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1、外研版高三英语课后习题含答案限时规范练7必修2Module1限时规范练7(必修2Module 1)核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、亲性友情的能力意识一、阅读理解AWhen things get wildly busy in the morning,some people dont have breakfast in order to save time.But that may be a big mistake for students.Whether at home,on the way to school or at school,eating something healthy for

2、 breakfast may help a student get better grades.Researchers looked at 5,000 9-11 year-olds from more than 100 primary schools in the U.K.They looked at what the students ate for breakfast and then their grades 6 to 18 months later.They found that the students who ate a healthy breakfast were twice a

3、s likely to perform above average in educational activities.The researchers also found that unhealthy breakfastssuch as potato chips or a donut did not appear helpful to educational performance.In 2013,an organization in the United States,also looked at possible connections between breakfast and stu

4、dent success in school.They found that on average students who ate breakfast provided by their school attended 1.5 more days of school per year.These students also scored 17.5 percent higher on standardized math tests.Health experts suggest that the best breakfast is a mix of complex carbohydrates(碳

5、水化合物),protein and fat.This gives your body the energy it needs to think clearly and to remember what it learns.Wholegrain(全麦的) bread is an example.The report explains that the brain needs glucose(葡萄糖) to work well.Simply eating a breakfast rich in carbohydrates may make a student tired.So,adding pro

6、tein helps to prevent fatigue.Having a protein such as milk,yogurt,eggs or meat can help students to feel full longer.Oatmeal(燕麦粥),the researchers say,is an example of a breakfast that is rich in fiber and protein.It releases energy slowly because it is a wholegrain food.So,students will feel full l

7、onger.Health experts also suggest not eating too much for breakfast.This can also make a person feel tired and unable to think clearly.They say eating between 350 and 500 calories in the morning is a good amount of energy to start the day.1.Whats the main purpose of Paragraph 1?A.To analyze why brea

8、kfast is ignored.B.To lead in the main topic of the text.C.To stress the effect of eating healthily.D.To share a common mistake among students.2.Which of the following is the best breakfast choice?A.Wholegrain bread and some juice.B.A donut,an egg and a glass of milk.C.An egg,a glass of milk and som

9、e potato chips.D.Wholegrain bread with beef and a bowl of oatmeal.3.What does the underlined word “fatigue” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Laziness. B.Loneliness.C.Tiredness. D.Unhappiness.BI went to a New York Mets fantasy camp in 1991,an incredible experience.I was fortunate to be on a team whose

10、pitching coach was Mel Stottlemyre,the former Yankees star pitcher(投手) and Mets and Yankees coach.I was saddened when Mel died of complications of multiple myeloma on Jan.13 at age 77.He was warm,friendly and treated us as if we were major leaguers.He asked me whether I would like to pitch and proce

11、eded to demonstrate how to throw a “two-seam,” a fastball that tends to sink,as well as a straight four-seam fastball.I knew pretty quickly that pitching was not for me.At age 45,my experience in organized baseball was limited to a couple of years in Little League in the Bronx,and softball games as

12、an adult.Mel eventually left the Mets and became the pitching coach for the Yankees.I followed his career and knew about his diagnosis with multiple myeloma,a blood cancer,in April 2000,and a stem cell transplant.In the summer of 2002,I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and was told that I needed

13、a stem cell transplant by the same group of doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center that had treated Mel.This devastated me,and frankly,I became quite depressed.I vowed that somehow I would try to speak to Mel.One day,my phone rang.Mel was calling from the Yankee locker room.I asked him to

14、 tell me everything about his treatment.He spent 30 minutes generously explaining all the details.I hung on every word.He told me how well he was feeling and ended the conversation by giving me his home phone number! “I feel great,and Im not retiring,” he told me.This incredible experience lifted my

15、 spirits.Every time I saw Mel during games on TV as I awaited my transplant,I repeated to myself,“Look at Mel.If he can do it,so can I.”4.Why did the author say he was lucky in Paragraph 1?A.He joined a famous team.B.He met an unusual coach.C.He was successfully cured.D.He was chosen as a pitcher.5.

16、What do we know about the author?A.He was not skilled in pitching.B.He has been a baseball player.C.He called Mel for his treatment.D.He forgot what Mel had told him.6.What does the underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?A.Thrilled but inspired.B.Ruined but rescued.C.Excited a

17、nd relieved.D.Shocked and upset.7.What made the author confident in his transplant?A.The same doctors treating him.B.His determination of never retiring.C.Mels experience and encouragement.D.His experience of defeating the disease.二、七选五I remember my first day at Usdan Summer Camp.I had a general ide

18、a of where the room for my Creative Writing class was,but Id had trouble finding it.1I was climbing some stairs when I saw a lady in a blue Usdan shirt helping a student.By this point,I was very tired and filled with fear.2 M15.Same as me.Relieved,I stated,“Im also looking for M15.”“Creative Writing

19、,right?”“Yup,mind if we look together?”Her name was Jorden.She was slim,around my height.We agreed to look for our class together.The lady in the blue shirt gave us directions.3Finally,after passing the same violin practice room five times,the instructor came out and greeted us with the obvious ques

20、tion:“4”“Kind of,” we said.“Any idea where M15 is?”Clearly,we were very close.All we had to do was go down some steps and turn right.5 I didnt know how the teacher would react.She wasnt mad;she just smiled and said that a lot of people get to class late because of its location.Some even arrived afte

