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1、广州版八年级下册unit5训练题2019广东省广州市初二英语下册U5基础检测1、语言知识运用。1.Shethink _ easy _;keepreading B.that;;tokeepreading D.that;tokeepreading2. Sandyis _ahard-studyinggirl _ sheoftendoes homework late.A.such;that B. so;that C. too;to D.notonly;butalso3._ a rainy night,he fell_a ho

2、le and was badly hurt. A.On;into B. On;down C;At;down D.In;into4._thepopulationofChina? Itsabout1.4billion.A.Howmanyis B.Whats C.Howmuchis D.Howis 5.Tom,thanksforyourinvitation,butImsosorryIcantgo.Ineedto_mybabyathome.A.takeoff B.takeaway C.takecareof D.takeoutof6. I never _the song “What does the f

3、ox say”? Because I dont like _music at all.A .heard from; listening to B. heard of; listen to C. heard of; listening to D. hear from; listen to 7.Im _my pen.But I didnt_itA.looking for;find B.find;look forC.finding;look for D.finding;find8. How long do you spend _ your project? I spend two hours _it

4、 every day. A .to do; on B. to do; in C. doing; on D. doing; in9.The writer _a whole month writing the poem.A .takes B. spends C. costs D. pay10.The book was written by a man _ Zhang Ping. A .calls B. called C. calling D. be called第二节 语法选择(共15题,每小题1分满分15分)Tom is the son of a farm owner. One New Year

5、s Day, when he was 16, his fatheraskedhim 1 onthe farm for one year when he was free. Tom was happy2 his fathers idea. That isnt my job. I have3school work to do. Hearing this, his father said, I promise (许诺) to give you the4 present if you5finish one years work. Tom thought for a while and agreed.

6、6one Saturday, the boy got up early and worked7until evening, just like 8 farmer. Timepassed quickly. Toms crops (庄稼) grew well.9the last day of the year, the father called his son to him.Im happy10 that you have worked very hard the whole year, said the father. Now, tell me11youwant. The boy smiled

7、 and showed his father a big piece of bread12 made from his wheat (小麦). Ive already gotthe13present. No pains, no gains. I think this is what you wanted14to know. His father was quite 15to hear that.( )1. A. to work B. work C. working D. worked ( )2. C.with D. of ( )3. A. much too B. so li

8、ttle C. too much D. a lot ( )4. A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )5. A. shall B. must C. need D. can ( )6. A. Starting B. to start C. To start D. started ( )7. A. hard B. hardly C. slowly D. difficultly ( )8. A. other B. any other C.the other D.others( )9. A. At B. On C. In D. By ( )10. A. to see

9、 B. seeing C. see D. saw ( )11. A. where B. which C. how D. what ( )12. A. making B. to make C. made D. to make ( )13. A. least B. worst C. best D. fewest ( )14. A. mine B. I C. my D. me ( )15. A. pleased B. pleasing C. pleasure D. pleasant 二、完形填空 (共10题,每小题1.5分满分15分)从下面各题给出的四个答案中,选出最佳答案Tambun Gediu,

10、 now badly hurt and staying in hospital, says it was his wife that saved his life from the mouth of a tiger.I was 1 a rabbit in the forest not far from my home and was ready to catch it when I saw the 2 . Thats when I realized that I was being followed, said Mr. Gediu. The tiger jumped at Mr Gediu a

11、t once. He stood there with great 3 so that he did not know what to do for a moment, and then he tried 4 a tree to keep away from the animal, 5 he was pulled down by the tiger.His wife, 55-year-old Han Besau, who was in the kitchen, heard the noise, realizing it was coming from the 6 where her husba

12、nd was looking for rabbits and she 7 the nearest weapon (武器) -a wooden ladle(长柄勺)-rushed out of the 8 and into the nearby forest. Seeing her husband 9 hard to stop the tiger tearing(撕裂)him into pieces, she ran 10 to the animal, shouting at the top of her voice and hitting its head with the ladle unt

13、il it ran off.Tambun had to wait more than 3 hours before he could be taken to hospital in the nearest town, Gerik, because his village was very far.It was the first time that a tiger had attacked someone in the B.following C.feeding D.drawing2.A.rabbit B.tree C.weapon D.tiger3.A

