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1、教育心理学考试简答题一、Translate the following terms into English or Chinese:(32)random assignment 随机分配internal validity 内部效度Laboratory experiments 实验室实验external validity 外部效度Positive correlation 正相关Negative correlation 负相关Zero correlation 零相关Descriptive research 描述性研究Survey(interview) 调查(访谈)Schemes 图式Assimila

2、tion 同化Accommodation 顺应 Equilibration 平衡hypothetical reasoning(假设推理)analogical reasoning(类比推理)deductive reasoning(演绎推理)reflective abilities(反思能力)adolescent egocentrism 青少年自我中心imaginary audience 假想观众Zone of Proximal Development 最近发展区Private speech 自我言语Scaffolding 支架Object permanence 客体永久性Collective m

3、onologue 集体独白verbal information 言语信息intellectual skill 智力技能cognitive strategy 认知策略Attitude 态度motor skill 运动技能discovery learning 发现学习reception learning 接受学习meaningful learning 意义学习rote learning 机械学习Declarative knowledge 陈述性知识procedural knowledge 程序性知识The law of readiness 准备律The law of exercise 练习律The

4、 law of effect 效果律Generalization 泛化Discrimination 分化Extinction 消退systematic desensitization 系统脱敏Respondent behavior 应答行为Operant behavior 操作行为Positve reinforcers 正强化物The Premack Principle(Grandmas Rule): 普雷麦克原则,普利马克原理Shaping 行为塑造observational learning 观察学习Direct reinforcement 直接强化indirect reinforceme

5、nt 间接强化Extrinsic reinforcement 外部强化intrinsic reinforcement 内部强化self-efficacy 自我效能Insight 顿悟cognitive map 认知地图Latent learning 潜伏学习Representation 表象Conceptual 概念的(表征)Propositional 命题的(表征)cognitive structure 认知结构advance organizer 预先的组织框架top-down processing 自上而下的加工Well-structured problems. 结构良好问题Ill-str

6、uctured problems. 结构不良问题Means-ends analysis 手段目的分析working forward 正向工作working backward 逆向工作Functional fixedness 功能固着Mental set 心理定势Metacognition 元认知Theory of mind 心理理论Rehearsal 复述transfer of learning 学习的迁移Positive transfer 正迁移Negative transfer 负迁移general transfer 一般迁移specific transfer 特殊迁移forward tr

7、ansfer 正向迁移backward transfer 逆向迁移near transfer 近迁移far transfer 远迁移Heteronymous morality 他律道德 Heteronomous morality Autonomous morality 自律道德locus of control 控制点Achievement motivation 成就动机1.Educational Psychology(教育心理学)Educational psychology is to give tomorrow s teachers the intellectual grounding(基础

8、训练)and practical strategies needed to be effective as instructors. 教育心理学是指给未来的教师提供有效的指导的智力的基础训练和实用策略。2.Assimilation(同化)Assimilation occurs when the baby uses a scheme on a new object. It is basically the process of incorporating a new object or event into an existing scheme. It involves taking in ne

9、w information, filtering or modification of input so that it fits their existing scheme. 当婴儿对一个新的物体应用图式时,就发生同化。它基本上是将一个新目标或事件合并到现有图式的过程。包括理解新信息,过滤或者输入的改变以便于适应现有图式。3.Accommodation(适应)Piaget used accommodation to describe the changing of an existing scheme to fit new objects适应是皮亚杰用来描述为了适应新物体现有图式的改变。4.

10、Zone of Proximal Development(最近发展区)ZPD means level of development immediately above ones present level. It describes tasks that a child has not learned but is capable of learning at a given time with the assistance of peers or adults.最近发展区是刚好在个体现有水平之上的发展水平。它是指儿童没有学会的,但是能够在给定时间内,通过同伴或成人的帮助下学习任务。5. Pr

11、ivate speech(自言自语)A mechanism emphasized by Vygotsky for turning shared knowledge into personal knowledge is Private speech.是由维果斯基提出的将共享知识变为私人知识的过程的机制,即为自言自语。6、Learning(学习):Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experience. 学习就是由于个人经验而引起的个人的改变。7、Scaffolding(支架):It means p

12、roviding a child with a great deal of support during the early stages of learning and then diminished support and having the child take on increasing responsibility as soon as he or she is able. 当儿童对活动或问题的探究感到困难或无主意时,成人利用一定的指导,把任务分成可处理的单元,并唤起儿童对单元任务的特殊性的注意,让儿童的能力得到提高。8、Associative shifting(联想迁移) Ass

13、ociative shifting: closely related to identical elements theory. It begins with a connection between a certain situation and a certain response. Then, one gradually drops stimulus elements that are part of the original situation and adds stimulus elements that are not part of the original situation.

