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1、北京奥运英语主题对话2008北京奥运英语主题对话 十几年前,北京仅以2票这差惜败于悉尼(sydney),一条重要的原因就是环保,悉尼正是打出“环保牌”才最终赢得了奥运会的主办权。在2000年悉尼奥运会赛场上我们可以看到绿草茵茵。我们在惋惜自己失败的同时,更应该吸取悉尼成功的经验。环境保护不仅是我们申奥、举办奥运会的口号,更是造福于中国人民的千秋大业。绿色奥运(the Green Olympics)Dialogue: A: Do you know what the main feature the Sydney Olympics is, John? 你知道悉尼奥运会还有一个什么特点吗? B: O

2、f course, I know. 我当然知道。 A: What? 什么特点? B: Environmental protection. 环保啊! A: Do you know when IOC put forward the issue of environmental protection? 你知道国际奥委会在哪一年提出环保课题的吗? B: Sorry, I have no idea about it. 抱歉,这我还真不知道。 A: Let me tell you. In 1991. At that time, Sydney put forward the slogan environme

3、ntal protection, thus, it won the bid. 让我来告诉你,那是1991年。当时,悉尼正是打出“环保牌”才赢得申办权。 B: What a nice memory! Oh, I know that Beijing and Sydney bid for the Olympic Games together. 好记性!噢,我知道那时北京和悉尼一起参加申奥。 A: Yeah, Sydney had five strate-gies: save energy, save water, reduce trash, prevent pollution, and protec

4、t the environmnet. They tried to host a Green Olympics. 不错,悉尼有五大战略,即:节能、节水、减少垃圾、防止污染与保护环境。他们要办一届“绿色奥运”。 B: They have racked their brain. 他们可谓绞尽脑汁。 A: Yes. Even the torch and fuel are produced by using environmental protection techniques and materials. 是的。就连火炬和燃料都采用环保技术与材料制成。 B: Even so, there was st

5、ill much pity left. The Green and Peace Organization called it at most a half green. 即使如此,还留下了不少遗憾。绿色和平组织,称其最多是半绿色。 A: Thats been quite good. Its the beginning after all. Im sure that it will be better and better. 已经很不错了,毕竟是刚刚开始嘛。我相信以后会越来越好。北京对奥运会的贡献不只是传播奥运会精神,还能将博大精深的东方文化带给奥运和世界。古老而现代的北京,必将因为奥运的到来,

6、让世界各地的朋友对东西方文化的交流有进一步的理解。 Dialogue A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here. A: 哦,天啊!太巧了,在这儿碰到你。 B: Yes, what a surprise! We havent seen each other almost half a year. B: 是呀!真没想到。我们已有半年没见了吧。 A: Almost. Where are you heading now? A: 差不多。你去哪儿? B: Oh. Im going to attend a meeting about making Chinese cult

7、ure various and globalized. B: 哦,我正要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议。 A: Its so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other. A: 这会议很有意义。东西方文化是适

8、应它们各自社会的相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有它们自己的优点和不足,因此,两种文化应相互充实。 B: Right. It seems to be quite important to Chinese culture. The two-thousand-year feudual rule made Chinese traditional culture self-closed and isolated, and its so short of democracy and open, which is the chief essence of the west culture. Through

9、 the meeting, we want to make it the beginning that Chinese culture fully absorb the essence of the west culture. The 2008 Olympics is a desirable chance. B: 对,对中国文化来说,这一点显得尤为重要。两千年的封建统治使中国传统文化自我封闭,自我独立,严重缺乏民主和开放性,而这一点正是西方文化的精华部分。通过这次会议,我们想开一个头,使中国传统文化全面吸收西方文化中的精华。2008年奥运会就是一个难得的机会。 A: I see. You ap

10、ply to the chance of the 2008 Olympics to make your traditional culture absorb the advantage of the west culture, and make it various and globalized. A: 我明白了。你们想借助2008年奥运会使贵国的传统文化吸收西文化的优点,使之多样化、国际化。 B: Yes. Only the essence. 正是,仅吸收精华。 A: I understand it. But I think Chinese culture has many advantag

11、es. A: 我理解这一点。但中国文化也有很多优点。 B: Of course. When Chinese culture absorbs the essence of the west culture, we maintain and carry forward it. B: 当然了。在中国文化吸收西方文化精华的同时,我们要保留并弘扬传统文化的精华。 A: Good. The Olympics is a belt of the east and west culture. It advances the two different culture systems development. S