14、.fear C.attention D.surprise4.A.cutting B.finding C.catching D.climbing5.A.or C.but D.and6.A.forest D.village7.A.picked up B.dressed up C.made up D.set B.bedroom D.bathroom9.A.thinking B.fighting C.waiting D.running10.A.seriously B.luckily C.carefu

15、lly D.quickly三、阅读理解第一节 (共10题,每小题2分,共计30分)AYears ago, many zoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages. Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals, but a small cage is not a good place for an animal to live in.Today zoos keep animals in different kinds of cages.The cages are very big an

16、d open. They usually have plants and little lake. The cages look like the animals habits. Zoos help to protect all kinds of animals. They protect animals in the zoo and they protect animals in the wild. How do they do this? Zoos teach people how animals live in the wild. Zoos want people to help pro

17、tect the animals wild habitats. Many plants and animals are going extinct (灭绝). Mammoths, which related with the Asian elephants, are now extinct. There are no mammoths in the world today. Scientists say that seventy-four different kinds of living things go extinct every day!Zoos are working togethe

18、r to stop animals from going extinct.1. Zoos kept animals in small cages so that people can _.A. protect them B. see them better C. feed them D. save them2. Today, zoos keep animals _.A. in bigger cages B. in the wild C. in smaller cages D. in the field3. To protect animals, zoos _.A. are trying to

19、keep all kinds of animals B. are trying to free the animalsC. teach people more about animals D. want people to feed the animals4. A mammoth is a kind of _ that has gone extinct.A. plant B. bird C. animal D. tree5. An animal or a plant that is going extinct _.A. no longer exists (存在) in the world B.

20、 comes into this world soonC. becomes very dangerousD. has fewer and fewer living membersBSome people may think too much sunlight can lead to cancer, so they always keep themselves away from sunlight. But experts believe that proper exposure (暴露) to sunlight is good for us. For example, scientists t

21、hink sunlight can help stop some diseases. They say that wearing sunscreen (防晒油) all the time makes the body short of vitamin D. Vitamin D in fact stops us from more than 25 diseases and keeps bones and teeth healthy. However, around 60% of the population are short of vitamin D in their blood. One o

22、f the easiest ways to get it is to expose your skin to sunlight. Your body makes vitamin D from the sun faster than it takes in from food. Whats more, safely getting enough sunlight can make you look younger. However, not everybody likes sunlight. Some people should not be exposed to the sun without

23、 a strong sun protection. Experts advise that just ten minutes of daily exposure to sunlight should be enough to give us vitamin D we need.1. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Dont expose to the sun. B. Proper exposure to sunlight is good for our health. C. We should stay in the sun as long as

24、 possible. D. We can get vitamin D from food.2. What will happen if we dont get enough sunlight for a long time? A. We will keep away from cancer. B. We will get many diseases. C. Our body will be short of vitamin D. D. We will have more vitamin D in our blood.3. The proper sunshine can keep our _ h

25、ealthy.A. eyes and skin B. bones and teeth C. ears and blood D. bones and eyes4. The underlined phrasetake in in the passage means _ in Chinese.A. 吸收 B. 占用 C. 分享 D. 拿进来5. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. Scientists think our skin can get vitamin D from sunlight. B. Most people have eno

26、ugh vitamin D in their blood. C. Ten minutes of exposure to sunlight every day is enough for us to get vitamin D. D. Our body gets vitamin D faster from the sun than from food.CChildren who spend more time reading with their parents have a greater chance of becoming better readers than those who don

27、t. With the help from their parents, children can learn techniques to improve their reading skills.“A lot of parents think after their child learns to read, they should stop reading to them,” Donna George said. “They are sadly mistaken.”George offers her services to parents at the Title I Learning C

28、enters. She said reading aloud to children may be the most valuable thing parents can do. “It is better for children to hear things at a higher level than where they are,” George said. “Parents are their childs first teacher.” Parents help their children build listening, phonics, comprehension and v

29、ocabulary skills when they read aloud to them.Before parents can identify reading problems, they should escape the enemytelevision and limit the time their children spend watching television. George suggested not allowing kids to have a TV in their bedrooms, setting a schedule of when kids can watch

30、 or keeping a list of how many programs children watch. Louise Joines said while her 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son enjoy reading, the television sometimes becomes a distraction. So she tries to build the situation by suggesting books the entire family will enjoy reading together, like the Harry Potter series.Parents who do not read themselves should not count on their children being interested in it. If parents would read to their children at least 15 minutes every day, children would not have so m

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