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最新外研版七年级英语下Module1 Lost and Found教学设计.docx

1、最新外研版七年级英语下Module1 Lost and Found教学设计七年级英语外研版下Module 1 Lost and Found 教学设计课 题 Module 1 Lost and Found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? (2课时)课 型Listening andspeaking备课书册Book 2教 具Tape-recorderand pictures教学目标知识目标 1.Key vocabulary:bag crayons eraser football gloves wallet watch2.Key structures:Whose bag is th

2、is? There is / are Here is / are Please be careful with能力目标1To understand the dialogue about Lost and Found 2To be able to present the conversation about Lost and Found情感态度价值观To be able to care about others and try ones best to help others教学重点To master the key words and expressions 教学难点How to greet

3、others教法选择Interactive approach学法指导Listening, reading , speaking and work in groups教学过程设计备注教师活动学生活动设计意图补充修改Step 1: Warming-up 3 T: Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome back to school! I had a happy Winter holiday. What about you? What do you usually do at the Spring Festival? S1: S2:T :Are you happy

4、 ? Ss:Yes.T:I am happy and I want to say Happy New Year to all of you. Ss:Say Happy New Year aloud.Step2. Teaching aims 1T:Lets come to our teaching aims. Please read aloud and remember it.Ss:Read it once.Step3. Look and say. (Activity 1) 5 1. T shows the pictures of Activity 1. Ss read after T.2. P

5、lay a game: Teacher asks the Ss: Whats this?Ss guess and speak it lout.3. Match the words from the box with the pictures. Step 4.Teaching key sentences1. 假设你在班上捡到一件物品,想找到失主,但如何用英语说呢?T: Is the yours你的?S: Yes, it is. It mine我的.T: Is the yours? S: No, it isnt. T: Whose is this?S: Its sbs某人的.Ask Ss make

6、 sentences like that.2. 思考:your与yours,my与mine的区别3. T: Are the yours你的?S: Yes, they are. Theyre mine.T: Are the yours?S: No, they arent.T: Whose are these?S: Theyre sbs某人的.Ask Ss make sentences like that.4. 思考:当名词是复数是,be动词用_, this变成_,it变成_.Step 5.Noun possessive pronounsIntroduce Noun possessive pron

7、ouns. 数 类 人别 称 单 数 复 数 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs中文我的你的他/她/它的我们的你们的他/她/们的Step 4.Listen and read. (Activity2& 3) 15 1. Ss listen to the tape of Activity 3. 2. Match the people with their things. Keys:Lingling crayons Daming

8、tapes Tony wallet Betty watch Ms Li gloves3. Reading. Ss read the conversation aloud, then read in groups or in roles.Step 5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. (Activity 5) 61. Ss do it by themselves.2. T checks the answers.Keys: (1) hers (2) tapes (3) purple(4) y

9、ours (5) careful (6) mineStep 6. Work in groups. 8 A: Is this your ?B:Yes, its mine.B: Is this your ?A : No, its not mine.C points to A: Is this his / her ?D : Yes, its his / hers.D points to B: Is this his / her ?C: Yes, its his / hers.Step 7.Summary 1 小结当天所学1. Ss summarize the key points at first.

10、学生小结2. T makes a summary. 老师小结Step 8. Homework. 1 家庭作业Ss answer the QsSs say together.Ss read the Teaching Aims aloud.Ss read the words together /aloneSs look at the Ps and say,then match the Ps and the Ps.Ss follow to the TSs think and complete the blanksSs listen to the tape and finish the task.Ss

11、 read the conversation in groups or in roles.Ss complete the passage.Ss work in groups.Students summarizethe rules at first ,then T gives notes.全班问候,融洽班级气氛明确目标,心中有数由集体跟读单词到单独朗读单词确保学生会读重点单词。看图说话,再连线,由易到难,循序渐进练习巩固单词操练句型训练学生思考和归纳你的能力听录音,跟读,提高听力能力多种形式阅读,激趣读后,填表,巩固新知表演,激趣学生先自行小结,老师再补充,使学生掌握的知识点更全面课后作业1.

12、Recite the text.2. Do exercise: English Weekly Module 1 Unit1板书设计 Module 5 Lost and Found Unit1 Whose bag is this ?1. Look and say 2. Listen and read 3.Exercise Period 2Step 1: Warming-up 3 T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Step2. Teaching aims 1T:Lets come to our teaching aims. Please read aloud and re

13、member it.Ss:Read it once.Step3. Ask and answer 8 1. T shows something of Activity 3 and ask :Q1: Are the tapes Damings ? Ss : Yes, they are.Q2: Is the wallet Tonys ?Ss : Yes, it is.Q3: Whose watch is this?Ss: Its Bettys. Step 4. Reading. 6 Ss read the conversation aloud, then read in groups or in r

14、oles.Step 5. Language points. 181.Welcome back to school 欢迎回校 Welcome back home 欢迎回家2. everyone 每个人,(做主语,谓语动词用单数)3. first of all 首先4. the lost and found box 失物招领箱5. a lot of things 许多东西 / 物品6. Heres a purple wallet! 这里有一个紫色钱包!7. Youre welcome! 不客气 / 不用谢8. be careful with 当心,小心9. from now on 从现在开始,从今

