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人教版英语初三Unit 6 讲义.docx

1、人教版英语初三Unit 6 讲义课程新授授课题目UNIT6. When was it invented?教学 设 计学习目标1.一般过去时的被动语态2.复习巩固过去完成时教学重难点 一般过去时的被动语态教学流程1、温习(复习提问)第六单元重点单词检查默写二、学习目标:1.一般过去时的被动语态2.复习巩固过去完成时三、学习新课(自主探究学习)【重点单词】1. project n. 项目,工程;2. pleasure n. 高兴,愉快;3. daily adj. 日常的,每日的;4. mention v. 提到,说到;5. nearly adv.几乎,差不多; 6. boil v. 煮沸,烧开;7

2、. remain v. 保持不变;剩余;8. national adj.国家的,民族的;9. low adj.低的,矮的;10. translate v. 翻译;11. lock v.锁上;n. 锁;12. sudden adj. 突然的13. crispy adj. 脆的;酥脆的;14. salty adj. 咸的;15. sour adj. 酸的,有酸味的;16. customer n. 顾客。17. Canadian 加拿大的,18. divide v. 分开,分散;19. hero n 英雄,男主角;20. professional adj. 职业的,专业的;【重点词组】1. shoe

3、s with special heels 特殊后跟的鞋子2. hot ice cream scoop 热的冰其淋勺子3. run on electricity 电动的4. be used for 被用作5. the subject for my school project 学校项目的课题6. our daily lives 我们的日常生活7. have a point 有点道理 8. by accident 偶然,意外地9. over the open fire 在火堆上10. fall into the water 落入水中11. take place 发生12. without doub

4、t 毫无疑问13. at a low price 以一个很低的价格14. translate the book into different language 把书翻译成不同种的语言15. all of sudden 突然16. by mistake 错误地17. a much-loved and active sport 一个深受喜爱并且积极的运动18. divideinto 把分开19. stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事20. look up to 钦佩,仰慕21. the professional basketball groups 职业篮球机构22. use

5、 someone elses idea 借用其他人的想法【重点句式】1. I think the TV was invented before the car. 我认为电视是在轿车之前发明的。2. -When was the telephone invented? - 电话是什么时候发明的? -I think it was invented in 1876. -我认为电话是在1876年被发明的。3. -What are they used for? -他们可用来做什么? -They are used for changing the style of the shoes -他们可用来改变鞋子的

6、样式。4. -When was the zipper invented? -拉链是什么时候发明的?-It was invented in 1893 .-它是在1893年被发明的。5. -Who was it invented by? -它是由谁发明的?-It was invented by Whitcomb Judson. -它是被惠特科姆.贾德森发明的。6. -When was tea brought to Korea? -茶是什么时候被带到韩国的? -It was brought to Korea during the 6th and 7th centuries.-它是在六至七世纪被带到韩

7、国的。7. -What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? -这个热的冰其淋勺子是用来做什么的?-Its used for serving really cold ice-cream -它是用来提供真正冷的冰其淋。知识点解析1.such adj.如此的,这样的 such 用作形容词,修饰名词It is such a great thing. 它是如此好的一件事。 such构成的主要结构有: . such+a(an)+adj.+单数可数名词+that从句 He got such a bad cold that he coughed day and night

8、 .such+(adj.+)名词复数+that从句 There were such crowded streets that we could hardly move on. . such+adj.+不可数名词+that从句 She has made such great progress that many people like her. 辨析:such与so Such 修饰名词,“如此的,这样的”, He is such a kind man. So 修饰形容词或副词 “如此,这样”, He is so kind a man.2.It is believed that. “人们相信./人

9、们认为.”,相当于people believe that. It 为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。 扩展: It is said that. 据说. It is supposed that. 据猜测. It is reported that . 据报道.It is known that. 众所周知.3.一般过去时的被动语态语法构成:be(was/were)+及物动词的过去分词。 When was/were .invented? .什么时候发明的? .was/were invented in +年代。 .被发明于. Who was/were .invented by? .是被谁发明的? W

10、hat was/were .used for? .是用来做什么的? 注意:莫忘记还原to,在主动语态中make,see,watch等动词后接省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,变成被动语态时,不定式符号to要还原。In the old days,they were made to work in the factory from morning to evening.介词跟上去。在主动语态中,动词短语中的介词在变为被动语态时,仍要跟在原动词之后。Old people werent taken good care of in 1980.过去完成时态练习:1.By the time he got up,

11、 he found his father _ to work. Awent Bhave goneCgone Dhad gone2.When I got to the bus stop, the bus _ already _ for 5 minutes.Ahas; left Bhad; left Chas; been away Dhad; been away3.My sister _ a teacher two years ago.Agot married to Bgot married ofCmarried to Dmarried with4.When I got to the shop,

12、the fresh vegetables had _.Abe sold out Bsold outCbeen sold out Dsell out 5.We felt _ when we heard the _ news.Aembarrassed; embarrassed Bembarrassing; embarrassed Cembarrassed; embarrassing Dembarrassing; embarrassing6.I like to play jokes _ my classmates.Aon Binto Cin Dto7._ he knows it, hell not