14、 As long as there are enough elements from the original situation in the new situation, the same response will be given.和共同要素说很像,联想迁移基于一个情景和在这个情景中的特定反应。然后,慢慢减少原来情景中的刺激,增加新的刺激。只要在新的情景中有足够多的跟原来情景中相似的刺激,就会引起相同的反应。(相同要素说:桑代克等人则认为,经过训练的某一官能并不能自动地迁移到其他方面,只有当两种情境中有相同要素或共同要素时才能产生迁移。相同要素也即相同的刺激与反应的联结,刺激相似而且反

15、应也相似时,两情境的迁移才能发生,相同联结越多,迁移越大。XX滴)9、experimental extinction 实验性消退(同12)10.Generalization 泛化If we develop a CR for a special CS, some new CS will also cause the original CR.11.Discrimination 分化The tendency to respond to a very restricted range of stimuli or to the only one used during training.12.Extin

16、ction 消退Possible way to elinminate some bad habits or disorder behaviors is to present the CSs without presenting the USs.13.positive reinforcer 正强化物A positive reinforcer is something that,when added to the situation by a certain response,increases the probability of that responses recurrence.14.neg

17、ative reinforcer 负强化物A negative reinforcer is something that,when removed from the situation by a certain response,increases the probability of that responses recurrence.15、Latent learning潜在学习Latent learning is learning that is not translated into performance.In other words, it is possible for learn

18、ing to remain dormant for a considerable length of time before it is manifested in behavior.是一种并不转换为行为的学习,换句话说,在其显示为行为前可能已经存在相当长的一段时间。16、Advance organizers 先行组织者Advance organizers are verbal statements at the beginning of a lesson that preview and structure the new material and link it to the studen

19、ts existing schemata.学习材料前所呈现的引导信息,用来预览和建构材料并使其与学生目前的构图形成联系17、Transfer of learning 学习迁移One respond by analogy, which means one respond to it as he would to a related situation that we had studied before. 一种学习会受到先前相关联的另一种学习的影响18、identical elements theory 同一元素论Theory that posits that transfer of learn

20、ing between two tasks increases with the similarity between components of the tasks.理论指出两个人物间的学习迁移是因为两者有相同的元素。19、transposition theory (心里转换理论)According to Kholers famous study with small chickens results, Kholer maintained that the critical point of transfer of learning is the two activities share t

21、he same relation. That is, the common relation in two learning situations leads to the transfer of learning.This theory greatly enriched the knowledge about the mechanisms of transfer of learning. 20、formal discipline theory.(形式训练理论)This is the oldest theory of transfer of learning. It appeared at t

22、he end of 19 century. Its foundation of thought is called faculty psychology, which was put forward by a German psychologist, C.V. Wolff in the middle of 18 century. 21、production theory(生产理论)Singley, Anderson. Transfer depends on the production overlaps of learning tasks and transfer tasks. content

23、 to content: general abnormal psy. skills to skills:riding bicycle to driving carcontent to skills: learning about computers to learning to programskills to content: construction of electronic circuits to electronic theory.22、Learned helplessness 习得性无助occurs when an animal is repeatedly subje

24、cted to an aversive stimulus that it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action.While the concept is s

25、trongly tied to animal psychology and behavior, it can also apply to many situations involving human beings.三、回答问题(仅供参考)1. What is educational Psychology?答:教育心理学是研究教育过程中的心理现象与规律,包括受教育者的各种心理现象及其变化和发展规律,以及教育者如何通过这些规律对受教育者进行有效教育。2. What makes a good teacher? 答:掌握教师技能;熟悉学科的教学重点;丰富的教学知识以及在教学过程中有效策略的使用。3.