12、uppose that the west and east cultures should merge into a more perfect and vigorous system with the development of the Olympics in the future. A: 很好!奥林匹克运动是东西方文化联系的纽带,它带动两种不同的文化体系共同发展,可以想想在不久的未来,随着奥运的发展,东西方文化将会融为一个更加完美和充满生机活力的整体。 B: I hope so. B: 但愿如此吧。为奥运会作准备Dialogue A: Hi, Mr. Zhang, why are you

13、so happy? A: 喂,老张,为何如此高兴啊? B: Hi, Jim. Didnt you know Beijing won? B: 哦,是Jim, 难道你不知道北京赢了? A: Yes, I knew. It is a golden chance for you. A: 是,我知道。这对你可是黄金的发展机会呀。 B: Yes! I have looked foward to the moment for 15 years. B: 是呀!我已经盼了十五年了。 A: Me too. How are you doing for it? A: 我也是呀,打算怎么干? B: I have eno

14、ugh confidence in myself! Im learning English and learning how to do foreign food. B: 我对我自己充满信心! 我正在学习英语和学做外国的食品。 A: Really? A: 真的吗? B: Yes! At the same time, I planned to rebuild my restaurant and improve the service quality and add the numbers of the food and meal. B: 是呵!与此同时,我已计划重修我的饭馆,提高服务质量,增加食

15、品种类。 A: Great! Wish you success! A: 太棒了,祝你成功! B: Thank you! Welcome youDialogue A: As a leader of the Chinese Olympic bid, could you talk about the general preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games in several years? A: 作为奥申委的负责人,你能谈一谈关于2008年奥运会在今后七年里的一些准备工作吗? B: Okay, its well known that Beijing Munic

16、ipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. B: 好的,众所周知,北京市政府已经为未来的奥运会设立了主题:新北京,新奥运。 A: A great creative idea! Can you explain what the meaning of the theme is? A: 一个非常具有创意的设想!你能给我们解释一下这一主题意义吗? B: With pleasure. We defined 2008 Olympics as Green Olympi

17、cs, High-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics. B: 非常高兴。我们已经把2008年奥运会定义为“绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运。” A: Fantastic! How does Beijing Municipal Government manage to do it? A: 太棒了!北京市政府如何才能做到这一点呢? B: According to the theme, The Green Olympics Action Plan is being carried out. In several years, we will invest 100 bil

18、lion RMB in preseving and protecting the environment. 12.5 million trees and more than 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. At the same time, we will also control industrial pollution. B: 根据这个主题,“绿色奥林匹克运动会行动计划”的方案正在实施。在今后的几年里,我们将在保存和保护环境方面投入一千亿元人民币,沿着四环路将会种上一千二百五十万棵树和

19、一百多方亩草,与此同时,我们要控制工业污染源。 A: Great project! A: 非常宏大的工程! B: Yes. Welcome businessmen from all over the world come and invest in Beijing ! B: 是的,欢迎世界各地的商业人士前来投资! A: Thank you! Dialogue A: Hi, Jim. How are you going? A: 喂,Jim, 最近在忙什么呢? B: Im writing a book. B: 我正在写一本书。 A: Really? What book? A: 真的吗?什么书啊?

20、B: About Olympics and Chinese culture. B: 关于奥运和中国文化。 A: Terrific! Talk aout it, OK? A: 非常棒! 谈谈如何? B: Yes. Its well-known that Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, and its a golden chance to prosper our culture. I want to introduce the common cultural sense of China to show our splendid

21、culture through my book. B: 可以,众所周知,北京将在2008年举办第29届奥运会,我想通过这本书介绍一些中国的文化常识,借此展示一下中国灿烂的文化。 A: Good idea! Anything else? A: 好主意,其他的呢? B: About the other. oh, by introducing the common cultural sense, I want to make readers, especially foreign readers understand Chinese social value, life style and etc.

