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1、词语成语的翻译词语的翻译一、认真辨析词义多义词歧异词同义词反义词 多义词1. 咱们找个安静点的地方好好聊聊。 Lets find a quiet place where we can have a good talk. Lets find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk.2. 箱子里已经没有地方了。 There is no more space in the chest. There is no room left in the chest. 3. 你希望留在军队仍是到地方上去? Do you wish to stay in the arm

2、y or to transfer to a civilian unit? Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit?4. 我国的一项大体国策是发展乡镇企业。 Its part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns. It is an integral part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and v

3、illage enterprises. 5. 咱们要按照形势的发展来调整政策。 We must make adjustment in our policy in response to changes in the situation. We have to adjust our policy to the changing situation. 6. 请大家踊跃参与单位的体制改革。 Everyone is called on to take an active part in the systematic reform of ones work unit. You are all encou

4、raged to play an active role in the systematic reform of our unit. 7. 他老是以踊跃态度处置各类问题。 He takes a positive attitude in dealing with all kinds of problems. He approaches various problems with a positive frame of mind. 8. 请别客气. Please dont stand on ceremony. Please dont be so polite. Please make yourse

5、lf at home. Please dont bother. Please, we dont want to put you to trouble. 9. 他客气而冷淡地接待了咱们. He received us politely but coolly. He received us with civility but no warmth. He received us with cool politeness. He received us with polite indifference. 10. 对他这种人就是不能客气. You cannot afford to go soft on

6、a man like him. You must not be too soft when dealing with someone like him. You must be tough with people like him. Dont give in easily when dealing with someone like him. 11.他说自己才疏学浅,这只不过是中国人的客气算了. He says that he is a man of little learning and talent. That is merely self-depreciation, considered

7、 as politeness by the Chinese. When he says he has little learning or talent, he is only being modest in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness. By describing himself as lacking in talent and learning, eh is only being modest like a typical Chinese. He describes himself as incompetent and u

8、nlearned. That is merely typical Chinese modesty. 同义词的区分 General/Specific Degree (Deep/Shallow) Coverage (wide/narrow) Abstract/Concrete同义词农业是国民经济的基础.(广义)这些年来,我国的农业林业畜牧业和渔业都取得了相应的发展.(侠义)咱们要破除迷信,解放思想.当前咱们应尽力克服本位主义和享乐主义各类错误思想.他那八十高龄的母亲已于上月归天. (褒义)污名昭著的麦卡锡终于一命呜呼哀哉!(贬义)二、认真选词用词1.辞汇的情感色彩注意词义的广狭注意词义的轻重注意词

9、义的褒贬注意词义的强弱2.辞汇的文体色彩 intimate casualconsultativeformal Frozen3.词语的搭配美丽美丽、好看、漂亮、中看、受看、入眼、顺眼、英俊、俊俏、俊美、绝色、冰肌玉骨、面如冠玉、沉鱼落雁、国色天香、秀色可餐、倾国倾城等。死亡 亡、卒、陨、崩、亡故、过世、仙逝、归西、捐躯、献身、永别、没了、完蛋、毙命、送死、暴卒、阵亡、夭折、早逝、升天、坐化、羽化、圆寂、回老家、玩儿完、肝脑涂地、溘然长眠、寿终正寝、呜呼哀哉、驾鹤西游、百年以后、三长两短、以身许国、马革裹尸、玉殒香三、习语汉译英习语的范围成语: “人们长期以来习用的、形式简练而意思精辟的、定性的词

10、组或短句。汉语成语大多由四个字组成。” (陈文伯) set phrases; idioms2. 惯用语:idioms3. 俗语: “通俗流行之语”或“约定俗成普遍通行之语” sayings4. 谚语: “在群众中间流传的固定语句,用简单通俗的话反映出深刻的道理。” proverbs歇后语:由前后两部份组成,前一部份多为比喻,后一部份说明喻义。two-part allegorical sayings格言警语: maxim习语的特点习语集中反映一个民族或文化的特色习语是各类修辞手腕的集中表现习语是语言中独立的、不规则的、固定的成份。 第一、二两点对译者的要求是什么? 第三点对译者的要求是什么?第一

11、、二两点要求译者尽可能维持原文的民族形式和风格,因此直译(不是死译和硬译)往往是必要的。第三点要求译者不要把习语看成普通语句来处置,须避免字字对译。习语翻译的指导思想“直译基础上的意译”陆殿扬:“Translate literally, if possible, or, appeal to free translation.” (若是可能,就直译;不然就意译)奈达:功能对等(Functional Equivalence: not only the equivalent content of message, but, in so far as possible, an equivalence