26、 what is the research basic steps in educational Psychology?答:在现实或文献中发现问题;分析问题定义变量和确定测量技术提出假设和选择试验方法进行实验数据分析4. What is development?答:发展是研究人一生的成长、适应和改变,例如生理、人格、情感、认知和语言的发展。5. How did Piaget view cognitive development?答:皮亚杰认为认知发展是一种建构的过程,是个体在与环境不断的相互作用中实现的。认知发展包括认知结构和认知机能,认知结构包括图式,认知机能包含组织和适应,适应包括顺应和同

27、化。在他看来心理发展就是个体通过同化和顺应日益复杂的环境而达到平衡的过程,个体也正是在平衡和不平衡的过程中不断建构和完善其认知结构,实现认知发展的。他认为认知发展是不连续的,并分为四个阶段:感觉运算阶段、前运算阶段、具体运算阶段和形式运算阶段。6. Whats the implication of Vygotskys theory?答:强调了成人和同伴的相互作用在儿童学习发展中的作用;辅助学习,即老师的帮助更有利于学生的学习。最近发展区的提出,为学生提供了发展的可能性,为教师提供了教学的现实性,教与学的相互作用促进了发展。7. What is the Identity theory of Ma

28、rcia?(自我同一性理论)答:Marcia根据青少年所遇到的冲突以及他们解决冲突的方式,划分了四种主要状态:同一性获得(identity achievement)、过早自认(identity foreclosure)、同一性扩散(identity diffusion)和同一性延缓(identity moratorium)。其理论对教学的启示:树立获得同一性完成的榜样。辅助学生对各种价值体系的探索,帮助他们认识到各种体系的优缺点。鼓励学生做出符合其年龄阶段的决定。考虑到文化差异,不同文化背景出现同一性延缓的情况不同。注意同一性形成的不问断特征,即人们必须经常评价和再评价自己是个什么样的人,想要

29、变成什么样的人,以及他们现在是否已经达到了自己预想的标准。8. How to use Skinners theory in the modification of human behavior?答:联想转移是桑代克提出,是指在起初的刺激反应联系中,一点点的减少现有的刺激同时一点点的增加新的刺激,只要新的刺激元素足够多的呈现在新的环境中,也能产生使得最先的行为反应发生。当小孩子对新保姆有恐惧情绪时,可以在小孩与母亲一起活动的场所内,让保姆参与其中,让孩子逐渐熟悉保姆时,再让母亲离开和保姆单独活动,渐渐的让他两建立了信任后,可以让保姆带领孩子进入一些新的环境。9. Give an example

30、of how to use systematic desensitization?答:系统脱敏:通过一系列步骤,按照刺激强度由弱到强,由小到大逐渐训练心理的承受力、忍耐力,增强适应力,从而达到最后对真实体验不产生“过敏”反应,保持身心的正常或接近正常状态。系统脱敏包括三个程序,以害怕坐飞机为例:第一步:建立恐怖或焦虑的等级层次1、坐飞机 2、坐在飞机里边,飞机未起飞,但引擎开始运转。3、坐飞机里边儿,飞机在地面,引擎还未运转。4、处在一个极其类似飞机的封闭空间里。5、远远的看见飞机了。6、在飞机场。7、听到飞机发动的声音。8、谈论有关飞机的事情。9、计划一次旅行,但并不坐飞机。10、听到别人计

31、划旅行,也不坐飞机。第二步:放松训练让他们减少肌肉紧张,去体验没有对坐飞机焦虑恐惧情绪的状态。第三步:系统脱敏练习和想象在让被试完全放松状态时,让来访者想象自己正听到别人谈论一次不坐飞机的旅行,然后想象自己计划怎样不坐飞机的旅行,就这样一步一步从等次最低往更高层次等级的想象。在被试认知消退之后,让来访者到实地去重复这些脱敏训练。也就是让被试去飞机场,知道不再对坐飞机产生恐惧焦虑情绪为止。10. what is the Reciprocal Determinism(三元交互论)班杜拉提出相互作用的三种模式:1、环境是决定行为的潜在因素 一是环境确实对行为有影响,甚至产生决定作用的影响。二是这种作用是潜在的,只有环境和人的因素相结合,并且被适当的行为激活时,环境才能发挥这种作用。2、人和环境交互决定行为 班杜拉指出:人既不是完全受环境控制的被动反应者;也不是可以为所欲为的完全自由的实体,人与环境是交互决定的。 环境中各种外部因素是通过三种主要方式影响自我调节过程。环境有利于建立自我调节功能,从而建立和发展自我反应的能力。3、行为是三者交互的相互作用 环境、人和行为的相互关系和作用,是一种交互决定的过程。在行为内部,人的因素和环境影响是以彼此相连的决定因素产生作用的。这个过程是三者交互的相交作用,不是两者的连接或两者之间双向的相互作用。11. The condi

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