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1、英语专业论文A Study on Cultivating Employability for Business English MajorsName: No: Business English Major School of Foreign LanguageSupervisor: Title: InstructorAbstract: In this text, on the basis of understanding of the domestic employment situation, Analysis obstacle factors impact business English

2、major studentsemployability, mainly because a large number of students entre into university, then the number of college graduates has increased dramatically in recent years, coupled with a large number of migrant workers into the city, re-employment need of laid-off workers. Whats more, college and

3、 professional unreasonable setting lag behind employment education, college studentsemployment outlook is not correct, resulting in studentsemployment situation grim and when some college students out of school they are unemployment. To solve this problem, you need to be concerned about the whole so

4、ciety, the government should introduce policy guidance, colleges and universities should strengthen education, students should improve their own quality.Key Words: business English major; university student; employment ability; cultivation; comprehensive quality摘 要:本文在对国内大学生就业形式了解的基础上,从商务英语专业大学生在校学习

5、的现状出发,分析商务英语专业大学生就业能力的阻碍因素,主要是高校大规模扩招使得大学毕业生的人数急剧增加, 加之近年来大量农民工涌入城市、下岗工人需要再就业, 以及高校专业设置不合理、就业教育滞后、大学生就业观不正确等因素, 造成大学生就业形势严峻, 一部分大学生走出校门就失业。文章提出,要解决这个问题, 需要全社会的关心, 政府要出台引导政策, 高校要加强教育, 学生要提高自身素质。关键词:商务英语专业;大学生;就业能力;培养;综合素质1. Introduction Compared with other majors, business English majors are very dif

6、ferent, and the rapid development of business gives us a better employment environment. However, for various reasons, business English majorss employment is still more severe.During the school, business English majors mastered the necessary basic knowledge and expertise, therefore most of us have a

7、good attitude toward employment and the ability to learn. But Chinese college students employment situation is increasingly severe, more and more students graduate like us are equal to expose to the risk of unemployment, with so many students from institutions of higher education, refer to employmen

8、t, the more competitive it is, the more vulnerable position we are in. Our diploma has become vulnerable diploma in the fierce market competition. In recent years, employment expectations of business English majors are very high mainly present in two aspects. First, choose some eastern regions, econ

9、omically developed employer. Second, the treatment of high expectations for the unit, ignoring the enterprise input-output ratio.2.Theoretical FrameworkExperts and scholars have different interpretationsons about the employability, such as the UK Department of the former employment and employment em

10、ployability interpreted it as the ability to obtain and maintain a job. ILO explained the employment as capacity for individuals to obtain and maintain work in progress, and respond to changes appeared during the work .2.1 The Factors of Influnceing Employability There are many factor influencing bu

11、siness English majorsemployability, they are individual factors, university factors, family factors and environmental factors.2.1.1 The Individual Factors on the Employability of University Studentsa.Impact of gender Male students in career planning ability, achievement-oriented, job preparation, le

12、adership skills, employability skills, communication skills, job level on every dimension significantly better than female students.b. The impact of the political landscapePolitical landscape for the employability of university students in the Chinese Communist Partys achievement orientation, leader

13、ship and job skills.On three dimensions can be significantly higher than the political landscape of members and other students.c.Affected internship experience Students have internship experience in professional ethics employability, self-development capacity, achievement-oriented social adaptabilit

14、y, learning ability, communication skills, ability to innovate seven dimensions were significantly better than no internship experience students.2.1.2 Impact factors on the employability of university Studentsa.Influence of the type of collegeGeneral employability of university students in achieveme

15、nt-oriented institutions, leadership, learning ability, job search skills, four dimensions better than that of college major colleges and universities; while employability independent college students in professional ethics, career planning ability, self-development capacity, job preparation, the so

16、cial adaptability five dimensions to be significantly lower than the college focused university.b.Influence of the University learning environmentLife is full of all knowledge, coupled with the daily society are constantly updated, therefore, continuous learning is very important for us. In school,

17、classroom learning environment, learning atmosphere quarters, learning atmosphere surrounding communities is important for us to grow up and learn. Surrounding communities are learning, which give us who are not good at lessons tremendous pressure, in order to resolve these pressures, these pressure

18、s must be converted into power, thus contributing to our own learning.2.2 The Present SituationThe situation mainly contains Business English majorsproblems of employability and problems of developing business English majors employmentability.3.2.1 Business English Majorsproblems of Employabilitya.W

19、eak professional Business English Majors, its expertise mainly refers to the ability of business professionals to learn the practical application of knowledge. In the course of employment, business English students demonstrated professional competence shortage has become one of the important factors

20、 that affect its ability to improve the terms of employment. Currently, the actual production of higher vocational colleges opened business English and business aspects of professional courses, and there are jobs that require a certain distance, the reasons for this phenomenon are manifold. One is a

21、 professional business English curriculum design does not have to meet market demand when teaching; second is business English professional employer does not timely communicate information with the institutions, which can not feedback the market needs of business sectors to the school, it did not me

22、et the two-way communication.b.Practical ability is not enoughPractical ability is a necessary condition to complete the task, the level of practical ability impact on whether a job can be well done. Important part of the Business English majors practical ability is the actual negotiation skill. Mos

23、t employers in the introduction of new employees, asking them to have a certain ability in practice. As the Business English majors in social work practice in school leisure time opportunities are few, and a limited number of school students to participate in the collective organization of social pr

24、actice activities during the holidays, practice during training experience can not attain the goal of business English majors exercise practical ability. Work Experience business related industriesdeprivation and the lack of capacity for social and other conditions affecting the development of their

25、 employability.2.2.2 Problems of Developing Business English Majors Employment ability a. Government action lacking of influenceGovernments culitivation on university students in terms of the employment ability need to be strengthened. Mainly reflected in two aspects. First, the Business English maj

26、ors internship institutional system is not perfect. Second, business English majors employment services market is very confused.b. Corporates responsibility is weakFirstly, build schools and enterprises are not enthusiastic about the practice base. Secondly, fuzzy direction of school-enterprise coop

27、eration training mode.c.Studentss weak sense of personal trainingFirst, the lack of business English Majorsawareness of career planning. In school, business English Courses range involved is very broad, students are often confused and do not know where to go, so the future lies in the variety of cer

28、tificates obtained. The internship their school arranges, they often get away with the mentality to deal with and the effect is not ideal. Employment eve you will see a lot of students will rush to recruit and some even catch a few games a day, because of the lack of career planning, resume producti

29、on and delivery of targetet which is not very clear, so the result is often not good. Second, business English majorslack of ability awareness. During the school, business English majors usually have no overall plan about time and they can not make full use of the time, on the contrary, they tend to

30、 waste time shopping, watching movies, shopping and other things which does not make sense, until the end of the semester, they found they learn nothing. This is due to the business English majors having no firm goal, they take too much time to play and relax themselves.3.The Cultivation of Employab

31、ility for Business English MajorsTo cultive business English majors employability, we must first start college within the power employability training, guide students to the job market for all types of early attention. Personnel recruitment standards, as a driving force to guide students to a proact

32、ive attitude, train and develop all aspects of their own ability. Quality through continuous accumulation, the formation of their own core competencies and consistent with the needs of society. Students understand the correct concept is also employed capacity, to guide them to establish a rational and pragmatic view of learning, employment outlook, outlook talent from the NPC into school where they began career planning, employability establish awareness training, and then correct understanding of self; strengthen ideological and moral repair. Support education, develop goo

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