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1、冀教版八年级英语上册Unit3导学案Lesson 13: I Love Autumn主备教师: 审核:八年级英语备课组 授课时间:_课型:_【重点、难点】1.重点:掌握新词汇,会用本课短语及重点句型。2.难点:正确掌握电子邮件及回信的写法。【教学过程设计】目标导入(1)新课导入:what Chinese festivals are in autumn? Do you know any autumn festivals in other countries? (二)目标认知:出示目标,用1分钟时间让学生齐读学习目标。知识目标:单词:moon, national, celebrate, wonde

2、r.短语:remindof,have a discussion about.等。语言技能:1.提高读说技能,快速而准确理解课文内容,能用课文中关键句表达自己意愿。2.能够流利读课文,掌握现在完成时的各种句型结构。导学达标活动一:预习成果展示1. 学习本课的新单词。强化记忆:要求学生用1分钟时间熟记本课单词及短语,老师进行全班随机抽查。2.短语大比拼1.中秋节_ 2.lunar calendar_3.月饼_ 4.国庆节_ 5.一个七天的假期_ 6.celebrate(名词)_7.讲故事_复数)_ 9.Canada(形容词)_ 10.four(序数词)_活动二:Reading.

3、1.独学:读课文,完成课后第一题。2.展示:各小组B级学生进行展示。 3.教师点评。活动三:Listening听录音,完成课后第二题。活动四:Language points1. National Day is also _ autumn. A. in B. on C. Atat 用于_前 例如: at eight , at noon , at half past six.In 用于_前 例如: in September , in a year , in autumn.On用于_前例如: on Sunday , on Monday afternoon, on National Day.2. In

4、 the story, a beautiful lady named Change lives on the moon. 译: _点拨:named=_ “(被)叫做.的”,此处是过去分词做后置定语。练习:He is a boy _(call) Tom. The girl _(name) Kate is my little sister. Listen! Li lei _(call) to his mother in Canada .3.We will have a seven-day holiday. 译:_点拨:seven-day 表示“七天的”,它是由“数词+名词”构成的合成形容词,中间用

5、连字符连接,放在名词前面作定语。此外,“数词+名词+形容词”也是合成形容词的一种结构。Eg: I have _(a/an) 8-year-old brother.4.The best thing about autumn, however, is my birthday译:_点拨: good-better-the besthowever“但是”,常插入于句中(谓语动词之前)。原句本来为:However, the best thing about autumn is my birthday.5.Thank you for the e-mail. 译:_点拨:thank you for/ than

6、ks sb. for (doing) sth. 感谢你/某人做某事(其中for为介词)Eg: Thank you for _(help) me with my English.6.I will go to my grandparents home. 译:_点拨:句中grandparents 为名词复数的所有格,即先变复数再加(不规则变化名词的所有格形式同名词单数所有格);名词单数所有格是在名词后加s。Eg: Childrens Day Teachers Day My fathers book巩固训练1.We have a _ to _the success of our team.(celeb

7、rate)2.My _(parent) offices are not far away from home.3.Thank you for _(tell) me the news.4.He often has fun _(play) computer games.5.The _ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. A.130-minute B.130-minutes C.130 minute D.130 minutes6.Tom will go to Shanghai _the morning o

8、f next Sunday. B.on 7.他想去度假,然而他却生病了。 He wanted to take a holiday. _, he was ill.拓展升华1总结交流:让学生总结知识要点。2.新课预习指导:认读Lesson14新单词和短语,并在课文中标出来。划出课文中不理解的句子。教学后记:_Lesson 14: Happy Memories主备教师: 审核:八年级英语备课组 授课时间:_课型:_【重点、难点】1.重点:掌握新词汇,会用本课短语及重点句型。2.难点:正确掌握电子邮件及回信的写法。【教学过程设计】目标导入(2)新课导入:What was your

9、last family gathering? Do you still remember that gathering well?Why or why not? (二)目标认知:出示目标,用1分钟时间让学生齐读学习目标。知识目标:单词:memory , past, album ,choose , collection , slide,record, view, lively ,birth , attend , touch.短语:such as, get together,, add .to., face to face, stay in touch with等。语言技能:1.提高