15、往后10. Here are some nice gloves. 这儿有一些漂亮手套11. Let me see. 让我看看Step 6.Summary 3 小结当天所学1. Ss summarize the key points at first.学生小结2. T makes a summary. 老师小结Step 7. Homework. 1 家庭作业Ss answer the Qs.Ss read the Teaching Aims aloud.Ss look at the Ps and answer the Qs.Ss read the conversation in groups o

16、r in roles.Ss take a note Students summarizethe rules at first ,then T gives notes.日常生活呈现对话,拉近师生距离.全班问候,融洽班级气氛明确目标,心中有数看图,回答物品归属,复习上节课所学多种形式阅读,激趣巩固新知学生先自行小结,老师再补充,使学生掌握的知识点更全面课后作业1. Recite the text.2. Do exercise: English Weekly Module 1 Unit1板书设计 Module 5 Lost and Found Unit1 Whose bag is this ?1.

17、Ask and answer2. Reading 3. Language points课 题 Module 1 Lost and Found Unit 2 Are they yours?(2课时)课 型Readingwriting备课书册Book 2教 具Tape-recorderand pictures教学目标知识目标1.Key vocabulary:camera computer mobile phone airport hundreds of large lose sausage station strange 2.Key structures:Welcome to They are l

18、ooking for Are they yours?能力目标1To identify information from the description of Lost and Found 2To be able to master the information of Lost and Found3To write about a passage of Lost and Found情感态度价值观To greet others friendly and talk about ones lost things教学重点To master the key words and expressions 教

19、学难点How to greet others教法选择Interactive approach学法指导Listening, reading , speaking and work in groups教学过程设计备注教师活动学生活动设计意图补充修改 Step 1: Warming-up 1. Review the text of Unit 1 . 2. Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures , then talk something about the pictures.3. Introduce the new w

20、ords .4. Read the new words .Step2. Exercise ( Activity 1)Complete the sentences with the correct words and expression from the box.Keys: (1) camera (2) mobile phone Step 3. Listen and choose the correct answer: 听录音,选择最佳答案。(Activity 2)( )1. When do people often lose thing? A. when theyre travelling

21、or theyre in a hurryB. At seven oclock. C. Going home( )2. Where are their lost things?A. on planes B. on trains C. on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis.( )3. What are people looking for at the Lost and Found office ? A. phones B. cameras C. their phones , cameras, watches, computers and many

22、 other things.( )4. What strange things are there at the New York City Lost and Found Office ? A. three dogs B. three dogs, two ducks and a pigC. two ducksKeys:1. A 2. C 3.C 4. BStep 4 Fast reading: Check the true sentences of the passage . 快速阅读,判断正误 1. People often lose things when theyre traveling

23、 or when theyre going home. ( ) 2. Thousands of people come to the New York City Lost and Found Office . ( )3. There are also some lovely things at the New York City Lost and Found Office . ( )4. There are also a lot of animals! ( ) Keys: F F F T Step 5. Careful reading:Complete the passage with the

24、 correct form of the words and expressions from the box. (Activity 3) 1. Ss do the exercise by themselves 2. T checks the answers. Keys:(1)lose (2)hundreds of (3)airport(4)stations (5)strange (6) sausages(7) largeStep 6. Language points 1.Weclome to 欢迎来到 2. be in a hurry 匆忙 3. leave things 落下东西 4. h

25、undreds of 数以百计的,成百上千的 5. look for 寻找 6.two thousand 两千 thousands of 数以千计的,成千上万的 7. at the moment = now 此时此刻8. some strange things 一些奇怪的东西Step 7 Writing. (Activity 4) Read the lost and found notes. Write notes for two more things. 1. Ss do the exercise by themselves 2. T checks the answers. Keys: Lo

26、st Found My wallet. Are they your sausage? It is purple. Call Tom at 45782555. Call Lucy at 75269347. 9.Summary 2 小结当天所学1. Ss summarize the key points at first.学生小结2. T make a summary. 老师小结Step 10. Homework. 1 家庭作业Ss answer the QSs answer the Q, one by one.Ss listen to tape and choose the correct an

27、swer.Ss take a note and check the answer,Ss read the dialogue at first, then check the true sentences.Ss do the careful reading.Ss take a note.Ss follow to the TSs write something about two things.Students summarizethe rules at first ,then T gives notes.日常工作日呈现对话,拉近师生距离,全班问候,融洽班级气氛认真笔记,及时更正,加深记忆,快速阅

28、读,判断正误,提高获取信息能力。精读,填空,核对信息,提高阅读能力笔记,巩固新知学写失物招领,巩固新知学生先自行小结,老师再补充,使学生掌握的知识点更全面课后作业1. Recite the text.2. Do exercise: English Weekly Module 1 Unit2板书设计 Module 1 Lost and Found Unit 2 Are they yours? 1. Exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct answer:Fast reading: Check the true sentences of the passa

29、ge . Careful reading:课 题 Module 1 Lost and Found Unit 3 language in use(2课时)课 型Revision备课书册Book 2教 具Tape-recorderand pictures教学目标知识目标1.Key vocabulary:bag crayons eraser football gloves wallet watch her hers his he its mime my whose your yours2.Key structures:Welcome to They are looking for Are they yours?能力目标1To identify information from the

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