13、let out the secret.AAs if BEven thoughCSo that DWhat if 8.The street is _ of people.Afull Bfill Cfilled Dfilled with9.The fish we caught yesterday is still_.Alive Bto live Calive Dlively10.By the end of last term, they_ over 2,000 English words.Alearned Bhas learned Chad learned Dlearn四、目标检测:一、按要求改写

14、句子。1.The helicopter was made in 1990. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the helicopter _ ?2. Someone turned down the television just now. (改为被动语态)The television _ _ down just now.3. English is spoken as a second language in many countries. (改为主动语态)People _ _ as a second language in many countries. 4. The glass is used f

15、or keeping water hot. (改为主动语态) They _ the glass _ keeping water hot.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He told us that the model plane _ (make) in 1930. 2. When _the Great Wall_ (build)?3. Umbrellas are used for _(keep) rain off.4. Who _ they _ (make) by?5. The passage _(copy) just now.6. That mountain is _ (know) fo

16、r its beauty.7. This bag is _ (make) of paper.8. These ships are _ (make) in China.9. _ (drink) tea is good for our health.10. Some flowers _ (send) to her every Friday. 版权所有三、单项选择。1.- Do you often clean your classroom?- Yes. Our classroom_ every day.A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned D. is cleaning 2

17、. - Mum, can I go to the zoo with Jack?- When your homework _ , you can.A. is done B. was doneC. does D. did3. Trees and flowers _ every year to make our country more beautiful.A. is planted B. was plantedC. are planted D. were planted4. The book Business the Speed of Thought _in 1999. A. writes B.

18、is writtenC. wrote D. was written五、知识盘点(教学小结)1.一般过去时的被动语态2.复习巩固过去完成时 单元测试题一. 单项选择 ()1.Would you hold this for a moment? With _.Apleasing Bpleased Cpleasure Dplease( )2. Why dont you buy a camera? Do you think I need to? My phone is often used a camera. A. by B. for ?C. as D. with( )3. To plan your t

19、ime better, you can make a of the things you need to do first. A. list B. project C. number D. lot ( )4. How dangerous! Yeah. The bus hit the car just now. A. clearly B. normally C. nearly D. mostly( )5. Can we pick some oranges to eat? Cant you see that they are green? They must be . A. sweet B. sa

20、lty C. hot D. sour( )6. If the Japanese football team had a match with the German football team, which do you think would win? The German team would win without any . Its a much better team. A. hope B. secret C. interest D. doubt( )7. Why do many people buy things online on the 11th of November ever

21、y year? Because there are many sales. The prices are . A. much cheaper B. much lower C. more expensive D. much higher( )8. How nice the fish ! Really? I am sure youll like it better if you try some. A. smells B. feels C. tastes D. sounds( )9.Sorry, sir. But is this umbrella yours?Oh, sorry. I just t

22、ook it . Mine is under the seat. A. for yourself B. by mistake C. in person D. at last( )10. The 20th World Cup in Brazil, right? Yes. It this summer. A. held; took place B. was held; was taken place C. held; was taken place D. was held; took place( )11. Which of the following signs means “No lockin

23、g”? A. B. C. D. ( )12. Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasnt he? Of course. He by people all over the world. A. was looked up B. was looked up to C. looked up D. looked up to ( )13. Was table tennis invented by the Chinese? No. It in China until the start of the 20th century. A. played B

24、. was played C. didnt play D. wasnt played( )14. Do you know in ancient China? I have no idea. But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper. A. how paper was made B. how was paper made C. what paper was made D. what was paper made( )15. Many thanks for what youve done for us. .A. Dont menti

25、on it B. Never C. Thats right D. You seem to have a point16.- Could you tell me who the toy_ by? -Sorry, I dont know.A. makes B. Made C. is made D. was made17. The light bulb gives people more time_ _ every day. A. to work and play B. work and play C. to work and playing D. working and playing 18. _

26、a new library _ in your school last year? A. Is; built B. Was; builtC. Does; built D. Did; built 19.The monkey was seen _ out of the tree.A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump20. Tea is produced _ many different areas .A. at B. in C. on D. to21.The sweater_ wool. So it is very comfortable. A. is mad

27、e from B. is made of C. is made up of D. is made in 22. We are very_ when we know we have got good grades. A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. excite23. His voice_ very comfortable!A. sounds B. looks C. smells D. tastes24. Li Lei isnt as_ as Tom, but he jumps farther than Tom.A. taller B. talles

28、t C. tall D. short25. I find _is difficult to learn English well.A. this B. that C. these D. it26. They are made _ for 14 hours a day.A. work B. to work C. worked D. working27. Tom is older than Mike, but he is not as _ as Mike. 版权所有A. tall B. taller C. short D. shorter28. The paper, usually red, _

29、before it _.A. is folded; is cut B. folded; cut C. is folded; cut D. folds; is cut 29. The silk dress _ so smooth. Its made in China. A. smells B. tastes C. feels D. looks30. Could you tell me who the novel _?A. was written B. was wrote C. was written by D. wrote 二. 阅读理解 ?AThe Coca Cola Company has an inventionthe “PlantBottle”. It is partly made from plants and can be rec

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