外与这个广袤地区每一个角落的人民直接接触。We start from a simple premise: Americas future is linked to the future of the Asia-Pacific region; and the future of this region depends on America. The United States has a strong interest in continuing its tradition of economic and strategic leadership, and Asia has a

23、 strong interest in the United States remaining a dynamic economic partner and a stabilizing military influence.我们的出发点是这样一个简单的前提:美国的前途与亚太地区的前途紧密相连;而这个地区的前途有赖于美国。美国十分愿意继续发挥其传统上的经济与战略领导作用,而亚洲也十分愿意美国继续作为一个充满活力的经济伙伴并发挥有助于稳定的军事影响力。 Economically, we are inextricably linked. American companies export $320

24、billion in goods and services to the Asia-Pacific countries every year, creating millions of good-paying jobs. Hundreds of thousands of our servicemen and women provide the region with security a task that our military has shouldered for generations. As Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has noted, t

25、he United States is not a visiting power in Asia, but a resident power.从经济上来说,我们已经密不可分。美国公司每年向亚太国家输出价值3200亿美元的货物和服务,创造千百万份待遇优厚的工作。我国数十万军人为亚太地区提供安全,这项任务我国军队已承担了几代人的时间。正如国防部长罗伯特?盖茨指出,美国在亚洲不是一个来去匆匆的大国,而是一个长驻大国。And conversely, Asia is an important presence in the United States. More than 13 million Amer

26、icans trace their ancestry to this part of the world. Asian countries that were destitute a generation ago now boast some of the highest living standards in the world. East Asia has already surpassed the Millennium Development Goal of reducing extreme poverty to half its 1990 levels by 2015.反之亦然,亚洲在

27、美国的影响也很重要。这个地区是1300多万美国人的祖籍地。一代人以前还十分贫困的一些亚洲国家现在跻身于生活水平最高的国家行列。东亚已经超过了到2015年将极端贫困人口在1990年基础上减少一半的千年发展目标。Asia is also indispensable to meeting global security and humanitarian challenges. Asian nations are helping to prevent nuclear proliferation in Iran, build schools and clinics in Afghanistan, kee

28、p peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and combat piracy off the Horn of Africa.亚洲在应对全球安全和人道挑战方面也是必不可少的。亚洲国家正在帮助防止在伊朗发生核扩散,在阿富汗建立学校和诊所,在刚果民主共和国维持和平,在非洲之角海域打击海盗活动。Yet at the same time, Asias progress is not guaranteed. Asia is home not only to rising powers, but also to isolated regimes; not on

29、ly to longstanding challenges, but also unprecedented threats. The dangers of nuclear proliferation, military competition, natural disasters, violent extremism, financial crises, climate change, and disease transcend national borders and pose a common risk.但同时,亚洲的进步并非已成定局。亚洲不仅有新兴大国,而且有被孤立的政权;不仅面临长期存

30、在的挑战,而且面临前所未有的威胁。核扩散、军备竞赛、自然灾害、暴力极端主义、金融危机、气候变化和疾病等危险都不受国境的限制,而构成共同的风险。And we must acknowledge that different countries in the Asia-Pacific region face their own different challenges. Some have made more progress politically than economically, and others the reverse. Some are consolidating reforms,

31、others are struggling with ongoing or renewed instability. Regional cooperation must account for these diverse challenges and create more opportunities for broad-based prosperity and political progress.我们必须承认,亚太地区的不同国家面临各自不同的挑战。有些国家在政治上取得了比经济上更大的进步,而另一些国家则相反。有些国家正在巩固改革成果,而另一些国家正在持续不断或死灰复燃的动荡中挣扎。地区合作

32、必须考虑到这些不同的挑战,并为大范围的繁荣与政治进步创造更多的机会。A core strategic fact is that this region confronts these challenges and opportunities with a dynamic mix of influential actors, from rising powers like China and India, to traditional leaders like Japan, South Korea, and Australia, to the increasingly influential states of Southeast Asia, like Indonesia. And the United States not only continues to have dynamic and durable bilateral ties, but plays a central role in helping to deal with the difficulties that individual states and this region confront. This n

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