10、读说技能,快速而准确理解课文内容,能用课文中关键句表达自己意愿。2.技能目标:听、说、读、写各项能力的培养。情感目标:学会合作学习,勇于表现自己。导学达标活动一:预习成果展示1. 学习本课的新单词。强化记忆:要求学生用1分钟时间熟记本课单词及短语,老师进行全班随机抽查。2.短语大比拼1.例如_ your memories_3.get together_ 4.过去和未来_5.家谱_ 6.担心_7. 面对面_ 8. 和家人保持联系_9. 幻灯片放映_复数)_11.hobby(复数)_ 12.choose-_-_(名词)_活动二:Listening听录音,完成课后第

11、一题。活动三:Reading.1.独学:读课文,完成课后第二题。2.展示:各小组B级学生进行展示。 3.教师点评。活动四:Language points3. Family celebrations, such as holidays and birthday parties, are always a lot of fun. 译: _点拨:such as意为“比如,例如”,用于列举。引导的成分在句中作同位语,位于被列举的名词前,其后不用逗号。for example用于说明同类事物中的一个或几个例子,常用逗号与其他成分隔开,可位于句首,句中和句末。Eg:Ive been to many citi

12、es, such as Shanghai and Xian. I want to go to many cities, Shanghai and Xian for example.2.Its never too late to start an album of family photos.译:_点拨:.Its never too late to do sth. 表示“做某事从不晚”Eg: Its never too late to give up smoking.3.Cameras are useful for recording videos of the family. 译:_点拨: b

13、e useful for 对.有用record作动词意为“录像,录音,记录”;作名词意为“记录,记载”。Eg: Ill record the performance. 我会把表演录下来。 Keep a record of your expenses. 把你的开支记录下来。4.Everyone can make a video from their own point of view.译:_点拨:form ones point of view 意为“根据某人自己的想法”。Eg: From my point of view, English isnt easy to learn.7.Videos

14、are lively. 译:_点拨:lively adj. 充满活力的,生动有趣的Eg: He is a lively young man. 他是一个充满活力的年轻人。 Miss Gao always makes her classes lively. 高老师总是让她的课生动有趣。8.I will go to my grandparents home. 译:_点拨:句中grandparents 为名词复数的所有格,即先变复数再加(不规则变化名词的所有格形式同名词单数所有格);名词单数所有格是在名词后加s。Eg: Childrens Day Teachers Day My fathers boo

15、k巩固训练past attend such as stay in touch with worry about1.Wild animals _ tigers and lions are very dangerous.2.Please let us know if you cant _ the meeting.3. Dont _me. Ill be all right.4.Its twenty _ seven.5.We should always _our old friends.拓展升华1总结交流:让学生总结知识要点。2.新课预习指导:认读Lesson15新单词和短语,并在课文中标出来。划出课

16、文中不理解的句子。教学后记:_Lesson 15: A Present for Li Ming 主备教师: 审核:八年级英语备课组 授课时间:_课型:_【重点、难点】1.重点:掌握新词汇,会用本课短语及重点句型。2.难点:正确掌握电子邮件及回信的写法。【教学过程设计】目标导入(3)新课导入:Have you ever bought a present for a friend? (二)目标认知:出示目标,用1分钟时间让学生齐读学习目标。知识目标:单词:size,fit,anyway,style, hug.短语:the same size as, try on, any other等。语言技能:

17、1.提高读说技能,快速而准确理解课文内容,能用课文中关键句表达自己意愿。2.技能目标:会使用简单的购物用语。导学达标活动一:预习成果展示1. 学习本课的新单词。强化记忆:要求学生用1分钟时间熟记本课单词及短语,老师进行全班随机抽查。2.短语大比拼1.寻找_ 2.try on_3.浅绿色_ 4.别的尺寸/款式_活动二:Reading.1.独学:读课文,完成课后第一题。2.展示:各小组B级学生进行展示。 3.教师点评。活动三:Listening听录音,完成课后第二题。活动四:Language points4. -What can I do for you? -Im looking for a bi

