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绝命毒师Breaking Bad第一季第三集中英文对白S01E03.docx

1、绝命毒师Breaking Bad第一季第三集中英文对白S01E03100:00:45,720 - 00:00:47,120我们来分析一下Lets break it down.200:00:49,300 - 00:00:51,900氢元素 人体中含有多少?Hydrogen. What does that give us?300:00:51,930 - 00:00:55,310用摩尔数值表示吗? 有63%By mole? Were looking at 63%.400:00:55,340 - 00:00:56,35063吗?63?500:00:57,430 - 00:00:58,670占很大的比列

2、啊That is a big bite.600:00:58,670 - 00:01:00,260下一个是 氧元素My next steps gotta be oxygen.700:01:00,270 - 00:01:01,58026%26%.800:01:02,280 - 00:01:04,57026 这两种元素组成了水26. There you have your water.900:01:04,730 - 00:01:07,910-碳 9% -碳 9- Carbon. 9%. - Carbon. 9.1000:01:08,200 - 00:01:11,420-总共是98%? -没错- Fo

3、r a total of 98%? - Right.1100:01:11,500 - 00:01:15,600-氮 1.25% -1.25-Nitrogen 1.25%. - 1.25.1200:01:15,680 - 00:01:17,770这样总共99.25That brings it to 99 and a quarter.1300:01:18,210 - 00:01:21,050剩下就该是微量元素了Which only leaves you with the trace elements1400:01:21,450 - 00:01:22,840接下来我们要见证神奇啦down with

4、the maggic happens.1500:01:24,400 - 00:01:26,630等一下 钙有多少?Oh, wait a minute. What about calcium?1600:01:26,630 - 00:01:27,900钙可不是微量元素啊Calciums not a trace.1700:01:27,900 - 00:01:29,890骨头里可都是钙啊Got a whole skeleton to account for.1800:01:29,890 - 00:01:31,660-你是这样想的 对吧? -没错- You would think, right? - R

5、ight.1900:01:31,990 - 00:01:36,100钙 钙元素只有0.25%Calcium. Calcium is only 0.25%.2000:01:36,100 - 00:01:38,080什么? 这么少?What? That low?2100:01:38,540 - 00:01:40,330真的吗?Seriously?2200:01:40,680 - 00:01:42,620天哪 没想到只有这么少Damn, I never would have thought that.2300:01:42,620 - 00:01:46,310好的 那铁有多少呢?Okay, so wh

6、ere does Iron fit in?2400:01:46,310 - 00:01:48,120铁 没错Iron. Wow, okay.2500:01:48,620 - 00:01:54,6400.00004%0.00004%.2600:01:54,760 - 00:01:55,780什么?What?2700:01:56,120 - 00:01:58,450没有铁 可没法合成血红蛋白You cant have hemoglobin without Iron.2800:01:58,990 - 00:02:00,080看来用不了多少Apparently, it dont take much.2

7、900:02:00,080 - 00:02:02,150是啊 继续No, it dont. Go figure.3000:02:02,290 - 00:02:05,200-钠 -钠? 0.04- Sodium. - Sodium? 0.04.3100:02:07,460 - 00:02:14,180-磷? 0.19 -0.19 这就对了-Phosphorus? 0.19 -0.19. There we go.3200:02:15,130 - 00:02:18,570这样的话 所有的元素So, the whole thing.3300:02:19,470 - 00:02:20,960加起来总共A

8、dds up to.3400:02:21,470 - 00:02:25,81099.888042%99.888042%.3500:02:27,580 - 00:02:32,900还有0.111958%We are 0.111958%.3600:02:33,720 - 00:02:35,040少了Shy.3700:02:35,370 - 00:02:37,520应该已经全了才对Supposedly thats everything.3800:02:41,890 - 00:02:44,520不知道 我只是I dont know. I just. I just.3900:02:45,030 - 00

9、:02:47,160觉得少了什么 不是吗?Just seems like somethings missing, doesnt it?4000:02:49,250 - 00:02:52,470人体内应该还有别的什么There got to be more to a human being than that.4100:03:23,520 - 00:03:25,060我讨厌这双鞋I hate these shoes.4200:03:25,140 - 00:03:26,060穿着这鞋就好像是These shoes make me look like4300:03:26,060 - 00:03:28

10、,140要去给人换便盆一样I should be changing bedpans,4400:03:28,300 - 00:03:30,820好像我就应该端着汤like I should be squeaking around bringing soup4500:03:30,830 - 00:03:32,930喂给恶心的老头子喝to some disgusting old person,4600:03:33,150 - 00:03:35,110然后再搭公车回去照看16只猫then take the bus home to my 16 cats.4700:03:35,120 - 00:03:37

11、,390那你干嘛还穿着?Then why are you wearing them?4800:03:38,630 - 00:03:39,960我喜欢它的足弓垫I like their support.4900:03:40,040 - 00:03:42,140我的足弓恰好很拱My arches happen to be extremely archy.5000:03:45,190 - 00:03:46,410唷 怎么啦?Yo. Whats up?5100:03:46,480 - 00:03:49,310两分钟以后打给我好吗?Hey, can you call me, like, in two m

12、inutes?5200:03:49,310 - 00:03:50,400谢了 拜拜Thanks. Bye.5300:03:52,360 - 00:03:54,240我去接个电话Gotta go take this.5400:03:55,460 - 00:03:56,150女的?Female?5500:03:58,700 - 00:03:59,940路易斯Louis.5600:04:00,560 - 00:04:03,370这好像不关你的事吧Not like its any of your business, though.5700:04:04,420 - 00:04:06,100快点就行Jus

13、t be quick about it.5800:04:06,240 - 00:04:10,660还有 别再说唷了Oh, and, um, please dont say yo.5900:04:11,220 - 00:04:13,360你不知道我有多讨厌这词You cant know how much I hate that.6000:04:19,120 - 00:04:22,460你有个地方没刷到You missed a. spot right there.6100:04:23,250 - 00:04:24,850你确定能爬梯子吗?Should you be up on that ladde

14、r?6200:04:24,880 - 00:04:27,080欢迎你上来接我的班You know, youre more than welcome to take over for me up here.6300:04:27,700 - 00:04:29,880我不明白 干嘛不让Walt来做I dont see why you dont just get Walt to do it.6400:04:30,160 - 00:04:32,850确实是个主意Yeah. Theres an idea.6500:04:35,170 - 00:04:38,410最近我正在写短篇小说So, Im working on this new short story,6600:04:38,410 - 00:04:40,920想塑造一个吸毒的人物and theres this stoner character in it.

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