22、 B: 关于其他.哦,对了,通过这些文化常识,我想让读者,特别是外国朋友明白中国人的社会价值观、生活方式等等。 A: Good, very good! A: 好,真棒! B: We try our best to make Chinese culture merge into the worlds cultural, economic and social development, to make it meet the need of the time. B: 我们要尽力使中国的文化发展涌入世界文化、经济和社会发展潮流之中,使它更好地适应时代发展的需要。 A: Fantastic! I ho

23、pe to become the first reader after you complete it. Wish you success! A: 妙极了,我希望成为这本书的第一个读者,祝你成功! B: Thank you very much! B: 谢谢你的支持! 奥运英语情景对话:中国奥运战绩新中国成立后的1952年,中国参加了在芬兰赫尔辛基举行的第15届奥运会。随着国力的增强和经济的腾飞,中国的奥运水平不断提高,在第28届雅典奥运会上,中国奥运代表团以32枚金牌、17枚银牌和14枚铜牌的成绩第一次获得奖牌榜亚名的位置。我们祝愿中国奥运代表团在2008年北京奥运会上再创佳绩! Dialog

24、ue A: Do you still remember the 9th Olympic Games? A: 你还记得第九届奥运会吗? B: Sure! Its in Amsterdam, Holland in 1928. B: 当然记得!是1928年在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹举行的。 A: Good memory! A: 好记性! B: Shooting athlete Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal in this game. B: 在这次运动会上射击选手许海峰为中国赢得了第一枚奥运金牌。 A: A hero! And then? A: 他是一位英雄,接着呢?

25、 B: Li Ning won 3 gold medals alone. B: 李宁独得了3枚金牌。 A: How much gold medals did China win in that Games? A: 在那次运动会上中国总共获得多少金牌? B: 15 gold medals. B: 15枚。 谢谢! Dialogue A: Do you know that Chinese womens soccer team won the Asian womens soccer tilte again last Sunday? A: 你知道吗?中国女足上周日又获得了亚洲女足冠军。 B: Real

26、ly? How exciting! Who was the rival in the final this time? B: 真的吗?太让人激动了!这次决赛的对手是谁? A: Its Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea . A: 是朝鲜。 B: What was the result? B: 3: 0. By the way, what do you think about Chinese National Football Team? B: 3: 0. 顺便问一下,你认为中国男足水平如何? A: Very low. There are many shor

27、tcomings of Chinese football. A: 我认为很低,中国男足有许多不足之处。 B: I agree with you. Can you give some examples? B: 我很赞同。你能举些例子吗? A: Certainly, I think they lack basic football skills. The teamwork is inadequate and the ability to score goals is quite poor. A: 当然。我认为他们基本功不扎实,团队精神不足,射门能力也差。 B: Yes, theres really

28、 a long way to go for Chinese National Football Team. B: 是的,中国足球队要走的路确实还很长啊。 谈论奥运会旗在第七届安特卫普奥运会上,象征五大洲团结和奥林匹克精神的五环交错会旗,在开幕式上首次升起,并首次举行运动员宣誓仪式,为奥运会正规化开创先例。从此,奥林匹克运动更具吸引力,有更多的城市争办奥运会。 Dialogue A: Talking of the Olympic Flag, what do you know about it? 说起了奥运会会旗,你们对它了解多少呀? B: There will be a handing-over

29、 and taking-over ceremony in each closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The mayor of the host city will give the flag to president of the IOC, and president will hand it to the mayor of the next host city. 每届奥运会的闭幕式上都有会旗的交接仪式,由奥运会主办城市市长将会旗交给国际奥委会主席,主席再将旗递交下届主办城市的市长。 C: But the flag raised at the op

30、ening ceremony of the Olympics is only a substitute. The host city treasures it after it receives the flag. 但在奥运会开幕式上升起的那面旗只是一面代用品,主办城市接旗后都把它珍藏起来了。 A: The flag was officially used on June 15, 1914. It was first raised at the celebration congress of the 20th anniversary restoration of the Olympics mo

31、vement in Paris . Unfortunately, this Olympic flag was burned in the flames of WWI. 会旗正式使用是1914年6月15日 ,在巴黎为庆祝现代奥林匹克运动恢复20周年纪念大会上第一次升起。不幸的是,这面会旗毁灭在第一次世界大战的战火中。 B: Then where does the flag we use now come from? 那我们现在用的那面会旗是从哪里来的呢? A: The flag we use now was made by the Belgian Olympic Committee in 192

32、0 when the Games were held in Antwerp . It was given to the International Olympic Committee as a gift, which has been used since then. 现在使用的会旗是1920年在比利时安特卫普举行奥运会时,比利时奥委会制作时,并且把它赠给了国际奥委会,一直沿用到现在。 B: It was passed down one games after another it became an Heirloom. 这样一届一届传下去,就成了“传家宝”了。 北京新奥运“新北京、新奥运”是北京申奥的口号,英文为“New

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