12、of the form); 改变形式的五个条件直译会致使意义上的错误时;引入外来语形成语义空白(Semantic Zero),读者有可能自己填入错误的意义时;形式对等引发严重的意义晦涩时;形式对等引发作者原意所没有的歧义时;形式对等违背译入语的语法或文体规范时。习语汉译英的原则形象性原则精练性原则不可滥用字面意义直译法尽可能少用意译法和直译加注法习语翻译的大体方式1. 直译法:在不违背译文语言规范和不 引发译文读者错误理解的情况下,在译文中保留原文成语的形象、修辞手腕和民族特色2. 同义习语借用法: 有些习语在内容形式和色彩上都符合, 可借用3. 意译法: 无法直译, 也无法借历时, 则意译4

13、. 直译兼意译:部份直译,部份意译,直意各半法5. 省略法: 四字重叠词组因追求音韵美,前后两部份意义相同或相近时, 只需译出一部份或只译其意义, 可以不考虑重叠的部份。6. 增添法:为了更清楚地表达原意,有时要结合上下文,在译文中增添一些说明。7. 还原法:有些习语源于外语,翻译时可使之还原。8. 直译加注法:有些习语包括历史典故,含有中国文化色彩,若是不作一番解释,英语读者将很难理解其确切含义。9. 粗鄙语回避法:对于粗鄙语,通常采用回避的方式,即借用英语同义习语或意译等方式来处置。不能直译的习语眉飞色舞死译:His eyebrows are flying and his countena

14、nce is dancing改译:To beam with joy粗枝大叶With big branches and broad leavesTo be crude and careless无孔不入To get into every holeTo take advantage of every weakness扬眉吐气To raise the eyebrow and let out a breathTo feel proud and elated归化?异化?你来选择竭泽而渔To drain a pond to catch all the fishKill the goose that lays

15、 the golden eggs打草惊蛇To stir up the grass and alert the snakeWake a sleeping dog易如反掌As easy as turning over ones handAs easy as falling off a log4. 直译兼意译无亲无端 without a single relative or friend to help her out 斩草除根 pluck up the evil by the roots风餐露宿 braving the wind and dew贼眉鼠眼 to behave stealthily l

16、ike a thief 辗转反侧 to toss and turn restlessly跃跃欲试 eager to have a try狼吞虎咽 to wolf sth. Down 5. 省略法能工巧匠 skilled craftsman称兄道弟 to call each other brothers手无寸铁 to be bare-handed自吹自擂 to blow ones own trumpets心慈手软 soft-hearted安家落户 to make ones home抛头露面 to make ones own appearance愁眉苦脸 to pull on a long fac

17、e长吁短叹Sighing deeply千真万确Quite true油嘴滑舌Glib tongue断子绝孙Ah Q, may you die sonless. 沉鱼落雁之容,沉鱼落雁之貌。 Her beauty would put the flowers to shame. 6. 增添法树倒猢狲散 Once the tree falls, the monkeys on it will flee helter-shelter. (meaning 慌慌张张)借香敬佛 borrowing joss-sticks from a neighbor and burning them before Buddh

18、a for your own sake. 惊弓之鸟 A bird starteld by the mere twang of a bow-string螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole lurking behind itself. 风声鹤唳,杯弓蛇影 be scared by the sigh of the wind or the cry of the cranes, fearing ambush at every tree and tuft of grass个人自扫门前雪, 无论他人瓦上霜。 Sweep

19、the snow from your own front door; leave the frost on the other mans roof to thaw. Mind your own business; poke not your nose into other peoples business. 米已成炊 The wood is already made into a boat - whats done is done. 井水不犯河水 Well water and river water leave each other alone - stay out of things tha

20、t dont concern you. 7. 还原法牵着鼻子走 lead/be led by the nose 火中取栗 cats paw/to pull the chestnut out of the fire武装到了牙齿 be armed to the teeth 象沙丁鱼罐头一样packed like sardines/jammed together like sardines夹着尾巴跑了run away with their tails between their legs 战争贩子war monger 死硬派 die-hards强权政治 power politics8. 直译加注法司马昭之心,路人皆知。毛遂自荐世外桃源画龙点睛画蛇添足三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。班门弄斧9. 粗鄙语回避法我要去就是王八蛋。Ill be damned if Ill go. 他妈的,雨真大。Blast it! What a heavy rain! 真该死,我没赶上末班车。Oh, hell. Ive missed the last train. 你可以滚蛋了。You can go to the devil!

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