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1、师大渭城汉中渭南英语专业英语本科2011级日语作业题教材:标准日本语(新版)第十七课练习 1、2、4、5、6、7 练习 1、2、4、5第十八课练习 1、3、4、6 练习 1、2、4第十九课练习 3 练习 1、2、4第二十课练习 2 、3、6 练习 1、4第二十一课练习 3 、4、5、6 练习 1、2、4第二十二课练习 1、2、3 练习 1、2、4第二十三课练习 2、3、5 练习 1、3、4、5第二十四课练习 1、2、6 练习 1、2、4第二十五课练习 1、3 练习 1、2、4第二十六课练习 1、2、3、4、5 练习 1、2、4第二十七课练习 1、2、4、5 练习 2、3、4第二十八课练习 1、

2、3 练习 1、2、4写作作业题Exercises Part one Manuscript Form.Punctuate the following passage and use capitals where necessary:1. We entered the room jane looked around and asked where is the cat 2. she must have run away I answered she doesnt like to stay at home 3. we must go and find her jane said lets go at

3、 this moment the cat walked out from under the chairPart Three The Sentence.Read the following, point out the mistakes and make necessary corrections:1. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic.2. When I wok

4、e up I saw him asleep in bed, I had not heard him when he came back. Because I had been sleeping soundly.3. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, that was why he got higher pay than others.4. No student could answer that question, even Yao, who was usually quick in answeri

5、ng questions, was silent.5. Lin looks like Li, however, they are not related. 6. The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed, looking very sleepy.7. Their work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, thus, they over fulfilled their quota.8. Mark t

6、wain, a well-know American writer, whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer. Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into compound or complex sentences, or sentences with participial, prepositional, or other ph

7、rases:1. Last night was a wild night. The thunder roared. The wind blew a gale. The rain fell in torrents.2. He returned to his hometown. He had been away for twelve years. He looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.3. We have made some progress. We still have a long way to go.4. There were over t

8、wo hundred passengers on board the plane. About one third of them were foreigners.5. The girl began to learn to play the piano when she was a child. Her mother was a famous pianist.6. She appeared on the stage. A stormy applause broke forth.7. The gypsies are really a nomadic people from India. They

9、 migrated into Europe. Once they were thought to be Egyptians.8. The new workers are young and inexperienced. They are eager to learn from the veteran workers.9. It was a poor quarter. There were a lot of small huts. They had mud walls and straw roof. They dotted a hillside.10. He heard that his fat

10、her was ill. He was anxious to go home to see him. He went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket. The following sentences are not unified or coherent. Try to improve them:1. She began to speak very fast at the meeting at ten oclock.2. I read the novel on the train, which did not intere

11、st me at all.3. A well-dressed man admitted us to the house, and we later learned that he was a thief.4. I lost some important documents and found then three days later. The police had helped me.5. Tell Helen, if she is at home, I will come to see her.6. Listening attentively, a faulty sound was hea

12、rd.7. On entering the room, no one was seen.8. The children promised to be careful and that they would return home early.9. My watch is either fast or yours is slow.10. Fred is energetic, capable, and a man you can rely on.11. Dickenss novels offer no solution to the social injustices he exposes in

13、them.12. He nearly finished reading ten books during the vacation.13. If interested in paining, a course can be taken at the evening school.14. She said that she would come if she could, but not to wait for her.15. To tell my friend the god news the letter was posted at once. Revise the following se

14、ntences. Try to make them concise.1. In the year 1840 the Opium War broke out.2. There are more books in their library than in our library.3. The cause of the flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.4. He was asked to repeat the sentence again.5. I play badminton equally as well as my brother

15、.6.These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste.7. He did not tell the truth with an honest attitude.8. There are a number of students who to join the drama club.9. He was kind enough to let me share the same umbrella with him.10. At the resent time I am taking the course of World History

16、and in addition a course in geography.11. What I am trying to say is that in my opinion he has not done his work very well and it needs improving.12. I would like you to consider the question of whether or not you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China.13. Owin