18、rthday present for my friend. 点拨:What can I do for you?=Can/May I help you?= Is there anything I can do for you? 意为“有什么我能为你效劳的吗?”回答此句可用Im looking for ./ I want to buy./ I would like to buy2.What size does your friend wear? 译:_点拨:what size 用于询问尺寸。Eg: What size do you want? 你想要多大尺寸?拓展:尺码一般有三种:small(S)

19、 medium(M) large(L)3.I think hes the same size as Brian. 译:_点拨:the same size as sb. 和某人尺寸一样Eg: She has the same hair style as me.=Her hair style is the same as mine.4.Try on this jacket, please. Does it fit? 译:_点拨: try on 试穿(代词置于中间) try it on 试穿它fit v. 合适,合身 fit sb. well “很适合某人”Eg: This pair of jean

20、s fits me very well. 这条牛仔裤很合我身。9.I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway. 译:_点拨:该句本应该为“I think Li Ming wouldnt like that jacket anyway.”。在含有宾语从句的复合句中,如果主句是第一人称,并且主句的谓语动词是think,believe ,suppose,guess 等表示“认为,相信,推测”等心理活动时,那么否定从句谓语动词的not往往转移到主句,既“形式否定主句,意义否定从句”这种否定现象叫做否定前移。Eg: I dont think he

21、 is right .我认为他是错的。 I dont think he will come, will he? 我认为他不会来了,是吗?巩固训练1. -This pair of shoes is too small for me. Please show me _ pair.A. another B. other C. the other C. others2. Please _ if you like this pair of runners. A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them3. Her sweater is t

22、he same colour _ mine. A. as B. with C. and D. for4. -_? -Im looking for a sweater for myself. A. Can you help me B. what would you like ? C. What do you want to buy D. What can I do for you?5. I _ think Lily _ play football. A.not;can B.dont;cant C.dont;can D./;cant6. That T-shirt _ him well. He wi

23、ll wear it to the party. A.fits C.fitting fit7. I dont think she is an honest girl, _? she I C.isnt she D.dont you8.The pair of shoes is size 8.(就画线部分提问) _ _ is the pair of shoes?拓展升华1总结交流:让学生总结知识要点。2.新课预习指导:认读Lesson16新单词和短语,并在课文中标出来。划出课文中不理解的句子。教学后记:_Lesson 16: Happy Thanksgivi

24、ng主备教师: 审核:八年级英语备课组 授课时间:_课型:_【重点、难点】重点,难点:通过自主探究,合作交流的模式,理解课文大意,掌握语言知识点及用法。【教学过程设计】目标导入(4)新课导入:Talk about the cards.(二)目标认知:出示目标,用1分钟时间让学生齐读学习目标。知识目标:单词:meal.conversation.短语:give sb.a hug, in Canada, in the middle等。语言技能:能用所学词汇完成相关问题。导学达标活动一:预习成果展示一试着将下列短语英汉互译。(将下列短语在课本上划下来,并试着背诵)1.感恩节快乐_ 2.庆祝节日_3.走

25、进厨房_4.感恩节盛宴_5.give sb.a Canada_ the middle _8.return home_9. finally = at last _二、考考你的记忆力,根据句意及首字母补全在本课中出现的单词。1.Let me give you a big h_.2.Her mother is cooking in the k_.3.My aunts daughter is my c_.4.My fathers parents are my g_.5.Shall we get our grandma something s_?心理准备 通过预习你还在哪些方

26、面存在疑问? .活动二:loud reading.认真阅读课文,回答下列问题1).Where does Jenny go on Thanksgiving Day? 2). Who opens the door? 3).What is Jennys grandmother doing? 活动三:Listening听录音,根据课文内容填空。_Thanksgiving Day,Jenny _ to her grandparents house , _her mother,father, sister, brother and Brian. Her grandfather _ the door.“Hello,everyone,” he says . “_”Let me give you a

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