21、r us.After that day,Jorden and I remained friends.Wed always laugh about how we met,and what our first day was like.A.Are you two lost?B.Which room are you looking for?C.But neither of us understood them.D.Even so,we were twenty minutes late for class.E.It was comforting to know we were in the same

22、boat.F.Then I heard which room the student was trying to find.G.There were trees everywhere,and they all looked the same.三、语法填空When the modern Olympic Games started in 1896 in Athens,Greece,1. was no such thing as the Winter Olympics.2. (player) competed only in the Summer Games.There were,however,t

23、he Nordic Games.That was a 3. (compete) of winter sports that took place every few years starting in 1901.But not everyone could compete:The Nordic Games were open only to athletes 4. Denmark,Finland,Norway and Sweden.The winter sports were popular,so in 1924 an International Winter Sports Week 5. (

24、hold) in Chamonix,France.Only about 250 athletes from 16 countries competed in nine sports at Chamonix.Something else 6. (be) different about these Games compared with todays Olympics:There were only 11 female athletes at the 1924 Games,7. competed only in figure skating.Still,the Winter Olympics we

25、re underway,adding more sports to the Games,and 8. (especial) more sports for women.Women got the chance 9. (take) part in skiing,ice hockey and other sports.Now the Games have such 10. (interest) events as snowboarding and skeleton (俯式冰橇).Some of these events have changed since they were introduced

26、.限时规范练7(必修2Module 1)一、【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章报告了早餐的重要性。文章先是介绍两项关于吃早餐对学习成绩影响的研究,好早餐等于好成绩;再介绍什么是最佳的康健早餐。1.B推理判断题。文章首段介绍了学生们为了赶时间而不吃早餐的错误做法。早餐吃得健康有利于进步学生的结果,接下来的内容通过研究结果对这一点举行了阐明。因此,文章首段是引入文章的主题的。2.D推理判断题。由第三段中的“the best breakfast is a mix of complex carbohydrates,protein and fat”可知,D项中的早餐搭配中既有碳水化合物又有蛋白质和脂肪,符合

27、营养专家保举的最佳营养搭配。3.C词义预测题。画线词所在句中的So一词承接上一句“Simply eating a breakfast rich in carbohydrates may make a student tired.”所以在单一的碳水化合物早餐中加上一些蛋白质食品是为了防备委顿。【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。作者在一次参加纽约大都会奇幻营的时间,碰到了曾经的棒球投手明星并且是这次的棒球教练Mel,这对作者来说是一次神奇的履历。作者之后不幸患上血癌,必要举行干细胞移植。此时,曾经也患过血癌并成功进行细胞移植的教练Mel给了作者无穷的信心和气力。4.B推理判断题。凭据文章首段可知,作者觉得

28、很幸运的是遇到了教练Mel,并且这位教练对他后来的生活都带来了很大的影响。5.A细节明白题。根据文章第二段的内容,尤其是“I knew pretty quickly that pitching was not for me.”可知,作者很快就知道自己不适做合棒球投球手。故选A项。6.D词义推测题。凭据上文可知,作者被告知得了血癌并且要进行细胞移植;而本句后面作者也坦率地说本身非常沮丧。因此可知,这个消息让作者很是震惊,难以接受,而且伤心不安。7.C推理判断题。凭据末了一段可知,作者精神好起来并且期待着细胞移植的到来,这都是得益于Mel锻练打来德律风,解释此种病的治疗环境,并给作者勉励。故选C项

29、。二、【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。到场夏令营的第一天,作者正为找不到教室苦恼时遇到了同病相怜的Jorden。她们费了一番工夫终于找到了课堂,这次“坎坷”的经历也让她们成了朋侪。1.GG项解释了上文中的trouble,即作者找不到课堂的缘故原由。2.FF项中的which room与本空后面的M15相对应。3.CC项与上文中的“The lady in the blue shirt gave us directions.”形成迁移转变干系,且C项中的them指代directions。4.A由本空前面的question可推断,本空应填一个问句,因此A项和B项符合文本特征;又从下文中作者和Jorden的回

30、答“Kind of”可推断,A项符合语意。5.DD项中的“twenty minutes late for class”与下文中的“get to class late”相照应。三、1.there考察特别句式。设空处所在句意为“没有冬季奥运会”,故填there。There is no such person / thing as sb./ sth.“没有如某人/某物这样的人/物”。2.Players考察名词复数。设空处做主语,表示“运动员”。player是可数名词,且此处表现泛指,应用复数,故填Players。petition考查名词。设空处做表语,表示“比赛”,因为设空处前有不定冠词,故填名词c

31、ompetition。4.from考查介词。此处表示“来自的”,故填from。5.was held考查一般已往时的被动语态。设空处所在句意为“冬季运动很受欢迎,因此,1924年在法国的夏蒙尼举行了国际冬季体育运动周活动”。 International Winter Sports Week与hold之间是被动干系,应用被动语态,由in 1924可知,此处应用一样平常已往时,故填was held。6.was考察主谓同等。Something做主语,谓语动词用单数,因为此处描述1924年在法国夏蒙尼举行的国际冬季体育运动周运动,应用一样平常已往时,故填was。7.who考察干系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句补充说明female athletes,且在从句中做主语,故填who。8.especially考查副词。设空处做状语,表示“尤其”,故填副词especially。 take考查不定式做定语的用法。chance后常跟不定式做定语,表示“的机会”。10.interesting考查形容词做定语的用法。设空处做定语,表示“有趣的”,故填形容词interesting。

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