17、g to the fact that he had missed many lectures, he was aware that it would be possible for him to fail the exam.14. In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing, a thing that occurs every day.15. He is not only a good pianist, but also a good singer as well.16. This pretty actress ke

18、eps appearing in TV serials repeatedly.17. As a rule, students are usually not allowed to take books out of this reading-room.18. According to the speaker, it is obvious that the responsibility system has helped to increase production that the responsibility system has helped to increase production

19、and he has no doubt about it.19. There are so many inexperienced unskilled workers without training in a particular job that production of the factory has been affected.20. Whatever he does, he works seriously with great care, and does his best so as to do it well.Rewrite the following sentences, em

20、phasizing the main idea in each:1. Huang, who is over two meters tall, is the tallest man of the team.2. Social position, reputation, even life itself, and friends, were no longer interesting to him after he went bankrupt.3. He decided to take the job, and it was something unexpected.4. Yang alone c

21、an do the work, and there are twenty students in the class.5. China has changed a great deal as a result of reform and the open policy during the past 14 years.6. She was the first Chinese woman who had won a gold medal for figure skating in an international contest, according to newspaper reports.7

22、. An attempt was made by Robert to do all the things that the sailor members of the crew usually did while serving as a cabin boy on the ship.8. Mrs. Jones, the famous writer, was among his neighbors9. She often helps many comrades in her class to improve their pronunciation.10. There are few mistak

23、es in the language of the composition, but it is not very good, because the content is not interesting.Part Four The Paragraph 。Unity1.Identify the topic sentence in each of the following paragraphs.练习见课本109112页.Coherence 见课本112113页. Transition 1.Study the following paragraphs, and point out the tra

24、nsitional expressions used.练习见课本114页.Process 练习见课本121123页. Space1.Write a description of small garden on campus, making sure that you give the reader a clear idea of what is in the garden, where things are in relation to each other, and what the garden is like generally.2. Write a paragraph to descr

25、ibe your hometown.3. Write about your favorite reading room in the school library.4. Write a description of your bedroom.5Write about a person whom your admire. Classification练习见课本139141页第3题、4、5、6题。Part Five The Whole Composition Description .Description of a person 1. Description of a person, the p

26、erson may be 1) some one you know well, such as a family member, a relative, a teacher or a classmate, a colleague or a friend;2) some stranger who attracted your attention and made a deep impression on you;3) some character in a book, a film or a TV show;4) yourself. 2. Description of a place1) Des

27、cription a place, It may be a scenic spot, a park, a museum, etc.2) Description a dormitory of four students .3. Write a description of 1) how people celebrate the Mid-autumn .2) some special custom of the Han nationality or any of the minority nationalities in China.Exposition 1.Illustration Write

28、an essay on the following topics:1) Changes in My Home Town2) Life on Campus Is Interesting3) There Is a Generation Gap2. Comparison an / or ContrastWrite an essay on one of the following topics, comparing or contrasting.1) Chinese and Foreign Teachers2) Youth of the 1990s and Youth of the 1970s3) T

29、raveling by Train and by Plane3. Cause and EffectWrite a cause-effect paper on one of the following topics:1) Why People Want to Learn a Foreign Language2) Why Some Students Make Better Progress Than Others3) Job Discrimination against Women in China.ArgumentationWrite an argumentative essay on the

30、following topics:1) Everyone Should Be Give an Opportunity to Study in College2) Wealth or Power Is a Sign of Success3) Private Schools Should or Should Not be Encouraged in ChinaPart Six The Summary and Book Report1. Read the following passages carefully, and write a summary of each of them.本部分练习见课

31、本第275页281页Part Seven Formal and Informal Styles1. Read the following passages and discuss their stylistic features:练习见课本第292页295页Part Nine Practical Writing 1. Notices: Write a notice1) to announce a meeting 2) to announce a film show 3) to give information about a bus tour to the place of historic interest 2. Write a note to a foreign expert1) making an appointment to discuss the outline of your paper with him or her;2) asking him/her to a party to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival; 3) apologizing for not being able to hand in your paper on time;4) thanking him/her for lending you the

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